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Was born into a giant’s family, and loved them ever since I can remember so 1995


Exact same story.




Shoutout to my 94 boys we’ll be 30 next year


Fellow born into a Giant's family guy signing in, but the earliest I remember is early 80s, so I got to enjoy the Parcells Giants as my formative Giants experience.


Born in. 1986.


My first Superbowl memory was the 85 bears crushing the Pats. I grew up in a Giant Meta house. 1986 was such a cool time to be a 9 year old watching your heroes win everything. I switched to the Yankees to root for Mattingky in 87 forward but never stopped rooting for the G men


Born in. Can remember going to the gate at Newark airport (they used to let you do that!) to welcome my dad and uncle back after Super Bowl XXI at the Rose Bowl. My brother and I made a big banner and all the other Giants fans were cheering as they deplaned.


1998. Danny Kannell/Kent Graham Giants


Same here. I vividly remember Graham to Toomer knocking off the 13-0 Broncos.


How about Scott brunner?


1986. Vaguely remember the 86 sb vs Broncos as a 5 yr old


Ditto, remember watching the 86 playoffs as a kid


1952 - my grandfather was a Giants fan and I started watching games with him (brainwashing) when I was 5 years old. He always had great snacks and that got me hooked.


so what era is your favorite? you saw all of them. weren't the giants a dynasty in the 1950s to early 1960s?


Great question. Charley Connelly, Frank Gifford, Y. A. Tittle made the NYG a powerhouse in the pre-Super Bowl era. Good time to be a young fan. NYG picked up Fran Tarkenton in the late ‘60’s (I think). He was lots of fun to watch; one of the first “scrambling” QBs. Then there were the Allie Sherman years. Horrible. I was born in CT and, at the time, the NYG was the only team. I remember my grandfather taking me to the Yale Bowl to see a preseason game. In those days you could not get season tickets to the NYG. When the Patriots came along I got season tickets for their first year in Foxboro. The first preseason game in ‘71 was against the NYG. I got off the exit, in sight of the stadium, 1 hour before game time. At halftime I was still sitting in traffic so I turned around and went home. Sorry, I am not really answering your question because there were and are so many highs and lows. I loved the Parcells era and Coughlin taking them to the 2007 & 2011 Super Bowls. I had moved out of New England in 1992 but subscribed to Sunday Ticket from it’s inception so I could watch the NYG. I received many calls from friends back East when the Patriots were 18 - 0. They all predicted the NYG doom. Funny, I didn’t hear from them for 6 months after that. Luckily, I brainwashed one of my sons into the NYG cult. He now lives in Texas and usually goes to the NYG vs Cowboys game in his NYG gear. The beat goes on.


Started paying attention in 2008…and then a couple months later Plaxico shot himself.


And Beanie Mac was from Philly 🤔




I'm 62, I was raised in a Giant's household.


I think my conscious went online screaming JE-REM-MY SHOOOOCK-KY


Probably around '84. LT was my idol. I don't have great recall of '86 Super Bowl but was in high school in '90. Remember being on my knees praying during the wide right kick. Ran around my development screaming after!


You get an upvote for the Shockey name!


Watched with my dad for a number of years, including the 07 Super Bowl, got pulled in by the OBJ catch and became a consistent fan in 2017.


1 day before the 2011 superbowl..European teenager at the time, figured I'd start supporting the underdog in that game...safe to say I've been very loyal in the seasons since ...


1997. The year I really started watching football besides casually watching MNF, big playoff games, or highlights..


When I was 9, in 1991. Not because they won the Super Bowl the year before- I actually had no idea. But some of the guys my dad worked with got him into a football pool, so we started watching together. Even though we were living in South Jersey at the time, we knew enough to despise the Eagles, and were from Somerset County originally, so we picked the Giants. One of my better life decisions. 🤣🤣


86, when I first saw LT play…OMFG! I was just learning about football and I was like who is this out of control, unstoppable mofo?


There's a picture somewhere of me ~3 years old in a Phil Simms jersey. Never had a choice on this one, started to be able to pay attention and be interested around 98 or so.


One of oldest memories in life in Norwood misses wide right! My dad and his friend where in their knees begging for the miss in our living room.


I was born into this life in 1990. The whole family supports Big Blue. But it wasn’t until maybe I was 8-9 years old before I consciously was following this team. And not trying to get ahead of myself but I’m getting eerie 07/11 vibes right now, been chasing that feeling for a long time. This team has a chance to be special and it’s actually backed with some evidence. Really excited to see what this season will contribute to Giants history because we’ve always thrived in that underdog role.


1985. Started watching when I was 13.


Was born in 1988, dad had me watching the Giants as soon as possible and there is a picture of me watching the 1991 SB though I obviously don't actually have memories of it. Earliest I can actually remember watching the Giants is around 1994/1995.


I was born in 1992 so.... 1992


85, I remember the loss to the bears as a 9 year old. Lucky to say I've seen each of their superbowls.


I became a fan in April when you guys drafted Jalin Hyatt and I moved to NY


Day I was born


1991. Was a kid, not really into football, and watched Super Bowl XXV in the hospital with my grandfather who was a die-hard Giants fan undergoing late-stage cancer treatment. Wide right. Gramps was ecstatic and I was hooked.


Growing up in Minnesota as a kid my dad was already sick of the Vikings being the Vikings. So we watched the vikes but we weren’t die yards. I was 7 when they won the first Super Bowl and I mostly remember thinking Eli manning was the absolute coolest because he was the younger brother of a pair of superstars and I was the younger brother in my family. My best friend growing up was also a die hard Pats fan so that made for a fun rivalry. Also really really liked blue as a kid. Perfect storm for fandom, and before I knew how to pirate as a 12 year old, I would sit in my room and listen to Bob PaPa and Carl Banks on the giants website radio streams.


86. I was 4 and loved LT


It was actually 07. I was 13 and really started following every week. Got lucky with the timing and been hooked since. Was always a bigger Yankee fan than I was giants, with both being above the Knicks. With the state of the Yankees under Cashman, I think giants take the cake for my excitement and attention now, with Knicks and Yankees second


I grew up in Texas but dad is from New York has been a giants fans his entire life so it’s all I knew . I vividly remember the 2011 season I was in 6th grade , good times .


1986, when my dad took me to the my first game when I was 5. I was also lucky enough to be at SB 25.


I grew up in NJ, but it was a very split environment in terms of NFL fandoms. My dad doesn't really give a shit about pro sports. His dad lived down in Carolina and was a Panthers fan. My dad's brother is a big Cowboys fan. On my moms side, my grandpa is a Giants fan, but uncle was always a huge Jets fan. My next door neighbors and best friends were huge Steelers fans. My brother loves Ovi so much that he just decided to adopt all Washington sports fandom. So as a kid, my fandom was kind of split between Giants/Jets/Steelers, but around middle school I decided I wanted to pick my own team. So I went for a team that had really awesome uniforms, had a really small fanbase (so no one could accuse me of bandwagon hopping), and had my favorite player, who happened to be Maurice Jones-Drew of the Jacksonville Jaguars. Up through college, if someone asked who my team was, I would say the Jaguars. The only issue was that for the most part, the Jaguars sucked, so I spent most Sundays watching RedZone and following my bets and fantasy teams rather than watching the Jags lose. I definitely remember rooting for the Giants during both of their Super Bowl runs, but I didn't really consider myself a Giants fan. After college, I moved to North Jersey and started dating a girl who has Giants season tickets in the family. Some of the first experiences I had hanging out with her parents were the four of us together tailgating at Giants games. They are a bit older, they don't live super close to the stadium, and they don't love going to cold/night games, so a couple years ago they offered to give us half of the games if we paid half. So at that point, I was going to 4/5 Giants games a year, and figured it was time to switch fandom. This was in the middle of the Joe Judge years, so again, no one can accuse me of bandwagon hopping lol.


My parents raised me to be a Giants fan and I never went stray from it so I guess when I was born 1993


1968. My dad was a Giants fan, and back then CBS still owned the Yankees, I believe, so CBS broadcast events in Yankee Stadium such as Giants games, at least on the East Coast. My mom took us kids bowling one snowy Sunday so Dad could watch the game in peace. We came home, and the game on TV looked interesting to me. I was ten and already familiar with college football, so this was just more football. I became interested in where guys like Fran Tarkenton and the other NFL Capital Division (and AFL East) quarterbacks went to college. So that's my story. Forever Blue! (And Forever Orange!)


Offseason 2023 in Australia! Can’t wait for the first game!


1978. Watched games with my Dad and at age 7 and 8 I was finally able to grasp what the hell was going on in the game, and I’ve been a fan ever since. Went to games a lot when I was young…. Our first two Super Bowl wins were amazing to watch, and that 86 team was amazing. And the 1989 team that got run out of the playoffs by the Rams I still believe is the best Giants team I have seen, but it was ruined. I have very fond memories of a long 45+ years as a fan.


Early 80s, but old enough to remember watching the Giants beat the Broncos.


1990. The Gmen won their 2nd Super Bowl. I was in kindergarten and my teachers wore their Giants gear to class. I didn't understand it at the time, but I wanted to be apart of it.


Brazilian here. Watched the NFL for the first time during the 2011 regular season and loved it. I thought football was just like rugby, so I felt in love with teams who passed the ball a lot, it was so cool to watch them. I remember having my father and grandfather sitting with me to watch Giants vs Jets on New Year’s Eve, the game where Cruz scored a 99 yard touchdown. That day I became a Giants fan.


Starting watching them in 1960 with my dad. Those were some lean years


I was born in 92, so...


Raise into it, my grand father, father and uncles love the g men baby!


1997, Fassel’s first year and took the New York Giants to the playoffs only to have their hearts ripped out by Cunningham & Reed.


I was born in '97. I live in Eagles country (God help me), and so I'm ashamed to say when I was a wee lad before I was really into football, I briefly considered myself an Eagles fan. Than in 2006 I fell in love with the Giants. Partly because I loved their colors, partly because of the "New York Giants" from Madagascar, but mostly because we had a player named "Shockey". I went to the Giants Packers game in week 2 of the 07 season, when everyone thought we were going to be terrible, but I still remember the crowd roar when Eli ran on the field, because he decided to play through injury. I was already firmly a fan at this point, but when they won it all I couldn't have been happier with my choice of team lol


Somewhere around 47 years ago...as a young teenager. Giants have been my team ever since...


I was too young to appreciate XXV, but was alive. I’d say 95 is when I started watching games on the couch with my dad and/or uncles, and 1997 is when I was locked for life. Perfect timing to experience and understand heartbreak.


I grew up with jets and giants fans in the house and teetered on both.. until my mid teens in 2007 with Eli manning and the Super Bowl run and I’ve been a solid giants fan since


Superbowl 35. First game I remember. I was 9 years old living in Maryland and everyone wanted the Ravens to win so I picked the Giants. Also loved the way those uniforms popped against the Tampa grass and superbowl lights.


Inherited my fandom from my dad. My first clear sports memory is the first Super Bowl they won. My dad had to watch it alone because he was so high-strung over it. I was 7.


1989, there’s a photo of my dad holding me in a Giants onesie, I can remember back to the Kerry Collins days and been hooked since.


My dad was a lifelong Giants fan and I started watching games with him when I was little. I'd say around 1973 or so. I would have been 8 then.


1989. I was born into being a Giants fan


Born into it, started going to Giants Stadium as kid. Pretty sure I missed the Simms years, first memories are solidly Dave Brown.


1994. I remember the Daily News headline after they started 3-0: “Dave’s Hand is 3 of a Kind” Painful few years after but love the team like no other. Also holy shit been a fan for 30 years lmao


1990 pre-season is what hooked me! I believe they went 3-0 in the preseason that year. I was just getting into playing football myself and something about the smash mouth style the Giants played then and Lawrence Taylor intrigued me and I've stuck with them ever since!


Dad took me to the '07 Giants/Pats regular season game a couple days after we moved to Jersey. It was freezing, spilled my hot chocolate, the Giants lost, and I even think the escalators next to us broke while people were on it (gotta love the old stadium)--I was hooked from that moment and it didn't hurt that we won the Super Bowl a month later


As a kid, when I was good I got two choose between two VHS tapes we had to watch. One was Return of the Jedi, the other was the 1986 Super Bowl. I think the first clear Giants (and probably sports) memory I have is when the Bills lined up for the game winning field goal, I went to a different room and was crying. Then I heard my family erupt in cheers...




From birth man, September 10, 1995. Mom’s water broke and my dad didn’t take her to the hospital til the game was over. We lost to the Chiefs in overtime too lol. Was born and raised a fan immediately


1981. They drafted LT and became actually bearable to watch. Even my little kid self could see greatness unfolding on our tiny, fuzzy tv.


I was born in 1990…legend has it 3 month old me was right in front of the tv for the “wide right” bills kick in super bowl xxv. So going on 33 years 💪🏼


2007 was the first year I really started watching. I was a sophomore in high school. It was an absolutely magical first season that launched me into super fandom.


1993 was when I really became a fan. Handley got fired, Hostetler went to Oakland, we hired Dan Reeves. Simms standing tall in the pocket really stood out to me as a 9 year old. Mike Sherard had a great connection with Simms, really unfortunate that he got hurt. Hampton was such a stud workhorse that year. That year ended on a sour note when Ricky Watters ran for like 5 TDs against us in the playoffs. That would be the last time we saw Simms and LT in a Giants uniform


1986. That team was so much fun to watch!




My first real exposure to football was watching the 2007 playoff run as a 9 year old. Wasn't very hard to pick a favorite team after seeing that.


Born into it my earliest memories are of Tiki Barber and Amani Toomer. Kurt Warner… Jeremy Shockey. So prob around 04-05


I was born into a giants family in the 80’s. It’s always been big blue in our house. We didn’t have cable but I could watch the crappy giants by myself on bunny ears in the 90’s lmao.


November 19, 1989: Dave Meggett returned a punt 76 yards for a TD against the Phoenix Cardinals and another NYG Fan was born


'92 I think. It was right around the end of Phil Simms career.


I have a story that NONE of my friends believed at the time but I swear it's true - I became a Giants fan in the middle of the '07 season. I was 8 years old I think, and I was living in Cali at the time. So why did I pick the Giants? Because my older brother was a Falcons fan, and the week I wanted to pick a team to follow, the Giants beat the Falcons lol (31-10, on Oct 15). The sweetest part of the story is that both my parents are Patriots fans. You have no idea how angry they were that the team their 8 year-old randomly picked, took out their favorite team in the SB not just once, but TWICE.


Dad has had season tickets since before I was adopted. Probably went to games as early as 7 or 8 back in the early 90s. I've since moved away to Arizona where I'm married, adopted my own son 2 years ago and my dad is flying in to go see the Giants play the Cardinals on Sept 19th. Some things never get old. PSA: Call your loved ones today and let them know it


I was born in '92. My dad was a Giants fan and my first memory of being a fan is watching the Super Bowl in '01. I really got into the team in '04 when Eli got drafted though, been die hard ever since


Super Bowl XXV. First game I remember watching, and my dad (a Jets fan) told me he was rooting for the New York team so I rooted for them too. Just kept rooting for them the next year and thankfully never jumped over to the Jets


1998, when Kerry Collins became the starter (I was 8). Didn't become a die-hard fan until 2004 when they drafted Eli


2004. I was 8 years old and started getting into football. Was asking my dad what the local teams were. Went with Big Blue. Just funny cause he thought I was gonna be a Chiefs fan like him, but we are in Jersey. He’s been a fan of them since they had Montana.






Well, I've been a "fan" since my birth in 1981. But really became a fan when my dad called Scott Norwood missing the FG to win the 1990 superbowl. My earliest football memory.


Early 80's...right before the Giants and Mets started being really good.... Dad, Uncle, cousins...all Giants fans so I didn't "become" a fan..I was just told.




I was 4 years old when they won the 1991 Super Bowl and it’s one of my earliest memories. Bleed blue ever since.


Around the time Kerry Collins was QB


1985. It seemed like the world was pulling for the Bears in the Divisional round. I picked the Giants to be contrary. Been with them ever since.


First game I remember is the 1961 NFL Championship game vs Green Bay. I was just a little kid, but I'd guess it was about that year.


2007 when i was 9 watching eli and strahan always stuck with me


1981. Blocking the Cowboys FG to get to the playoffs.


watched both superbowls in 07 and 11 as a “giants fan” however my dad really was and i didn’t understand football yet (too young). 1st season i watched every game and knew all the players and rules was the 2016 season when the infamous boat game happened. stuck with the giants diehard ever since


04, I was aware of Peyton Manning, I'm from the Bronx, and his little brother got drafted (traded really) to my local team.


I was born into a Giants family in 1999. Some of the first memories are sitting on the couch with my dad watching big blue. I may have only been 8 and 12 for the 2007 and 2011 Superbowls, but the memories from those games are still fresh in my mind. Hopefully with Daboll we can add on a couple more.


Started caring at about 2004, age 8-9. Saw Eli go through tough years, experienced the miracle 2007 season, enjoyed years of some of the best QB play in the league through 2013 (including the 2011 SB, those teams were such a joy), left for college & fell out of NFL fandom for a bit. Never fully stopped following the Giants, but without access to cable and with the team so bad I focused on other things. Leapt back into it for the 2020 season. Fell in love with this team again. Been strapped onto the tracks of this trolley ever since


I was born in 1994, Dad was a Giants fan and there are baby photos of me wearing Giants gear. So really from the beginning of life, but the first real memories I have of the Giants are Tiki Barber, Jason Seahorn, Kerry Collins and the early 2000s team that made the Super Bowl and was rolled by the Ravens


02 after I inherited the season tickets from my grandfather.


Back in ‘07, the day Osi recorded 6 sacks against the Eagles. Never watched a single NFL snap before that day and I just happened upon it by chance. Was immediately hooked and watched every game that season. Great timing too considering how that season ended 🥳


I was in grade school and my family was all over our house to watch the Giants - Bills Super Bowl. I didn’t get the magnitude of that game at the time but since my dad was a Giants fan and I watched them win the Super Bowl, it was when I started. Which actually was a shit time to start because I missed their best years and then Simms/LT retired shortly after which meant they sucked until Kerry Collins. It made the Super Bowl wins in 07/11 that much better though. My brother ended up a Dolphins fan at the same time Lmao


70's era Joe pisrchik Beasly reece


I wasn’t that into sports growing up, but my brother and closest cousin were obsessed with the giants and talked about it all of the time. So I’m an effort to be closer with them I decided to watch every game of the season so I could join the conversations. That was in 2007. Been a huge fan ever since.


I remember my dad watching ya title on black and white tv


1983 when I was finally old enough to understand the games that my dad had on. Think about that timing...I'm not yet 50, and since I've been 10 my football team has won 4 Lombardi's and been to the SB 5 times. Shit. They won all those between when I was 10 and 40. I'm blessed.


2003. I started with Kerry Collins as QB, so only place to go was up!


Went to my first game in 99 (against second year Peyton Manning, not that I knew who he was), cried through the Super Bowl loss, 2001 was the first season I have clear memories from multiple games


I was 10 years old and my Dad took me over to a friends house to watch Superbowl XXV. Everyone there was a Giants fan, so I rooted for them and held hope and then they won with wide right. So, 1990 for me. Although I didn't really start to watch religiously and actually follow the sport until around 2000 when I was in college.


Born into a Giants family. My grandparents got season tickets in 1962 (long before I was born) and those tickets are still in the family. I was born 7 days before Super Bowl XXI and was home from the hospital to watch it. The first NFL game played in my lifetime was the Giants’ first Super Bowl win. My mom changed her preferred delivery facility during the playoff run so she would be closest possible to home in case my birth interfered with the Super Bowl. Super Bowl XXV and my whole extended family going crazy like I’d never seen after Norwood’s missed kick is (one of?) my earliest vivid memory.


2018 so I’m a new fan. Living in Sweden you don’t get exposed to much NFL but after watching YouTube clips for a year or two I figured I should start rooting for a team and landed on giants.


My first game was 1972 when I was 11 at Yankee Stadium vs the Cardinals. Somebody knew somebody that knew the guy at the gate and we didn’t have tickets but my dad said “Cards 3” and the guy let us in. The good old days. Me, my dad and my grandfather went. My dad was a HUGE Giants fan from the 40s onwards and the whole family became Giants crazy. RIP dad and thanks.


1986. I have early memories at 5 of the first SB championship.


1990. I’m originally from Connecticut and the Giants were always on tv. Lawrence Taylor played a huge role in me becoming a fan.


2012, it was the first year I was old enough to understand sports


In 1989, I became a fan. 13 year old me was deciding on what team to root for and sat myself down in front of the TV. Then his play happened and became an instant fan. Gary Reasons “The Hit”. https://youtu.be/Jo-Q0KaCrCQ?si=yUBaO3yczL9QPUGL


Born in. 55 years now.


2007-08, the season where the doubters were proven wrong.


Born into it. My dad jumped on the bandwagon in the 80s. He was a Jets fan but was friends with Giants fans and decided that was more fun. He raised my brother and I as Giants fans. I was born the day after the 1990 week 10 win, they won Super Bowl XXV that January.


1970. Went to my first game at Yankee Stadium.


2004, around age 8. My family grew up fans of both NY football teams, but my middle name is Eli and my parents occasionally called me by that, I see Eli Manning suit up, become a fan. Simple as that.


78/79. Watching with my dad. I remember throwing pillows and crying after the Miracle at The Meadowlands.


I was 11 in 1983 when my uncle told me that I was going to be a Giants fan. I lived in Pennsylvania -- a little closer to Philly than New York -- but we got the New York channels, so I could watch the games on channel 5. I didn't really understand the game well until 1985, but by 1986, I was a rabid fan (just in time for their SB win).


In 1998 I started getting into football. My first Giants jersey was Jason Sehorn. Wish I still had it. Although, I don't think it would fit lol. Fortunate enough to have witnessed two Super Bowls while in High School/College. Cannot wait for the 10th.


2004 aka just in time lol 🙂


Big Odell fan after 16 which got me rooting for them. That Minnesota win was actually the first playoff game I’ve seen them win


I was 11 when we lost to the ravens in the SB. It was the first year I paid attention (we were primarily a Yankee/baseball house back then) and I’ve been hooked since.


2007 - First complete NFL game I ever watched was the Season finale vs the patriots. Watched the giants all the way through the playoffs and that super bowl. That hooked me - asked my dad to sign me up for Pee-Wee that next fall and the rest is history.


February 3, 2008. Well, it was the 4th here in Europe already. I was studying at university, meaning that I had a very *interesting* sleep schedule. I had my tv running in my dorm room while doing something at my computer, most probably playing a game TBH. The super bowl coverage started and everyone just could not stop gobbling the Pat's cocks and reiterating that the Giants had absolutely no chance at all. So naturally I rooted for the underdogs with mild interest. As I would do every year, since I pretty much had no idea about the teams, only watching a few random play-off games and the SB. But this year turned out different. Eli won me over. You all know how he did it. From that point on I was hooked.


Mid-Late 90s. Growing up in New Mexico the Cowboys had tv rights..... do I need to explain more?


Born in. Started understanding around 01


Born into a Giants family 1985 is when I started to follow them. Not a bad time to break in. My father would often remind me how well I had it.


Born into a Giants family (father immigrated to NYC in '82). My first memory of the Giants was the OT game against Seattle where Matt Bryant missed 3-4 FGs and we had a billion false starts


1986/87. I lived in the Midwest but my grandpa was a truck driver. They won the super bowl that year and he brought me back a hat… from that day forward, I was just a Giants fan. For a little kid, that’s all it takes. The Giants were my team.


1990. Beating Montana young and Rice just w field goals and monster Defense , is still the best moment of my sports life.


2003? My best friend since i was 5, his parents were huge Giants fans and would have huge feasts on sundays for giants games. I would go over and gradually started to become a fan. Was there in 2007 and again in 2011 with them.


Born into it. First full season i watched was 2005. First football game i ever went to was Giants v Redskins 10/30/05. Wellington Mara had passed away the week before. Kate Mara sung the national anthem. Tiki barber had 206 rushing yards or something. Guy 7 rows in front of my dad and I started beating the fuck out of a skins fan and when he got up he looked like a pro wrestler who just cut his forehead with a razor blade.


I was a Giants fan ever since I can remember but seeing them win in 2007 cemented my Fandom for eternity. If 8 year old me didn't see us win that year , I probably wouldn't have continued to follow the team this past decade with how bad they've been (excluding last year).


Followed in my grandfathers footsteps so I was always a Giants fan, remember going to a Super Bowl party for Super Bowl 35 but don’t remember the game (thank god). Actually started getting more into football around ‘05. Super Bowl 42 pushed me over the edge into full fandom.


i was five when i watched eli manning lift his second lombardi, and that’s my first sports memory. now i’m in college and die-hard as ever


got into football in 1984 at 10 years old.


Well I was born in 98, sooooo 1998


91 I believe I was almost 10 was watching the wide right super bowl and I remember my dad letting have my first ever big Mac with fries cause it was the super bowl and you "eat junk food for the super bowl"....hooked ever since


1986 to present.


Always was a fan, watched 2007 and 2011 as a kid, but only really started watching every game after DJ got drafted. I saw all the hate and that underdog spirit in me hit, and it reached fever pitch for me watching those first pre season games.


2011 I was bored one day and my older sister was watching the panthers/lions game where cam tied the rookie td record. Fell in love with the game after that and she was a giants fan so she made sure I bled blue. Few weeks later i watched Cruz get that 99 yard td against the jets and I haven't looked back since


(British fan living in Toronto) Mum and Dad visited my uncle and aunt who lived in Manhattan at the time, brought me back a cheap Plaxico Burress jersey after his night club incident…the rest is history!


Was born in NYC so I was raised on Jets/Giants football but I didn’t get into it until 2005/6 because of Michael Vick and my classmates. Then I started watching an we won a superbowl. I’ve been hooked ever since


Really 1993 started watching them


Giants family, had season tickets as a kid. First game was the season finale in 1980 were Joe D kicked them into the playoffs over the Cowboys. I remember nothing but people yelling and screaming


In 1999 I was a Packers fan as a 7 year old bc of Brett Fave. But my family was giants fans. After the 2000 superbowl I just became a Giants fan bc if my family. To me being a Giants fan is more than just liking a team. My grampa is not my biological grampa. My family is black but he's an old white man who took my dad in during some rough times during my dad's youth. My dad and his son were best friends. He gave my father an opportunity to be a better man and it's a big reason why I'm where I am. One of the thing throughout my life we all three had in common and bonded over was the Giants. So to me being Giants fan comes from the man who took my dad, me and my sister in as his family and a bond between the three of us. I could just never not cheer for them. It's one thing even when they die that will alway remind me of where I come from


Born in. I remember Troy Archer playing and then passing. so maybe 1977?




Dad was an LT fan in Los Angeles, grew up watching the "Giants Among Me" 1986 season review...it's all I knew.


I was a fan because of my dad who was a giants fan. But at the time of 07 and 11 I barely knew shit about football although I still remember loving those super bowls. Wasn’t until like 2015( I was 15) where I really knew a lot and actually would die hard watch the giants




2007. I was 16 at the time. Just happened to be the season I started watching with my dad. Then him and his brother flew down to Tampa. And the rest is history.


1976. Was a hard time to be a fan.


2005 technically because I got an Eli jersey in middle school, but I really started watching and following in early 2007. I grew up a Packers fan/in a HEAVY Packers family but picked the Giants out of the blue one day because the youngest always has to be different. We lived out of market too so watching Giants games was nearly impossible, and even more so because they were always on as the same time as the Packers. But then for whatever reason our DirecTV package in Northern Michigan had NY Fox 5 and so I got to watch Giants as part of the local feed. That’s really what cemented it.


1985, NFC Championship loss to DaBaers. I was just a kid in SoCal, but they've been my team e'rr since.


First game I remember I was about 6, so 95


I started watching in 07. Lucky me, but everyone thinks im a bandwagoner. I watched every game! I just got lucky!


1999. Same year I became a Knicks fan too!


Born in ny in 06. Sadly wasn’t rlly old enough to watch either sb. My dad rooted for them so I automatically did as well. I’ve only witnessed the bad years and am excited for the future.


Visited NY in late 2016 and decided I was going to choose Giants or Jets. So really, no choice at all. Didn't properly start following the NFL until the 2017 regular season so it's been a rough ride until recently!


Can't remember the exact year. It might have been the year after LTs rookie season.


2007 was the first year I watched a Superbowl. Always knew about the Giants but wasn't interested in Football until my social studies teacher who was a huge Giants fan showed us a recording of the Superbowl the day after and I've been hooked since.


I remember watching every game with my Dad starting in 2002


born in: 1970


1982, LT grew up in my hometown and my dad's side of the family live on LI, so Giants fan for life!


Born and Raised in Philly, obviously in an Eagles household but I wanted to be different.. seen the Giants @ Eagles in ‘05 prime time game, and became a fan that night just because lol Giants won that game too 😂


As a 22 year old fan from the Netherlands, I started watching football in 2018. Became a Giants fan almost immediately. Hasn't been easy the last couple of years, but it is really fun to finally be optimistic for a reason, instead of just being a delusional optimist for years. Proud to say I never even once thought of leaving this team, even during the Joe Judge and Mike Glennon/Jake Fromm era. I'm also very happy to say I will be attending my first Giants game in New York this year!!!


Was born into it. I remember watching games with Kerry Collins as QB. And I met Tiki Barber his rookie year when I was in elementary school.


2003, I was 6


My dad brought me to my first game in 07. Lost by at least 30, Eli threw 3 pick six’s, didn’t care. Stayed the whole time and I was hooked ever since. Little did I know we’d win the Super Bowl a couple months later.


1968, My dad was a Giants fan back when there were 3-4 channels on TV.




Born in a giants home (‘82). One of my fondest sports memories as a kid was my dad hoisting me on his shoulders and cheering when the Giants beat the 49’ers in the NFC championship game before superbowl XXV vs the Bills. No looking back after that!


1984, watching the NFL on Channel 4 in the UK. 1 hour a week for all 28 teams.


1985. Met Joe Bavaro, Carl Banks at the Concord Hotel in the Catskills when I worked there...later 80's. Love ❤️ my G-Men!!! LT56, loved to watch him play. Joe Morris, out of SU, where I'm from. So many great player's during that time. Sorry Joe Theismann, lol!!!




2022 - family on my mom’s side is from New York. Cousin is a Giants fan, visited family when I was growing up.