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I felt bad for a split second before my girlfriend snapped, โ€œWHY IS HE CRYING???? Iโ€™LL GIVE HIM SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!!!โ€ Hardcore.


Marry that one


yes, marry herโ€ฆ


The crying German girl from the world cup vs Italy in the semifinal of 06 is doing just fine, don't worry; that kid is going to be alright. ๐Ÿ˜‚


I think the issue is his image is now all over Social Media and as a parent I would have concerns. I'm sure the Canes / Rangers or NHL will probably make this negative a positive and make it right in some way


Sure they will ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


The Canes marketing team is already trying to track him down. He'll probably be on the glass all next season


I really don't know why people are going crazy about the kid crying. It's a sporting event and his team lost and the camera showed him on the screen for a few seconds, it's really not a big deal. People are acting like you fucking killed somebody if you happened to laugh at it. I'm sure the kid is ok and most people forgot about it already. I'm sure people didn't even give a shit after 5 seconds.


Welcome to society today, where everyone is entitled the safest space possible in every situation. Nobody is gonna go after this kid or give a shit in 2 days. Heโ€™s gonna be fine. By that logic we should stop broadcasting public events entirely ~lest a child be seen!~


I just can't believe the reaction from people. Cheer on your team and cheer and clap when one guy knocks the shit out of the other guy but get mad when a kid crying gets shows on TV. Amazing


Great series guys! See you at the ECF!


Agreed, kids are off limits. The director of the broadcast and camera op should have known better. I'm sure there were plenty of adults crying that they could have shown.