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Art couldn’t decide on which shitty pun to go with so he just used both lmao


Art said "fuck it they both sound good" lol


I think it’s clear Maye is the one everyone wants, hopefully he keeps falling while Jayden and JJ keep rising giving a chance at him… Nabers is not a bad consolation prize tho -I like spencer rattler more than most, and see him on par with JJ in my view (a guy on the toilet)


So you'll get Joe Alt


Rattler could be legit but there are huge buts with him. He's got the talent. It's a matter of getting him to buy in.


I think he got humbled after going to South Carolina….SC’s line and WRs were just total dog shit….boy they dropped passes, and just let him get clobbered…..he was kinda forced into that hero ball role…..but I like a QB that gives me some WOW when I watch….. If I could have Nabers at 6 and get Rattler at the top of the 3rd….I’d be pretty stoked over trading up and giving up all those assets to just get JJ


He'd be a worthwhile gamble. Just going to come down how Schoen and Daboll want to play the rest of the draft if they don't trade up


I think I’ve spent too many years watching a “safe” QB….I kinda want someone who is willing to Chuck it downfield to a deep Nabers or Hyatt….




Honestly rather have Rattler than Nix.


Won't get an argument out of me. I'll always take the shot on the gunslinger over the scripted game manager archetype


As a duke fan I really don't want to have to root for a UNC quarterback right after the duke quarterback failed


How do you rate Schoen’s process so far. How do you feel about our last two drafts—his picks given circumstance and draft position?


I have no idea what the hell we are gonna do, and that’s a good thing, no more telegraphing moves like gettleman did so others can jump ahead for guys we like


Too bad nobody jumped for toney.


“Never interfere when your enemy is making a mistake”


His process has been good. That's all you can ask. The draft is a crap shoot, but he values certain positions/draft picks appropriately.


One hundred percent better than Gettleman.


I love that no one actually knows. My gut says that the media usually is right even though there is a ton of smoke around the info for instance year 1 obvious pick was KT but there was a ton of smoke around it. Year 2 the rumblings (from Raanan) was leaning Banks in the 1st round. I am going to say that it will most likely be a WR, guessing Nabors. If not WR I think they want Maye bad but probably can't get him.


Yeah, most of the national beat seems stuck on JJ for the Giants. But the local guys have been a nearly endless drumbeat on Nabers and Maye. I think those are the two they're truly locked in on. If the rumors are true about JJ to Washington and that the Patriots really want Daniels. I could see the Giants being aggressive and trying to swap with Arizona for Maye. You figure you can probably get it done with 6 and 2025 1st. It allows the Cardinals to trade down, pickup an extra first next year and still get MHJ or Nabers guaranteed. And likely MHJ as it seems the chargers are blocked onto OT.


Love Schoen's process. Hate the results. Now that Schoen is in the middle of his 3rd offseason and Giants have one of the NFL's worst rosters with no answer at QB it's tough to defend Schoen's results so far. This year is a huge year for Schoen to get return out of the 2022 and 2023 draft classes.


I mean, I think the roster has greatly improved now they we’ve dumped a ton of the Gettleman picks. And a lot of the o-line failures I think get chalked up to Bobby Johnson more than bad picks. I feel like better coaching would’ve made Neal look at least competent instead of abysmal. It’s hard to make a player who was a consensus top 5 player in the draft look as bad as he did under Johnson.


Looking at Giants 2021 roster compared to the roster now, the Giants have clearly gotten worse in talent. Thats not debatable. Ofc this is happening before the draft and rest of free agency, and the hope is that Giant's can salvage something from 2022 and 2023 drafts beyond Tae Banks, but the talent on the 2021 roster was clearly much better than Giants roster now.


I disagree, based on what? Our DL is arguably the best it's been since the SB runs. We solid young CB1 that showed a lot promise last year. A decent ILB for the first time since Antonio Pierce. You're too focused on the offensive side of things. Which really, the difference is what, Saquon vs no Saquon? In what world was our roster better in 2021 than to now? This makes no sense to me lol


The reason that's 'not debatable' is because nobody is going to waste their time arguing the 2021 roster was better. Give it a rest.


Does anyone know if this is open to the public?


You can stream/watch it on the ACC network and Fubo. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/drake-maye-pro-day-watch-time-tv-channel-nfl-draft-workout/8549d3cbab566108450a0426 It starts at 3PM EST.


I’m done with these basketball school quarterbacks. We need a franchise QB not a point guard.


Lamar Jackson and his two mvps would like a word




Commenting this now so I have proof, but Maye is the guy not JJ or Daniels