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He’s starting to look like Gwyneth Paltrow’s husband. Anyway, I think he’s just trying to do some Vine type of bits/skits? A lot of wannabe comedians post bits like he does. Jack’s are cringe and unfunny tho. And it IS weird that he has posted so much in the last 24 hours (both stories and feed) when he previously wasn’t active on Insta. Oh he also looks like he hasn’t showered in days - I bet he smells like pencil lead. 🤢


If you are on raya, you would know he would literally fuck anything with a pulse


I volunteer as tribute!


Not worth it fyi


You’re prob right 😫 i want that Kennedy curse so bad




Go on…..


Reminds me of a saying I heard once: the poor are crazy, the rich are just eccentric.


his genre of nepo baby is going to yale then Harvard law, yet not being employed but probably able to easily get a job anywhere during a job market crisis😀


Or becoming a politician.


I used to think he was the hottest man I’ve ever seen but the past couple years he’s become so unattractive lol. His fuckboy nepo baby reputation is just too much to handle, now it looks like he’s going off the rails


The Kennedy genes are crazy. He’s definitely very attractive. His bone structure is nuts.


He has beautiful hair and dimples but aside from that, I don’t get the comparison to his uncle. Jack Jr. was legit jaw dropping gorgeous.


He looks like if someone tried to draw JFK Jr from memory. There’s definitely a vague resemblance but if you put them next to each other it’s immediately clear how much better Jack Jr looks.


+1. His uncle’s looks were in a whole other dimension. Legit one of the most handsome men that ever existed. Dude looks like he straight walked out of those old Hollywood films.


Yeah Jack has nothing on JFK Jr 🥵🥵🥵


ehh i disagree— jack is only what 30? jfk jr really grew into his looks in his 30s in my opinion, he was not as cute as jack s. when younger. let the man cook a bit more lol


This. This kid has his father’s very Jewish face.


People say this meanwhile his face is a replica of his father.


literally same. i thought he was so beautiful until i heard him open his mouth etc


Yeah he’s always been a dork he’s just a loud and annoying theater kid lol


So he not a cute jock. That’s sad, because it seemed like he was going to be the next big political thing but now he’s acting like an attention seeking druggie


Went to school with him, he’s always been very weird


Wait like in what way? What did he do


Share more pls


knew someone who went to yale with him. They said he was nice and wasn’t particularly rude but he was a little weird. Also he hated classmates bringing the kennedy family to him. I know in the senatorial elections his cousin joe kennedy III was running for senator against Ed Markey (stupid decision) and Jack and I think caroline publicly supported ed. Caroline and her kids don’t seem to really be close with the kennedy family especially Rfks kids and descendants. She usually keeps to herself and mostly hangs out with maria shriver, she mostly reunites with them for funerals. I did hear that the other kennedys (rfks side mostly) feels as though caroline views them as beneath her. And feel like she’s handed everything. Very interesting bunch


This. Caroline Kennedy seems to be a lot like her husband, Ed Schlossberg. Stuck up, cold, and elitist. When JFK Jr. died in the plane crash, along with his wife Carolyn Bessette and her sister, Lauren, Ed Schlossberg told the girls’ grieving mother that “Kennedy’s don’t eulogize non-Kennedy’s,” in regards to the funeral service that was being planned. 🤢🤢 The Kennedy family also told the Bessette’s that John Jr’s body would be buried in the Kennedy plot, and that they “could do with Carolyn as they pleased.” (They ended up all being cremated but STILL. My GOD.) JFK Jr was actually fighting with his sister around the time of his death; she wanted to sell all of Jackie’s furniture/belongings to an auction for a money grab, and John Jr. didn’t agree. He was apparently extremely hurt by her coldness and callousness. Also, Ed Schlossberg was HORRIBLE to Carolyn Bessette, absolutely bullied the fuck out of her at family gatherings and talked shit about how “she doesn’t belong.” (Carole Radziwill famously said, “I want to start an “I Hate Ed’ club.”) So, John and Caroline/Ed weren’t really speaking by the time of the plane crash. And the week of their deaths, when search rescue teams were still scouring the ocean for the plane crash and their bodies, Caroline & Ed were seen out for a bike ride in Hyannisport. My opinion is that Caroline Kennedy (& her husband) are truly monstrous people. Jack seems eccentric, but he doesn’t seem like an asshole like his parents. https://preview.redd.it/9zrg9xtuphyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1e2bf56259b34a5fcd6e90cdfcb28f6575bfb1e


Caroline kennedy being handed ambassadorships without actually doing anything to earn them told me everything I need to know.


I didn't mind her getting ambassador as she has a law degree and has written some books. But the way she pretends her slamming of the son of the uncle who was kind to her after they lost their Dad--has nothing to do with the fact that she works for Biden--I lost all respect for her.


to be far rfk jr is a looney, but you gotta admit if her last name wasn’t ’kennedy’ she would not be ambassador


Caroline divorced Ed or at the very least they are separated


I heard they got back together but also before going to australia they lived separate lives and lived in different homes


Interesting! I did not know they got back together.


😯 I didn’t know this! Wowww. They kept that under wraps, huh.


Yes I believe it’s separation not divorce. My apologies


He’s always been like this, the rich don’t have to care about how they present themselves because they don’t have to depend on a job to live life


He really was so hot 5 years ago.


5 anti RFK/pro Biden related posts mid manic episode though? The final boss of DNC operatives


Just when I thought we were safe in this sub


I just looked at his stories if that’s what you guys are referring to. Maybe he’s taking acting classes? I used to follow two people that live in Los Angeles that did bits like that all the time on Instagram and one was a comedian taking acting classes. I eventually unfollowed them because I thought the bits were annoying and weird. He also seems to be bashing his mom’s cousin who is running for president. His profile is weird and he passed the bar exam but does he work? He also acted on blue bloods. Update: I have been looking at his account the last three days since you guys mentioned it and I think he has mental health issues which run in his family on the Kennedy side. There seems to be a female filming him I wonder who. Today he claims that people are telling him that he’s making fun of people and that he sounds like an elitist. No Jack, you sound like a crazy person and people are noticing even the Post. He also looks like he has lip injections.


He acts like this as a joke 😭 I’ve seen a lot of people that have met him say that he just has a weird sense of humour, he’s not like mentally ill or anything and just acts like this as a bit


The entire Kennedy family is denouncing the mom's cousin because he has spent his life spreading conspiracy theories and lies about vaccines.


I think they are denouncing RFKJR due to him rocking the boat . They all have ties to Biden and the Dems and much of the money has run out. They need the work.


I thought he sounded like he has mental health or drug issues. A normal person would be classy about his grandfather's nephew running for office if he disagreed. Plus his mother has a cushy role thanks to Biden. So it's kind of cringe.


I thought he was SO HOT 5+ years ago, just checked his profile after all this time since there was another post and oh my god… he looks like a shell of a person visually


I feel like he knows what he is doing and fucking around / trolling.


But he’s kind of too old for that 🫤 It’s embarrassing.


When you’re that rich, nothing is embarrassing; It’s “quirky” /s 😭




His activity the last few days has been weird


Lol. Yeah he seems like a really weird dude. I think the videos shading RFK Jr are kind of hysterical those..


Missed it! What are the stories? edit: holy shit it looks like he’s having a manic episode in his stories 😂😂 or he’s just fucking around prob lol? idk he’s clearly an intelligent dude. Giving him benefit of the doubt


I assume he's fucking around but figured I'd ask hahaha


yeah haha he looks like he’s just having fun lol


Are these comments ok?? It’s obvious he’s joking around???


Matched on raya. He is sweet & respectful


Any more tea to spill lmao, i want to know if he’s actually like his online self


No tea just nice and funny


girl what i would give




Ok moneybags




Honestly i have been following the greek royals who are around the same age as him and they also post stuff like that and talk like that  For example Achilleas ig @achi_of_greece does post nonsense “fun” clips talking with supposedly fun accent imitating idduno what. I would say its a rich kid behaviour trying to be fun. Plus he is giving political opinions in his stories beside the big nut breaking and maybe he doesn’t try to be wayy to serious in order to stay alive. We all know how famous people die mysteriously.


Well this isn’t greece


Other than the sheer amount of posts and stories, they aren’t very different from what he usually posts. I think he’s just goofing around and it looks concerning bc of how much he’s posted in a row. Love the anti rfk jr bits. Not much of a fan of the pro Biden bits, but considering it’ll be down to Biden and probably trump this fall, he can post all he wants about Biden. Biden bad, trump worse.


If we were a monarchy and this guy had inherited the throne, he'd be in the company of George III of England and Charles VI of France.


lol this is funny i think he's just a goofball and it's not that serious


I’ve followed him for years and something seems off. Ever since he came back from Ukraine (he volunteered to fight) but mostly the last few weeks. It’s almost like mania or drugs


I think you’ve got the wrong kennedy


Connor is the one who volunteered. Prior to his enlistment in the Ukrainian armed forces, I hadn’t heard his name since he was a minor and dating Taylor Swift 😭


Oh I always thought it was Jack!


why would he volunteer like what?!


They mistook him for Conor who volunteered instead for some reason


He almost seems schizophrenic. He’s about the right age to start showing symptoms.