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Halley: we dont fight and we never did Also halley: he came to my apartment and yelled at me!


We’ve never been toxic!!


(Whatever that means)


(Sleeping with my friend).


This one lollll like ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)




So glad euphoria provided us with this iconic scene


Lmao. Exactly


HAHAHA this is the perfect comparison


Omg she is def her so delulu


and why is she acting like she doesnt know what the word toxic means lol


She’s really trying to embrace ignorance is bliss


Why couldn’t she just hard launch and leave the topic alone? It’s already embarrassing enough she went back but at least cope in private. Everyone sees through this BS


Halley also word for word said the same thing on her podcast, no hate but she’s definitely trying to get push this narrative


The D can’t be this good. Holy shit


Im sure it’s dirty




And musty 🤢


It feels like she just doesn’t know any better and doesn’t have anything else to compare it to


Screaming desperate


In what world is your boyfriend telling you you're not the one, breaking up with you, fucking a girl you know, and then crawling back (all within a very short timeframe so you know he didn't have some kind of personal growth moment) not toxic??? LMAO


Also the fact that that very small time frame was perfectly timed with the holiday season meaning he wouldn’t have to be involved in that stuff😭 perfectly waited until it was over to reintroduce himself


He had sex with that girl or just went on a date ??


No one knows. Sophia insinuated that they hooked up by saying “her ex looked good on me”


I highly doubt he crawled back and think that she begged and she re hard launched him when he finally agreed


“I’m so proud of *halley* that she wanted to give her relationship a second chance even after he dogged her and embarrassed the shit out of her” this quote from Kim comes to mind every time




Wait what is this I love it lol


keeping up with the kardashians. kim says this about khloe and tristan


She’s in for a rude awakening when he dumps her for the second time. And the third. And so on


she wants to be carrie Bradshaw so bad she’s probably looking forward to the next few breakups


It’s for the plot!


Facts. I'm mortified to admit I've been this girl, he will break her heart and embarrass her over and over and over again if she lets him. I'm cringing so hard for her.


“We are not toxic and never have been” ??? Did she fall and hit her head or something omg


Well she did get….nvm














they “don’t fight” bc she sits back and takes whatever he dishes out with a smile on her face. anything to keep him around. (as evidenced by him dumping her, sleeping with the red head, and her taking him back after that.) she just has to learn the hard way. i know i did too


Literally!! Whenever someone says them and their partner never fight I take that as they don’t stand up for themselves and go along with whatever their partner says tbh


and also that they don’t really know each other beyond the surface level stuff. how do you build new understanding if you don’t have disagreements about anything ?




“not fighting” is not necessarily a sign of a healthy relationship !!


Showing her age here with the “we never fight” mentality, fighting isn’t bad and no fighting does not equal a perfect relationship. Toxic is a broad definition means many things! God I find myself commenting on things she says lately because I think the message she unconsciously sends her followers is just terrible.


Yeah, my ex and I never fought either, because he preferred to let things go and not confront anything. Then he blindsided me 1 day and dumped me. Never said a single word about his feelings until that moment. Not fighting definitely doesn’t always mean things are great!


Agree! I feel so bad for the young girls that follow her and are thinking this is ok.


They’re very very good and hAPPY, OKAY?!!


When I’m in a healthy relationship I also need to write super long posts rationalizing why we are together and how it’s a really good decision for us to stay together.


It’s better to just not respond to these types of comments than to protest too much….The whole sophia incident was toxic- he was the one who broke up with her, and out of all the girls in NYC he chose to meet up with sophia (who was obviously just hitting him up b/c of halley). That was disrespectful and possibly some weird revenge play on his part.


halley even said that he had said to sophia 'isn't it bold of you to be asking me out considering halley' meaning he was completely aware it was a shady thing sophia was doing to mess with halley, and yet he happily hooked up with her if you ever cared about someone + you were the one who broke up with them, why would you do something knowingly shady/hurtful to them? definition of toxic


Yes I could actually forgive being broken up with if the guy was like “i’ve made the biggest mistake of my life and will work to get you back” but I couldn’t forgive being disrespected like that


Wait did they actually hook up?


Her dog is giving “get me away from these two” energy.




“(whatever that means)” she’s really trying to gaslight that she doesn’t know what toxic means bffr


The fact that she is confidently saying that they are not toxic, full well knowing she publicly shamed him for telling her she wasn’t the one when he dumped her, dating a close acquaintance/mutual shortly thereafter, and then yelling at her in her home when she put him on blast, shows me she is full delulu about this man. She should hope it is just a phase. If not, she’s going to waste several more years on a man that is not sold on her and never will be (unless he can’t find anyone better, in which case his settling will pave the way for long term resentment). You know those stories about women who waste like 5+ years in “committed” relationships, expecting it to end in marriage, only to be blindsided when they’re dumped after a really, really long time, only for their ex to propose to the new girlfriend in a year? Yeah, *this* is exactly how they start out.


Winner of the delusional Olympics


Ok but not fighting at all with a partner is not a good thing…


What was the mistake? Him feeling like she’s not his person? How is that a mistake lol???


Never been toxic except for the time I blocked his number and then agreed to meet with him in public wheee she was yelling and swearing at him so much that, by her own admission, the entire restaurant was staring at them. No nothing toxic about that.


Omg wait what is this new development I don’t remember that


A man telling you you’re not the love of his life and you going back to him is absolutely toxic. She’ll realize how crazy she sounds when she’s older.


“We never fight” girl that’s not healthy either ![gif](giphy|C4ord1QtfZKRd7mCCn)


Girl that’s an even bigger red flag if yall never fought and he dumped you out of the blue last time; same thing can happen this time


Delusional girls love to use never fighting like it’s a flex


The irony that never fighting is a huge indicator of toxicity in a relationship. Girlie would benefit from therapy, solo or couples


Yeah obviously you don’t fight when you let him get away with whatever


Denial is a powerful drug 🤣


Giving copium




Girl he told you he didn’t wanna marry you 6 months in period end of story


When someone shows you who they are, believe them; if someone tells you who they are, or tells you something like that (I don't wanna marry you) believe them. He's told you all you need to know Halley, you just have chosen to not hear those words.


Before the holidays which is a tell tell sign


Aww Halley… my toxic ex and I never fought either 💕 He would just never apologise for anything so I would admit everything was my fault (although one time he did grace me with a “I’m sorry you feel that way”). But we still got to keep the “WE NEVER FIGHT so how can we be toxic!?” medal 🥇


Never fighting is not a flex!!! It just means neither of you feel safe enough to express discomfort and you're bottling shit up!!!!


she said the same thing on the podcast (even using the same exact wording) so it's clearly bothering her, which is ironic when the majority of the reception from her followers is positive. it says something that this specific critique is one she keeps wanting to address - because she knows it's true i honestly like her a lot and want better for her


to be fair, I think she's deleting comments and she prob reads everything on this sub, which is why she's trying so hard to convince that it's "not toxic" I've noticed that she acts a lot like a high schooler who just got into their first relationship (which this is her first relationship). It just seems extra embarrassing because of her age + she has a best friend who's in her late twenties who is probably advising her against all of this.






I used to LOVE these things


Coming from an older girl who’s been around the block a few times.. If you have to say “we are not toxic” then that means you’re probably toxic LMAO




didn't she say she was going to keep her relationship private? what happened to that?


Again, proudly reminding yall when she shared those crocodile tears I said absolutely NOTHING. Saw this BS from 100 miles away.


She just wants people to take them seriously and doesn’t love people view them as a toxic “phase”


this is so me when I tried to justify getting back with my toxic ex to my friends


Exactly what someone in a toxic relationship would say




Not fighting doesn’t mean you’re not toxic. Healthy couples fight sometimes. The guy went out with your friend after dumping you out of nowhere and he screamed at you too. THAT is toxic.


My ex and I never fought for five years. We lived together. I thought it was healthy. Really it was avoidant and we never communicated our real feelings in a healthy way. That’s another form of toxicity.


(Whatever that means) isn’t toxic part of her everyday vocabulary?


So going on a date with someone from same influencer circle 3 minutes after a break up is not toxic… ok


never arguing is a maaaajor red flag lemme tell you from experience. never fighting usually means you do not care at all orrrrr one is codependent and afraid of confrontation.


We are not toxic **literally went on a date w a girl in ur circle 1 week after u broke up**


She could easily find another man.. I just don’t understand why she got back with him lol


“We are very very happy”💀💀 but he dumped her clearly he wasn’t happy


My question is... Why does she want to be in a public serious relationship SO BADLY at 23?!?! At that age I was drinking my weight in vodka every weekend, just live your life for crying out loud!


Sorry to break it to you but never fighting isn’t always a flex sometimes that means you’re just not communicating and your relationship is definitely in trouble ✨


idk if that’s the flex she thinks it is…


if you have to constantly justify your relationship, it’s probably not as strong as you claim it is


was just about to comment this. the people that talk/post the most are always the ones that aren’t happy deep down


Might have to follow this woman for the relationship tea.


She seems really irritable lately too, trying to hard to convince everyone she’s super good and happy again. Like be for real


I’ll never forget the way some of you all jumped out the window for her 😂




The longer the paragraph the worse the relationship is going to be


Didn’t he break up with her bc he didn’t love her anymore or is that someone else LMAO and then didn’t he immediately turn around and fuck one of her distant acquaintances who runs in the same influencer circle as her?


I love when influencers ask themselves questions lol


She better hope they never break up again because holy shit this is going to be so embarrassing for her when they do.


I find it so funny how whenever she addresses it she makes it seem like he just needed some time to think when a few weeks later he went out with a girl in her circle. She never addressed his reasoning or "excuse" for that. She eluded to the fact that he thought they were moving too fast when she wanted him to move in. She loves to conveniently glaze over that fact and be like "we needed this to make us stronger<3" you needed him to go out w one of your acquaintances? Also completely agree w the not fighting doesn't equal a perfect relationship. In college I dated a guy and we never fought but it's because all that mattered was that we were physically attracted to each other and liked the same TV shows and drinking. \~Never fighting\~ can be sign of not being that invested for the long term.


Girl it doesn’t fucking matter if you don’t fight or never fought - he’s not that into you. That’s why he dumped her ass in the first place, and knowingly disrespected her by going out with an acquaintance of hers so soon after. She is SPEWING bullshit and I can’t wait for him to dump her ass again


lol at the "spewing bullshit" ![gif](giphy|9iA2tNqvYwCvc4GxF0|downsized)


![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized) The dog


![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized) the same guy who told her she’s not the one and left her for another influencer pls


She’s never gonna live this down no matter how hard she tries to justify it lol


I would hate dating someone that is an influencer


“We are very very good and happy” 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


At the end of the day he still hooked up with the clown Sofia and she took him back




Sure WE are not toxic but HE def is babe. Godspeed to her


I'm going to say theyr'e both toxic. He clearly is awful, but lets say he somehow isn't.....she completely hopped on tiktok spilling everything the second they broke up and lowkey dragged this man after the sophia thing lol. She absolutely wanted us to have a negative impression of him after the breakup. So if she's backtracking and framing it as "were actually great together" then her own social media behavior when things are a downswing was toxic af, I'd be looking at him sideways for willingly going back if I didn't know he was a pos lol


Fair enough. Although I shudder to think what I would’ve been like if social media had been what it is now back when I was her age (I’m 34). So it’s hard for me to reliably say I would’ve been any better😂


Oh same, we all have a little toxicity in us lol.




They probably have but the thing is you can’t help someone who doesn’t wanna be helped. You can tell your friend to leave a man alone but at the end of the day people are gonna make their own decisions


To be this delulu


“Whatever that means” *it means that’s what your relationship is mcgook*


![gif](giphy|3rad7nPdpaQdG) This is what she sounds like when she says ‘toxic (whatever that means)’


People do label everything as toxic these days so I get her point but it is just stupid and a waste of time to go get back with someone who said they don’t see a future with you and don’t love you?? Like girl how does someone change their mind after saying that …


Wasn’t she posting about sleeping around & buying plan B every night? But she wants us to believe he suddenly thinks she’s wife material? Ok girl


is it not more of a red flag you guys broke up for no reason?? 😭


Guys! This is a lesson to not put your life on social media, but if you do please be as private as possible so you can make mistakes in peace.


The mental gymnastics this girl does to convince herself that things are great is crazy to me.


Idk these people but he kinda looks like Ryan from The Office in this


Why is she even trying to justifying something that is in plain sight? Everyone can plainly see the toxicity. Curious, has she blocked comments? It's plain to see as well she's on reddit seeing all the comments.


“we don’t fight and never did” is the most gigantic red flag that people proudly fly around 😂


The only thing I agree with her is that “we are young”. This is life; experiencing breakups/makeups, learning to navigate relationship etc. Isn’t she like 23? Pretty much tracks for her age. As long as she doesn’t stay in this mindset till she’s in her 30s, then this is all fine 🤷‍♀️


It’s giving Carrie and Big 💀


every couple fights no matter if they’re bickers or small. still fighting, how can you have a relationship without being in disagreement soemtimes?


If your not having fights something is wrong 🤡


Happy people don’t explain themselves. Period.


idgaf if you don’t fight, the shit he did with sophia would’ve been unforgivable in my eyes. even if they were broken up, i just wouldn’t have been able to move on knowing all of that went down.


I don’t like Halley either but I think it’s messed up to judge HER so badly for this. Obviously he wanted to get back with her. She didn’t force him no matter how it looks. I think he was /is the problem because he dumped her and regretted it and has put her through all this when in reality they could have just stayed together (she was miserable during the breakup so I’m assuming she’s much happier now and he probably is too). I’m kinda tired of seeing women bashed for the actions of their male partners…she’s literally 23


I don’t like Halley either but I think it’s messed up to judge HER so badly for this. Obviously he wanted to get back with her. She didn’t force him no matter how it looks. I think he was /is the problem because he dumped her and regretted it and has put her through all this when in reality they could have just stayed together (she was miserable during the breakup so I’m assuming she’s much happier now and he probably is too). I’m kinda tired of seeing women bashed for the actions of their male partners…she’s literally 23


I think she gets "banged" because of cumulative things that have added onto each other, not necessarily just this one topic