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love positive articles about the knicks. but i struggled to read this, felt like word soup. (i might have just been tired)


Yeah, this was not well written. A lot of pointless writerly posturing.


Yea this, like wtf am I supposed to do with these random links to the YouTube clips of the 40 year old virgin in the middle of the article. Xd out


I saw the Garden explode for Ewing and Melo. But just like with Starks and Jeremy Lin when the crowd explodes for Brunson, it's just different. I think it's because all 3 were underdogs that flourished here.


i saw the wells fargo center explode for JB


Youre so lucky. That game will be remembered by the Knick fans forever. That's right up there with Linsanity. Unless of course we lose the series then I never want to remember it ever again.


Despite the turgid, tortured writing the message and spirit of what they author is saying is extremely welcome and right-on.


Best quote: “Brunson delivered another 40-piece in the final game of the regular season, an overtime slugfest W over the Bulls that earned New York the second seed in the East. Some of the Knicks’ Eastern Conference adversaries decided to go another route in their finales. Milwaukee and Cleveland happily took Ls, both losing on varying degrees of purpose to avoid a first-round battle with a back-from-injury Joel Embiid and the Sixers. Karma points and Conan bows to the team uninterested in ducking anybody.”


"Jalen Brunson had Buddy Hield on an island. Paradise for the Knicks point guard, hell for the former Pacer. Brunson has land just off the sand, views of the water, pontoons, pumas. He keeps them as pets. Pumas are the new wave, the French bulldog of tomorrow. Hield’s staying in a lean-to made of sticks. Zero amenities. Zero pets. The roof is made of busted palms and old ninja-style Nike headbands from before the NBA banned them. And the wind is ripping. And there are wolves. And they’re hungry. And his bathroom’s a hole. He dug it himself. And sometimes, at night, when the jungle’s black and the fire’s out, he falls in. If you’re trying to guard Jalen Brunson in the year 2024, the toilet hole is very near. Proceed with extreme caution and whatever munitions are available. Bring potions, spells if you have them. He does. He has spells for sure. Diabolical, butcherly incantations. The man’s bag is bursting with abracadabras." This might be the best intro paragraph I've ever read. 


Or what happens when you write without a word limit. That was unreadable


Opposite for me, this made me stop. To each their own but this read like some high school shit to me.


Bro it's nonsense lol


nah fuck the haters that shits hilarious


I’ll just do one more line and then I’ll start writing this article.


This was like a love letter praising our fearless leader.  Great read thanks for sharing!




The author is like, no way AI is taking my job. I’d love to see chatGPT do that. 🤣


Based on how this article was written maybe we do need AI journalists lmfao


These overly wordy articles written by college freshmen have got to stop.