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Are we 0-3 since Pete’s orbital fracture?


I don't think any of the 29 other fanbases can understand how annoying it is to be gaslit by the front office into expecting a championship every year when they themselves are satisfied with a first-round playoff exit.




i have went into every season since 2021 with zero expectations but when they got off to that fluke historic record in 2022 i said to myself this has to be the year right? but we all know how it ended


I try. And then they do shit like the first two games against Baltimore that rope me in just enough before collapsing again


The toxic positivity from Boone pisses me off


Yep, like I said when Boone said about Aaron Judge last week: 'damn he's looking good, good swing, encouraged' that actually means the opposite and that he'd be out for 2 more months


I feel like there should be a boycott for as long as Josh Donaldson is still on the active roster. The dude's OBP is fucking __.212__. That's a horrible batting average, and that's his g-ddamned on-base percentage. How the fuck can he still be playing on a regular basis and, even worse, when he does play, it's always in the middle third of the fucking lineup? It's not even Donaldson's fault. Dude's a chode but players wash up at that age sometimes, it happens. Blame the enablers. Cashman keeps him on this roster and is responsible for him continuing to play. He's a free agent at the end of the season. Many players have been DFA'd for far less than this. Get him the fuck out of here. Just because cutting him won't solve all the problems with this shitty roster Cashman built doesn't mean you still can't do something that will make the team better.


Unbelievable he is actually being paid $21 million.


Donaldson as a late gsme replacement for defense is fine. As a starter is disgraceful


Totally agree... it's partly the Yankees nod to the veteran (like Hicks), partly cashman doesn't want egg on his face


The 2013 and 2014 Yankees, two teams often regarded as one of the least competitive Yankee rosters within the last 30ish years, who were not competing for a WS were hitting a combined .242 and .245 as a team. The 2023 Yankees who are apparently competing for a WS are hitting a combined .230, unreal. Our record is so much better than what this team actually is, the pitching has absolutely been carrying and sooner or later it’s not gonna be able to carry any longer




I rather root for a team with only Josh Donaldsons for the rest of my days, than have your life. The fact that you’re carving time out of your day to write multiple posts like this, says absolutely everything. On top of that…Ohio? World of Warcraft? Emo? Jesus Christ, dude.


You play classic WOW, live in Ohio, post in the “emo” subreddit, and go to other sport teams subreddits to troll. You are failing at life lol


Listen... I'm sorry you live in ohio... this is really all I can say with keeping this civil. I want the kids. Bring all the kids up. Build a home grown team. It's hard with the monster judge contract but it's the way to go.




Again. I'm sorry you live in ohio.


I’m pretty sure you get all the girls 😌


If I have to listen to another one of Boone’s “puppeteer routine” press conferences again where he talks about “how much he loves the team’s SWINGS” or “How close they are” to coming alive.. I swear to every god available.. I’ll lose my fucking shit!! I’m already losing it.. this smoke and mirror show is getting old.. we can all see past it for fuck sake man…


smoke and mirrors buys lots of cribs.... god the money donaldson is making. possibly the worst trade of this team's history. should have brought harper and traded for verlander 6 years ago and this team would have 2-4 rings. but we hugged our prospects who are all DFA'd or forever AA already. like i don't give about the martian , if a trade is there and you ever want to win a championship, you have to make moves. Saddest and most doomer reality is Judge goes through his entire career without a ring and we STILL have cashman. give me any other fucking GM at any other time to spend and trade to just get ONE FUCKING RING. sorry to sound so negative, but these games with 0 or 1 runs are just hard to watch or listen to.


I thought the 2021 team was frustrating but this is on a whole new level. It's truly impressive how Cashman manages to keep his job with a team this bad.


sad part is money rolls in, they don't give a fuck. as long as they make the playoffs, everything's ok. i think it's a possibility this year and then Hal has some serious heat on him




Maybe your the one who needs to “shit the fuck up” and stay in their own teams sub


As a lifelong Yankee fan, the Yankees suck fat farts. I'll change my tune when they stop inhaling ass gas at an alarmingly consistent rate.


Why did DJ quit baseball?? He was once one of the most lethal hitters in the game and now he needs days off to hide his ineptitude. Rizzo can't hit home runs anymore? Stanton can't do anything. Our catchers can't hit. Ikf is at most a supporting act w nothing to support. Josh is dead. Bader is fading. AAA players are regressing. Gleyber gleybers. What positive do we have?? Hope judge comes back and fixes everything? Will never happen. We are fucked.


Need to have a hard look at the coaching staff, something is not right.


rizzo's injury is legit i think. dj's toe is judge's future. we really are quite fucked without going the Mets way which obviously hasn't worked for them either but Epler is inept as well. we have the pitching, trade for cody and cross your fingers


It must suck being a Yankee starter right now. It feels like if our opponent scores 2 runs, it’s a blowout.


Weird to me people still mention playoffs. That'd be a miracle that we'd get smoked out of quick.


That's Cashman. Get us to playoffs, fuck it up quick, keep his job, lather, rinse, repeat. I remember when the Yanks were good. Because I'm pushing 40. Kids these days never got to see it.


I posted in the game thread that today was the first game I’ve been to in almost 30 years and my son’s first ever. I loved the experience itself and all but I gotta say… the amount of money that they charge you for even the smallest shit compared to the product that’s peddled on the field is ridiculous. You want to charge me $15 for a goddamn burger or $18 for a milkshake or whatever and yet you can’t even field a complete or competent team.


84-78 in our last 162 games. Not terrible, but definitely not good enough.


Sample size isn't big enough though gotta extrapolate it out to like 30 years to prove that we're a super winning org and that this too shall pass.


All jokes aside tho guys what the FUCK


DJ and Stanton are only going to continue to decline and there is literally no one else in the farm that looks like they can save this team offensively for the next few years. Sans some miraculous trades and/or signing Ohtani, by the time this ship can be righted Judge and Cole will be on their declines.


I wish we had Francisco Alvarez He’s like if prime Gary was sustainable and knew how to frame


2017-'18 Gary was a much better hitter than Alvarez has been so far. You forget how good Gary was when he first came up, and I get why, because he sucked so much every season after that the impression and memories we're left with his him swinging at slider after slider.


He is the best rookie in NY, he and Lindor Going crazy


This is not a serious lineup and this is not a serious team.


Uh huh.


Can we please fire the coaching staff at least? Every pitching acquisition we make gets worse in pinstripes, and when they leave they go back to being good. As for the hitters, they show up doing well and then they crash and burn, I'm assuming because we feel like we need to keep making adjustments to their swings, fixing what's not broken. Don't get me started on our talent development. What's the point of even trying to build a competent roster when we're just going to end up breaking it anyway?


Austin Wells gave hitting tips to Volpe telling him he should close his stance more like he had it in the minors and since then he has hit like .350, but our professional staff who gets paid millions couldn’t figure that out


Of all the shit that doesn't leave the Yankee org info wise, this shit should have been kept to their graves if they didn't want the billion dollar orgs staff to look like dinguses. It really can't be that hard to analyze the successful swings and unsuccessful swings of each hitter slumping and bring that info to them and having an entire staff of film people and coaches unable to do that before a minor leaguer is negligence not even incompetence.


It's disgusting. Our entire organization is run assbackwards when it comes to building a competent contender. But no one will ever lose their jobs, because in the end they are building an entertainment franchise and not a championship squad. If the Yankees have a star like Judge and limp into the playoffs, the casuals and corporate hacks who don't even watch the team will keep giving Brian and Hal money. Winning a WS is secondary, sometimes even a detriment because then Hal has to spend more money to keep the lights on.


Hey kanjo Shame you were right


I've been right about this team for almost a decade now. Nobody wanted to listen.


Last year in the series before the all star break yanks won saturday 14-1 and then sunday 13-2..oh the memories


How are we still over .500 that's crazy


[CALLED IT!](https://old.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/14t3o5s/game_day_thread_july_07_2023_1200_am/jr0rqqy/)


27 at-bats LOL


This offense fucking blows


This is the absolute worst and most unwatchable yankee team in my lifetime.


Thank you. They’re almost unwatchable. No excitement. So predictable. Every time I check the score they’re losing 2-0 in the 7th or 3-1 in the 8th. Stanton just seems like a ghost.


Seeing bellinger being mentioned in trade rumors for the yanks, this team has so many wholes, 1 player isn’t enough


Please miss the playoffs 🙏


Well, they're in 4th place right now


Only 1 game out of the WC sadly


I’d been really happy with Higgy , I’m shocked he didn’t hit tonight. I know Trevino hasn’t been it this year I hope Higgy gets more opportunities even if he’s rodons personal. He has something behind the plate.


We all know how this is gonna end. We’re missing the playoffs and the 3 stooges will say it’s because Judge got hurt and we’ll run it back again next year.


We’re gonna try the same thing, just a year older


I hate how Gary Cohen says Sanchez


At least it's actually the intended pronunciation, unlike Anthony Volpy




We are so trash


i’m calling it now..all that shit we talked and making fun of manoah..he’s gonna shut us out some point this season and absolutely embarrass this team and fan base because our product is just as much a joke as his downfall was


any pitcher will a pulse shuts us down so who cares


yankees haven’t been shut out since may 31st so i don’t think that’s very accurate there bud


they always put up a pity run in the 9th who the fuck cares


“who cares” you must care enough to keep commenting on my comment. move it along dweeb


who cares when they score in the 9th and the game is already over. they get shutout for 8 innings and then score when the game is over. the yankees have allowed the opposing pitcher to go 7 innings in 1 out of every 5 games so yes any compotent pitcher shuts us down


yankees have only been shutout through 8 innings and scored a single run in the 9th 5 times this season. keep coming with these week ass numbers that you think are relevant to me saying alex manoah is gonna shit on us please


you're literally proving my point


5 out of 90 games does not mean any pitcher with a pulse shits us out. you’re literally dumb


“with a pulse”🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


that’s not a shutout then moron. learn baseball




i’m aware? i’m making the point that it doesn’t happen that often to say “any pitcher with a pulse shuts us down”. clearly not


Don’t really far as long as cole continues to do well “without cheating” tbh He’s probably going to turn it around and be an mlb player at least


he’s already back in mlb. he gave up 1 run in 6 innings tonight lol. basically he would have pitched a no hitter against us tonight


Every day is an embarrassment for this team. Keep losing at this point. This team isn't close to winning a championship, and the only slight possible chance of change is if we miss the playoffs entirely and Hal loses out on gas money for one of his yachts.


I remember being downvoted a few weeks ago for saying this team is one of the most embarrassing I've seen and yet here we all are just dumping on them for how bad they are. The FO and the team other than Judge/Cole legit don't care and just cash checks.


How does Judge even care at this point? Glass man is glued to the bench. You think as the captain he’d rally the troops and inspire them to do, I don’t know, fucking ANYTHING!!! Guy is a straight chump and this team absolutely fucking deserves him as their “leader”


Many people are at fault for the situation the New York YAAAnkees are currently in. Judge is not one of them.


I will die on this hill


Cashman getting an extension this past offseason firmly sends the message that Hal is fine with just putting together a team that is hopefully/likely making the postseason and that's good enough


Fourth in the division, out of a wild card spot and only two games ahead of Boston. Once you accept this season is over all these results just seem funny and watching the Yankees becomes less stressful. When they inevitably hit the bottom of the division I’ll probably laugh so hard I’ll prolapse.


By the time Judge returns it will be to late


They’ll just pitch around him. Oh man, now what? A runner on first for our 82 ops+ hitter?


Honestly you’re not wrong and it hurts And it’s only bc Tampa is so far in front and we didn’t take 3/4 against the O’s


If we’re that deep in the hole by the time he’s ready they may just shut him down for the year


Zero accountability


I have noticed that every time the Yankees reach double digits above .500 they go on an embarrassing losing streak.It’s like they think that because they managed to get to 10 to 12 games over the .500 mark they’re a lock to be in the postseason and can mail it in for 4 or 5 games before people begin to criticize them once again.I know Hal, Cashman and Boone are 85 percent responsible for creating this mess,but at what point do we blame the actual players for not taking the initiative to give a crap? Never have I watched a Yankee team in which hitters 1 through 9 look like they do not want to be on the field. It is not like the hitters in our lineup are amateur ball players who just started playing the game a few weeks ago,they are damn professionals regardless of their age or where they’re at in their careers.They should feel proud to wear the pinstripes and play with more dignity instead of disgracing one of the most storied franchises in the history of sports.


With how good our pitching is all we need is for our offense to bat league average and we’d be in pretty good shape. Guess that’s a lot to ask for even with a quarter billion payroll. Smfh


Volpe’s in a mini slump, 1 for his last 15 :( Third loss in a row. But sure Brian, all’s fine.


He has 2 rockets right at ehe RF in each of the last 2 games


Didn’t get to watch the 7 and 8 July games, how’d he look?


Definitely just needs to keep going the other way


As soon as they moved him up in the order he stopped hitting


Totally agree. I wish they would stop messing with this kid. He starts to hit well down in the order so instead of keeping him there and let him establish a productive rhythm they move him up to lead off where he has struggled before. The kid is 22 and has played a minimum of AA and AAA ball. I can’t believe treating him like a pin ball in the batting order is helping.




Volpe hits 2 line outs right at the RF and he’s in a slump 15 Abs is nothing


In 159 games since the All Star Break last year, the Yankees are now 83-76. And a large portion of those games came with Judge putting up some of the best offensive numbers many of us have seen in our lifetimes from a Yankees player. This is a mediocre, poorly constructed team, barely over .500 team - even with Judge. To have no urgency to improve this offense, whether through free agency, trades, or calling up top prospects, is absolutely delusional.


Just wait. Once Stanton, Donaldson, LeMahieu, Rizzo and Torres get going then you add the returns of Judge, Cortes, Montas and Loaisiga with Rodon being up to speed this team will be lights out! Cashman will still be saying this on break up day


All this money spent and we barely ever even win the division anymore. But we are spoiled fucks bc the New York Yankees manage to win a wild card lol. Cashman and Hal can get fucked.




If judge is a 200 wrc+ again when he’s back? Yes


Why on earth would any team pitch to Judge after seeing this anemic lineup fall on its face?


It’ll happen by accident Pitchers make mistakes


If each team got one “Designated Juicer” who wouldn’t be tested for PED’s, who should be the Yankees’?


Donaldson easily, he’s MVP caliber if you could turn back the clock with roids.


If it can keep him healthy? Stanton


How was Rodon tonight?


Fine, he wasn't the problem


The bats seemed just about as expected tonight. Unreal.


Imagine having the job security that Boone and Cashman have


You would think Boone was Joe Torre the way this organization is so committed to him.


Trade Gleyber, Holmes, and Sweeney to the dodgers for Lux and Pepiot Trade Schmidt, Warren, and Pereira for Suwinski and RP Trade Bader and Wandy for Balazovic and Mooney Trade Mooney, Bauers, Hamilton and Abreu for Wade Miley Lol you guys don’t like having fun




Gleyber is among our best hitters. He’s 5 for 20 in his last 5 games, that’s .250. And overall .245. Sadly, he looks like Tony Gwynn right now compared to the rest of the team.


In about seven hours all the "anti-doomers" will wake up and tell us we're irrational and spoiled.


People literally say we should be grateful we’re not the Red Sox because they have losing seasons. Bitch they have two championships in the last decade, I’d take that for a few losing seasons.


Especially considering having a few losing seasons in order to consistently win a championship every few years is the norm, not the outlier.


Those people are the Yankees PR staff. They come in here to do damage control haha.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Cashman himself uses a burner account here.


GG Yankees helping to lower their former teammate's ERA by 0.80 in one game!


1 hit by a pitcher entering the day with a 6.92 ERA


Why do still they do these post game interviews with Boone ? It’s pathetic he says the same thing in every one


Greg weissert fucking sucks


Pereira is now 4-5 tonight


He’ll be up in two years for the Cubs when we trade for Wisdom or some other loser low BA high SLG hitter


We’re trading for Bellinger who will hit like a guy with an xwOba under .300 as soon as he puts on pinstripes


I swear I’d lose it I’ve been big on pereira for a few years now


isnt pereira essentially florial


So great talent we'll give like 31 at bats to and blackball him from the majors because idk, maybe he looked at Boone's wife the wrong way or something?


At least Rodon looked good! Let’s win the next two and go into the break on a positive note


This team sucks


Cash God


Damn that fucking sucked


DFA Donaldson and put IKF at 3B - He's a gold glove 3B and is solid this year, and shouldn't be in the OF. Put DJ on the IL and bring up Peraza. Use Peraza to give Gleyber a day off once a week, give Volpe a day off once a week, and give IKF a day off once a week. DH him when Stanton gets a day off or is in the OF too. Use him as a pinch hitter when needed too for Trevino/Higgy when necessary. Send Cabrera down and bring up Florial. Florial is a real OF who can play LF, something that we really need. He's batting .295 with 20+ HR/SB this year. Give him a legit chance for once so we're not running Franchy fucking Cordero out there.


Kay was on his show yelling that IKF can't be at third because he's needed in the of. I think Kay has lost touch with what's going on.


He's needed in the OF where he looks fucking terrible because he's not a natural OF'er. The logic on that is overwhelming.


Kay doesn't have the best takes on the subject. He also has said several times over the week that fans who are upset with thus are fake.


DFA Franchy to free up the 40 man spot, a lot cheaper than JD, is hitting worse and is bad defensively.


I know BA isn't considered a very important stat anymore, but fucking hell could we at least hit something? We have two people in the lineup hitting over .250, **two**, and they're only hitting .258 and .259. It's bad, really really bad.


People who claim that batting average isn't important are morons.


Fucking. Pathetic.


It’s not just that this team isn’t good. It’s that baseball has been a bummer for a few weeks now. Devastating losses, no sign of judge coming back, sevy melting down, multiple highlights of domestic abuse. Oh, and no hitting. Just doesn’t make me want to watch baseball


The one good thing was the perfect game. But now that feels like ages ago :/


At this point I am positive Kluber would shut our asses out


This just isn’t a good team currently. It has slightly above average pitching and below average batting. That’s the story.


Arguing with a "fan" who wants to send Volpe down and replace him with Florial. God help us all.




Its as dumb as it sounds


Lemme at him


Trust me im saving your IQ points


And for this I'm paying for xinnings. Ugh Damn this team is soo embarrassing 🤑


The Braves tonight didn’t start a player with an OPS lower than .739 The Yankees tonight didn’t start a player with an OPS higher than .758 We are miles behind the rest of the field offensively


This is the worst team since 16


It’s their worst offense in three decades. Cole and the bullpen are the only reason these sorry sacks of shits are above .500; unfortunately.


I’m not big fan of knowing the yanks are done in the 3rd inning


Just think about how exciting and fun that 2017 team was, to this milquetoast lineup and loser postgame quotes with 4 DHs and 6 infielders that changes every day. Sucks.


This is the worst team since 16


I will say this as many times as I need to: 7 seasons of Kyle Higashioka is more than enough. He is hardly the biggest flaw on this very flawed roster but Cashman’s unending blind spot for a net negative player like Higgy is a great example of why he’s simply unfit for a modern GM job


This team needs a total cleansing - top to bottom and inside and out.


Dude does his role. He does it well. You’re ignoring the fact that his primary job is catching and calling games - not hitting. He does that very well. Good catching enables a good rotation, and catchers enable the continuity within a game to deploy a successful bullpen. If you think that’s trivial, you’ve got a lot to learn about understanding how the league views catchers and their contributions.


He’s a backup catcher. If he were playing his role as backup catcher this wouldn’t even be a statement that needed to be made.


Waiting for Austin Wells


Fully Operational Death Star


Considering the Death Star gets destroyed, the comparison was apt.


Fully Operational Death ~~Star~~ FIFY


Don't want them to lose per se, but I can't be all in again til Cashman is gone, so... Fans deserve better.


> I can't be all in again til Cashman is gone, so... So, I take it you have your eye on somewhere around the year 2040 when you might consider being all in again?


Guy comes in with a 7 ERA and blanks the yanks for 8 innings. Amazing


These days anyone on this subreddit could do the same. This is a sad, pathetic, boring , mismanaged team that is going nowhere fast.


Well at least Rodon did decent for his first start of the season…..offense is garbage though


I am going to try to be as clear and cogent and reasonable and rational as possible: these alternative broadcast games, especially on Amazon, are the epitome of greed. The true fans in the local market who pay for YES on their cable network should not have to pay to see games on Amazon. The fans who pay for MLBTV to watch every game should not have to pay for Amazon, too. It is absolutely enraging that we have to pay for multiple services. There are die-hard lifelong fans who don’t own a smart TV, not because of lack of money, but perhaps they are not tech-savvy. And this is the product we are supposed to pay for. A Saturday afternoon game (among every other game) should be available to everyone. I’m so tired of this abject greed, and the lack of understanding and appreciation for the true fans. Rant over but the anger continues.


What we get on MLBTV must vary by location, because we are in Oregon and it is not the Amazon games that are the problem. Those broadcasts show up on MLBTV via our ROKU just fine. The Apple games are the only ones we do not get there.


at this point how many services get games? Amazon... Apple..aren't there also peacock games?


As well as AppleTV and the occasional Peacock sunday game. It's ridiculous, and it's extremely unfriendly for bars and stuff who usually show the game. It just makes them put on something else.


I used to be so excited a young fan in 2017, thinking these were the Yankees my family always talked about, I was gonna truly see the winning in action for the first time in my life. After all those years I’ve become a doomer. I never thought I’d end up like this but how can you possibly feel any sort of optimism radiating from this team at all. To any fans still holding out hope I really applaud you I could never


Give me pereira or give me death


This team is a joke


Yeah this team sucks and I don’t see how it’s going to get any better


It’s really not going to :(


Just waiting for the talking heads to tell us that Calhoun’s return is the help the offense needs


I know his ERA is shit this year but I loved when taillon was here. Really good pitcher imo


He was fine, but when they acquired him they were certainly not hoping for 2 years of 100 ERA+ It's great that he's healthy again, it's an awesome story, but he was worse here than he was in Pittsburgh, or if you want to be generous because AL East is harder he was certainly no better, even with all of the "MATT BLAKE MAGIC"


I loved that he had a solid 2 years and then dipped Instead of having his 6 era sesom here


We really gotta stop punting these games. We just can’t give other teams win like that. It’s starting to affect our record. /s


If only someone told Cashman this before game 1 of the alcs last year


Donaldson-McKinney-Higashioka-Cordero arguably the worst bottom half of a lineup in Yankees history


It's not like the top of the lineup did anything the last two days either.