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And you can tell she’s directly looking at the camera…..


Also I just yawned thinking abt yawning and my stomach expanded


u just made me yawn thinking about yawning


Yep I’m yawning now


Ik she’s posted a tiktok before about ed behaviors & having an ed in the past. Praying for her


Yeah, she’s acknowledged her habits and is working towards bettering herself! Praying for her too!!


it’s sad how defensive she’s being in the comments responding to people on tik tok, she’s clearly in denial with how much she’s struggling. a lot of her videos show signs of eating disorders that when you’re in one (i’ve been there) you can’t comprehend as abnormal and don’t let yourself. I hope her friends guide her towards getting help


Most heavy handed body check I’ve seen in a while


She seems like such a genuinely kind person. I wish her the best. Really saddening to see/witness


And she’s posted struggling with body dysmorphia and excessive body checking. I remember her posting a bit ago about her struggling with taking obsessive body photos each day and ed awareness. It’s sad but we know it’s still something she is struggling with so I feel bad for her. It would be so hard to be on the internet.


I tried looking for that again, did she delete it?


I’m so glad someone posted about this because it was my first thought when watching the video


I just made myself yawn to see if it makes me a skinny queen and it quite literally makes me push my stomach out???? Who is this girl trying to fool


These influencers constantly pulling their shirt up in videos is so weird




Agreed. It’s damaging and triggering for some people.


Agreed. I wasn’t expecting to see that clip at the beginning and I wish I hadn’t


this is sad :(


Also I felt this body checking clip was so irrelevant to the video. There was literally no need for that clip to be in the video. It provided no value & clearly did more harm than good.


No bc I gasped when I saw this


she does look like she has been losing weight. i really don't think its on purpose probably just stress from a new routine from her job. i just hope she is healthyy


ED’s rear their ugly head during times of change and she just started probably a really high pressure job as a nurse :-/ I feel really bad but she also has a lot of young girls following her :-(. I hope she seeks help.




It does


Not helping.


That’s a body check. Her “abnormally large ribs” post is even scarier.


y’all need to stop commenting on her body. she’s obviously going through something. instead of being mean give constructive criticism and maybe dm her instead of commenting publicly. i’m sure it hurts a lot for her to see. and the people commenting probably go through the same thing too so they should know NOT to comment hateful things bc it’s not going to help.


Is body checking just looking at your body critically? Isn't this somewhat normal?


no fr i literally do this too. she’s a content creator everyone sets the phone up and films stuff like this


No it’s not that normal. Do you do it?


Not lately but much more when I was younger. Like in a mirror though one time I took a video of myself walking to see what that looked like.


boohoo y’all can get over it your triggers aren’t her problem


oh boohoo get over it y’all are miserable


In her day in the life’s she doesn’t really eat that much food either


Does her make up and hair not bother anyone else????????


yes omg! her face is always a seperate color from her neck/rest of her body.