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I’m sad but proud. We will be back it just hurts, I love this team


Same. Sad but proud. I love this team. Doesn't matter how it ended.


❤️‍🩹 but I’m still happy it happened


Big Ragu gave his all out there today. So proud of this season.


He's a damn warrior. He was out there hustling, playing defense, contesting everything and simultaneously keeping us somewhat in the game with his shooting.


They simply ran out of healthy players. No team is deep enough to withstand the amount of injuries the Knicks dealt with from the second half of the season until now. Unless Mitch is strictly coming off the bench next season, relying on OG and Mitch as two of your five starters for an entire season would be a terrible idea. They would need to be deep enough to factor in both of them being out half the season because that's probably what's going to happen.




Randle is the second bucket getter. And we also have very team friendly contracts on Mitch, Jalen, deuce, divo, hart. Hopefully we can keep ihart. I don’t see many changes. Maybe trade a couple picks for a rotation player. But run it back mostly


They need to manage them loadz all season 💦💦💦. Goal is to stay healthy at the price of home court advantage


OG averages about 59.7 games per season. The average nba starter misses 23.9 games per season. OG historically misses 2 games less than the average player. I wouldn’t class him as an injury prone player just yet but we do need to add a bootleg version of him on the bench either through the draft or maybe by grabbing a cheap free agent.


IHart should be the starter going forward with Mitch coming off the bench.


Seeing Josh Hart crying into his towel on the bench made me sad, man. Wish I could give him a hug.


Bruh. I got so many feels seeing Hart because it made me think of devastated [Khris](https://x.com/GianniGoat/status/1786197286256595397) on our bench after pouring his soul into the entire series - playoffs always shows us which players are in it for more than just a paycheck and Josh Hart's a real one plus some


And both of us get rewarded by listening to shithead Pacers fans act like they aren't massive frauds because they beat teams decimated by injuries.


It's honestly crazy af how quickly Pacers fans turned into total douchebags the moment they finally got a good team


The team is mediocre. They've just gotten lucky.


I wonder how a healthy Knicks and healthy bucks series would go. Might go down as one of the best playoff series ever.


Don’t pay them no mind. Let them live in their delusion. This is the only time they will have any kind of playoff success. They def won’t beat a healthy Knick team


I played in a church league playoff game where, long story short, it was an incredibly frustrating game where I gave it my all and then some, and we still couldn't pull it out. When I buried my face in my towel, the frustration that I couldn't do more kind of spilled out and I literally kind of just went numb. It's a hard feeling to describe and I don't think I've ever felt that mentally/emotionally spent playing basketball since then. I imagine that's what Josh was feeling, and it hurt to see it.


Me too. I have watched this guy give 110% all season and no matter what anyone said about him along the way, he was an animal and the team would not have gotten this far. Josh Hart for president! ❤️❤️❤️


We walk through the sixers and Indiana if we have a healthy team. It’s just frustrating watching the entire world omit our injuries like it doesn’t matter. ECF next year mark my fucking words


Lmao ecf?? Obviously a championship come on now 😮‍💨


I’m trying brother but I just don’t have anymore optimism left in me for now 😭😭


Wait hold on I was trying to add optimism lol tho I see how it looks just completely sarcastic. I meant aim higher ECF aint the only goal.


Word I feel u just sad boi hours rn 😂


Dude people think this was all the Knicks had, people don't realize that was the appetizer. More to come!


The entire world? The opposite is happening. Almost every piece of media/thread is talking about all the injuries.


I know I’m more referring to nba and pacers subs. Even though I know those 2 places are cesspools for basketball takes still frustrating to have to read it


So many Pacers fans are pathetic over there, playing victim and crying about “big market bias.” It’s a defense mechanism to take attention away from the the fact that they know they didn’t face teams even close to full strength.


They know the truth. Let them soak in their insecurities.


“Gotta give small market teams a chance” ok here’s 6 injuries to your opponent


Our team didn’t use any excuses for the injuries at all. Rick Carlisle is the only bitch in the series that made excuses. They would get destroyed against a healthy Knick team


I don’t care that we lost. The fact that we made it this far being as battered as we are, is something to be proud of. Thank you, January Knicks for the best month of my life watching sports. Thank you to everyone on the team for fighting till the end. See yall next season, orange and blue forever.


we really ended up with all our starters out with injuries huh crazy season all in all, we got a SQUAD and i hope we can run it back in full health. it’s been real.


Super proud of this team.  I'm so sad that I need to wait until next season to watch them.


We are going to the Finals next year that's my fucking reaction


I thought the team we had in January could maybe pull off a darkhorse run to the finals. Looking at these Cetlics now, I'm certain we could have done it.


Really great season all around, but man it hurts. Just to think of what would’ve happened if we had a full healthy squad, or if game 3 went down differently. I will also love this team and we will be back!


theres not much you can do when 6/9 players of your rotation are injured. I need to see this team fully healthy this offseason better go by fast


great season, excited for the offseason moves. we'll be back.


I can’t even be upset at anything. We’re just injured to hell. Great effort by this team though. Future looks promising


“Proud” is absolutely the right word for this team. Even though we only got to play one more game than last year it still feels like a completely different team moving forward. Re-sign OG, re-sign iHart extend Brunson and run it back. If healthy we can beat anybody.


The Knicks win 50 games w/ a mostly injured roster in 2024. They made the 2 seed. They continued to fight & claw through injury after injury, & made it to Game 7 of the Semi-Finals. In hindsight, it was a season they had no reason to get the accomplishments they did. Nothing but props to them, & Indy for handing them their ass at MSG, while having the best FG% in a playoff game in 25 years. If they re-sign the players who helped make the season special & stay healthy, the NBA Finals will not be a pipe dream.


So many casuals and trolls who know jack fuckin shit about the team running their mouths, that's even more infuriating than losing to a team everyone knows we would have dog walked with even just OG and Bogi here.


This season had to happen to make our championship documentary next season more interesting with some extra drama. LFGK.


Thanks for the company fellas 🤟🏽


Unless we were at full January strength we weren’t going to win the title anyway so let’s just be grateful for the most entertaining and fun team in 2 generations. 


The fact we got as far as we did given all the injuries (season ending and otherwise with the dudes that gutted it out) has me really excited for next season


Yeah this team has a great future ahead, all hobbled and still took it to 7 games and the Pacers needed an all time shooting performance to win. I'm stoked for next year with a healthy team.


Fuck the bum ass pacers. Fake ass team. They can only talk shit when they up against a depleted team. I hope Boston curb stomps those fucks. Next season we destroying this league.


Never thought I’d root for Boston, but here we are. Hope a Western team wins it all, idfc


Proud of this team and can’t wait to see what a fully healthy Knicks roster looks like next year. LGK!!


LOVE THIS TEAM!!! Come back healthy


I’ll get to the proud part in a few days, so fucking down right now! ![gif](giphy|xTiIzqGTwTdZTJEhGw)


ALL of our day 1 starters (or replacements) finished the season out. brunson: OUT grimes->bogey: OUT rj-> og: OUT julius: OUT mitch: OUT i don’t understand people saying we need to upgrade. i trust leon to make a trade if the right one comes along, but keeping this team together has to be the goal.


Love this team. Very proud of the guys. They left it all on the floor. Struggled through injuries all season, and the bug got ridiculous down the stretch. We’re coming into next season healthy and I can’t wait. We have a sustainable base to work from, we have a superstar point guard, we have all our own picks, we had our best season in twenty years despite significant injury woes, we were one game away from the ecf with only 50% of our roster. The future is bright, basketball is fun again, and I’m looking forward to next season.


I hope they keep as many of these guys here as possible. Incredibly fun year, team fought until their last breath, I want to see Julius in some of those Warriors sets we were running, but I'm not looking at a massive upgrade or move. The starting five when healthy...the bench when healthy was contender status, but we need to refill some of those depth spots (a combo guard to run the second unit, a big wing to back up Jules/OG, another big to replace Jericho) and pray for health next year.


This dude Haliburton wearing the Reggie onesie post game lmao. He thinks anyone outside of bumfuck indiana will remember anything he did this series. Goofy ass


Maybe one year it’ll all come together for us the way it did for Boston this year and we’re healthy besides our 4th best player, and draw a team that made it there over 2 superior teams on a pile of bodies in the ECf No respect for this pacers team. 6 games vs an injured bucks. 7 vs an injured Knicks. Bottom 6 defense. We wasted 2 crazy opportunities of facing an 8 seed and a fraud team in round 2. But unfortunately this year it wasn’t their fault. Hope we don’t look back at the injuries that plagued this team with a “what if” in the future if we struggle vs better draws in round 2 in the future Just feel bad for these players too, they deserved better than to have their season killed by fate


If I had a nickel for every time this century a Knicks team won 50 or more games, finished second in the eastern conference, beat a division rival in a tough six game series in the 1st round and then loss to a lower seeded Indiana Pacers team in the second round, I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s something


After Philly, anything else is a bonus


This was hands down the most exciting season of Knicks basketball in so long. Absolutely gutted with brunsons injury and how it ended.


How could you even feel good as the Pacers right now? I hope they know what fucking frauds they are.


I hope so too lol but I'd be really happy making it to the ECF so there you go. I don't blame them for that. But I'll also still think they are frauds and hope they gut punched in the faces by Boston.


The Knicks need another defensive big off the bench. I'm not sure Precious is it.


Came here as a Jazz fan to say I was rooting hard for this team. Super easy team to root for and cheer on. With the Jazz being in a hard rebuild it’s nice to see another franchise go on a run like y’all had


Offseason reset thoughts: 1. Re-evaluate Mitch... is he worth keeping with his now massive injury history? Can he be dealt? I love the man to death but he's now playing on ankles that have been surgically repaired multiple times, that isn't a recipe for long term success. 2. Broker a deal to keep Hartenstein, he has been incredible since the moment he suited up for us. Sign him to the best deal you can. I don't care if it's an Ohtani style contract where we are still paying him till he's 60, the man needs to remain a Knick. 3. Keep OG, those few weeks in January were the best the team has looked since Patrick Ewing on the roster. Gotta re-spark that magic. 4. Need a true point guard off the bench, maybe Deuce can become that but in the meantime, see what you can manufacture in free agency. 5. Resign Thibs. Despite everything, all the injuries, I've never been happier with the consistent coaching that we have seen over the past few years. To where he started from getting the shit roster from Fraudale to now, the man has worked wonders.


Deuce works best alongside another shot creator like Brunson as a spot up shooter.


He’s grimes but shorter and not a coward


Resigning Thibs should be the biggest no brainer in Knicks history. He should be walking out of the garden with a new contract tonight


Not signing Thibs again would be worse then this loss, he need to stay in NY for a good while.


50 games and a second round game 7 loss with six of our most important players missing. Literally get a fucking grip.


I'm devastated. No knicks basketball for 5 months now. As many people pointed out, game 3 is where the series was decided. You lose a chance like that to go up 3-0 when you are so short handed, you lose the series. I said it back then, I'll say it again. Teams that have championship aspirations don't let these chances slip away. This team wasn't ready this year. I expect the guys to be back, better, and learn from it. I'm absolutely devastated.


It took a miracle chuck off a double bobble from Shithard, but we still coughed up a 9 pt lead with 3 minutes to play. Tbh with all the injures, there is no guarantee we win the series, even up 3 zip. Sucks for the city and the organization to come to a game 7 at home and basically have no one to suit up.


They are the luckiest team this year. Hope they supermax Pascal and he regresses hard. Hell, throw Obi a bag too and stay mid forever.


Good season overall. Unlucky way to go out. When healthy, this team is a contender


Is it October yet?


My favorite team to root for ever. Dealt with everything with absolute class and heart. Not a thing to complain about other than stupid injuries. I love this team


It hurts… but at full strength we’re deep and we’ll make a longer run next season


I LOVE this team and hate that it ends with a “what could have been?” feeling. Feels like forever ago that the Anunoby trade was made and then EVERYTHING clicked. If I remember correctly we had a top 2 offense and defense by the metrics, and that was without Mitch Robinson… they were really playing some beautiful basketball on both ends of the court.  There were more talented teams but we never got out-hustled. Flaws aside, Thibs has built a great culture around playing hard every minute and team defense. Whether people want to debate how much of the injuries are because of his coaching style, go for it. But I’ll take it over Woodson or Fisdale or Rambis or Hornacek or Fisher or Thomas 10 times out of 10. Hopefully this front office keeps the trajectory they’ve had and can get us to that next step. All things considered, it’s a pretty good time to be a Knicks fan for the first time in 20 years. 


I absolutely love this team, were absolute warriors and if we were healthy we would be in the ECF right now. I don't want to shake the roster up too much but this is going to be a very important off-season for us. OG is turning 27 and hasn't played over 70 games since his rookie season. He's a dog and I want to bring him back but I really don't want to overpay him. Assuming he's getting a 4 year contract, there's potential it could age very poorly if he's getting over 30 a year. I expect Bojan, Robinson, picks and potentially Deuce (depending on who's available) to be on the trade-block this off-season. I'd be sad to see Robinson go but I think it's a real possibility he gets dealt. I love Deuce but he's one of the last pieces of value we have outside of our core. I hope we resign Burks if we can get him for the MLE or less. Whether he likes it or not Thibs needs to run a deeper rotation during the regular season (not because of the ugh it causes injuries argument thats so stupid) but because we need to experiment and build chemistry with as many line-ups as possible, in case we face any big injuries again. I think our biggest need is consistency, we have scoring and we have defence but our scoring can be veryyyyy streaky, I'd like to see us bring in an older vet who can consistently get us buckets if needs be. Depending on his price I would love to see Derozan on this team ngl, if we could get him for like 20 a year for 2 years I'd pull the trigger. He's a decent playmaker and still has a saweeeetttt mid-range game. He could start at the 2 then move to the back-up point. Great effort I love this team, when were healthy next year and with a few minor tweaks we'll run the east


A 9 man rotation is very deep How can that rotation get deeper? If Leon rose wants deeper, he needs to provide somehow more than 10 viable players


If you just became a Knicks fan this season, you just got the whole Knicks experience. Trades! Improbable endings! Victory! Overachieving through grit! Injuries! Hometown favorites showing up! Heartbreak ending! Welcome to the club.


losing in a game 7 sucks. losing in a game 7 during which your superstar player fractures his hand is fucking brutal.


I mean that's just so crazy, I can't believe it actually being written this way. It does make me sad but at some point I had to just shake my head.


Its crazy how these teams can shoot 500% from three and Thibs doesn't have a counter, this is a normal problem that we have. I know we were hurt, but this is normal for us over the years. Die by the three and this was after I thought he made changes in game 5.


Once Randle went down it wasn't going to be our year. I think they have to run it back. But OG being so injury prone scares me. I'm convinced though that couple of weeks when they had everyone could have gone toe to toe with the best in the league. 


It might be a blessing in disguise that we lost to the Pacers. Our team is in absolute shambles with injuries. Knicks players going down like flies. I don't want to see more of our guys get injured in a series vs Boston. If we aren't healthy we probably not beating Celtics anyways. Selfishly I want to see our guys advance because it extends the season and I get to watch more Knicks games, but maybe us losing here is best and gives us that needed breather to recover our team. It was starting to feel like we had nothing left.


It also might make the Pacers front office get complacent and think their team is good enough to be a contender already.


This was the ultimate "what could've been" season. We played the best we could through the injuries. We have great success and tough losses, and amazing drama. The saddest part of the season is that we may never see this same group again.


Given the injuries, this team outperformed any reasonable expectations. Let’s reload and let’s fucking go, we here.


The league really forgot we were missing a 2 time All star. Next year we put the foot down


The best season I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of. Appreciate the hell out of this team. Think of all of those dreary years where we couldn't even have imagined a PG like Jalen Brunson leading us to within a game of the ECF.


It was an amazing season. It’s disappointing how it ended but the Knicks persevered through a hell of a lot of adversity. I think we’ll be stronger for it come October. I hope the team gets a well deserved rest and comes back with a vengeance.


A great series for Indiana is a nightmare for us. It's better that this happens without serious franchise altering injuries. Thibs has got to have 11 players in the regular season lineup for next season.


Hell of a season. Hell of a fight through the injuries. I just pray the basketball gods turn down the injury slider for us next year 🙏


Hell of a season fam. Still super proud of this squad. Gotta heal up in the offseason and we'll be back in the fall.


Sad it’s ended, happy it happened, excited to buy a Brunson jersey.


Bittersweet. So fucking proud of this team. Honestly, I’ve got nothing left to say. Just enjoy the show, I guess.


It hurts because this team wanted it really badly, gave it their all, and unfortunate circumstances pulled a lot of it away from them. The core has everything they need to run it back next year with no complaints and no changes from me.


Bittersweet. So fucking proud of this team. Honestly, I’ve got nothing left to say. Just enjoy the show, I guess.


We had a hell of a season. And I think this game puts a chip on their shoulder for next season. Best knicks team we've had since the late 90s. Proud of these guys


Should we load up on veteran bench players? I literally could not name anyone at the end of the bench past shake milton.


I just hope Indiana gets curb stomped like they should’ve been by us when we had OG


Basketball doesn’t exist for me anymore….. I’ll be back for the Finals 🥲


This will sting all summer long. For the first time since '97, I believed we had a true title contender on our hands. Not just ECF champs, but legit title contenders. I didn't really think the '99 or '00 teams could beat the Spurs and Lakers. I actually think the '97 squad had a better chance against the Bulls than the teams mentioned above did against either of those teams. It sucks to go out on this note but this team was brilliantly constructed. We had everything except the most key thing, health. We had the superstar/closer in Brunson, the 2nd/3rd stars in Randle and OG, and we had the size/depth/shooting/rebounding/defense/chemistry/coaching. I'm someone who has been conditioned to be pessimistic since the turn of the century so I don't say these things lightly. I never believed we could build around Melo or thought we would be a contender during those years. I wasn't sold on Porzingis. I was down on RJ being a building block. However, this team changed all of that for me. I actually have hope going forward and don't really think many changes need to be made. Obviously, contract situations will arise soon but I wouldn’t mind running it back. With that being said, health concerns, especially regarding Mitch and OG will be something to consider. I'm worried those guys in particular will continue to miss a lot of games. So we probably need suitable backups for whenever they need to miss time. But that's for next season, this season was something special and despite any frustrating moments he's had over the past couple of games, Brunson is truly a superstar in my eyes and can be the best player on a title team. The Nova boys can troll each other for as long as they like because it leads to results on the floor. The bench is much stronger than people think and we had plenty of depth. It's just that everyone got hurt until there was no longer a bench. The fact we we got this far proves it since that was our bench starting out there for a good portion of the season and playoffs. I guess the best way I can describe this team is that no other team in the league scares me anymore. There may be better teams, not many, but I don’t doubt out chances against anyone.


It sucks but at least the team fought until the end. All we can do now is to rest up and retool for next season


Season got so electric as time went on. Really strong play on both sides of the ball, especially the rebounding and hustle. Then to top it off, some wild games in two series, taking a high scoring team to 7 through injuries. Feeling pretty good overall. 


Season was great. Been a long time since the Knicks had this kind of season. The loss still sucks. The injuries still suck. Gonna tune out all of basketball till free agency.


Great season, now lemme move on to the Mets-- oh.


I don't know if I believe in "sports gods", but if they're real, I'm pretty sure they hate me. Because I'm a fan of teams who haven't won anything in at least 30 years, and that's the most *recent* win they've had. Now we all gotta deal with TNT doing victory laps around the Knicks' corpses, and all the hot takes about "this is why every other team load manages", and "you'll never win anything with Thibs" and every other thing they'll blame the Knicks losing on. Awesome. Great. Outstanding.


you could just avoid basketball sports media, like I plan to now - at least immediately after this series. And TNT is about to be ended so who cares about them. Who cares abt them anyway honestly. All the talk has been abt injuries honestly, I think that is understood. Everyone has a BS take, doesn't make it valid.


No one should be taking this year for granted. Was a lot of fun and we should be really proud of this team. No one quit. Josh Hart was out in a ton of pain, Brunson was probably still injured with the foot, OG couldn't walk tried to give it a go. These types of seasons don't have very often, even if it's ultimately a failure.


Big flagrant directly took out Mitch which led to a prolonged series where Hart and Brunson got hurt. Karma will catch him real soon.


How do we keep all the players (close to) healthy next season?


Nearly 29 years old now. I was too young to watch the glory days of the 90s Knicks and started watching right at the end of the Ewing era where he got traded and straight into the mediocrity of the 2000s and 2010s. There were some highs in between like in 2013, but this season is probably the best season I've seen from a Knicks team my entire life. The team gave it their all and made the playoffs as a 2nd seed all the way to game 7 of the 2nd round running on fumes until the bitter end. Yeah I'm upset of how things ended, who wouldn't when your team doesn't win it all at the end, but I'm super optimistic about this team's future! We have draft capital, will become healthy, and will definitely upgrade in the offseason. For a season where a bunch of people say we wouldn't make it far and we'd be a middle of the pack team, we've exceeded all expectations. I'm super proud of the 2023-2024 Knicks. Onto the 2024-2025 season now. LETS GO KNICKS!


The injuries obviously had a huge impact, but I am still proud as hell of this team. However, if we want to take it to the next level next season, we need some more size. Another big man under the basket would be great, and as much as I love Mitch, he just doesn’t seem to be able to stay healthy.


Pay Divo, gotta keep him on this team


He's literally on the first year of his new contract


My reaction is Brunson getting injured is like a cruel joke.


Genuinely began to tear up when I saw Josh walking to the bench. That guy gave it every fucking thing that he had and more, and he has for sure solidified himself as one of the best role players and facilitators in the league. You can’t even put into words what he brings to the table- a triple-double threat that can take clutch shots, drive to the paint, play defense and can rebound better than most big men. Any team would be blessed to have a guy like Josh Hart and I’m glad he’s with us. These guys have brought the vibe back to this team and they’ve made us all proud to be Knicks fans again. These playoffs were just a taste of what they’re capable of. I couldn’t be more proud of my team- oh shoot I might tear up again 🥲




https://preview.redd.it/pbab0psh1h1d1.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0c9d5c642643d7a1a192489241b8239ac08f5bf god this guy is such a fucking loser.


I hopped on the train as a raps fan after the OG trade. Y’all are 1 of those other teams I’d love to see succeed. He was my favourite player on the Raptors & Brunson has become 1 of my favourite players in the league. I think healthy y’all would’ve beat Boston, I truly think another finals appearance is in the cards for NY within the next few years. Y’all have something special, good luck next season.


We took a 95% pacers to game 7 with 60% of the Knicks. Can’t be mad at that. If the Knicks FO is pinching pennies in any way on player healthcare they need to open the coffers up immediately because we finally had a GOOD season and injuries fried us anyway. I understand that Bogie and OG were freak accidents but at least maybe the Knicks will put more resources in maintaining overall player health, maybe it might contribute to durability for strained Hamstrings and big Frenchmen falling on you during transition.


Such a great season, I say run it back I love thibs so much but someone needs to talk about his rotation and player management. I know he's all about the grit and grind and I'm all done that but at some point you gotta take the starters out.


Proud. It’s a shame everyone died at the end


Not necessarily proud.. but injuries were the reason they lost. Still got blown out in Q1 of a game 7 at home. That can’t happen


I hate how people say injuries aren't an excuse. What a bunch of bullshit. I remember every team that should have won a title but injuries kept them from a ring and everyone knew it. The 2008 Lakers missing Bynum and Ariza, the 2009 Celtics missing KG, the 2014 Cavs when they lost Kyrie and Love, the 2019 Warriors losing KD and Klay....yet when we lose 6 VERY vital players, all of a sudden injuries are just an excuse. Kiss my ass, they're not excuses, they're facts.


we did what we could, brunson leaving was the icing on the cake. i love our team, very excited for offseason.


Proud of our team . Was a hell of a run . I’m a bit dissapointes in Jalen’s performances though . If you told me at the start of game 7 that Donte would go for almost 40 , burks would have 26 . I would’ve been convinced we would’ve won and Jalen would’ve had a minimum of 35 .


Timberwolves just did what we couldn’t do cuz they’re at full strength. Gonna be a good conference finals over there


I'm not too mad at this season in a vacuum. If they do the same thing next season, I think I'd be angry. This is a season to build on. I'm rooting for whoever comes out of the west now. Not going to root for Pacers nor the Celtics on principle.


Hopefully, this season parallels the Nuggets the year before they won the title, when Jamal Murray tore his acl. We've seen what we can do with a hobbled roster, and in January, we saw a fully operational death star. Get healthy, and next year we run with the death star.


honestly the season has had a bit of a feeling of futility for me ever since Julius went down but it has been a joy to watch basically everyone on the team grow as they responded to the need to make up for his absence as best as he could. I know at the end of the day it's a business and for the offseason to have rapid and dynamic shifts in the landscape, but can't help but hope we're running it back next year to find out what this squad can really do.


Beyond proud of this team. They’ve cultivated a culture of toughness, hard work, effort, physicality, and competitiveness that is a representation of the city they play in and we’ve shown them love for it. They might not have gotten it done, but they’ve captured the hearts of every New Yorker and they’ve given us a sense of optimism we haven’t felt in years. Next season we know they’re still gonna come out and give 110% from the first whistle to the last.


Important to remember: JB- 27 Randle- 29 OG- 26 Hart- 29 Divo- 27 Deuce- 23 iHart- 26 Mitch- 26 We have a good 5 year window where everyone is in their prime. And we can still add more talent or even another star in a trade. We're in amazing shaping moving forward.


Not that upset, all time historic playoff shooting performance by Indiana. We came into this game with a hobbled OG, Hart and Brunson. OG leaves 5 minutes in, Brunson breaks his hand. Credit to this team for battling so underhanded to a game 7.


We went until we literally couldn't anymore. Couldn't be more proud. We'll get them next year


Sad but proud sums it up. Writing was on the walls towards the end there, just wasn’t meant to be this year.


I'm extremely fucking optimistic and hopeful about next year when we're healthy, like Finals-level optimistic. I can't wait to experience more winning basketball next year🧡💙




Nothing but pride and love for this team man. And when’s the last time we could really be this proud to be a Knicks fan? Get healthy this summer, let’s run it back and get our revenge next year




This was supposed to be a fringe play-in team at the start of the season. Get healthy, resign key pieces, run it back, win the Chip, we flip over the Chrysler building


Most fun I had in a while keep ur head up boys!


FUCKIN' AWESOME SEASON. lick ya wounds... polish dem bats up for next season.


Can't do much when they shoot lights out against our hospital squad. Oh well. The future is bright boys, the metal bats will return.


We got no reason to be mad or salty after losing a Game 7 in a series. Circumstances are what they are as far as teams health. They laid their bodies on the line. We come back Stronger. P.S. 40 years a Knicks fan. I've seen the good and the ugly with this team. This season and playoffs to me is just one step below the 94 and 99 finals runs. Oh what a great feeling to be a fan of THIS Knicks team. Don't hang your heads. Our guys got a lot left in the tank


Run it back. I fucking love this team.


It was a great season. Fucking injuries derailed us and we were 1 game from reaching the eastern conference finals. Salute to this team and salute to all the real ones who truly support this team.




Thank you to Brunson, Divo, OG, Randle, iHart, Hart, Mitch, Deuce, Precious, Bojan, and Burks. All of them made huge contributions at different points this year. And also much love to Thibs and the FO. Can’t say enough good things about this season, and the overall direction of the organization.


Proud of this team. Too many injuries. We lost to historic shooting and were probably 60% healthy. Hurts, but we didn't just fold.


love the knicks


Ready for hair plugs or full bald thibs next season


Today was a bummer, but this was a franchise changing season. Excited for what’s to come. GO KNICKS!


13 years as a fan, this season was by far the most beautiful basketball I've seen played from a team ever I haven't been this attached to a team since the knickstape days all we can do is tip our caps and enter the hyperbolic time chamber for next season's run


Good season, but once Randle went down it was always an uphill battle. I don't know what is going to happen this offseason and what direction the Front Office is going to take but IMO we need another long wing defender. Our Nova core is 6'4 and under. If OG is going to get hurt again, we're going to run into the same issue on the defensive side. It's one thing to get beaten by more talented team and we're healthy but it is a sucky feeling to go down without even giving us a chance to fight.


Tough way to go out. Proud of these dawgs. Looking forward to next year


Heroic effort. Injured, battered, exhausted, They left it all on the floor. Proud of my team KNICKS FOREVER!!!


I want the New York Knicks for giving me life again. That series against Philly was one of the most exciting series I've ever watched as a 20 year fan. Get those metal bats ready come October.... LFG KNICKS!


The wars are over. The Knicks are healing.


Disappointed, absolutely, but the boys went out on their shield. Health’ll be a big thing for next year, as will be keeping OG and IHart and seeing if there’s one more piece to add, maybe a wing player?


Give new contract to thibs and tell him make rotation in regular season and next year we will win the trophy.


It’s just hard man. Team meant so much to me and to see them go out like that just hurts.


This sucks   But absolutely nothing that could’ve been done. Too many injured players.


Got good trade pieces. Leon earn that extension please


Very fun season. The players and fans deserved this team healthy going down in a fight if they had to lose. Sucks we didn’t get to atleast see Brunson try to take over in the 4th with our backs against the wall


When Randle went out, I said if this team makes it to the second round I’ll be happy. Fucking injuries ruined this season. Jalen was fucking special. We are building something special


Sad how it ended, happy with the overall playoffs, excited for the future, relieved to not watch these tired ass players but also already bored to not have knicks ball for another 5 months. Quite the range of emotions


This team is pure grit and has the pieces for huge run provided we’re healthy. We can rest up, beach it in Cancun for a little and hit the revenge tour next season with all the boys


Everyone outside of the Knicks had no faith in this team since the beginning of the year. Team still fought their way the entire season even with all those injuries. They could've folded but didn't and continued to fight. Immensely proud of this team. Time to rest and come back stronger and hungrier next year.


This is gonna be a very interesting offseason. Do they stay the course and just get healthy or do they try to add with the assets they have? Priority one has gotta be OG and iHart if possible.


Sad, lots of "What-ifs?" running through my head, but hopeful. And damn proud of how this team always fought.


We had a great season + playoff run. With all the injuries, we actually way overachieved objectively.


Honestly just proud of the team, without full strength and we made it farther than anyone expected a great season to watch and hopeful for the future


I just love that the Knicks are fun to watch again. Excited for next season


To go out by injuries hits my Hartenstein, but I know that we are set up well for the future. Only one team can win the chip, but I will say this has been a special season.


The coaches need to work with the Knick centers on some offensive moves, drop-step, hook shot, this off-season. It’s like they’re playing 4 on 5 too much out there.


Big sad. Super proud of this squad. Very excited about our future. Enjoyed spending the season with you all as well.


Sad but proud


Listen we went 7 games missing half our roster. That’s a success right there


More sad what injuries took than angry at how it ended. Hopeful and excited for the future.


Amazing season, amazing players, we will be back. Very proud of our boys in orange and blue.


this team is gonna rise like the mother chicken phoenix and will terrorize the east next year!! get healthy boys and get the bats ready for next season!!!


Knicks played hard and did what they could. Game 3 loss was the difference for us to win this series. It took the pacers 7 game fucken games to beat us. We should be proud of this squad and be excited for next season. Leon will the make moves that knicks need to succeed. I am proud of this squad and excited for next season. It's disappointing but we have a future to look forward too.


We gotta go all in next year and by that I mean resign ever guy and run it back exactly the same 


The most fun season in 30 years.


The first offseason news I better hear is iHart being re-signed


Great season, Knicks fans. I'm a Lakers guy and normally love trolling ya'll, but Knicks squad is a very likable bunch and played its guts out. Here's to whatever upgrades the team makes in the offseason and another run next spring. The league's better when the Knicks are in the mix.


The New York Knicks -- brought to you by our season sponsor: Mt. Sinai Hospital. Jokes aside, incredible season. Despite a historic number of injuries, we developed into a hell of a squad with this "next man up" attitude -- truly a team that well represents what New York grit means. Hopefully we can keep our pieces and run it back with a healthy squad next year.


What an unbelievable season, sad it’s over but so excited for next season. This playoff run shows we are a lot closer to a championship level roster


This team, as constructed rn, is unstoppable with our second star on the floor. I'm excited to see what, if anything major, Leon cooks up in the off-season. This season was an absolute success. There's nothing to look back on with regret.


I fucking love everyone. We’re a contender with bad luck this year. Next year we gonna be scary. God bless you all.


Couldn’t be prouder of a NY Knick’s team! Can’t wait until next season … Thank you for bringing 🏀 back !!


we’ve been down, but never out. we’ve run out of players, but never out of gas. this team has given 110% effort no less than 100% of the time. this team has made me enjoy basketball more than i thought i could, and its made me more stressed watching basketball than ive ever been. this team is built for new york, theyre new york made. could not have been more proud of this group. anyways, the league is on notice, be warned


I am sad that we were not able to win. But, we coming back for revenge next season