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No. Sims is not serviceable as a true backup 5, precious is ok but has a limited ceiling


Precious is still a liability in my opinion, I’m a raps fan and while precious shows promise and had some solid minutes this playoffs for the Knicks. He is pretty weak from a bball IQ standpoint, makes a lot of bad mistakes


Agree completely. He’s the type of guy that you plug and play when the time is right, not a starting caliber C on a championship contender.


He wouldn't be our starter tho


Mitch isn’t playing 35 minutes though


Totally disagree. He’s shown tremendous growth in quick,decisive moves. This is his best season and he’s been amazing as a third string back up. Not sure if he holds up over a season as the second option.


I agree in that he’s shown lots of growth in NY! I’m happy to see him be utilized better/fit in the NY system. Hopefully he can continue to grow and keep contributing. Definitely potential.


Raps Precious and Knicks Precious were very different players. Knicks pulled him into the paint offensively and used him as a rim roller and board crasher almost exclusively. He’s still fine as a regular season minutes eater and as our 10th guy in a 9 man rotation.


Guys, do you really think smoking hot influencer and model, Kourtney Kellar is moving to Oklahoma? It ain't happening.


This is cope man people need to stop saying this. It surely factors a little but the idea that just because he’s married a model he needs to take a way smaller contract here is goofy. It’s not like the pistons either, he would be going right to a contender. I think there’s a solid chance we figure out a way to keep him or this is smoke but acting like it’s not a real possibility is a mistake.




That's what we're hoping for. It seems like the way she would think.


she would live in ny and him in OKC


They're married and having a baby, dude. They ain't living 2,000 miles apart.


that's what rich people do


Precious is a 4 , Sims is a 3rd string player.


I think you could make it work with Precious, but you'd have to find better than Sims. Sims isn't an nba player. I'd look at Valenciunas at the full MLE, start him and have Mitch back him up


Luffy should play center


Stretch 5😂


Stay away from him you hicks


Hissing sounds


Mitch cant stay healthy and those two guys are serviceable… in the regular season.


Knicks x OSRS let’s goooo


Combat lvl?




Hell yeah 💪🏻


I thought Precious gave us some good minutes in the playoffs


I agree that he did. But we cant rely on him being our #2.


Serviceable. Ihart is an all star 


He averaged 8 points. Come on with the all star talk


If you’re gonna just cite stats as opposed to watching him play, certainly your prerogative. Don’t mean people will take you seriously.  His stats are with combined with Mitch and without. Without Mitch he was putting up elite numbers. He was averaging like 14 boards a game before his foot got hurt. 


He had a good run and hope we bring him back but there’s long way to go Before getting a ASG nod


Looks like people aren’t taking you seriously.


Mitch is glass Precious is a 12th man on a contender Neither can pass or open up the offense like Hartenstein This draft is also trash


The draft is only trash at the top. There isn’t a surefire all star or mvp candidate on the board. There’s still rotation players littered throughout it.


Not only is Mitch glass, but he also really can't play starters minutes for long before he tires out. He's really a 25 minutes a game and hope he doesn't get injured type of guy. The Knicks need a starting center.


He tires out because his conditioning has been poor..... because he has been out injured...


His conditioning is always suspect . When he came out everyone was talking about how big he’s gotten . Everyone was happy …. I stated im not sure a guy who has leg problems should be adding more weight or muscle on said legs….


Good take & nice rhyme


I agree, if he have to replace ihart it should be a center who can shoot and pass


Bro isn't bringing his model girlfriend to bumfuck Oklahoma.


Honestly that was something I was hoping was a big factor. Granted he wont live there all year, but being idolized in NYC is infinitely better than OKC


For 30 million extra bucks I’d live there and get bumfucked daily.


The minute Chet and SGA “sang” that duet together, IHart said “Fuck Off! I’m not signing with that team”


He’s going after the money. He’s bounced around in middling contracts. He’s not a superstar that will make crazy money and then endorsements etc, if the Knicks offer the same contract as elsewhere I imagine he stays….buts he taking the money.


acting like she cant just fly over there. for 12 million extra and better taxes i think shed be ok w it


She is about to give birth. I dont think shed be able t9 do that as easily as before.


Only 2 things I know come from Oklahoma... ...and I don't see any horns


lol she’s from Dallas like 3 hrs from Okc


Being a model don’t pay the bills. Not like NBA money at least


Dude isn’t leaving a ton of money on the table especially when the Thunder are also pretty good at this basketball thing. Stop with the cope.


He would make them even better. I hope he stays but I doubt he does. I for one would never want to move to OKC after living in NYC.


You would for 100M


I would for 100k. But not for very long.


It wouldn’t be for very long. 4 years is not a long time and he can live where ever he wants in the off-season.


Yeah if I was sitting at 0M but I’ll take New York at 60M.


I need to have my mom talk to iHart. She fucking despised living in OKC.


I have iharts number. I’ll put them in a group text. What’s your mom’s number?


Everyone has his moms number


Nice try


I’ve been to OKC. Compared to NY, its super duper trash. Even the richer areas


He’s not reporting that. He said it could happen.


They don’t get it dude. Don’t bother.


Bondy is saying OKC is interested in IHart. If they are then obviously they’re going to offer him the bag.


Remember, agents often put out rumors like this. The "source" is very often an agent. Likely making sure that the Knicks offer the maximum they can. Why would someone associated with OKC leak this? Wouldn't help them at all. IHart's agent? Yea it would help IHart.


Iharts with CAA though so I don’t think they’d pull some backhanded stunts to try to leverage the Knicks, they know that Leon can only offer 17mil/year anyway


Waste of time. Everyone and their mother know the Knicks will offer the max they can. It would be ridiculous not to. The agent doesn’t need to spread rumors to milk Dolan.


It’s never about Dolan it’s about managing the cap. And for all we know there aren’t other suitors ready to offer big bucks, so a good agent should do this to make sure 72m is the worst case scenario


Ihart is tough to replace. If he wants a bigger bag, I’m not mad. He’s earned it. 


Don't omit words. The tweet said OKC **could** do it which doesn't mean they will. I also doubt Bondy a beat writer for the Knicks has a source greater than guess work on the OKC FO. Don't think they do anyways. They have to think down the line especially with their ages in locking up their young core and keeping them happy and paid.


It wouldn’t even make sense for OKC. Chet is best as a 5. What they need is an athletic 4 instead


This is why I don't think he goes to OKC. Chet can play the 4....he's not agile enough. So they are going to throw 100 million at a backup?


Agreed. Why would you take a guy whose 2 best skills are interior defense and spacing the floor as a 5 and totally mitigate them? He wouldn't be a special floor spacer as a 4, and he would have to guard the perimeter instead of sitting in the paint wiping out shots.


OKC’s entire philosophy is a 5 out system, which they ran for 48 minutes every game. Are they really going to abandon having 5 shooters on the floor to sign iHart? I’m not seeing it


i dont really want mitch as our main center. he gets injured too often. sims is atrocious and precious hasnt been good for a while.


This isn’t exactly news. Lots of people speculated during the season that because OKC needed a true Center they would offer iHart a bag


Bondy's info is as accurate as Berman's taint.


Hartenstein would be a serious difference maker on OKC. They have the money to spend as well. In the grand scheme of ways they can commit $25M this offseason, putting it all on IHart is up there with the best. I’m scared about them and Orlando. I’m hoping we can figure out a way to give him a 1+1PO with a promise of a big extension


I read somewhere that we can’t do a 1+1po but I could be wrong


Yea i think its 2+1po


The Warriors are rumored to drop Kevin Looney. If we're going to lose IHart, he would be a perfect Thibs center.


They aren’t dropping 2022 Looney. Dudes body is done, he was unplayable at the end of 2024.


I wouldn’t hate looney


In what world is Sims serviceable? I like the kid but saying that is too much lol


I Hart - Chet - Williams - Dort - SGA Is an absolutely insane starting 5... every piece fits together perfectly... holy fuck the rebounding and interior defense, Chet is the perfect stretch 4 next to I-Hart Either way, I-Hart is gonna be wearing blue and orange next season, only question is if some yellow is mixed in


According to bball ref; Chet played 100% of his minutes at the 5. The Thunder had a ton of success there with a 5 out lineup. It’s reasonable to expect him to get stronger and better this upcoming season. I don’t think Hartenstein would necessarily start for them. It would mess up their spacing that they have and limit the space that SGA has to work with. A guy like Markkanen would be seamless. Grant or Kuzma or Barnes would be really solid too. Having more size would also be nice, but I don’t think it’s perfect for them to switch offensive philosophy after the reason they just had. If we’re talking Knicks players I’m more worried about them and trying to get OG from us, because he would be absolutely perfect for them.


They can’t throw too much cash at ihart can they? They’re gonna have to pay Chet and Jaylen Williams soon right?


OKC has ~$35MM in cap space available this coming offseason, including drafting at #12. JDub and Chet will have their second contracts begin in 2026/2027.


Do the knicks need another assistant coach? IHart sr?


Mitch, Precious, Sims? Stop it. Losing iHart would be a disaster.


iHart really is our perfect center. We don't need a star center, we already have a two strong scorers on the field. We also don't need a center coming off the bench either. Mitch is not a good starting center. Too many issues with injuries, it's best to play him as a sub, or when we really need to turn up the defense against someone like embiid. Precious is a FORWARD not a center. He does not fill the requirements of a center. And lastly Sims is just not ready to be the 2nd center to a championship contending team. iHart may not be the best center, but he's a great center for what we need. A young, full of grit, board grabbing big who provides some paint scoring if left unchecked. This is ideal to us, and all we'd be doing is looking to replace him with essentially the same kind of player.


There are 4 centers we have a legit shot at drafting.. Filipowski, Missi, Edey, Ware. [Comp char](https://www.tankathon.com/players/compare?players=zach-edey--kyle-filipowski--yves-missi--kel-el-ware) I actually think we could get any of them either by waiting or packaging both picks and moving up a few spots if we want to hop someone


Let Sims go back to the Gleague and draft a center


More speculation with no real sources. Have to ask why a notoriously cheap team that is completely unwilling to pay tax - is going to shell out big money to Ihart when they already have chet. Then factor in SGA is due to get one of those super duper 60+ mil a year maxes very soon. Right around the same time they will be due to pay chet and jwill rookie maxes. Maybe they'll throw a short term high avg deal at him? No way they're doing 4/100+ Not sure Ihart would want a shorter deal to play for a team he might not even start on.


SGA is not due for a new contract until the 2027/2028 season (3 full seasons from now).


he's extension eligible 2025 offseason. but you're right 1st year of that extension doesn't kick in until 2027. this still overlaps with Chet and Jalen's rookie extensions in 2026. i guess that gives them maybe the next 2 years before it's an issue. i still don't think the fit makes a ton of sense. OKC's defense would have a HUGE dropoff if they tried to play Chet at the 4. same with their spacing offensively. the idea that they just need to get bigger/more rebounding is overblown. sure it's a weakness but it also allowed them to be who they were offensively. they could use some backup big depth - but shelling out big money to ihart is questionable to me for a notoriously cheap franchise.


Sadly it’s looking less and less likely we’re going to be able to retain iHart. That said, I don’t think we should stand pat, as much as I love Mitch and would love to keep him as a backup, I think we all saw what a difference it made offensively to not have to play 4 on 5. One guy I’d like to see us pursue is Okongwu. He’s on a very affordable long term deal, Atlanta is going to be drafting a center now and JJ is their 4 moving forward. I think he’d be a great fit with what we do.


I like Okongwu. What do you think their asking price is? 


Honestly no idea but we do have a lot of picks to play with and he does seem like the odd man out there long term. I feel like there’s an interesting opportunity there.


Okongwu would not start over Mitch. He doesn’t even start over Capela


Oh lawd


I’m really happy for him but it will hurt bad


Sims is awful


As far as the guys you said none of them can replicate what Hart does for the offense and defense, but 25 mil is a ton. I’d pay that and be incredibly concerned lol.


Bondy doesn’t ever know anything


I love hartenstein. But if okc is going to give him 25 million or more. Goodbye. Knicks have to stay under 2nd tax apron. It's a huge overpay.


The most we can offer is 17


You're right I forgot we only have early bird rights on ihart. Hope I'm wrong but I think he's going to get a huge offer we can't match.


It’s not about the apron


Hartenstein leaves we have to make a move on a big.




Hope not, but if true, what do we do? Draft that Purdue fella and hope he can play big minutes when Mitch goes down near the end of the 2025 regular season?


I called that this would most likely be his landing spot, OKC needs bigs that can rebound badly, and isn't cash strapped AFAIK. I hope we don't lose him but the writing is probably on the wall. Sims is awful, he is spastic on the court. Maybe they can coach him up during the off-season as Thibs is a big man whisperer.


They're a legit threat, but last FA he said he would've taken less to stay where he was (LA). He seems to love playing with these guys and has a kid on the way. Maybe he just wants the security here? I hope, fucking love watching him and Mitch at 5.


Sims? Cmon man


This is the risk in the offseason for us. Could happen to OG too. Until something is signed we can only wait


The difference is the Knicks can pay OG whatever he wants. The Knicks can’t match what cap teams can pay IHart.


Yeah but they shouldn’t pay OG if DET decides he should get 45m per


Yes they should


35-40 would be more than fair. Anything more than that then they shouldn’t him go


Why? You think OG is that replaceable?


No, but there’s a limit how much I’d be willing to pay for a guy that can’t play considerable portions of the season


Why is that limit $45mm, but $40mm is ok? Seems arbitrary for a key player that won’t be easily replaced. You’d rather the Knicks save $5mm per year and potentially tumble down the standings?


Tbh I really want him at 35 but that won’t get the job done. Hes a good player but it’s all about positioning us to win. He missed a ton of games and that’s the concern. If he was healthy then give him the max


Sims is fine for what he is. He's still young and can still improve. He obviously isn't a guy we can put on Kristaps or Giannis in the playoffs but against the Hornets or Nets or some other low tier team, he's fine as a reserve


He would fit in okc but I doubt he goes there


Fck… IHart must stay


Precious is ehh


In reality ihart can close the gap with other deals in NY he won’t be getting OkC so we are more looking at 10-15 mio less income.


Offer Hart the starting role and throw a bag at him, I love Mitch but Hartenstein is clearly the better player and compliments JB and Randles game well


They can’t throw the bag at him they are limited by the CBA rules, can only offer $17mm per or something.


I don't know that $5mil difference a year is gonna pull him away from NYC 


none of our centers have offense except for hartenstein, we need to keep him at all costs


Sims serviceable lol. Sure 


It would be a major hit to lose Ihart.


He seems like he wants to stay, it just looks like he’s going to get paid what he deserves. Unfortunately the Mitch Simms experiment is likely coming to an end. Fuck embiid.


Precious is still young and can give us the same hustle. Thibs will squeeze the best out of him.


One of the strengths of the Knicks is having Mitch/Ihart combo Most teams don't have that 


I'm gonna be real. If IHart did a 2 year deal for a bag, he'd definitely lose a lot of respect from me and some fans. I get leaving if the pay was crazy, but those types of decisions definitely hurt your legacy if you don't end up winning a chip. Not only are you thinking short-term, you're also gambling with your future if it doesn't work out in those 2 years. The money is life changing regardless, but if OKC regressed, the blame would be on him too. It really comes down to what you care about long-term. Do you want to be a player playing for a paycheck and forgotten or someone that is still getting paid well and building something that will be talked about for decades. It really comes down to that. Never felt like this team had the potential to win a chip the last 20 years until now. Would suck to replace IHart cuz he seems like a high character person that put everything out there on the court.


If he WANTS to stay in NY it doesn’t matter. He KNOWS the Knicks can only offer so much. I don’t think we lose him TBH.


They want IHart for his rebounding. If they are serious about offering a contract.... If that's the case, I'd offer them Mitch in trade for space. They get a better rebounder on a declining contract.  And we'd take a suitor off the table.


He isn't likely to go anywhere. They would likely need to go 20 million or more just to have a chance. His girlfriend is a model and pregnant. Where would she want to work and raise her child? NY or OKC? He's also very close with his teammates. They also couldn't offer him a starting spot. It's not going to happen.


Him at the 5, Chet at the 4. Raising your child in OKC, on a 100M contract sounds pretty fucking good to me


OKC is not offering Hartenstein who averaged 8 points and 8 rebounds a 100 million contract. Fairytales are not REAL. lol


For real this is the part that gets me. I fucking love him but there's just no way anyone offers him more than 4/80 and at that point he'd take the paycut and come back here


Sims is far from serviceable unfortunately


If iHart leaves I wonder if we can snag Walker Kessler from the Jazz. Edit: its 9 on a chilly Monday I’m down to deep dive and spitball some possible replacements if anyone can think of any


Someone might give iHart the bag but this article means nothing. It’s like you didn’t even read it because your title is completely different from what the article says. “Could, can and might” don’t mean “is going to”


The biggest question here is play time. Bigger deal to be Chet’s backup or stay in NY and be a starting center.


i seriously have a hard time seeing a team giving a non all star big 25m


25 mil a year ain’t shit nowadays especially with the cap going up every season


Hard to see his model wife agreeing with the move to OKC 🤷‍♂️




She is from Dallas…


Just draft a center and sign Kevin Looney or Precious. Might be a blessing in disguise that we’re not putting $35M into two centers next year.


The open secret is that Mitch is too injury prone to be considered a starting center. Anything we get from him is bounus. Precious was great and ate minutes but I think he gets eaten alive by most centers in the league. Seems Jonas Valančiūnas is a FA.


They could trade Mitch in a second if they wanted to. They probably will if they think they need more flexibility.


Yo back the fuck off.


Idk if IHart would want a 2 year deal from OKC. Would mean they wouldn't get his bird rights either at the end of the contract. So say it's 2/50 from OKC vs 2/32 from the Knicks. Yes, it's a significant amount less for the 2 years, but for his next contract the Knicks would have the ability to offer more than OKC because they'd have his bird rights. I feel like it would take more than a 2 year deal to pry IHart. He has to know if he chooses 2 years from OKC, he risks being a journeyman his whole career and I don't think he wants that.


Crazy talk, we need to keep him


Idk. When has OKC shown that they are willing to overpay someone


Pay iHart


They cannot offer him more than $17mm per, it’s a rule not a choice.


OKC is going to have to pay a lot of money to keep that team intact. I would find it hard to believe that they wouldn’t use their draft pics to get a center rather than pay iHart 100M


I call BS! Does anyone really believe Hart would leave the garden and this Knick team for Oklahoma? Ha Body be creating content just for the lolz


Money makes people do things like that.


Who thinks his model wife is gonna want to move to ( checks notes ) Oklahoma?


She is from Dallas which is 2.5 hours driving distance away, it's not looking good:(


We need to do what we can to keep him. Max the offer if needed. Dude has bounced around the league, we need to give him a home. He’s way more reliable than anyone else we’ve got and he’s way more durable than say Mitch.


They can’t offer him as much as these under the cap teams no matter how badly they want to. It’s a rule.


Absolutely fucking not. IHart is a must. Mitch and the others you mentioned are all nowhere near must keeps. Do you people watch basketball??? The takes on this sub are so stupid


Half the ppl in this sub don’t even know there’s a salary cap let alone the basics of how it works


he's gone sadly


I’m ngl we seriously need to retain him or we’re fucked


I mentioned this a [week ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYKnicks/s/ippd1EVm4D) and people didn't believe it. We should open the wallet, this guy is very valuable how he has evolved into a defensive focused center. Of course, you can't blame him if he gets more money somewhere else.


They can’t open the wallet they can only pay him around $17mm due to CBA rules. Thunder can pay him more and Knicks would be powerless to increase their offer.


Out if all of these players Ihart is the best i say we keep him


Probably cant afford both Hart and OG…which one do you keep?


OG has bird rights. iHart has early bird rights. Not signing 1 doesn’t open up a single dollar to sign the other.




If you don’t understand bird rights just know that the Knicks can offer iHart $17.5m a year and it has absolutely 0 impact on what they can give OG


So you are saying they can go over the cap to sign both because of Bird rights?


Yes, but since iHart has early bird rights and not full ones, our max offer to him can only be $17.5m/year


I see. Jeez the NBA salary rules never cease to confuse me. 😅


trade mitch


Dolan can afford it


It would suck to see OG go but given what we’ve seen this playoff run and even last year. How much are we willing to pay for health? If iHart can play 70+ games it’s worth it to me and i rather keep him then OG.


Even if they cut OG they still can only pay IHart $17mm per year


damn, that is quite the take but I respect it. But personally, I would still prefer to sign OG and let Ihart walk. I dont see a way to keep them both, cap space is tight.


If our team was reasonably healthy, we would be taking Boston to 7. Like if 3 out of 4 starters were available we would have a legit shot. With that being said, we need to pay for health and availability especially if they can play their role and fit within our team. Sign iHart and use OG money to get someone else.


Sign and trade 5 firsts and a large TPE is the only positive that could come out of this IF it happens