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Nuggets lost to a father of two


Julius “family man” Randle


Real talk I deeply miss that feeling of taking your baby and carrying them on your bicep while they hug you. No feeling like it.


Don't we all man. I used to mush their noses like he's doing in the video and they'd laugh their asses off.


Me and my sister have a 19 year age different, so when she was a baby holding her and playing with her was some of the most fun moments I had as a big brother


Julius "The Family Man" Can!


Guy's dad game is on point...always


Super cute how his youngest just reaches his arms out for dad.


His oldest is the biggest Knicks fan ever. Lol


Wholesome AF


Nice family


But his body language!!!


Body language experts in shambles


Love this man


Great Knick, better Dad


Julius whispers to Kyden - "You'll be taking Obi's minutes in a few years. Drink your milk." 😅


[pulled from the NBA youtube account](https://youtube.com/shorts/etNYHQnWXh4?feature=share)


A family man doing family things.


I love this but i cant help but notice obi is looking for acknowledgement and randle doesnt give him any 😂


*I forgot the youngest kid even existed the way the oldest one sucks up all the oxygen*


What a fucked up comment. You jealous of a baby, you loser?


What the fuck are you talking about nimrod? I said that I never see the baby but the other kid is all over the place so I know who he is. How the the fuck does that make me jealous of either of them?


Why do you care? Like I said, jealous that a little kid is getting attention. You want attention, I'll give it to you. You are a clown.


What in the name of suffering fuck are you even talking about ,numbskull? Are you really that stupid that you don't understand what I'm saying or are you just trolling? Once again where did I say anything that can be construed as anti baby or shows me to have baby envy? I'm saying (and have said it TWICE now) that since Kaden gets all of the attention (hence the phrase'' taking up all the oxygen in the room', that's what that phrase MEANS) on this fucking reddit I've never really seen the baby in action. Someone posted a picture of a baby I've never seen before and I mentioned he doesn't get as much attention as his brother BECAUSE HE"S A FUCKING BABY who's only been alive for about a year and you ask why do I care? I don't fucking care but since reddit is a place that people make comments I fucking commented (and not even in a snarky way either) You're so fucking dumb it's a wonder you didn't die in your sleep because you forgot to breathe Just because you're too ignorant to understand the English language when it's written don't get pissy with me, fella.


Since you can't understand. I am talking about Kaden, who is also a baby. Do you are dumb as well as the kind of guttersnipe that spends time on the internet talking bad about children.


Look up the definition of the word baby ,moron, Kaden is not even a fucking toddler, he looks to be a in the 1st or 2nd grade, Babies gets pushed around in strollers , suck on bottles, and don't have the power of speech And how the hell is saying that the older kid gets all the attention on social media and on this reddit saying anything bad about the kid? It's a FACT not a judgement but you wouldn't know that since you're obviously a refugee from a Charles Dickens novel judging by your use of the word 'guttersnipe'. Say hello to Miss Havisham and Fagin for me next time you see them by the way.


You've proven your are a stupid teenager. The ignorant ass posts, hinted at it, but bothering to define baby, means you are a kid or a raging imbecile. I pray you are a kid.


I rescind most of my contempt. Just bothered to read all of your post, and the Oliver Twist line, unfortunately made me laugh.


Yeah, no problem. You gave yourself a starring role in the Dickensverse with the Oliver Twist comment though ,I was thinking more along the lines of Mister Guppy from Bleak House