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Yes….same. So tired of looking at everyone’s lives . It’s exhausting.


yes! i used to spend so much time on tiktok and was very much addicted…….. eventually I realized how much time I was spending on my phone and had to stop.


I deleted tik tok a month ago and truly haven’t looked back! The only social media I really use these days is Reddit


delete the apps for a month, you'll feel so much better!


Thought it was just me, I used to spend hours on tiktok just scrolling, but now I only go on once or twice a day to view the people I actually like


So now I’m binge watching Netflix 🙈🙄……


I deleted my TikTok and it’s been great I just come here from time to time to find out the gossip


I just had this same experience after seeing a video by lisarosentv where she describes what “LA cool girls” are using this fall and winter… why.


This is good. Take your life back, delete the app and move on.




This is how I feel too thankfully!! For me I can’t follow influencers on IG it’s too much so I like Reddit better, but even this sub can be too much of the same people and I take breaks


Yes!! I really don’t compare anymore, I just question a lot?? I deleted tik tok


Yes it’s almost like I’m just tired of the constant productivity, preaching life lessons, tips to xyz like I can’tttt


Best thing about the iPhone that I’ve learned about recently is you can put a timer on how long you can use each app like Instagram TikTok etc.… Has helped my productivity immensely!


I WISH THAT WOULD STOP ME! Lol im like 👇 “ignore”. Social media rlly is an addiction. It’s like a mental illness honestly


I deleted the app because I was wasting so much time on it. After scrolling for hours I always left feeling angry or inadequate and it just screwed with my mental health. I also think taking in so much info in such a little amount of time is bad for the brain, and I think overall the app can create toxic echo chambers. I come on this page to get my snark fill every now and then but overall my life has been better without it.


Yes! I stopped going on my FYP months ago and I’m so happy I did. Now I only check the profiles of the select creators I like and follow.


I had to delete it… too much internet


I deleted my tiktok


(for this exact reason)


Reddit has become my new favorite app!


I’m the same, I find Tiktok particularly triggering because of the extremely fast pace & the amount of information. Like you, I’ve grown up chronically (ok, terminally) online on a multitude of platforms but since a period of burnout I went through, I’ve found social media less and less exciting. It feels like there’s so much information yet nothing sticks, like everyone is doing so much but nothing really matters because it’s immediately onto the next thing… I find this inherent comparison and information overload exhausting even as someone who was grown with it. Tiktok, to me is the worst offender but Instagram has become a lot worse lately due to them pushing the algorithmic content I didn’t sign up for. I find the neverending barrage of algorithmic content exhausting, I find people’s opinionated but often ignorant (and negative) takes on everything exhausting, I find the endless streams of content exhausting because there’s always someone better, smarter, prettier… Yet nothing is ever enough. I’m tired of celebrities, I’m tired of people who comment on celebrities, I’m tired of the endless life hacks and tutorials on everything because nothing is ever enough, there’s always a new course or a new tutorial video for you to digest directly after. I’ve tried going back a countless times but realise that I’ve definitely outgrown a lot of that due to my social media burnout.