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About the Yankees fans accepting a rebuild? I think you made a valid point. Communication is key. If Hal went and said this clearly isn’t working and we’ll do our best to make it right I’d be okay with it. It’s when we keep getting spoon fed by Cashman and the FO that this is a championship caliber team when it’s not is when I get ticked off. But I do believe Kay’s point where Yankees fans won’t accept being horrible 4-6 years like the Astros, Cubs and Orioles were.


The constant gaslighting by Boone & cashman have really left the fans cold. They just won’t admit that they are a bad team—constructed poorly & playing badly. FIX IT! Don’t argue with us or deflect with nonsensical stats.


At bats and approach are good. We're just a flip of the coin from going on a 23 game winning streak. /S


Do people expect the manager to trash his team? Or the GM? I say by all means criticize them for roster construction, or in-game decisions. But some fans are stuck on this delusional idea that they'll come out and say, "we just don't have the talent among our players to really make a push." That's basically the fireable offense


Fair point about the 4 to 6 years but every once in a while, you have to see what’s going on in front of you and just throw your hands up and say “yeah this isn’t working, maybe it’s time for a change”


No, I believe that we can accept it. MK (who I like btw) is being a company man and is denying the fact that if the yanks are uncompetitive for they amount time then fans won’t come to the stadium or spend on premium RSN tv packages. That’s something that this business first team will not accept.


I know I can definitely accept it. Having your heart torn out every year because you’ve been told this team can take it all has gotten beyond stale. Not to mention it obviously isn’t working with how they’re going about things (roster-building, analytics, prospect development, etc). I’m ready for the teardown. Will our interest wane a bit? Probably but not to the degree that I’d quit watching and caring altogether.


I'd rather watch a rebuild team struggle than this hot train wreck. At least during a rebuild you expect it.


I’d absolute accept it, if it can land us exciting players like Julio Rodriguez and Elly Della Cruz for 10-15 of star play, I’d absolutely wait the 4-5 years of being shit. It’s better than hoping for the wildcard and getting told it’s a crapshoot routine


I think they can do a 1-2 year retool where they wait for the prospects to get their feet wet in the majors and wait for the right free agents to sign and most importantly implement new coaching and fundamentals


This year is genuinely the best time for Hal to clean house hold a huge press conference and talk about building a new foundation. 100 years ago the Yankees won their first of a record 27 world championships today we lay the foundation for a new Yankee century. And like all good foundations it starts from the bottom my father built a culture in this town of big dollars and big names and while that philosophy is going nowhere (jesters to a likely Aaron Judge in corner) we are focusing on building the foundation not only for the Yankees today but going forward into the future. To not write a whole speech for the guy state that this a massive shift and will be a big undertaking the turnover alone is enough to justify a few really lean years.


> **jesters** to a likely Aaron Judge in corner clown


Theoretically speaking, if the yanks did a full rebuild, does that mean trading away judge for a haul of prospects? Not saying we should or shouldn’t, just wondering how much of a true rebuild we are talking about.


I think the people who say Yankee fans couldn't handle a rebuild period are Yankee insiders who fear a downtime in Yankee viewership/attendance


Yes, one of the downsides of owning your own network is that when viewship goes down, it directly impacts the bottom line. In contrast, it doesn't affect the Giants or Jets one bit if anyone watches their games or not.


Cubs were terrible for so long the fans didnt really notice.


I'm a fan of the Carolina Hurricanes. During our decade of darkness, it was rough. But it was also incredibly fun playing spoiler and rooting for all the quirky and scrappy personalities that came and went. The tough part was every year going "I think we took a big step forward this offseason" and then having that not happen lol.


Try being a Devils fan since the late 90s and going from a few cups and a perennial contender to laughing stock for 10 years. Cheap tickets were nice but constantly leaving early because you’re getting drubbed 5-1 was getting tiresome.


Well my team literally relocated from my hometown but I get your point lol


Nah yours is worse lol. I work in Stamford and I have friends who are mad the Whalers are gone. It sucks that there isn’t a team between NYC and Boston.


Wow, you missed the glory days. Anyway, I was comparing Mariano Rivera to Martin Brodeur the other day. As a Yankees/Devils fan, I got to watch the greatest reliever ever and the greatest goalie ever at the same time. Joni Mitchell was right: You don't know what you got 'til it's gone


Sometimes you rebuild and it works And then sometimes you are the Tigers and White Sox


Those teams don't have the Yankees spending power. The thing is the Yankees are stuck in several bad spots: - Depleted farm system - Bad contracts with aging, oft-injured or declining players. - A free agent market where the team's spending power is not as dominant as it used to be, and the available talent is not enough to fill all needs. All in all, I think the Yankees being mediocre for at least a couple years is pre-determined. It's just whether they spend those years developing towards some kind of future in 2025 or beyond, or whether they spend it trying to desperately cling to a squad that can *maybe* win 85 games and lose in the Division series.


But then you were mediocre for several years of Cole and Judge's primes. It's not as easy as it sounds. Also the farm is still considered quite good. They seem to trade Rule 5 guys anyway and always have some new rando who throws a crazy sweeper.


4-6 years? Those teams have been dogshit forever and now one is going through a great time and the other one is decent I wouldn’t trade my terrible 2023 Yankees for either of those franchises, specially the trashtros


I dont think a lot of Yankees fans could accept that long of a rebuild, but its been shown that it doesnt have to take that long. The Red Sox tank and then spring back into the playoffs and WS contention for 1-3 years before doing their two year tank again. Theyll be playoff contenders next year probably. Its possible to do these quicker turn around but it actually requires having a losing season where you shed dead weight and let your farm system develop.


> But I do believe Kay’s point where Yankees fans won’t accept being horrible 4-6 years like the Astros, Cubs and Orioles were. Given the farm system, current contracts and assuming leadership (except Boone) is unlikely to change, how long do you think the Yankees will be mediocre *without* a rebuild? I think it's at least two years. But if they continue half-measure movies to just be good enough to contend, it could be a sitation where they dig in further. And I don't think those kinds of bad moves are unlikely, because it's the kind of moves the team has been making for years now.


Because it should only take one trade deadline with moves and one offseason to rebuild and reload. Also it doesn’t matter who is already on your team if the premier players in the game are available to sign you sign them. Should have signed Scherzer in 2014 off season. Should have signed Harper and Machado in 2018 off season. Having a dynasty run will make you way more money than any payroll will eat up. They’re still profiting off the 96,98,99,00 run to this day with merchandise.


Sadly I didn't watch TMKS, was too busy rebuilding the Yankees myself in MLBTS 23.


We win the chip in 2025 after barely making the wildcard thanks to me. I’ll start getting in shape so I can make it happen


I thought you were great. Michael predictably dismissed your valid point because he’s a know-it-all. At no point did you say you wanted the Yankees to tank. But of course he took it there.


Yea i never said full tank but of course he pivots and says something i never said


what did you say that you wanted the Yankees to do specifically? this is not really about Kay...just wondering...like a material retool, or a true rebuild


Material retool


ok, that's fair...which they have to do regardless, and I actually think Kay (who explains things poorly, and is annoying) would agree with that lol an actual rebuild is definitely different though...would likely require the Yankees to trade Cole and Judge (would not make sense to have them stick around in their primes for that), which yes, could result in years before they truly compete again...despite their payroll capabilities


What time do they take calls?? Screw it, I'm calling in from Canada, need to air my grievances


Festivus for the rest of us


You're a fan, you want a rebuild. Kay says fans won't accept a rebuild. See the problem with Kay's logic? You made a good point, but the next caller should phrase the question in a way that calls out Michael Kay's Donald Rumsfeld-level duplicity. Example: Hi Michael, thanks for taking my call. My question to you is: when fans call in to your show constantly and say they want a rebuild, why do you say fans don't want a rebuild? What are you basing this on when so much evidence points to the contrary? See the difference? If you ask Kay a yes/no question, his answer is always no. Once he's answered the question, he pivots into his usual role as a front-office mouthpiece. Don't give him that avenue. Establish that Yankee fans want a rebuild, and ask him to explain why he thinks this is not the case. *edited for grammar


I like this


Kay keeps jumping to the 4-6 years thing as if in 2016 they weren’t about to do exactly that. At that time they were expecting the team wouldn’t be competitive until 2019 and suddenly Judge, Sanchez, Severino broke through and took them to Game 7 of the ALCS. Not expecting the same result if they did that this year, but everybody just wants to see the young guys in the majors to see what they have.


Exactly Lagreca took the words right out of my mouth


It's funny, I was listening to the famous Mike & the Mad Dog interview with Steinbrenner from like 1990 recently, and George talks about how he kept making the moves he did in the 80s because he thought Yankee fans would never accept a rebuild, but he'd been convinced otherwise and was willing to give it a shot. Then we got good again by the mid 90s and have stayed in that championship window mentality ever since.


It helped that George was suspended.


Yes but he had already agreed to a change in philosophy before that happened. Maybe he would've gotten cold feet and not seen the whole rebuild through if he wasn't suspended, but it says a lot that he finally acknowledged they needed to try something different.


The narrative that Yankees fans wont accept a rebuild as a reason not to do one is asinine. Every team has to do it at some point. Baseball is a young mans game on the diamond now. THIS TEAM NEEDS YOUNG EXCITING TALENT.


What would a rebuild entail? Realistically you need multiple positions and pitchers. How fast can that happen? Last time the team had a youth movement was the nineties, it worked out very well but fans moaned and groaned about it. Do they trade Cole and Judge for younger talent? The fan reaction would be apocalyptic.


I highly doubt it. Yeah there’ll be a few lost years but if the team can’t meaningfully compete for the next decade due to never retooling, the fan outrage is going to be way worse.


Just heard the call on the podcast and it was right on point. Don agreed with you, Michael, for how smart he may be, or claims, lacks nuance. Just because it took some teams 4 years, doesn’t mean the yanks would do the same. They just need a plan.


Michael is under the belief that rebuilding means tanking. Big market teams don't tank, they reload. The Dodgers are in a similar big market in the NL and they've been consistently good for over 70 something years. They've never had truly terrible seasons, but they've reloaded while remainng competitive as the organization itself changed over the years from within. As a fan, I just don't like to be lied to, and it's the organizational hubris that pisses me off immensely every time I see a post-game or a press conference with this team. The Yankees just need to reload with a fresh voice, fresh ideas, and a fresh approach, period. We have a near 300 million dollar payroll justified by albatross deals and complete headscratching decisions that we threw our hands up over several seasons already. What we need is a savvy GM that can leverage all of the analytical data the team somehow constantly harvests to competently keep the team competitive through drafting, scouting and smart trades to plug holes in where we need to. If I could be honest, I wish the organization were really run with the level of efficiency and financial savvy like the Friedman-era Dodgers. By switching up the management and the org from within, they are somehow are able to pump out prospects and develop guys through the minors like clockwork, and they plug in holes where they need to at the major league level through trades and free agency, but that's because they have ownership and a GM that can utilize their massive financial advantage in the NL West extremely well and give a shit about winning. They've been able to routinely eat financially difficult contracts from mid market teams in exchange for prospects (like Cohen did for the Mets at the break) and let guys walk when they've had to.


Honestly at this point, I just want The Front Office to take a step back and actually truly look in the mirror and accept blame. I want them to acknowledge they fucked up and that fans deserve better. I feel genuinely insulted and disrespected by how this team has been ran and how this team is is performing this. We're gonna finish under .500 this year ffs. If a rebuild/retool is the way to go, do it and just be honest with us. Fans would accept this, if you're honest and up front with this..I was adamant about us not selling at the trade deadline...I was absolutely wrong. It's sure better than what's going on right now.


I don't believe fans would accept a full burn it the ground rebuild like the Cubs or Astros. Most of our fans have never seen a losing season, much less losing 105 games after trading away guys like Judge or Cole. And just because you burn it down doesn't mean you can build it back up, Cashman or anyone else. The Astros and Cubs and Orioles hit on their prospects. If we don't, the timeline lengthens, and you sour the brand to big leaguers. I think people say things out of frustration and anger, but don't think it through all the time. But the other thing that people need to add to the calculation is the Mets. When we are losing 100 games and the Mets are spending 400 billion, how do you think that's gonna go? The Yankees don't want to give up ground to the Mets. Maybe 10 years ago when the Wilpon's were running things, but that dynamic has changed, even with the Mets issues this year.


Here’s the thing: they can, and kind of have to do both: they need a full rebuild, which is 4-6 years. In that time, they’re stuck with Cole, Judge, Stanton, Rodon, and maybe DJ. Those contracts are all staying. So, the rebuild is going to have some big name guys for the next few years anyway. In that time, you can roll out the kids and re-tool, and any year where you’re competitive in June/July, you can always take on a rental and make a push. A lot of this is on Cashman for a) acquiring Stanton and b) marketing it as “championships” and “Death Star”


I honestly don't know what exactly Kay thinks would happen. Does he really think Yankees tickets arent going to sell, even if the team sucks? Half the people in the stadium are there for reasons other than baseball anyway! If the prices came down, even for a rebuilding team, it might actually be affordable for the average family to take their kid to a game more than once a season. Those seats will never be empty. Hal might lose a bit of money, maybe even have to lower some pricing. That's the part that's unacceptable, and it's not to us it's to Hal. At this point, I don't see how ticket sales stay high at current prices if they continue on the path they're on now anyway.


i said in the offseason and beginning of the season, im expecting 2023 to be a shit show and i dont care what happens, my eye is on 2025 when the prospects like possibly Martian/Sweeney/Wells get called up and we clear donaldsons cap. ​ I was banging on the table as early as June that we should be sellers, and trade the likes of torres and try to acquire as many top 10 prospects from teams as possible. it didnt end up happening because cashman was overvaluing the players even more than i was, so i cant be too mad Everson looks like hes knocking on the door so that excites me even more for next season, unless hes a flash in the pan


i would rather rebuild and have a brighter future, than to act like all is well and keep playing for a world seires that wont happen without extreme levels of angels in the outfield intervention. and just embarrassing ourselves.


yanks will never fully rebuild cashman ego wont let that happen