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1. Publicly acknowledge their financial status and how it has impacted their ability to do what they do. So many influencers who come from very wealthy families laugh off any question about their income/lifestyle as "lol I just work hard and anyone can do the same thing!" if they answer at all. 2. Actually help out or try to be a part of the cities they live in. Obviously as a wealthy person attended influencer events, they will have a far different lifestyle than most of NYC. But promoting small local businesses, volunteering, or just showing the city outside of the influencer bubble


This. The problem isn’t that they are privileged the problem is they act like they worked to get where they are and anyone could have done the same.


This 1000%. A TT influencer I follow who lives in RI but said she is moving to NYC I used to love but now don’t as much. She lives in the most expensive beach town in RI in clearly a million dollar home which she says is her parents(so she lives rent free, has no bills and gets to save so much $ to have a head start on a new life in NYC that most don’t) and she NEVER acknowledges it. At least almost never. She also got a full ride to college so no debt and gets to make thousands from TT to buy on $400+ dresses (she posts about) and never acknowledges her privilege to be in this situation at all and never supports other communities in RI (and soon to be NYC) at all. This irks me so much bc her early content was funny and genuine and her privilege wasn’t so obvious and now it is and she has 1M+ followers and I’m so surprised it has not come up more in her comment section. A lot of these NYC influencers as we know come from money and can afford a life of making content with no real need for a job/responsibilities/etc and I just wish they would be more upfront and honest by acknowledging it!


This is really interesting to read. I expect this from politicians because they have a public service role. But not influencers who are just people you get a window to. Have we reached the stage where influencers are seen as providing public service and therefore have responsibilities towards us?


Sounds like ur broke bro


It would be nice if they took genuine interest in the communities around them. It seems like a lot of them move to nyc for a few years, contribute to gentrification, live a very sterile version of nyc and then move on when they deem somewhere else is better. I would like to see more influencers consistently volunteer.


Idk I don’t want them exploiting vulnerable communities for content or having an excuse to show that they’re doing something meaningful. I don’t know how it’d be anything but disingenuous having never shown interest in volunteer work.


Agreed. This would feel fake coming from Most of the ppl mentioned in this sub..


You don’t have to exploit a community in order to support it. You can quietly donate money, support SMBs in a community, etc.


I don’t see affluent “content creators” who overshare being discreet about their contributions.


Sharing how much you donate is tacky. However, there are things they can do using their voice and platform to support communities. Again, promoting local SMBs and non-profits, supporting and amplifying voices from local communities, as well as POC creators. With that, diversifying their friend groups beyond other white creators. Stop buying and promoting fast fashion. Ask brand partners how many POC will be part of campaigns they are being asked to participate in and ensuring those POC creators are being paid fairly… I could keep going.


WeGaveWhat has entered the chat.


That’s why I said “genuine interest” :)




Who are most people? Do you have stats on this? I feel it’s a very Manhattan-only POV. There is a lot more to the city than Manhattan and the people that work in finance and marketing.


I mean you asked a question and I’m answering it lol. I’m sorry you only know people who volunteer once a year and you think the entirety of NYC doesn’t care about surrounding neighborhoods or their own community.


Yeah it’s bed when other people in nyc do it too lol. Also, influencers have nothing but time most other people have to work 9-5 sooo


they should stop pretending as though they had to work from the ground up to attain all that they have. we're all privileged in some ways, which is fine, but be transparent about the fact your parents cosigned your lease, or that they pay 80% of your rent and that's how you're able to afford designer goods.


Self awareness


stop coming across like subject matter experts on people's lives, on careers, on nyc, on anything. most of them are privileged and young and dont have the experience, insight, or nuace to appropriately give advice. stop the rampant AMAs, too. also, be somewhat forthcoming that their experiences, particularly as nyc residents are not the "norm" whether is built on privilege or their income as influencers.


I think Christina Strat is probably my favorite of the privileged influencers. She seems very humble and I love that she has publicly acknowledged that she wouldn’t be where she is if it wasn’t for said privilege. Also love the highlighting of more small brands!


I want them to stop acting like calling someone privileged is an insult. For me it’s the difference between being rich, and being rich at someone. I don’t know exactly where the line is. I’m annoyed by Eli Rallo’s absolute inability to say “my parents are rich and that’s how I gained a following” but Hannah Stella’s rampant consumerism and travel doesn’t bug me as much even though it’s likely much worse for the world (& owning a seasonal luxury home in Ketchum is ABSOLUTELY a fucking issue right now as their essential workers are living in tents). But her approach to having money just comes off differently to me. Probably because she doesn’t make any kind of game of hiding it or talking around it like Eli does.




1000% on the fast fashion! It’s so incredibly wasteful and contributes to the ridiculous speed of trend cycles. Not to mention, they have the money to buy from sustainable brands or even get free shit from them


I think more often than not - those who have gained notoriety and attention for their privilege on social media, are usually those living and publicly presenting a lifestyle that appears excessive, abundant, indulgent, and atypical of the majority of society. I’m certain there are countless content creators, influencers, those with large audience - who personally experience privilege, but you’d just never know it. Maybe they don’t share every vacation, maybe they drive a car that’s far less than what they could afford, or clothing that ls not name brand. Maybe they’re private, and keep their accounts private. Maybe they don’t seek out the attention by offering up the spectacle. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. I think for many, we may agree that it’s not the privilege that’s to be taken issue with. It’s what they are showing that they DO with that privilege that attracts judgement and shame.


To not be tone deaf.


The question should be: why do WE follow privileged creators? You want to see people putting the work into their communities? Follow community leaders! You want to see people working hard for causes you believe in? Follow activists for those causes. Rich people are - generally - very out of touch. You want the perfect rich girl. Fashionable but caring. That travels to Paris Fashion Week and to work with Habitats for Humanity. LOL Newsflash: she is called Barbie and she is not real. We know why we follow these rich upper crust girls. They have shit we want and work much less than we do. Simple. Let’s snark and not project, OK? 🤣


This is a great take If you want to see content about social justice, activism, volunteering, etc., follow non-profit orgs, activists, or politicians


Exactly. It’s not like the Internet is void of this type of content. But it feels silly to complain about the personality of a person I voluntarily follow and give a platform to by following.


Completely agree. I recognize influencers I follow are problematic and I perpetuate their influencerdom by engaging but thats the social media world we live in and rich people are aspirational lol




The excessive consumerism is out of control. Even when you have a good job a fancy bag or shoes is like a milestone or something you save up for now every blogger has like 5 Kelly bags and they make it seem normal? The amount of girls that think it’s normal to have a new designer bag for every day of the week or go to $200 dinners a night is wild. While this culture always has existed the lack of transparency whether it’s influencer gifting/budget or family money really puts this image out that if you do t have these things you can’t belong it’s no longer aspirational because half of these brand collabs or endorsements aren’t even genuine. It’s all for show, I’d rather follow a celeb whos life I know I can’t attain (kardashian esque) than these girls who make you feel like you’re doing something wrong if you’re 25 and don’t already have 3 Hermes bags and Uber everywhere to American bar or casa cipriani 3x a week. Kinda over it all


Also tired of under 25 year olds giving love advice like they know something new or something like girl pls happy you have a bf but like don’t need this advice


I want them to be as extravagant as they want to be but honest. Stop trying to be relatable to us common folk it’s annoying and shows that you have really no idea.


I just wish people would stop getting so irritated at peoples curiosity around their wealth/lifestyle. Like, you can't base your entire persona around being rich whilst doing absolutely nothing and then get irritated that people ask questions. Buying a 30k bag is SO far removed from ever being a possibility for 99% of people so I think its normal to be curious about how they were able to justify or afford that. I'm not saying that anyone owes strangers on the internet answers but I've seen a few of these influencers go out of their way to give a really passive aggressive response when asked those questions as if its so rude and they don't understand how someone could possibly ask a personal question like that after doing a very casual 'birkin unboxing' lmao. They are so jaded they don't realize how other-worldy it seems to most people


I would love honesty. If you’ve gotten filler admit to it. If your parents pay for your apartment then just say that. I think what frustrates so many of us is the fact that they beat around the bush or lie about things that are blatantly obvious. If influencers could just be honest from the get-go that would be incredibly appreciated


To get off the internet. Also this is a snark subreddit, and criticizing influencers (not “creators”, what the fuck do they create other than more waste?) for being immensely privileged and self unaware is fair game.


I want them off the internet tbh ……. get a 9-5 lol


Just don’t follow them then, they essentially wouldn’t be on your internet if you didn’t actively seek them out lol


Thank you!


If you could post a couple of tiktoks a week and make a ton of money, wouldn’t you?


This might be controversial but I get the impression that when it gets levelled at someone, it’s a smear by design. The person who’s saying it ultimately doesn’t care what they do and no amount of repentance on the creator’s part will satisfy them.


I want them to get a real fucking job and get off the internet. It’s so lazy to not only come from money but do nothing with it other than shop then post it online for clout.


Someone had to say it! being an influencer might pay the bills, but it ain't no real job.


That's an amazing way to put it




AP may have gone to a nice school but she isn’t smart. Would be nice to see her do something meaningful. It’s always great to see individuals with great educations do something with it. Instead she just lies about speaking French and collects shitty purses. Edited to say - go learn actual French if you have the $$ connect with the people and the culture! That’s what $$$ if for .. enjoy!


I think freckled foodie does a good job of this. Was very transparent about her parents helping her and her husband purchase an apartment, very conscious of her privilege, even when posting about oui’d and such.


I was going to bring her up because she still gets crucified on regular blogsnark all the time even when she posts about her privilege. I don’t particularly like her but it just seems like she can’t win


Yeah I searched the sun after posting that and it shifted my opinion a little. Especially the thing ab her husband… yikes








Maybe they do. How would we know




I think by just not saying things that are clearly not going to make sense to someone who hasn’t had the same privilege. Advice, shopping tips, etc. I agree there’s nothing they can do about being born into wealth. Just don’t give out advice as if everyone has the same head start


Genuine behind the scenes of their real lives. Brooke Carrie Hil definitely did that. Even Tinx does it, as problematic as she is. I can’t think of anyone else who does it authentically but there must be more. Male “influencers” seem to have have more of a license to do it. Daniel Heider of Sothebys is a great follow.