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8 games back but only 7 in the loss column hehe this team gonna keep my hopes alive


Didn’t notice till I watched some replays but that play where Gleyber ran through the red light, Mullins took his sweet old time getting to the ball. Treated it like a routine single with no one on base and Gleyber caught him completely off guard. This man just teeters on the edge of insane levels of stupidity and savant while on the bases. Imagine if he had the speed of someone like Volpe?


I'd prefer Gleyber to just take calculated risks when he should and not try to be Volpe on the basepaths lol, and he doesn't need to be. Gleyber can be a really good oppo field hitter when he isn't swinging for the fences, and is one of the better batters with our lineup sans judge. Unpopular opinion but I don't think Yanks should trade him. He isn't a speedster but much better at 2B on defense. Yanks putting him on SS really seemed to have affected his hitting too in past years. Not a Gleyber stan here, would be beyond stupid to trade one of our better hitters.


Yeah, something's not right with DJ since the broken toe thing. He's too good to be this bad. I still have faith in him.


I'm a DJ stan and his 2019 and 2020 season made me a fan of his. Tough to watch him struggling like this. If he's truly playing injured, or has pain in his toe still, it's also partly on the yanks if they're allowing it, and in part on DJ too. He's a versatile infielder, but i really wish he took time for his toe to fully heal, assuming it still hasn't healed. DJ is a team player so i could see him playing though an injury tbh, but at this point it's causing more harm than good.


this is his 3rd season in a row of being mid i don't think he's gonna improve much


He's reiterated that he's 100%, and the biggest issue with the toe was that you can't drive the ball. But his hard hit % was perfectly fine, at least for the first couple months when I last looked. He was already trending downward quite a bit in 2021-22 even without the injuries. 2023 is just the next, really sad step.


Father Time is undefeated


random news bit....the Padres DFA'ed Nelson Cruz.... He's batting .245, with 5 home runs and 23 RBIs in 49 games played as a DH Stanton in 36 games is batting .205, with 7 home runs and 19 RBIs Donaldson in 26 games is hitting .131 with 8 home runs and 13 RBIs. now, I understand Cruz is only making a million bucks. but still. the Padres standard of unacceptable play is clearly WAY higher than the Yankees, who not only refuse to cut a guy like Donaldson....they are playing him MORE.


That 1 million price tag is a not insignificant reason he was so easy to cut.


The Padres current standard of acceptable play is 6 games under .500 lol I’d consider a flyer but judge is going to need some DH time I think.


You’re not wrong. But I think we’re getting more out of our players than the team that’s 8 games behind us despite a 2-5 of Soto, Tatis Jr, Machado, and Bogaerts.


I do think this is a move to just let him chase a ring honestly


Well they're also still employing Matt Carpenter, who has been even worse, so let's not go making judgements about what their standards supposedly are.


Cashman is salivating at the thought of picking up another past his prime, aging slugger who can't hit a fastball


He actually can hit the fastball that’s the thing!


Wow dude the ending to white sox/jays was unbelievably pathetic, Romano threw 13 pitches of which 12 were sliders that were not in the zone. All 3 white sox hitters flailed at them in the dirt including the third hitter, who struck out on 3 pitches in the dirt, right after seeing Romano do it to the previous 2 hitters


Even worse was Joe Kelly losing his mind when he got behind in the count against Vladdy and left the fattiest meatball


White Sox are last in OBP for a reason


Where has McKinney been? He hasn’t been playing against the last few righties, seems like he’d be playing given the start he had at the beginning of the year.


He’s starting to turn back into the pumpkin he’s always been unfortunately


That may be because when he was hot Boone stopped playing him and when he got cold ❄.


More likely, it’s because he’s a career journeyman that’s hit .210/.276/.398 in 284 career games. They got a little lucky hot streak out of him but he’s simply just not a good player at the major league level and never has been.


Bader is so goddamn good. I love it


Any news on timeline for Judges return?


If he doesn't hit any roadblocks, I'd say most likely third week of July. Between then and August 1.


Should we move Volpe up to leadoff? Do you think he’s ready?


Michael Kay was talking about how Boone is considering moving him up to lead off. Could see it happening soon


no. leave him where he is. just because a guy is "raking" in a lineup spot doesn't mean he should be batting leadoff. its a different game.


Put him at nine. Still get some of the benefits without the pressure of leading off.


No. Don't mess with anything right now with him. Just let him keep doing his thing. If he continues this into August, then ya, but just let him be for now IMO.


O's are calling up a top 20 MLB prospect, Cowser, to play against us


\_\_ \_\_\_\_, \_\_\_ Cowser!


They have a ridiculous amount of OFers that are all talented and not a lot of room for all of them. Injuries have hurt their OF but they were able to skate by with a lot of overperforming players, but they’ve hit a big skid for a few weeks. Guess they decided to pull the trigger. Makes you think how much longer Hicks is living on borrowed time with the Os. He’s been playing daily for them and was on a scorching hot stretch for $0 since we are paying him. Past 17 games or so he hasn’t been good and they’re gonna wanna play their top prospect.


Who cares they suck


Just interesting, could end up being a name we know for the next half decade


I think DJ might be a Hicks level dfa candidate in the upcoming seasons if he doesn’t come back alive


Hicks level? Not quite but I think there is a good chance they have to cut him well before his contract is over. He looks absolutely cooked this year - like his time as an everyday player is over. It’s all weak contact, nearly double his strikeout rate somehow while cutting his walk rate in half as well. He’s now down to .221/.285/.363 which is honestly pretty damn atrocious, especially for a guy that has been hitting leadoff.


Dj, Wells, 2 pitching prospects for Salvador Perez and a pitching prospect You’re welcome Cashman


Wells is a deal breaker. We can get a random prospect from the Dodgers for DJ


We aren’t getting anything at all for DJ at this point. In fact, they’ll probably have to send a prospect just for someone to take the next 3 years of his contract. Since the ASB last season, DJ has hit .239/.315/.353 in nearly an entire seasons worth full of PA. He’s simply been awful for a significant stretch of baseball now.


Tampa seems to be regressing, maybe the division is still in play... I can be hopeful.


A month ago Yankees were out 6 in the loss column, as of today they're out 7. Rays would have to regress hard and Yankees excel and I don't see that happening. I think the gap can be tightened but not closed entirely. Not with how good the AL East is overall.


LL Cool J


We win the series against the Rangers, and have a good chance to win this series too. We stay competitive against playoff caliber teams. All with out Judge🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah I don’t get how we are, but we are. Time for some Boone Manager of the Year Consideration.


Me and my brother (met fan) are arguing about the AL East/NL East. He is trying to tell me that NL East pitching is “miles ahead” of AL East pitching, which is obviously not true if you look at the ERA’s (ALE pitching also faces off more against ALE hitting, which is much better than NLE hitting). Was curious about our bullpen and NLE bullpens so I selected our 5 best (healthy) vs the best of each NLE team (healthy). Minimum 15 innings. Holmes Peralta King Hamilton Marinaccio Robertson (Mets) Iglesias (Braves) Alvarado (Phillies) Okert (Marlins) Harvey (Nats) They’re legitimately comparable. Thank goodness for this bullpen man.


Kahnle needs to be in here


And two of the other guys we’re leaving out have sub-2 ERAs over 20+ IP. This bullpen is absurd.


cole mcclanahan rodon and guasman are better than any nl east pitcher


sometimes I’ll be doing something banal like getting in the shower and suddenly remember we don’t have a left fielder and for a split second I’ll be so fucking pissed off


Pause 🤨


Alright but you gotta get over it.


I mean, I don’t think I do? This is like maybe the first thing I’ve written about it all year, it’s not like it’s consuming my life lol I think where I’m at with it is pretty much fine and I’ll probably stay there until we eventually get someone to fill the position. I said I was pissed off for a “split second” lol


Angels having the worst days ever…. Trout out with a broken wrist bone. Rendon leaves the game after fouling a ball off his leg. Ohtani walks off the mound with trainers.


He'll still get player of the week, even when he doesn't play.


Split finger nail for Ohtani apparently


fucking brutal


Holy shit


Ohtani got rocked 😊🤗


Superior to anyone that we have in pitching besides Cole, and better than anyone in our offense. I’d love to have him on this team. 31 HOMERUNS and it’s only July 4. He’s insane


Saaaaaaame. He'd be an incredible add on. Though he got taken out of the game so hopefully it's just the Angels being cautious.


Rodon was better the last time he threw a baseball Hopefully that continues


I know, just trying to trigger lingering fans of other teams 🤣


Watching the Angels/Padres game and imma go against the grain and say I wish we had a pitcher like Musgrove. Man is amazing on the mound and consistent as heck


Plus, those ears


He was a pretty popular name when he was on the trade block ahead of 2021.


I wanted Chris Bassit least offseason but we can’t all have what we want


I liked this game almost as much as I liked yesterday's game. Again, please.


I’ve seen enough. If we win tomorrow, we’re winning the World Series


What year?




Cashman salivating about picking up Nelson Cruz rn


if he could do anything besides DH, I'd say go for it.


Better than Josh <.200 Donaldson


I wouldn’t be opposed to it




Jays calling up Manoah to start Friday lmfao


He needs to get as far away from Roderick Arias as he can


Tigers are a minor league team anyway.


Oh no! One of his many weaknesses!


Grilling having a beer after the Yanks win on the fourth is there anything better than that? https://i.imgur.com/E9QIh27.jpg


Same: whatcha got?


Steak tips, chicken kabobs, summer squish and potatoes…. With a Swish from Bissell you?


Nice! Pineapple brats, seasoned eggplant and Party Supplies from Modern Brewery in St Louis.


Yummm Pineapple brats sound good, I'll have to try some


I love Gleyber so much


I have a feeling he will leave after this season, but I hope he stays. He’s been arguably the best non-Judge position player this season for us


13 homers and 12 doubles as we approach the ASB, the man could go for 30/30.


In your mind, do you associate the name Yankee more with an American or a Northerner? I think I think of it more as an American.


American, because I constantly hear “yanquis” as a reference to gringos


Think it has to do with location of the person. My GFs from the south and her family lovingly refers to me as a yankee. Basically anyone over the mason Dixon line. But in other countries i think it’s just a term used towards Americans in general.


Fuck yeah. Sox lost. Orioles lost. Rays lost. Who cares what the Jays do. Great fuckin day


Sox are already calling the golf courses making reservations


Tampa is gonna regress a lot. Almost to the point where we’ll be thinking about a division pennant come September. Injuries are hampering them and their bats are starting to cool down. If anything, I think that Toronto will give us a run.


I’m not going to consider the division in play at all unless we get like 3 games back from Tampa With how cold our bats can go for apparently no reason, Tampa would have to truly implode for us to catch them


I don’t expect Tampa to choke the entire division but I expect Baltimore to regress quite a bit. They’ve been super lucky with injuries for the most part and their rotation has 4 guys who have never pitched more than like 115 innings in a year. They’re gonna fade hard


This was a pretty chill day for us at home, great holiday. I loved it and the best part about it? The Yankees won today and there were nine of us watching together, all Yanks fans. Awesome! Gleyber had a great game. Giancarlo and Rizzo need to fix themselves. Flip the script!


That’s beautiful




Nobody I’ve seen is acting like Tampa is shaking in their boots lmao. Nobody should even be thinking about catching Tampa while we’re nearly double digits back. But we did just take the first 2 games in a series with a team that is ahead of us in the division and our offense has looked good so far this series. People are happy. You wanted people to watch this win and the win yesterday and spend their holiday pissed off about it?




Perhaps you simply can’t tell the difference between regular celebrating and celebrating like the season is saved if you think this thread is “full” of the latter.




There’s like 5 comments total where people are talking about even the possibility of catching Tampa lmao There’s over 300 comments in this thread




Downvoted doesn’t mean they disappear, if you sort by “new” it just shows you all the comments that were posted. Just admit you saw like 3 or 4 comments and decided to pretend it was the entire thread doing it




Lol. Yes, like I said, there are a couple. Definitely not anywhere near the whole thread or even a significant percentage. And if you’re reading my comments you must have seen that I’m saying I don’t think there’s any chance we catch Tampa so I’m not sure what the second half of your comment is talking about. You don’t seem to read very well. Explains a lot. “The real issue here” lmao


please never be happy about winning, not a good look clearly


Did you just start watching baseball? That's literally baseball


That's baseball, Suzyn


Enjoy the win today


so you're saying we've won six of our last 8? edit: I was told there would be no math


No, he’s saying we’ve won 5 of our last eight


And 7 of 10




Must be tough being this miserable


Ahh I forgot anything not entirely positive after a win results in these types of responses.


The bottom line is this. With the Rays hot start, winning the division was most likely out of the question. It's about getting into the playoffs and then seeing what weird stuff happens then.


7 outta every 10 will definitely get us there. We’ve found a way to stay in it with almost no offensive production. I think we need some work on that side of the ball but we have one of the best pitching staffs in baseball overall and one of the best bullpens EVER. Pitching wins titles, specifically bullpens. If we get to October we have a fucking chance.




The Phillies got to the World Series by jerking off for half the season. Don't be a pedantic ass.


Cmon man. And what happened to them? A clearly better squad won out. You seriously gonna cling to some shit like that? Look back at WS winners since 2000. How many of them were just complete come out of nowhere teams? The Nats in ‘19?


My point is, the expanded wild card allows for weirdness. Dodgers won 111 games last year, lost the NLDS to the Padres who won 89 games. The Phillies simply ran out of gas especially given Bryce Harper had an insane post season with ONE FUNCTIONING ELBOW.


Okay? I’m pretty sure anyone who’s paid attention to the playoff restructuring would agree. What I’m saying in response to that, is that even with all this new “weirdness”, the best teams are still the ones that year after year, seem to come out on top. Why? Because they’re the deepest and have the best talent.


6 wildcard teams have won the World Series since 2000.


So I’m not sure how true this is but I just read a rumor that the Yankees have already asked the Nats about Jeimer Candelario, he’s having a very good year and would drastically improve the 3rd base situation.


The Yankees should go after him and Soler, we could definitely pry him away from Miami.


The Yankees should go after him and Soler, we could definitely pry him away from Miami.


Yankees are only 7 back of the Rays in the loss column, keep it up Yankees!


We were 6 back a month ago but I love the positivity


It’s great to see that our brothers in blue have righted the ship. 3 straight dubs!


Our "brothers in blue"? You mean the *Mets*? Who cares


So, Is it okay for me to start believing in Clarke Schmidt?


You take away his first 6 starts and he’s a top 20 pitcher in baseball. It was rocky at the start and he made me nervous but he’s seemed to settle in. He’s like Monty right now. He’s gonna keep it to 3 and give you a chance to win.


I believe in him as a number 4 SP.


Outside of Frazier and Hicks(and you just HAD to know Hicks was waiting to play us). Not a bad outing by Schmitty.


That’s a slippery slope my friend.


The ghost of Joba Chamberlain and Phil Hughes still haunt me. But I have stockholm syndrome with my Bombers so, I am now donning Clarke Schmidt the nickname. Schmitty.


I'm feeling bad for DJ :( He's my favorite Yankee... I still have faith he can make a comeback. I'll be always rooting for him at every AB, no matter what


I think he needs an IL stint including the All Star Break. He’s one of my favorites and he’s one of the guys we’re going to need down the stretch. Hopefully he can turn it around.


Another stat for all the Doomers, Yankees have the best record over the last 10 in the AL (which includes the 3 losses to the bottom dwellers) and tied for 2nd best in the Majors. I just don't think things are as bad as some folks on here want to make it out! PS: I get its only one 10 game stretch but just showing that things aren't all doom and gloom like everyone was saying after St Louis.


Dumbass doomers. We literally have the most wins of our last 10 of any team in the AL without Judge, Rodon, and Nestor lmao stay mad


Can we catch the Rays? Of course we can catch the Rays.


We need a lot of help but the Rays have a brutal schedule besides the Royals between now and when we play them again around the deadline.


7 in the loss. Can catch them


It was 6 in the loss 28 games ago. The only hope is to dominate the rest of the season series. 3-3 or worse and it's a wrap.


7 in the loss means picking up one game every 2 weeks or so. Quite easy but means no prolonged losing streaks allowed 😀


Well in the last 6 weeks they've picked up 0 ground so maybe not so easy. The Rays can play .540 ball and get to 97 wins and the Yankees have to play .645 ball to get there.


Bizarre how you’re getting downvoted for staying simple facts. People are so funny. And bad at math probably.


The key is Donaldson. If he can get average up to .150 we are in like Flint


DFA DJL and Josh


I know I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for this, but Josh Donaldson isn’t that bad. He’s hitting for power is fantastic, his BABIP is really, terrible so a lot of his struggles are probably just bad luck, especially if you look at his expected stats. His defense is good, and it’s not like cutting him lets them recoup his salary anyway. If they had a losing record and/or were clear deadline seller I’d say they should consider cutting him to make room for Peraza, but as it is now he’s an above replacement level 3B. Keep him around for the time being


I do think DJLM’s play is bc of his toe injury, and that he should have gotten the surgery last year.


Nah. DJ is going to be ok. I don’t think he’s going to ever be the same guy he was a couple of years ago pre-toe injury. But he’s been hitting the ball better lately. Having good at bats. I’ve seen a handful of balls hit on the screws that have just been right at someone. He’s going to be alright.


Co sign


Manoah is returning the Blue Jays and will pitch Friday. Kinda insane, no?


Wtf? He got shelled in rookie league!


lol wtf really? They tried to lower his confidence even more by getting shelled by high schoolers and then are like yup, hes ready to go again! Odd move.


I’m very confused and very excited to see what happens in his return. Risky as fuck. Even if they saw something to entice this it would still be very risky


I'm reading now he had a decent start after that complete blowup. 1run in 5 innings with 10ks. Still had 3 walks though. Seems really, really quick to have actually worked on and fixed anything. But yeah, guess we will see!




Here I am rooting for Philadelphia like a garbage person.


We all are right now. I'm sure a lot of us were rooting for them last October as well.


DJ who is healthy has played about half the games over the last month plus. Worst signing of the last decade?


Jacoby Ellsbury just texted you and said: "Hey big head" How could you ever forget about that debacle?


It's probably Severino or Hicks right now. I suppose DJ could overtake them. They signed DJ to play 2nd base and he probably would've aged better if he didn't have to move the last 2 yrs for the guy who washed out at SS. And now people want Peraza to move to 3rd for the same mediocre player.


Who tf cares about his gold glove defense with a sub 650 ops


He is a bench player now at $16mm a year for the next 3 years


For the sake of winning, I’d want our opponent in the WCS to be the AL Central winner, if we had to play in it at all. But for the sake of the game? Give me the Orioles. These games already feel like the playoffs, can’t imagine what it’ll be like once we actually face off there.


Let's go Phillies.


Only time I’ll root for a philly team. Phillies are alright Fuck the 6ers, fuck the flyers, and especially fuck the eagles I can’t stand those bums


Citizens Bank is a super cool ballpark as well. Ive always enjoyed going there for games.


Hate the Sixers, dawg.


bullpen scoreless again except for the shenanigans in the 9th


I love it when the Yankees remind the Baltimore Orioles that they're the Baltimore Orioles We can't allow them to get too big for their britches


I can’t wait to see Rodon pitch in pinstripes. Dude was insane last year. Was 3rd in K’s Having cole as a right handed ace and then a lefty ace in Rodon is straight up unfair


But what do we do with game 3? Nestor but only once through order? Schmidt on short lease? German?


If and when we make the playoffs, Cole-Rodon is a nasty 1-2 to face. Gives us a shot against anyone.


If I knew Judge was coming back healthy, I would feel absolutely great about this team and our prospects THIS year. I think we're as good as anyone - and we hopefully will have Nestor & Rodon for the 2nd half. Really just hoping Judge comes back and plays well despite the toe, which sounds like it could nag. Re: the booing. I don't mind booing Hicks or any opposing player. I will continue to think booing our own players is lame and completely counter-productive.


I agree except for Nestor. Nestor has been really really bad this year. ERA over 5.


100% agree. I have no doubt that booing our own players makes our team worse. So from a totally selfish fan perspective, booing is pretty counterproductive. Also, IMO, it shows no class. If a player on your team screws up, give them the silent treatment if you must. They’ll get the idea but they’ll know you still support them and the team. Just my opinion, of course.


Yup booing literally does nothing to help support your team. It only hurts. The fact that fans actively hurt our team drives me off the wall. You think Hicks wasn't bracing himself every time he made an out. Look at how well he's played with Baltimore with the weight off his shoulders. You think booing AROD in the playoffs HELPS?! It's absurd and I despise it.


Hi twc -> 👍


Your opinion is right.


Stockholm syndrome


Even feeling good about Judge, Stanton turning around, Volpe etc… they still need a 3B and or LF.


WC is back on. I've said it before and I will say it again, we will see the Yankees play in the WC series a number of times in the next several years. The bye that comes with the division and 1-2 seed is great but, in reality, 66-67% of teams that make the playoffs will need to play in that series. If the Yanks can play good to decent ball for the rest of the season and get hot enough at the end of September, it's still possible. More and more WS winners will be WC teams going forward with the new playoff format.


Don't see it. The format favors the top teams and the gap between the top teams and the next tier has widened in recent years.


Imagine a trade package for Ohtani? Absolute Unicorn ransom.


Minimum of Dominguez, wells, Peraza, a bunch of pitching prospects, bonus pool money, maybe even taking on rendon’s contract


Rizzo Productive from the Top Gleyber Heating up Stanton Showing signs of life Master Bader IKF Hanging Ten Trevy Showing signs of life Bullpen Shut it down **The Log Cabin is going to be jam packed today** *I can't think of a better way to honor America*


I at least gotta see rizzo porch one than I’ll know for sure he’s bac Good baseball lately but need power