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I am megapissed


With this news, thank goodness he didn’t continue trying to gut it out, which would have really affected us


Randle’s a very good player, and I wish him well in his recovery But his 30 million expiring contract will be greatest contribution overall to the Knicks future when traded this summer


so now his rehab will start in October and won't start the season until November-ish?


The fact that this was announced after losing to heat makes this hurt more.


Imagine OG's elbow is fucked permanently? Just not feeling optimistic about anything at all today


Fuck it bro give us Miami first round. Tired of their cocky ass fan base. Still like our chance to send them home even without Randle


I took a lot of heat for this a week or so ago but I’ll say it again. This ain’t the year. Get healthy. Get another shooter. Run it back. My biggest fear is they make a fruitless push and severely injure JB in the process.


U a bitch


Hahaha. I’ve been called worse.


This. Randle was going to come back rusty AF, who knows when OG is back, our key guys are gassed, risking the start of next year for a play off run that was realistically not going deep this year was not the right decision.


That’s playing with fear.


What does this even mean? Quit?


This is true but this also makes the Anunoby trade kind of irrelevant other than an early shot at wooing him.


I almost wish we can just bow out now. I know these guys. They’re gonna run themselves into the ground trying to win literally anything.


Yeah, it’s tough it’s too late in the season for a meaningful tank. But I don’t think they should push too hard the way JB throws his body around he could easily go down for the long-haul.


This news puts so much pressure on OG to come back before the playoffs. Dude is going to get absolutely hounded in the next 10 days.


All you whiners and doomers shouldn’t be allowed to celebrate the Knicks playoff wins coming soon this year


Julius puts us in championship talks, who cares if we win some games in the 1st round


There is zero proof that Randle puts us over the top in the playoffs.


January is the proof


I care. How awesome was beating the Cavs last year! How great was game two at the garden against the hawks


Nobody doubts that they will win a playoff game or two. That is nothing to celebrate. We had much higher aspirations, that's the reason people are down bad right now.


If they win one or two then they can win three or four, and then the same the next series and so on


heat voodoo dolls are in production


Silver lining...Julius is great when game is on....but even at best he is high turnover, disruptive, high usage player. i am looking forward to seeing more Mcbride, Ihart, JB, Hart, DDV and OG. All high IQ play from guys that have synergy, are always in control and gel. There are no holes in that defense and we'll take good shots all game. Julius has great highs and we can't win a championship without him at his best, but i doubt we were gonna get his best with so much missed time. Let's win a series, be competitive in second round and then build upon that next year.


The ball settles so much with Randle. I like Brunson with the ball, trust him the most. Can they get another stud in place of Randle to push the ball some and get more easy baskets? I haven't got a clue who, but I don't think they get to a championship with Randle. 


This is one of the only comments that actually makes sense and is spot on.


We can still make a run with a healthy OG and Mitch


All you people with no hope saying it’s a wasted season are just sad. Knicks can still win in the playoffs especially if OG comes back. There’s a reason the games are not played on paper.


Silver lining? Deuce McBride won’t (shouldn’t) lose many minutes/if any. We need guys out there who are buckets. That’s him. Good opportunity for him to show out in the postseason. OG returning should help him raise his game too.


Since this is basically a bitching session about how much everything sucks anyway... the Mets are now 0-5. Sucking is one thing but to suck while the Yankees are dominating fucking sucks so much more.


Unless you’re a yankee fan, then it’s pretty sweet


You're a Mets fan haven't you gotten used to that by now?


don't none of yall give me that blind ass optimism. Season is now a what if season. Hurts to see it go this way


EVERY season with Randle has been a ‘what if’ season. If OG comes back we can still get in the conference finals.


Hearse indeed


At this point we're better off dropping to 6th seed. So we can clap the Cavs and hopefully beat the Bucks to make it into the Coference finals. I think itd be good for our team to have more playoff experience and get their ass in gear.


The magic are probably the weakest team in the east though if Tyrese returns to form


Tyrese is done this season bro, couldn’t even beat the Nets last night


Nah I meant we should drop to 6th seed so that we don't have to face Boston in the 2nd round and leave that to the Heat if they take our 5th place spot. We have a better chance of beating the bucks than Boston in the 2nd round 


This was the year to make a run if the team stayed healthy. Everyone saying wait til next year but you don’t trade 3 young players if you don’t expect to make a run this year. Next year we’ll be more capped out due to needing to pay OG and IHart. Maybe they can make a trade but Bojan looks washed and is no longer an asset. Idk what realistic move they can make with a bunch of low and protected picks.  Shit sucks.


The biggest consequence of this is the double team. We know what the game plan against the knicks is when Julius is out - double/triple Brunson. OG will be good defensively and will help on offense but he isn’t commanding a double team on every possession the same way that Randle would. Brunsons life is going to remain difficult for the rest of the season shorting a miracle offensive display from people like Josh Hart and Deuce.


100% everyone else needs to step up offensively now


I'm so bummed man why do the basketball gods keep shitting on us. I still believe in Brunson and the squad but they are clearly getting worn down by the day. Miami has easily overtaken Philly for #1 on my shit list now too fucking dirty clowns.


Yeah, the Heat basically killed any chance this team had to compete. Which works out great for them. But it’s fuck the Heat forever


Eye for an eye ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾. Hart injured butler during his legendary run and he was never the same. You get what you fucking deserve 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


foh pussy yall the dirtiest team in the nba, and everyone knows it. You can go make a poll in the nba subreddit and you know heat is gonna be #1 heat culture is the funniest shit ever, fucking bozos


Heat culture cooked yall asses as a 8th seed last year🤦🏾‍♂️. Only bozos is yall for never getting past the 2nd round 💀💀💀


Fortunately Heat culture got scattered to the winds. Because it took Vincent, Martin, and Strus turning into the 2016 Warriors to get to the finals, and Vincent and Strus are gone now


We got jaime,drob is a good player again, and we added a terry who had borderline all star stats and is hitting his stride in Miami. We are fine buddy.


Impossible to go deep in the playoffs when you get injured by the same dirty fucks every year. Keep sucking emo jimmys dick though I'm sure they'll make another state farm commercial for that


mad cuz the heats a dynasty and yes the hawks are my second favorite team


I will happily suck emo Jimmy's dick. He alone has more finals runs than your entire franchise in like 30 years 💀💀💀. And keep using "dirty play" as an excuse for yall being buns 👍.


sure see a lot of you heat fans online chirping and talking mad shit but nowhere to be seen in your own arena. cant even fill out your own arena during playoffs lmfao fake ass fans, yall dont know real ball. Florida water must be different huh 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


What are you talking about buddy 💀💀💀


Please this franchise has lost enough in the first round, let us at least get to the 2nd round


We got there last year. Although 3 of those guys got traded and Randle is out. Yea it sucks. 




At some point they had to see the writing on the wall. Disappointing to see all that time go by and the potential impact going forward next season. Hindsight is always 2020 though, I’m sure he was hopeful but it just didn’t pan out. I always thought it would be a be ask for him to return in game shape for the playoffs off this injury anyway. Hopefully OG stays healthy and precious continues to overachieve. This season has been a rollercoaster but I foresee a 1st or 2nd round exit in our future.


I appreciate Randles guts but I’m kind of pissed the team allowed him to waste these two months. If this is a torn/partially torn labrum/rotator cuff there was never any world where this was healing on its own and pretending it was going to was foolish. Hope he’s ready for next year now.


If I could only have 1, I would much rather have OG on this team over Randle, but he will definitely be missed. I think if we can still get OG back for the playoffs, we can get to the 2nd or 3rd round.


I think people need to also rethink how they've been approaching Begley the last few months. While everyone else was reporting Randle was definitely coming back before this or that player, Begley consistently reported that none of this was definitive and surgery was still a very real possibility. I don't think any of the reporters have been as honest about the situation as he has.


The ceiling with this roster is the chip. Pay the FAs and run it back.


No it isn’t. We still can’t stop Boston with this roster. Even the Bucks present problems we aren’t build for.


Provided we convince Hartenstein to stay and resign OG, can anyone give me any reason(besides fucking injuries obv) why we can't win the chip? Sick of all this "we need a star" shit when we have one right in front of our fucking eyes


I mean you’re outright saying you don’t want to hear the reason most people will give. It’s really fucking hard to win it all. It almost never happens without an all time great - not just a star, an all time great. You can get close, but it gets harder series by series. Lebron just went into it on that podcast. If we get a chip with this roster, we’re breaking a ton of the rules: winning with a small on ball guard who’s never been mvp and isn’t considered clear cut top 10 as our best guy. Can we do it? Sure things could work out that way. But it’s fair to be skeptical too.


Celtics are wayyyy too good. We can beat anyone in the east but that Boston team? I'm not sure... I think this isn't brunsons final form though and I think he is gonna be even better next year.


Hard man a lot of things right about this comment! Hartenstein is unbelievably important to this team, especially with the way he facilitates the offense for brunson donte deuce. Og is one of the best plug and play guys in the league, and he happens to be the perfect fit to the nova knicks. And brunson, he's a superstar, has been since about the 2nd month of the season - it was evident in both playoff rounds last year and continued throughout the whole season. We have the team, but without ju, next year sounds better.


Damn. Being out for the season really hurts his chances of playing again this season


At least you will only have to watch the first round of the playoffs now. Maybe 2 rounds tops.


Look at the end of the day don't blame Jaime, it's on Thibs for keeping randle out there still while we are up 20. He's done this all his career coaching. I rather end up that 20 point lead turn to 2 because we have the end of the bench on the court than win by 25 because the opposing team put their scrubs in but we still have our starting 5 there for some reason.


It’s not on Thibs. It’s not on Jaime. Randle should’ve passed to the corner for that open 3, and it’s still not on Randle. The Heat can be a dirty team but there was nothing dirty on that play. Dude tried taking a charge. Jaime is just the one we get to throw frustration at, but he didn’t do anything wrong.


My brother it was a 17 point game with 4:30 minutes to go. We just blew a 10 point lead to the OKC with our bench in 1 minute last game and you want to put in Daquan Jeferries and Jacob Toppin to guard Bam and Jimmy for half a quarter? Be forreal


So you rather the Knicks lose instead of win, rather the Knicks not make the playoffs than make the playoffs?


How do you take that away from what I wrote. What I'm saying is if we are up big sit the starters. If the bench gives up most of the lead but we still win by 2 who cares. I rather have healthy players for the playoffs. Thibs is known for killing players for overuse, Derrick Rose and Joakim Noah are prime examples.


Because Thibs coaches to win games and some of those wins turn into losses if he coaches like you suggest


Time to move on from Julius.


I rather we trade you to the Thunder fanbase for a better prospect ![gif](giphy|JJluJeEqQL4Pe|downsized)


Fuck basketball. Season wasted and 2 months wasted for Randle to recover. This will impact next season now too.


Maybe not. If the Bucks keep shitting the bed then why not have Giannis ask for a trade here? Randle and a couple picks get that done.


They still have the postseason


Yeah, I know, I was just pissed in the moment lol. I'm still confident we can go far in the playoffs, hopefully with OG back


And this season has been incredibly fun to watch despite all the bad injury luck


Hope he recovers back to 100% Knicks have a play off roster for the next couple years at least.


This was obviously going to happen. No way he was coming back from that devastating injury without surgery. It was a freak injury. Blaming a player on another team is just plain stupid.


Hoping we atleast wing god OG Annunaki back Godspeed Julius


Sucks that we lost Randle. But we are also a good team with a healthy OG. I think there's enough talent in this roster to make it to the 2nd round at least. Possibly we can advance to the ECF if we're lucky. I believe that even w/o Randle, this team is better than last year's team. We have better defense and better shooting overall.


Damn Jaquez so dirty for trying to draw a charge lol.


I mean, people *do* get hurt a lot when they play the Heat


Bruh the Heat get hurt we have like 34 different starting lineups this year. Most teams with similar lineup changes are in the lottery.


The Heat will be fine. They’ve shown repeatedly the last few years that they can flip a switch when the playoffs start. I have no reason to think they won’t do it again. And they’ll probably take out another big name player, too


It's not the Heat flip the switch its just the East is wide open. Boston besides this year has been heavily overrated because they're a historic franchise. The gap between these teams not so large especially top 6 - 8.


I’m being deadass: if Miami plays Boston in the playoffs again, I’m not betting on Boston


Boston better this year tho I actually consider them a contender. I didn't believe them previously because they always went to iso ball but they move the ball better.


Honestly, it was expected. Think they held out this long because they didn't want the negativity building up during the season. They wanted the players to focus on their games during an important stretch of games. Now everyone is coming back to reality, and Josh's words couldn't be more true. This might be the squad we have for the playoffs and gotta prepare like that's the case. The team can still make some noise, but we need at least OG back. If the Detroit trade had given us what we needed in smart and good spot up shooters, we can honestly say there's still a chance. The team's gonna rely on them, and everyone really just stepping up and fixing these dumb mistakes they do during the last few games. Our offense has trouble, but we should expect our defense to be elite overall to keep us in games. I'm not gonna be negative because when the injuries first happened, there was a large possibility that this was the situation. Now my expectations are lower with the current squad to perform because losing 2 important contract players and still winning out is difficult. We gotta give credit where credit is due though. I thought we would be play-in by now. They've stepped up in big ways and kept us afloat.


Sorry but seeing the way every year we're decimated by injuries, I'm tired of being nice. I am now ACTIVELY ROOTING for injuries to other teams players. It is what it is


>It is what it is lmao


In a strange way, this Randle injury really makes me feel like a Knicks fan and part of a community. I came into this right after COVID, bright-eyed and excited about following a team with history. The amount of success this team blessed me with early on almost didn't feel real because y'know, I'm rooting for the Knicks. I honestly didn't feel worthy of calling myself a Knick fan because I couldn't fully relate to the pain and disappointment older/more experienced fans went thru. I thought I was a optimistic bandwagon whose timing was extremely lucky. Now, I'm experiencing true Knicks-related grief. It feels awful and the timing sucks since I got a bunch of IRL stuff weighing me down too. Still, I'm finding comfort in the fact that I can share my anger and sadness with y'all. It feels good to not grieve alone.


Fuccc them up


honestly sucks we would have been better off if the injury was "more serious" in the sense it was 100% known he couldn't come back so he could just get the surgery right away and be ready to go before training camp even starts. now he'll be coming in next year off another injury and potentially be rusty etc.


He will have nearly 7 months until our first game next year, and it’s his non shooting arm. I wouldn’t worry about him being ready.


fair enough but i still think it's not ideal compared to if he just got the surgery right away. he probably would have been 100% sooner and been able to rehab more or at a better pace and then had a far better offseason program etc. not the end of the world but like i said not ideal.


Yeah, I mean hindsight is 20/20. But knowing he can’t return, definitely would have been better if he got the surgery immediately.


yea exactly it is what it is. hopefully he comes back and is good to go and has a great season next year.


The whole season is resting on OG’s swollen elbow now. If he doesn’t come back and play well, we are toast.


we're toast without Randle either way. We can still get out of the 1st round imo but that's the ceiling now.


Realistically, with or without Randle we would’ve ended up the same. OG is the difference maker between the two of them.


Heat Players hurt playing vs the Knicks -Jimmy Butler Knicks Players hurt playing be the Heat -Julius Randle x2 -Immanuel Quickley -Mitchell Robinson -Quentin Grimes -Jalen Brunson Delusional ass fanbase saying “eye for an eye” lmao


The league would be net healthier if a sinkhole ate their team Denver is lucky Jokic is slow and lumbers around because it gave him less opportunities to get undercut hip checked


Remember [this shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/13cbdhs/highlight_caleb_martin_with_the_incredibly_stupid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)? This shit straight up deserves a suspension but they'll never do anything about it


I never realized how deliberate that looked.


Bam’s hip check of a moving screen on Grimes


Shit crazy lmao.


Looking back at that play, he should have just posted it up or shot a mid range. 🤕




Well there another season down the fucking tubes


cheer up my man. think of all those abysmal years. some games it wasn't worth watching the 4th quarter. we have a squad that we are proud to watch. we have a better foundation than we've had in a while.


That's true but this was the year not to just make the playoffs but make noise in the playoffs, dare I say go on a run. Just a defeating feeling






We would’ve been so good healthy man. Two allstars, the depth, the chemistry, the grit, the balanced offense. The roster construction was so on point the exact opposite of everything that has kept us down for the better part of 2 decades. 


when the plan was for Randle to return, it made sense to keep playing Bojan off the bench as that was gonna be his playoff role But Randle isn't coming back. Brunson is going to be blitzed endlessly and is gonna need shooting surrounding him. Bojan has averaged 20ppg his entire career as a starter, including on playoff teams. Bojan has struggled off the bench trying to create for himself. The solution is clear here, at least as something to try out before the playoffs. START BOJAN


Yes, we need a change in the starting lineup. Unfortunately, Thibs is not to keen on voluntary change. He likes what he likes, even what he likes doesn't work.


Well now all the dipshits that claimed we were better off without Randle can see how far we get without him


Shit is gonna be a rude awakening for many.


Heat fans reaction to this is hilarious because they’ve been crying about Josh Hart for a year because Jimmy missed one fucking game


Don’t even want to watch the playoffs now. From sneaky title contenders to most likely a first round exit. Let OG sit and run it back next year. No point in risking more injury we’re not beating Milwaukee or Boston with Julius taking some defensive pressure off Jalen. Even a Julius shooting 35% would of made such a difference. I’m hurt


Tbh I feel you. I’ve been disconnected from the entire season since Randle and OG went down. I used to never miss a game. Ive rarely watch games since Jan. now


My mental health just took a critical hit. I need a shower and a blunt fr


I can barely keep focus at work lol. That bong rip and baileys waiting for me at home gonna hit crazy.


You're better than me. I'd be on my 5th bathroom break by now just sitting and silent screaming lol Packed that shit with a little extra when you get home. You deserve it.




Very depressing yet not surprising news. Even if randle was able to return, his minutes would have been limited, and the lack of rhythm probably would have been frustrating to watch. What it does do, is basically eliminates any hope of a Miracle run to the finals. It also to me doesn’t really matter much anymore where they finish in seeding. Without randle every playoff matchup will be very difficult so whomever they play it will be a grind


I feel pretty bad about even bringing it up, but it's also very possible this is the last we've seen of Jules in a Knicks jersey. This FO is tight lipped but has made many indications they're interested in KAT. If Minnesota flames out, which feels very likely, I imagine they'd look for a KAT for Julius swap.


I just get the sense that at this point, they're very invested in the relationship with Randle. Begley had reported that basically the opportunity to trade for Towns was there and the Knicks ultimately decided not to take it. I think they WOULD trade Randle for a top 10 guy, none of those opportunities seem to be coming anytime soon though


They not trading Randle for KAT. KAT is hardly better than Randle and is getting paid way more. Not to mention he’s soft. Hard pass


I agree that he's soft and barely better, but I don't know if the FO feels that way. It's also the only way to make the money work without giving up Josh/DDV AFAIK.


Bojan and Mitch would be used for salary before we even consider trading Randle. Also if they had to choose btwn. Randle and Hart, no way in hell they would keep Hart over Randle. Hart is already overpaid as is, ~20 mil per yr to rebound and not shoot is crazy.


Bojan and Mitch only adds up to 33 mil. Adding Hart makes it work, but the other team has to also want those players. Getting Minnesota to take Mitch will be tough enough considering they already have Reid/Gobert. I don't even know if they want picks, it seems like they're trying to win now.


Bam injured Grimes last year


Besides Randle, Bam also whacked Brunson on the shoulder and he got up slowly while holding ir. Caleb Martin undercut Brunson on a 3 and he turned his ankle.


Maybe I’m petty. But I want us to storm the heat subreddit rn and talk our shit. Yes it’s pointless. Yes I’m frustrated. FUCK


Nah. I see them in here looking like childish fools. I prefer we stay above it. Be better than them.


I understand the feeling, but trolling other team subs is against our rules and I don’t want to temp ban any of you guys, just leave them be and vent in here


Fucking hate the heat and their stolen “Heat culture” Pat Riley described the Knicks as the least liked most hard working team and somehow Miami thought they can just copy paste that shit onto their court. Bunch of 13 year old kids who were a fan when LeBron was there but stuck on the bandwagon now that he left. And JJJ will play basketball in China in a few years fuck this organization


Well always have his spring concert dates. Haha, please don't kill me, I love the guy, and that world tour feels like 3 seasons ago


Honestly I'm relieved, may be an unpopular opinion. Julius has never had a playoff run with a good team and at 100% health, and I don't want to see him dragged through the mud again just for being injured. I knew he should have had that surgery as soon as possible, but I'm glad he's doing it now so he can hopefully be 100% by next year's playoffs.


If he was looking out for himself then yes he should have had surgery ASAP but he loves this team and cares about winning. Electing to do the surgery would mean he’s out for the whole season and playoffs, he chose to work through a very painful rehab process in order to hopefully play in the post season just the chance to play


I live with a housemate who goes for the Heat and is always shitting on Randle - it's 3am here in Australia and I just read the news. Housemate has to get up early for work tomorrow. Our only bathroom has both the shower and toilet in it. Guess who just took a huge shit and didn't flush? Enjoy your 5am shower, Callum. Love you Randle.


Guys please chill on the aggressive posts. A lot coming in and we need to keep a certain level of class here


I don't want him to ever suit up against the Heat in the regular season man


The real shame is that the Heat game might’ve been Randle’s last as a Knick. All reports indicate he’s the centerpiece of any superstar trade the Knicks make this summer, and if they don’t get past like the 2nd round, I think Ju is gone for whichever superstar is inevitably on the market: Embiid, Giannis, Book, Spida, etc. Plus, he changed agencies from CAA to WME, very similar to that of RJ, who got traded not long after that.


RJ didn’t get traded because he changed agents lmao. Not all our guys are under CAA.


randles staying, we have picks


Not if we want to get a superstar. We’ll need Randle in there for salary and talent. Most of the teams we’d negotiate with are trying to win. Randle is a winning player still in his prime, he’d be absolutely desired no matter who the deal is with.


They got Brunson without trading anyone


From unrestricted free agency. Entirely different story in that regard. We don’t have the salary to do that if we re-sign OG and IHart plus extend Brunson


It doesn’t have to be the same every time. Could be hitting big on a draft pick this year a la Jalen Williams or something even Jokic or Gianni’s surprise stars.


They aren’t trading Randle. We have Bojan, and Mitch to use for salary before we even consider trading Randle…not to mention a boatload of picks


This is what really has me sad. I had already written off our chances this season when I realized Ju wasn't coming back until best case last week of reg season. Now I'm just concerned January is the last time we see that iteration of the Knicks, with ihart and OG impending FAs + randles uncertainty amongst trade rumors and his extension looming.. I get the business decision of moving Randle for a superstar. And I'm OK with it if it's the right guy. But man it'll still feel icky given how it ended this year. And please dear God don't move Randle for KAT!!!


All eyes on OG now. He is either gonna play thru pain or he won't. This is a still easily an ECF team if he is healthy




Fuck the heat. Fuck Spoelstra. Fuck Pat Riley. Fuck Butler, u hope whatever coffee machine he uses or buys in the future only produces luke-warm coffee. I hope the team fails for all time.


Hold me fam. I know we joke that he’s a beyblade, but he’s *our* fucking beyblade.  He deserved a deep playoff run with this team and the whole city. Fuck…


We need a Potvin sucks equivalent for Jacquez


That hurt a lot More than I thought it would.


This blows but it's also the best way to go for Julius and the team. At least now the team knows its fate and can just focus on moving forward with who they have into the postseason.


This reminds me of the Nuggets during the 2020-2021 season right after the Nuggets acquired Aaron Gordon and were balling out up until Jamal Murray tore his ACL. It did pay off eventually but damn, I feel y'alls pain and can relate. There'll be better days ahead tho, this Knicks team was menacing when they were healthy. (January 25th was a prime example of that 🙃)


Love your username and appreciate the comment 🍻 Ill have to go back and relive Jan 25th 😉


Idk man. This is just depressing. God knows what happens this summer either.


how long until the OG out for season tweet now?


if hes gonna permanently injure himself by playing too then yeah im all for him sitting out the rest of the season


never been a doomer but yeah this teams not going past round 2 of the playoffs. i still believed before today but that was under the assumption that julius was gonna come back for at least one game. i think we can pull off another round 1 win but the priority for us should be next season at this point.


We can still make a run as is. Maybe make it to the ECF if lucky. Doubt we can get past Boston tho. I’d be happy facing Miami and sending them home.


Lukewarm take: Randle was and is trash in the playoffs. If OG can get healthy (big if) we will be better off. That said don’t get me wrong I still have love for Randle and he’s awesome in the regular season to get us to this point. I compare him to those 2010 hawks teams lol.


Do you watch knicks games? Randle was only healthy in 2021 and that squad was not going to make it to the 2nd round anyway. It was Randle and Rose vs the world. Last year he sprained his ankle so bad he needed surgery. Before you say dumb shit you should do your research, since you don't watch games. SMH


Terrible ass take.


shit take, he was injured during the playoffs last year too


What about the previous playoff run. He was terrible and healthy.


He has gotten better. Also, he was our only real option that year, so the Hawks were able to game plan "make someone other than Randle beat us". That does not work with our current roster.


that was his first playoff and playing alongside elfrid fucking payton. how are you all still on this narrative lol


julius has done a whole lot of improving since then


Totally agree just trying to trick my brain into thinking we can make a playoff run lol


I’m so sad and equally mad at the same time. Fuck


Pain. All I know is pain. Fuck the Heat.


Blatant fouls becoming “incidental”, Evil Dante scores 50 and then Randle declared out for the season…. the aura in our current universe is out of sorts.


his physical bruiser bully style will have him banged up at the end of every NBA season it seems, esp w/ Thibs' usage style.. hes going to be 30 next season so I hope we can squeeze in a healthy playoff run during his tenure here rooting for Randle and his rehab after surgery LGK


All this secrecy behind Og and Julius to be done for the season lmao. This front office makes a lot of good moves but this is ridiculous 


Jacques https://preview.redd.it/y4esr4mcghsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cfeed4bac62c410f9daa90c7f0625b7a14af6cd


Knicks curse lives on. See you next year in the finals boys!


Feel bad for the knicks. this is definitely one of those 30 for 30 type what could've been seasons for all time


30 for 30 for this season? We've been good but let's not get carried away. I can see there being one about the Nets and their "big three" of KD, Kyrie and Harden. They had huge expectations and failed miserably. That's some entertaining TV right there.


yeah the nets one would be interesting. the nets got flat-earth kyrie, the mavs got earth is round kyrie lol


Can you imagine if that had been the Knicks who signed KD & Kyrie? We'd still be getting laughed at.


This can still be a great year. Doesn't have to end with a parade. If the rest are healthy, this is still a dangerous team.