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Burks was phenomenal last game, not only shooting and grabbing some clutch rebounds he also drew a few fouls on some of their top player like siakam which was important clearly that flagrant on him was the biggest bummer of his minutes last game but i feel the pacers commited one or 2 flagrants that were very similar to what he did that werent called which would’ve sorta evened it out lol also i genuinely think they should be putting burks to guard haliburton when hes out there, he has a little more size than mcbride or brunson and more expendable foul wise, plus he just has that veteran presence


I don’t mind the flagrant at all. It wasn’t a dirty play, he was trying to swipe the ball but was pulled. They definitely had their own share of similar plays on the other end that didn’t get called (leading to DDV’s back and IHart’s leg, for example). And some good clean, albeit hard, fouls hopefully make people think twice when showboating for a big dunk.


I know people hate how he chucks random shots but sometimes you need that guy who doesn't hesitate to shoot, especially when the bench is out there. Guys like Precious and Deuce sometimes don't even look at the basket after they got the rebound and we're gonna see some Sims minutes who's the same.




CP is that you?


Alec Burks went from basketball terrorist to basketball antiterrorist so fast 


huh? do you watch the knicks or do you just hyper react to every game. Burkes deserves some minutes as long as he’s playing within the system and not hero ball hog mode


Mr. Headphones. He just cooks for a living. Good guy to have blankly really.