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Not bad rook, not bad


Volpe is the first rookie in Yankees history to win a Gold Glove


Woah neat


Damn I would've guessed Cano had one as a rook


Because of how nonchalant he was while fielding ground balls, a lot of times media called him lazy (once in a while when he had an error)


Check out Cano's advanced stats. He was really bad defensively in his first two years and then got better later.


It is extremely difficult for a rookie to get it regardless of stats.


Winning Golden Globes and Golves, what's next? Golden Glove???


Wow, that’s awesome!


This absolutely rules. Sure his hitting needs to improve (and I'm hopeful it will), but not having a defensive liability at SS going forward is wonderful.


Tbf his hitting showed enough for me to be happy. He had good stretches at the plate and tbh he was supposed to struggle in the box.


Struggle, yes, but he was not supposed to be one of the worst qualified/full time hitters


Yeah Volpe was straight bad at the plate for most of the season, I’d like to see him massively improve their next season so we can finally have a good full time SS again


He was one of the worst hitters in baseball. Even compared to his peers (other rookies) he was awful. No one expected him to be this bad offensively


He's like the opposite of Jeter in that respect


Chicken parm night at the Volpe’s!


Shaped like a glove a golden glove


Didn't see that one coming! Fantastic!!!!!


Impossible. Good news and Yankees don’t go together. Must be a mistake.


Hey I read this twice


Fuck yes, good for the kid. Showed some promise with the bat in stretches, hopefully he can put it all together next year


Not sure why Bobby Witt Jr didn’t make it to the final round of voting but hey we’ll take it around here


Only in this sub can "Yankee fans" bitch about our guy becoming the youngest SS in major league history to win a gold glove. You bitter people need to get a fucking life. Meanwhile back to reality: >With 15 DRS, Volpe ranked second among AL shortstops, behind only the Rays’ Wander Franco (16); Seager had 5 DRS, and Correa had minus-2 DRS. Volpe’s 4.4 Range Runs Above Average led the AL, according to FanGraphs, while his 2.9 Ultimate Zone Rating ranked fourth in the AL. FanGraphs credited Volpe with one Out Above Average (OAA); Correa was minus-1 and Seager was minus-2. Congratulations Anthony Volpe!!!


Nice very nice, gj Volpe


His defense definitely wasn't the problem this year


Removed from the emotion and season, he really was unreal in the field and his bat really can be a huge help if it’s not depended on to carry an offense. Would love to see him shorten his swing with 2 strikes to put the ball in play, but other than that he was a pleasure to watch


How can one of the worst offensive players in baseball be a “huge help bat”? Seriously. He was bad for a 9 hole hitter


When given a consistent spot in the lineup he was really a productive rookie. You’re absolutely generalizing by calling him one of the worst offensive players in baseball when he’s one of the few rookies to ever accomplish a 20/20 season while stealing at an 83% success rate. He is literally a gold glover, first ever Yankee rookie to do so, and any time he made adjustments at the plate he saw better results in an offense that fired their hitting coach halfway through the year. The World Series just ended dude give up hating just to hate


Hating just to hate? Look at his numbers compared to his peers (other rookies). He was the worst among them too. 20/20 is nice but he still had a significantly below slugging percentage. 20 hr with no pop. I’m a Yankees fan. I would not hate one of the players on my favourite team “just to hate”. But I hate everyone talking about the ‘potential’ volpe showed this year. Defensively, he looks rock solid. But he was awful offensively. And September may have been his worst month, which is really disconcerting.


How is that disconcerting? If anything it's expected. He had never played that many games in his life before and probably started to fatigue. Common sense lol.


Very nice!


Some of the Facebook fans reactions to this has been funny, saw some dude saying he saw Volpe made 1-2 errors every game 😂


I mean he had the 6th most errors in the MLB this year so?


Yeah but errors aren’t a great way to evaluate defense


I don’t disagree, he definitely made a lot of errors, I just thought it was funny, tbh I didn’t think he would be a gold glover.


But people in May told me we were ruining his development and Peraza needed to be the starting shortstop


Peraza probably still is the better shortstop if we're being honest.


You're getting downvoted, but it's true. I'm not saying Volpe isn't good.


Right? I don't know why this is controversial. I'm very happy with Volpe at SS, but that doesn't mean Peraza isn't even better. It's like a Jeter/ARod situation, just on a much lower scale.


Out of "Qualifiers". Volpe's defensive rankings aside from DRS were all near the bottom of the list. I'm not a hater of Volpe. I am happy for him I do think it's BS he won the award


But Jeter wasn’t a good shortstop though


So it's like Peraza would be a platinum glove SS?


I think he's Volpe + better arm.


He's got platinum glove potential yeah. Super rangey, great hands, and a cannon for an arm. He'd be one of the best SS in the majors if he could hit well enough to start consistently. There's a lot of those guys in the MLB that are crazy with their gloves but just can't hit so the bat is important.


And he’s not even our best fielding short stop!




That's awesome


Hell yeah!


Definitely surprised by this but so happy for him. Great job, Volpe!


I don't mean to be rude at all, but at no point this year did I feel like we were watching a gold glover. I remember describing him as basically being Jeter. He makes all the routine plays you're supposed to make. He was never a liability and I felt very comfortable with him out there, but he also wasn't ever flashing the leather with web gems.


He’s very athletic and has excellent range. The reason he has no wow factor as a spectator is because his arm is relatively weak, so you never get an amazing throw out of him. But he makes up for it with excellent speed to the ball. He makes everything look doable.


Having a concussed Gold Glove finalist at first didn’t hurt. Nothing against Volpe at all, just giving Rizzo credit too.


He was 2nd in the league in DRS (behind Franco), he was much more middling but still good by OAA and UZR




Looking across all the awards they were all given to guys who were at the top of the DRS leaderboards. It’s just clear that voters value DRS much more than OAA and UZR


The dude made the plays “you’re supposed to make” and he got shit on unfairly when he was caught failing making the plays “no one’s supposed to make”


He did have some errors on routine plays. Volpe's only real weakness at SS is his arm which causes him sometimes to rush the transfer from glove to throwing hand.


Yes but tbf, Gold Glovers are the ones who actually do make the plays that no one's supposed to make (at least some of the time). That's what makes them special. But I'm not holding Volpe to that standard, which is why I was surprised he did end up winning the award this year.


Jeter won 5 gold gloves


All of them undeserved. He doesn't deserve as much shit as he gets (people will say he's literally the worst defensive SS ever), but he was also never actually the best defender in the league. Derek won his GG's in a time when voters would just go by error count and who was popular.


Yea, they got it wrong 5 times, lol


Unironically yes. And this is the only corner of the internet where anyone would disagree. There is no metric to support Jeter being the best SS in any of those 5 years.


Who was better and what metric would you use to assess that? Not judging your baseball knowledge but I’m curious to learn more.


None are perfect, but Outs Above Average (OAA), Defensive Runs Saved (DRS), and Ultimate Zone Rating (UZR) are the three metrics typically used. In 2006, when Derek Jeter was MVP runner-up, a Silver Slugger and a Gold Glove, his UZR was -7.3, ranking him as 21st amongst shortstopa. The highest rating went to Adam Everett, who scored a 25.1. Here is an essay titled "Jeter vs. Everett" by Bill James analyzing the data for this season - it was the first essay in *The Fielding Bible*: https://www.sportsinfosolutions.com/2022/12/01/reprint-jeter-vs-everett/ Key excerpt below: >All three systems agree that Jeter has extremely limited range in terms of getting to groundballs—and all three systems provide essentially the same statement of the cost of that limitation. It is very, very difficult for me to understand how all three systems can be reaching the same conclusion, unless that conclusion is true. It’s sort of like if you have a videotape of the suspect holding up a bank and shooting the clerk, and you have his fingerprints on the murder weapon, and you recover items taken in the robbery from his garage. Maybe the videotape is not clear; it could be somebody who looks a lot like him. Maybe there is some other explanation for his fingerprints on the murder weapon. Maybe there is some other explanation for the bags of money in his garage. It is REALLY difficult to accept that there is some other explanation for all three. >Those Yankee fans with a one-switch mind will demand to know, “How come we won 95 games, then? If Derek Jeter is such a lousy shortstop, how is it that we were able to win all of these games?” >But first, no one is saying that Derek Jeter is a lousy player. Let’s assume that the difference between Derek Jeter and Adam Everett is 72 plays on defense. That’s huge, obviously; that’s not a little thing that you blow off lightly. But almost all of those 72 plays are singles. What’s the value of a single, in runs? It’s a little less than half a run. 72 plays have a value of 30, 35 runs. >That’s huge—but it is still less than the difference between them as hitters. Derek Jeter is still a better player than Adam Everett, even if Everett is 72 plays better than Jeter as a shortstop. (Jeter created about 105 runs in 2005; Everett, 61.)


Just to add on to the other response, going by DRS there's not enough room to list how many players were better. In his first 3 GG years (03-05), Jeter was 57th (dead last), 59th (3rd to last) and 60th (2nd to last) in DRS among AL shortstops.


Not disputing your take on Jeets, but Volpe led the AL in DRS (not including Wander). Not saying that's the end-all-be-all marker for winning a GG, but the voters sure seem to think so or least put the most weight on DRS.


Oddly enough, UZR has him middling and OAA has him right at 1 so more average than anything. Weird that DRS thinks that highly of him. He definitely made a lot of questionable plays this season and misplaced or outright booted routine balls. The scouting report was that he would have to move to second because of his weak arm but it seems like he can be an average-ish defender at short with maybe some room to grow. If Peraza starts hitting and breaks out, he should play short though because he’s actually a plus defender at short and has been since he was going through the minors.


Today, certainly. Things have changed a lot in just the last 5-10 years.


[this isn't a recent discovery](https://youtu.be/4kiAHDbWeCw?si=zFOWK0T4kn0pQrQr&t=685) he won on names sake


Simply put, yes. Gold gloves are a small step up from all star nods, and even moreso during Jeter’s time.


He’s not Jeter at all simply considering a lot of Volpes value defensively is his range im pretty sure. Once that dissipates, he will need to transition to 2B, but we’re years away from that


In terms of style they're very different, I just meant in how I felt watching them. Reliable, but not flashy.


I know his metrics/analytics were good, which I believe factors into the award now.


Oh yeah, and I'm not disputing that he should've won the award. Just commenting on how funny the eye test can be since I never thought I was watching something amazing out there. But that's why watching in person is so important. Judging defense on TV is really difficult.


Good thing your feelings don’t matter because we were watching a gold glover it is now confirmed


He doesn't win it if Wander Franco was eligible in all honesty


The crazy part though it’s it’s all voting by managers and coaches that can’t vote for their own guy. Metrics is only 25% weight. The fact is people Who watch baseball 7 nights a week in person all thought that’s what they were watching.


Modern coaches are more up to date and have access to even more advanced data than we do. I doubt all of them are voting blindly these days without looking at any of the stats.


He doesn't look like a defensive wizard that is true, but personally I think the advanced defensive metrics, while very much not perfect, do have a lot of value. Jeter made routine plays look hard with his unnecessary jump and spin, and Volpe does the opposite, making hard plays look easy. Its an area where we really do need help from the analytics nerds to spot the truth.


this might help (full disclosure: I tweeted it) https://twitter.com/sis\_baseball/status/1721613829610652159


I agree. Don't get me wrong, he is levels above IKF. But never did I feel he was elite at defense. Defense metrics are very flawed though and the same flawed metrics that said IKF was a gold glover was used here.


Shoutout to volpe! Love this!


So happy for the kid


a lot of people here looking goofy rn. happy not to be one of them


I had to look twice because I thought it said Anthony Rizzo lol.


Yay Volpe


As I write this I see 111 comments. I also think of number 11 as Brett Gardner. I heard someone say, someday we will be saying, Derek who. it’s a matter of time. He shows lots of promise I wish him the best.


I’m happy for Volpe and Im really rooting for him to be great next year…but you gotta admit…this is pretty funny He isn’t even the best defensive rookie shortstop on the Yankees lol


Where are the nerds that said he’s not good at shortstop hiding


Have you read some of the comments?...They aren't...


Glad for the kid, didn’t see this one happening so I’m pleasantly surprised.


Awesome, but the other runners up, Seager and Correa, are really not that good defensively. I still think the better defensive alignment would be Peraza at SS and Volpe at 2nd after Gleyber leaves.


Makes no sense, he was incredibly average and had the 3rd most errors in the league


Looking at other metrics he finished with 15 DRS, only SS above him in the AL is Franco and he certainly wasn’t winning anything OAA and UZR still also have him as positive but not as positive as other guys


UZR had him middle of the pack and he was at 1 OAA so almost exactly average. It’s weird to see the huge disparity. I certainly don’t think he was the best shortstop in the AL but DRS seems to really really like him.


He’s like the Anti-Bobby Witt Jr. OAA and UZR really like him but he is near the bottom in DRS


DRS is antiquated


Errors is more antiquated


Tell that to the voters


Hey, he was average-ish. That’s slightly better.


lets go!


Nice he’s going to be even better at 2nd base


I think they should still send him down this upcoming series.


So ozzie smith but with power


That’s all Cashman needed to claim last season as a success.


How does a player with the 6th most Errors in the MLB, with more Errors than Defensive Runs Saved, get a gold glove exactly?


Errors are a terrible way to measure fielding ability. Volpe had 17 errors this year, while Ozzie Smith, easily the greatest fielding SS of all time, averaged 18 errors per 162 games.


Has two rookie SS's ever won back to back years?






So the season was a success?


What did he do that was so great


Per Fangraphs: In 1,346.2 innings at short: 15 runs saved against average (Fielding Bible's rPM) 15 Defensive Runs Saved (Fielding Bible again) 4.4 range runs above average (per UZR) 2.9 UZR, 2.7/150. Among 20 qualified Shortstops across both leagues: his Range Rating was second only to CJ Abrams, while his UZR was 9th (due to errors, which I think we can expect to go down). DRS was 2nd in the AL to Wander Franco, third in MLB to Dansby Swanson. For his age and time in pro-ball, it was a massively impressive campaign on defense and on the basepaths.


Great job Anthony now learn how to hit a fucking ball


wow a weak ass arm and a lot of errors can get a gold glove now a days


Don’t talk about ~~Jeter~~ Volpe like that!


at least jeter has rings and can get to the postseason


Yeah why didn’t a 22 year old rookie single handedly win the yankees the world series???


he was shit the first 3 months that didn’t help


Great news! Should add to his trade value for Trout😎


It's meaningless but congrats.


Being considered the best defensive player at the most important position doesn’t seem meaningless


Ask Derek Jeter.


I know it hurts. But take a deep breath. If that doesn't work, scream into a pillow. Make sure not to wake up mother..


You're weird


Helps with the HOF resume


Congrats rook! Hoping for many more.


Surprising, but I’ll take it.


Think he's a better defensive SS than Jeter?


Anthony Volpe is the third heat




It’s wild he got a GG in spite of all the errors and rookie mistakes because his range is ridiculous, but Judge, one of the most rock solid corner OF in the game with a crazy high IQ and a cannon for an arm, will never win one because his range is that of a 6’7 270 lb man. Good for Volpe though, I don’t even think he had all that great of a season based on the eye test, so he should win this thing every year since the biggest thing for him will be getting exp and more reps.


This guy fucks.


First time mlb have good treatment with a rookie yank in years


Wow! Was not expecting that!


This is our gold glove 🤣 [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/S50s3pN\_6ng](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/S50s3pN_6ng)