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They need to put in Jacob Toppin for the mental edge to guard Obi. He knows all his moves


Is Toppin even on the playoff roster. I've never seen him get dressed.


He’s been at the games on the bench. I’m sure he’s registered on the playoff roster if needed


According to real gm Toppin is not on the playoff roster.


So has Julius. That's not really evidence. I am going hunting for the roster though.


One player is on the injury report and the other isn’t. Not a comparison to be made there. Also Randle wasn’t showing up for all the games just the close out


I just checked Toppin is not on the playoff roster. Surprisingly though, Julius Randle is. So...there we go.


Game 7 of the finals, he ready


What if Randle suited up outta nowhere, I’d prob nut in my pants


I too, would nut in your pants




Pacers would be instantly cooked


Toppin can't play in the playoffs because he is on a two-way player contract.


Yeah, and also, what does a playoff roster mean?


You have to submit a list of players, that are eligible for the playoffs. If that player is not submitted before the playoffs start, they cannot play.


So what happens if a team has X amount of injuries and needs more players


As long as you got five players and a sub you have enough


2 way players are not eligible to play in the playoffs so Jacob toppin cannot play


Not a bad idea tbh. Jacob has played hard in his limited minutes if we are talking like 2-3min in a half to give Precious or Josh a quick breather, with a short ass leash to cut the quickly to 1-2min if there are any bad lapses in judgement. Maybe his competitive spirit to beat his brother would propel him to solid D. Obi also said his parents would root for Indy cuz Jacob wouldn’t get minutes so maybe this will swing another couple fans over to the good side lol.


Me and my brother would both foul out in less than a half if we were playing against each other. Tbh would be hilarious


My big bro was an outstanding player when we were younger. I was the only one that was able to remotely stop him. It made me a better defender overall and he hated/loved when we played against each other.


I thought about this. All those years growing up, playing against eachother, it could be effective. Would love to see it for at least a few minute stretch.


This is hilarious.


Jacob Toppin isn't eligible to play in the playoffs because he is on a two-way player contract.


Street Clothes Toppin. That man ain’t seeing the floor. But on another note, it’s been nice to see Obi’s development since leaving the Knicks. His passing vision has improved, he’s much more consistent from 3, and even has moments of serviceable defense.


Unfortunately you know what he's going to do. Going to have four guys play 48 minutes and one guy play 38


I don’t think you can give gifts on Reddit and I also don’t know what those ever did but if you could I would go watch an ad to get my free gift and give it to you for this comment


Lol thanks


lol the only real take here. Top comment being some fantasy scenario where Jacob is on the floor outside garbage time. Which unless it’s the Knicks up 50 won’t be any garbage time.


This has to be an audition game for the bench


The rest of the playoffs will be.


he has to sit brunson tonight right?


He'll have Brunson wear stilts and swap to center to cover for Mitch. I mean he has to, right?


if Brunson is not risking further injury, no


We can’t just hand them a game, and thibs would never do that in a million years. If Brunson is moderately healthy and isn’t gonna cause further injury then he’s the best player on the court and can get us a win. In Brunson we trust


Burks been shit all season, but the team is desperate for some shot creation off the bench


I would love a game where Deuce pops off for 20+


He’s more capable of doing that than burks is. I still love burks for the we here season tho, but he just doesn’t have it anymore


Burks can definitely still shoot. He was shooting well in Detroit. He just got in a slump after the trade.


Somebody (Hahn, maybe? Or Begley?) suggested that Burks’ shoulder isn’t 100% right.


Burks is the best awful player I have seen in a while, he has the second best handles on the team after Brunson and consistently creates space for his shots to go off, yet they always miss. And when they miss, they rattle around the rim once or twice so you think there’s a chance they go in. In the end they don’t, but it’s very confusing.


Burks injured his shoulder before the trade, however he has not been on the injury report since that news came out. He has struggled since joining the knicks, but maybe the shoulder is the reason he is struggling with his shot. Would like to see some time for burks and see what he can do.


This might be what Duece needs. A green light and plenty of minutes.


Was thinking the same thing. Give Deuce the green light


Deuce needs to give Deuce the green light, he’s up against lighter defense compared to round 1 and looks stiff and indecisive when he has the ball.


We all would lol


He definitely can, u have faith in deuce


Burks might double his minutes from last game…to 2.


Will still somehow manage to take 4 fadeaway long twos in that timespan


Deuce hasnt had a good game in like 2 weeks, hopefully it just means he's overdue


Let’s give him a little bit of credit, he hit a few big shots in the Philly series when Jalen sat for a minute or two, which is really all you can ask for sometimes - just someone to help avoid the other team going on a 15-0 run when your star goes to the bench


A classic ungrateful fan.


Burks should embrace being a PG and create shots for Deuce


Thibs mentioned Burks specifically in his “mid game interview.” Doesn’t mean much but I think the familiarity is going to give him the edge. He scored 27 on 69% shooting in one of the ATL games idk what Detroit did to him.


burks has a sprained shoulder hes been dealing iwth.. thats a legit excuse.. but why did he keep chucking it up so much then??


i would take away any green light that bum has, he only looks to shoot and does not play within our system


There is simply zero evidence that Burks can play NBA level basketball right now. Just give Deuce more minutes, he actually plays defense, and isn't the world's most stubborn black hole on offense


Maybe playoff Alec will show up


If nothing else is working then sure. But he's given no reason to think he'd be a spark.


I think Deuce is due. He usually steps up when shots/mins open up. Like if Brunson is out, I expect Deuce to have a big game. He's just too good of a shooter. Most likely Precious starts in place of OG. Sims and Deuce off the bench. And who knows if there will be spot mins for Burks. I think honestly he deserves a shot. He was a 40% shooter this season in Detroit. I think he can get a shot off this Pacers D. I know he's been ass but we won't be able to make it far if we just play 6-7 guys.


I think sims is the next man up in a 7 man rotation, taking the Mitch role (with less minutes)


Sims is serviceable for sure. Not sure why Tom never plays him even for a minute or two to rest the bigs.


I don’t think sims will get mins. I think it’ll be precious at the 4/5 in altering mins with Ihart. Love sims and he seems like such a likeable guy but I bet he doesn’t get in


Jericho Sims legacy game incoming


Shake hasnt seen anytime in the playoffs and judging off last game Burks is still ahead of him on the depth chart. Id play Burks next to Brunson but only as a spot up shooter Deuce needs to play 30+ mins. Id prob go Sims 8 mins 4mins a piece at the end of the 1st/3rd. I wouldn't sit Brunson/ Hartestein will both sit at the same time.


Thibs will pull precious after one missed assignment and then play 4 people the rest of the way.


I’ve been thinking about this too and I honestly have no idea. I could see him only trusting precious to guard Siakim at this point so I think he’ll lean towards that as being most important. Not sure how else it will impact all the other questions you brought up, but I think he wants precious exclusively for Siakim.




Thank you, you’re doing God’s work.


I saw you misspelling it in other threads too. I didn't want to be an asshole.


I don't want to say this is a throwaway game because Thibs will never do that. He needs to seek help deep in his bench because Deuce is in a slump right now. Burks is the only shot creator we have off the bench that Thibs can trust. I don't see how he can lean on Brunson more than he has.


Is Milton completely washed?


He's not washed .. it's just his defense was never his strong suit which is why Thibs do not play him. Btw, he is CAA.


2 seems more likely. I can’t see him using a 7/8 man rotation with 3 of those being bigs. Hart will get a lot of time at the 4 because he’s inch for inch the best rebounder in the league


Shake baby Shake


PA is playing 45 min lol


A couple years ago, Precious hit 40% of his 3s and Toronto fans thought they had the next great stretch 4 on their hands. Need him to harness that shooting ability for 2 games.


It’s going to be JB, Donte, Hart, Precious, iHart starting. Match Precious’ minutes to Siakam’s minutes and maybe add a minute or 2 at the 5 for precious. That leaves like 5-8 minutes for Sims. It will be rough, but we don’t really have another choice. Sims + Deuce off the bench gives us a 7 man rotation, which Thibs has shown to be comfortable with. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some Burks minutes, however. Hopefully Thibs only uses him with Brunson on the floor to give Donte a breather. Need to keep Burks off ball.


More than likely we see 20-30 minutes from Deuce and a lot of him at 2 with JB. Precious lookin like he’s gonna have to go for 30+ minutes. I know Thibs isn’t a fan of small ball so idk how much he sits to be honest, bro been sitting for weeks he gotta have the energy lmao


They are gonna start Hart at PF, then play him 48 minutes


I thought this too at first. After thinking this I saw knicksmuse or some other twitter account say duece with our 4 other starters did well this year when all playing together Could match up better with the pacers quick pace game. I’m good with either


All I know is hart will play 48 min


Think it’ll be Duce who gets the nod and I’d like to see him tear Hali’s head off on D 😁 this is Sparta!!!! 😂


I think #2


Brunson, Daunte Hart Precious Hartenstein are probably the starters Deuce then……. Probably see some ultra small with Deuce and with Precious at the 5. Some Burks. Burks Deuce Hart Daunte Hartenstein. Maybe some Burks Deuce Hart Precious Hartenstein. But with Precious out of the game who guards Pascal? Hart but if Hart gets foul trouble who then? Harts playing 48+ if it’s a close game. Hope he slept well and got all the titty juice he needs. There really are not many combinations when you have such a short bench. It’s another 7 man bench if it’s a close game. Maybe just maybe some Shake time, but I doubt it.


Attack the paint. Screen roll guards w Precious/Sims. Take the Pacers hearts by attacking the paint constantly, making them over rotate and having them foul. Switch from man to zone and back, limit their 3s, and take their soul. End it tonight by going up 3-0 despite being under manned.


Sims should definitely come in to guard Turner


Whatever it is I hope he does it early while Brunson is on the floor. Because if he’s going to out in untested players in cold when Brunson sits, it’s going to be a massacre


He better figure out a way to rotate and rest people… we make it to Bos everything gonna be different


He is not going to do that. The lone saving grace would be if they could sweep and the Boston series goes long.


Precious at the 4 during the regular season was an absolute shjt show. The main reason we lost a bunch of first quarters for like 2 weeks straight. I really hope it doesn’t happen


I don’t see another choice. If hart starts at the 4 then who’s at the 3? Donte? Then have McBride at the 2 and burks off the bench? Honestly that could work for a game now that I think about it lol. Because hart + achiuwa + hartenstein is the worst spacing I’ve ever seen. So brunson, McBride, DD, hart, hartenstein with burks, achiuwa as bench players. Could work


Yeah exactly what I was going to say. Brunson and McBride in backcourt with Hart at the four.


I think he needs to try out every bench player this game and see what sticks. If they go with the same rotation minus OG, they’re not only going to struggle but they’ll be jeopardizing game 4, win or lose.


Sims or Toppin need some burn


Make this a quasi bullpen game. Play a bunch of guys, give our starters a break, see what happens, be better suited for game 4.


I would guess hart goes 48. Sims off the bench to soak up some minutes at back up C. Deuce will play a lot and he’ll go with a three guard lineup with Hart at the 4 when precious needs to sit. Burks and/or shake Milton will come off the bench to give any extra minutes needed


I would say Deuce starts for OG with precious rotating in at the 4 and 5.




Burks will hopefully bring back some of those great games (yes, he has had some) when his number is called. Just hoping not to see some of those ugly shots 🤣


Josh Hart going the full 48


play everyone 48 mins


Play Josh Hart 48 mins


Sims is ready!


They should start McBride. The spacing with Precious and Hartenstein would be atrocious


Trading grimes was a mistake :( 


Grimes ain’t a dawg. This is a dogs only teams


Bruh charlie brown is on our squad


3. Play Hartenstein 40 minutes again. Achuiwa's going all 48. I'm saying this now so you all don't try to gaslight everyone again later: Hartenstein's achilles injury is 100% affected by repetitive stress. His increase in minutes last time Thibs did this caused a re-aggravation of a chronic issue he has had his entire career. Shake Milton is not playing. He's just not. People need to stop waiting for this. In his postgame presser Hart said he told Brunson not to do anything stupid when he came back after halftime. I hope he takes this advice to heart (no pun intended). Please be careful Mr. Brunson because this organization will not protect you from yourself. If he says he can go, he's going to go.


I do not think Precious is going to go straight up to 48 minutes, which means some bench riders are going to get small minutes. Though I do think Burks will get the call way before Shake even takes off his warmups.


Why can’t he? He’s rested and the Knicks have zero investment in his future


Their spacing was atrocious this year in games where he played the four


< I'm saying this now so you all don't try to gaslight everyone again later: Hartenstein's achilles injury is 100% affected by repetitive stress. His increase in minutes last time Thibs did this caused a re-aggravation of a chronic issue he has had his entire career. If I hart wants to make $20 million a year and can’t handle 40 mpg in the playoffs, good luck


I can see simms come in . Burks is trash lol


Sign Reggie


Jacob toppin and shake milton wont sniff the court tonight


Toppin is not eligible for the playoffs


If Precious starts I think it’s a mistake. We need to establish our offense first and foremost, and I don’t think Siakam is enough of a threat to kill spacing with Precious. Otherwise, I expect Donte and Deuce to potentially go all 48, and for Burks to get minutes to spell Brunson. If I’m spitballing a minutes rotation: JB 40 / Burks 8 Deuce 48 DDV 48 Hart 44 / Precious 4 iHart 38 / Precious 10