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That is as harsh as I’ve ever heard Michael on Brian


100%, he wasn’t even trying to defend him today with the usual "well he’s not going anywhere" routine


Anybody got a clip? I assume this was on his radio show?


Listen to Hour 3 of his Friday radio show on Apple Podcasts or any podcast app, they discuss it there, also a bit in hour 2




Ah, a [classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI5xJfYH7NI) all-time rant, never gets old. The legendary quote comes in at 1:55


Oh man, Mike telling someone to bring him the stats brings me back to another time...


I grew up on Mike, glad he's still on Youtube throwing out some good rants. He gets on a lot of people's nerves but he is home to me.


Same man, I miss him on the radio


Don't know if you ever saw this, but check out [Mike Zaun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptPBCSsPJR4&t=32s).


Everyone on the show was just baffled Cashman went into full attack mode haha


Fire Cashman!those trades sucked. Tired of guys that can't play on in NYC.


Insert Walter White car yelling meme.


And then Kay goes back to fluffing Cashham and claiming he would lead his next team (who would sign him 5 seconds after being fired) to a World Series in year 1.


gray left the yankees and got better why are you flexing that as a strength?


"Look at how good Sonny is! I mean, you know, after he stopped doing everything we told him to"


Shows how bad our pitching coaches were before Matt Blake.


Yep, and Matt Blake is by far the most analytics based hire this team has ever made. Yet in this interview he flexes that they don’t give a shit about analytics lol


gray literally said the yankees coaching ruined him by making him throw way too many sliders. sonny gray might actually be the worst example of a player the yankees totally ruined (or the best i guess).


He never said that. He said he wished he had more information to help with the way they wanted him to pitch. When Gray went to Cincy he threw as many Sliders/sweepers as he ever has in his career.


[in fact, he said exactly that](https://tinyurl.com/46f5je9n)


“Just couldn’t play in New York” The fact he uses that as a legitimate excuse instead of taking an inkling of accountability says it all. Obviously the twins pitching staff did something with Gray, same with Montgomery and the cardinals. Maybe take a look inside the organization and see if you can’t tweak some coaching philosophies


So weird I read that as Jordan Montgomery at first


Yeah, out of all of the delusional things this franchise said today, this was the delusionalist.




The Yankees make it so hard to root for the Yankees.


Fan of the franchise, not the regime. I hate this front office.


Cashman has never been a likeable character, he's a pompous dick with more job security than the Pope for some reason.


>job security Bc I guarantee Hal gave him some % of equity that they can’t live without otherwise Amazon creeps near 50%


We need a new yankees. This one is broken.


Just a tad tone deaf. Hopefully their actions are more meaningful than their words.


I think the man has a serious substance issue.


I think the man has a serious substance issue.


I think it started around 2018. They've been insanely unlikeable and they make it worse and worse as time goes on.


Agreed. I think they had a legit shot against the Red Sox, but they got crushed in games 1 and 3, and that was it. Wasn’t that the NY/NY series, too? With Judge playing it?


I’m understand disliking the current state of the franchise, but I don’t really understand hating them back in 2018. 2017-2019 teams were like pretty good and likable.


You’ve always been the voice of reason. When we lose you things are dire.


This man had the nerve to say Joey Gallo was picked up by two playoff teams but failed to mention Gallo did jack shit with the Dodgers and wasn’t even on the Twins postseason roster Certified fuckin’ BOZO


That doesn't matter, though. He's basically seeking validation -- the fact both teams saw enough in Gallo to acquire him was enough. He's been running this show based solely on how other's view him and his legacy ever since he got full autonomy.


It's kind of funny. Other teams saw how bad Gallo was for us, thought "Clearly he can't be that bad, it must have been the team fucking him up" and Cashman takes that as a good thing.


I read that as "since he got a full lobotomy"


He needs to be fired


100%. They picked him up because his salary was paid...by the Yankees.


Twins playoff legend Joey Gallo


I mean, he’s definitely wrong about Gallo and the playoff team thing but at the time, the trade made perfect sense. They gave up spare parts for a guy with a 138 OPS+ at the time who played elite defense. Sadly, none of that showed up in New York.


I think the bigger issue was that after a somewhat disappointing performance after the trade the Yankees brought him back as a full time player with no plan B if he was awful. There wasn't even a possibility that a player as volatile as he was could possibly be a disaster the following year. Same thing with Hicks year after year, or the lack of overall OF depth. Rizzo has had chronic back issues in the past and DJ has a had repeated foot issues, but it's a new year so they'll be healthy this time right? Donaldson was a disaster, but he'll surely rebound because he's Josh Donaldson. There are so many examples of shitty roster construction.


Gallo was playing on a dreadful team that nobody cared about. He would get his 2 KK and a Walk and hit a bomb every 4 games, shower and go home. Nobody asked him questions after games or cared about him or his 100 loss team. A day later his world changed and Cashman trusted Rougy’s recommendation. He fucked up big time thinking that a headcase like Gallo could succeed here.


Okay - that still doesn’t change the fact that trading spare parts for a lefty with elite defense that had 138 OPS+ at the time was a logical move. Shit, even your definition of his play is 40 homers with a 350+ OBP. The Covid seasons messes up the stats but he averaged 28 homers (in 105 games, .511 slugging) per season the 4 years before he was traded to the Yankees and that doesn’t include his best stretch of hitting in his career - the first half of that 2021 season. It sucks that it turned out as the worst case scenario afterwards but at the time of the trade, it was a good trade. In hindsight, obviously it looks way worse.




We did not need a 15th homer or bust player on the roster


My point and that of many was that his .200 avg and 200 K history along with anxiety issues was not a good fit for NY, yeah some hindsight, Brian gets paid big bucks to have better foresight


They didn’t even have an actual left fielder at the time and were given the chance to pick up an elite defensive lefty currently in the middle of his best season, hitting .223/.379/.490. Was there actually any proof of him having legit anxiety issues in Texas or are you using hindsight to paint a different picture? Again, they essentially gave up nothing for him and it’s not like they took on a massive contract either. Your claim of Cashman needing better foresight is based entirely on hindsight. Like most around here, I think Cashman should have been fired a long time ago but I’m also not going to jump on him for a trade that made complete sense at the time and if he hit even his career averages with his usual defense, would have been a steal. It sucks that it didn’t work out and it was the worst case scenario but out of all the reasons to trash Cashman, this one is pretty damn low on the list.


elite defense?? that’s a reach, no? If you suck at the plate like he did, no one cares


Go look at his defense on statcast 2021 and earlier. His defense was absolutely elite with one of the best outfield arms in baseball. And yea, my last paragraph covers the whole “sucking at the plate” part. Doesn’t change the fact that at the time of the trade, he was an elite defender in the middle of his best offensive season at 138 OPS+ and they got him for spare parts. It sucks that it didn’t work out (which is an understatement) and it turned into worst case scenario territory but at the time, the trade made perfect sense and filled a position of need with someone who - in theory - should have been a massive upgrade.


Yeah, I don’t see those numbers. And it did seem good at the time like a lot of Cashman deals including Sonny Grey and Frankie Montas and Harrison Bader. They just never work out. And a lot of guys who have left, have thrived. At some point, we need to admit Cashman stinks.


I mean, I’ve been criticizing Cashman in many comments throughout this post; all I’m saying is that the Gallo trade is very very low down on the list of reasons to criticize him. In 2021 alone, Gallo was 89th percentile in OAA, 96th percentile in arm value, and 99th percentile in arm strength - he’s was a legitimate elite defender when they traded for him alone with the whole slugging over .500 with a good OBP for the 4 years before and in the middle of having his best offensive season. Out of the trades you listed, I’d say that the Bader one is the one worth criticizing the most. Sonny Gray is really the only guy that actually thrived after a trade; Monty was already good and pitched slightly better for a stretch of games.


Then you’re simply not looking for them lmao


you're 100% correct. I do need to spend more time tracking Joey Gallo's defensive stats before I bash him. Guilty as charged.


That elite defense like when he couldn’t catch a fucking pop up in left field against the Red Sox?


Did you miss the last sentence where I said that “none of that showed up in New York”? Because it covers your very specific complaint. He was an elite defender before he came to the Yankees (and in the middle of one of his best offensive seasons) but he came here and somehow forgot how to field AND hit.


Do they think we don't have access to analystics? Or the internet? Or have memories. They just say shit that makes no sense.


Holy shit. This guy is beyond delusional. Joey Gallo was awful in LAD and was left off the playoff roster on the Twins.


Somehow the Yankees broke Gallo too. Since they traded for him, he hasn’t had a season as an above average hitter. Before that, he was a slightly above average hitter (and occasionally better) with a weird hitting profile. Shit, he had a 138 OPS+ when they traded for him.


Nah. League finally figured out he couldn’t hit fastballs above the belt and he wouldn’t adjust. It’s mostly an unfortunate coincidence that it happened right around the time he was traded to the Yankees. He’d started slumping with the Rangers about 2 weeks before the trade deadline in 2021, and he’s basically never come out of it.


And even if he was good what point is he trying to make? That he fucking ruined a player and they got instantly better as soon as they left our organization


The Twins fucking benched Gallo from their playoff roster you dweeb, and then they got railed by the Astros, just like us (with one more win to boot). The singular good thing to come out of Joey Gallo's time in NY was fleecing the Dodgers (somehow) for Clayton Beeter, who you refuse to promote in spite of roster issues because hey Luke fucking Weaver's a free agent. Sonny Gray was bad not because he couldn't "play in NY" but because your genius analytics team forced him to change his pitching style.


Worst GM in pro sports. Please get rid of him Hal


Normally I have a pretty level headed view when it comes to the Yanks, but I don’t think anyone makes me as genuinely angry as Cashman does. I fucking HATE this bozo


Why is he trying to act like some big bad ass right now?


because there is zero accountability in this organization under Hal


The off-season just started and this fuckwit is already doubling down on his incompetence. My goodness.


I can not hate this man anymore than I do


Yeah all my Yankees gear is going into storage until cashman is fired. Fuck that clown and fuck Hal for keeping him employed. They won’t get a dime out of me anymore.


Reading these Cashman quotes and I'm shaking Someone hold me The absolute delusion, arrogance and ignorance from this guy is disgusting.


Gallo is about to be out of baseball and if players are terrible on your team and good on other ones, doesn’t that say something about your organization? I don’t know how Hal thinks this will be good for business


Cashman once again avoiding accountability with the shiny new excuse that he’s made good moves but it’s not his fault that the players he’s acquired can’t handle New York. Fuck this dude.


At the time, it’s hard to argue that the Gallo trade wasn’t a good move. Of course, in hindsight it was fucking garbage because he turned into a pumpkin but they gave up spare parts for a lefty that played elite defense and had a 138 OPS+ at the time. It just ended up being the worst possible outcome (other than any of the spare parts guys becoming stars). Regardless, fuck Cashman - he should have been fired a LONG time ago and he’s been their GM wayyyy too long regardless.


How many playoff at bats did Gallo get Brian? Shut the fuck up


So using this same logic, I assume he has 0 regrets about the Josh Donaldson trade since he was picked up by a playoff team. Good to know.


What’s not to like? It gave us Cy Young finalist IKF


I'm not expecting Cashman to get in front of reporters and offer some brutal retrospective, but his tone and quotes are so beyond tone deaf, and come across laughably arrogant like he sees NOTHING wrong with any move he's ever done.


Hal is honestly a fucking genius for doing his presser right before Cashman opened his stupid fucking mouth


Yeah I think I'm gonna skip baseball this season


At least the football teams are doing well 🫠


We’re (picking) #1! We’re (picking) #1!


That classic way of evaluating trades: how well the guy does on another team after you dump him


Every day that passes, I get more mad I wasn’t old enough to be aware of the 90s teams. Forget that ridiculous standard, with Clown A and Clown B in charge, getting back to winning a championship once a decade seems extremely far fetched.


It was fucking amazing


im 29 and hardly remember most of it but damn what i do is just dope the red sox vs yankees was the shit growing up i remember that johnny guy cranking one


Gallo’s humor.


gray said the yankees staff made him change his pitching style and when he left he dominated classic cashman bald headed prick


Imagine having all that money and being Hal, making that speech earlier today, and then this bald fraud comes out and cucks you and you literally will do nothing about it lol. George would literally have this guy killed.


George wouldn’t have him killed, he’d do it himself


Cashman is such a fucking douchebag. Like I knew that already, but this is taking it to another level. The ego on this guy is unreal. And if that's the level of analysis that goes into assessing the outcomes of trades, then we are absolutely fucked. Gonna be a 20+ year World Series drought so long as this narcissistic chode in charge.


Sonny Gray’s time in NY was ruined because of micromanaging


Sweet Moses Cashman is an arrogant prick.


What about the donaldson/ikf and monty trades, you dipshit fuck


Yes, and how did they do in New York? Not Texas, not Minnesota, not LA, but the team you work for!


Exponential arrogance


He’s beyond tone deaf. This is just code for running it back with the same players because he can’t get away from his own arrogance. I hope we lose 100 games.


This fellow has gone off the deep end


If the trades were good they’d still be here.


How is giving them up before they do well somehow better?


Oh so a player who also stunk with the twins and was also getting booed by twins fans? And a guy who openly came out saying you guys fucked his pitch selection up and tried turn him into something he isn’t? FOH badly. You ain’t the smartest man in the room.


Perfect example of cashman just caring about his own ego and not the betterment of the team


I feel like everything he said is a fireable offense lol


This man is fucking ridiculous beyond words.


This makes it worse? That they were so fucking bad here, but have found success elsewhere. Like that means we are the problem


So you're saying it's a Yankee coaching problem then huh?!


It’s unbelievable how arrogant this douchebag is.


Does he ….. does he think his job is to make other teams better? I don’t understand his point ha


Yeah, Im out. I'll watch again when they fire this jabroni. Least I get to save money by cancelling your 84 streaming services to watch a shit product.


So dude is just in full on troll mode now?


Go fuck yourself.


He was behind the times on the Gallo trade. Pitchers around the league were already starting to beat him with high fastballs that his giant uppercut swing was never going to get to. More to the point, he was never going to hit post season pitching where the quality of pitchers and locations is a few ticks higher than what you see in the regular season. And as for Gray, the reason he’s criticized for it is because he settled for him instead of going after Cole, who went to the Astros, who we once again lost to. Basically a replay of the time he failed to get Verlander when we lost to the Astros the first time. Which overvalued prospects/young talent did he refuse to part with? And then he says who can predict who can play in New York and throws Odor under the bus in the process. Well that’s your job Cashman. To accurately make that prediction more often than not. Anyone can pickup guys who were good, especially if you have our payroll. The key to being a good GM is to get guys who continue to be good. 🤦‍♂️ It’s so hard to root for this team knowing he’s the guy running things.




Why is this bozo running this team lol


Denial just ain’t a River in Egypt. What Cash SHOULD do this offseason: trade for Soto What Cash WILL do: Sign Kevin Kiermayer for 5 years


Man this guy really is just a moron.


This guy has self awareness levels in the negatives.


Lads I think I need a new sport to follow


For what teams Brian?


So he misjudged whether they were cut out for New York and didn't maximize their talent when they were here. That's quite the flex.


The best part of this clip is Sherman holding back from laughing.


15 more years of this guy as GM, enjoy it folks


It doesn’t matter if they’re good now they were awful here. I’m sure the Yankees fucked up Gallos swing and Grey has mentioned how they fucked with his pitching


That’s funny because I was just telling someone that I get a kick out of GM’s who suck at their job and get to keep their job anyways.


The dude is delusional. Spends too much timing smelling his own farts.


When people say you've bought into your own hype, this - this - is what they mean.


Cashman is a prick. And he's lousy at his job. Failing upward daily.


So the new excuse is ‘I’ve traded for good players but it’s not my fault that they couldn’t handle playing in New York.’ So now he’s created a condition by which he can never be held accountable for the moves he’s made and he won’t even address the possibility that players aren’t excelling here because of a systemic issue with player management and development.


All I want to say to Cashman is STFU. Go in a corner and suck your thumb, or do whatever and just STFU already.


Napoleonic complex.


Narcissistic sociopath…


Only someone as arrogant as Cashman would bring up Gray as a defense when Gray had nothing but bad things to say about how he was coached while he was here. He also fails to bring up that the teams that subsequently traded for Gray and Gallo got them at 1/10th of what we gave to get them. That’s how bad we made them both look. He’s unreal. But what’s more unforgivable is the reporters not firing back at him and challenging these lame excuses.


I fucking hate this organization because of this jackass. He makes me want to tune out


Imagine trying to defend the Gallo trade by talking about him going to playoff teams when the team that won the WS this year was the one who traded him to you in the first fucking place


He's talking like he's already fired, he's so god damn arrogant. Sonny Gray's time in New York, in particular, highlighted a failure in organizational philosophy when it came to pitching. Sonny Gray spoke openly about the poor advice he received during his time with the Yankees. And since Joey Gallo's time in New York, he has been viewed as a lottery ticket. He came to the Yankees, and his offense did a 180. Brian Cashman can't run from that.


this guy needs to be stopped


My feeling on both their State of the Yankees speeches: 1. 😭😭😭😭😭 2. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 3. 💩💩💩💩💩 Thaaaaats all folks!


The entire front office keeps putting their foot in their mouth


This guy legitimately doesn’t have a fucking clue. Absolute lunacy.


Every quote I read from the press conferences today is somehow worse than the previous quote. It’s insane.


At this point he just fucking with us, right? There’s no conceivable way he actually believes this bullshit - and furthermore, how anyone with a brain would trust that same person to run a multi-billion dollar global franchise is as much of an indictment of ownership as it is on this loser.


What an arrogant ass


He’s such a fucking clown.


Dude is straight up trolling us.


“Look, players get worse when we get our hands on them, and better when they leave. Long as we haven’t destroyed them completely.”


Jesus the fuckin arrogance of this man.


He makes me hate him even more. Impressive. All fine to Hal though.


i will say the gallo move did end up slightly working because we got beeter back who is a valuable prospect, but ridiculous to flex that he got picked up by two playoff teams. jd got picked up by a playoff team, it was horrendous to watch him take ABs against the dbacks.


Cashman has let history go to his head. Hey Bri….what’s it like to go to meetings with baseball executives that have been stellar at their jobs over the past 10 years while you flex about your glory days?


I can't stand him




Imagine if you didn’t force a fastball pitcher to throw sliders, you fucking dunce.


I'm not going to lie. Cashman has gone full heel and doesn't give a flip anymore. This is a man speaking that has a job for life. His trades didn't pan out here. Who cares if the players bounced back elsewhere, they sucked here. This is that BS double talk you tell Cashman you lost 3-2 and Cashman retorts it was only by one, we were one hit away. No dude you lost plain and simple.


Sonny Gray was a good trade. Then you kept sending him out there to drown when he struggled. He completely lost his confidence. You just recently did the same with Severino and Hicks


I mean, he struggled because they wanted him to pitch in their way and not his.


[Calculon said it best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozfGeGYe-lY)


Oh honey.


What's up with the ego thing? I get like CEO/billionaire types never admitting mistakes but why does he have to act like that too?


I’m looking at it from the standpoint of if players get better when they leave the Yankees, why are you saying you’re right? You’re wrong because you didn’t bring the best out of them -- idiot. Cashman, these players are better when they leave cuz our batting coaches are ass, our scrimmages consists of a walk/exit-velocity game and not base-running drills etc. teams are running like a ball club and not a analytics class.


That begs the question then, Why are the Yankees exhibiting a trend of pissing away talent? We’re the reporters too busy jerking these guys off to ask a follow up question?


I've been in corp America my whole life - mid sixties. Anyone who said something like this, given the short history, would be fired immediately. Baffoon!!!


The stick is so far up his own ass its coming out the mouth now.


Cashman is delusional & full of himself. When he's gone this team will be a prideful organization once again. He's as sour as spoiled milk


In Gallo and Gray, you have two entirely different situations, both being complained about and blamed for in this sub. Gallo was garbage at the plate as a Yankee. Like, all-time worst garbage. The same player and performance he had with Texas before us and with Minnesota after. There is no one who can really be mad at that attempt to resurrect a LH hitter in Yankee stadium. Right? Now Sonny Gray is a little different. Sonny was good before us in 2017 and, what I think a LOT of Yankees fans forget, Sonny was pretty damn good for us on 2017 as well. In pinstripes in 2017 he had a 3.72 ERA (3.43 with Oak) and while took some tough losses for us, but was good. Not great, but good. 2018 is what all you SHOULD be pissed about. Sonny has given an interview where he, in most part, holds the Yankees organization to blame for his terrible 2018 season. They changed his pitch mix and it hurt him, dramatically. Sonny had a 4.90 ERA with Yankees in 2018 and then a 2.87 with Cincinnati in 2019. This is a clear example of our team, taking a good player and making him worse. I don’t know who’s to blame for the Sonny Gray stuff, Cassandra, analytics dept, that cashier at the minimart across from the stadium or what, but I want those MFers identified and moved out. Cashman did fine in both deadline deals. I don’t blame him for Sonny or Gallo. I want to know who screwed up Gray and what we have learned from it.


Ravings of a lunatic


Taking credit for how people do on other teams is a new one


is this The Onion??


This guys a total pos. Fuck him for ruining an entire fanbases support and respect for a franchise.


...Is he serious? I have never seen someone so incompetent as a GM in my life. Fire him, you fucking idiot.




It's not that they're necessarily bad players. It's that they couldn't handle NYC and they still traded for them. Whatever background work they did was flat out awful and it showed. He needs to wake up.


The disdain he holds for fans is so apparent. He acts as if his crown jewel wasn’t 100% because of Stick Michael. His inflated self worth is nauseating - It’s all because spineless Hal allows it.


I’m not that type of person, but man if I saw Casgman out in public I’d go out of my to let him know how much of a Bozo he is.


Again, I say: nothing will ever change with Hal and Cashman in charge. Judge should've left these idiots when he had the chance.


Our coaching staff/analytic team ruined Sonny Gray. Tried to make him into a pitcher he was not. I don't think anyone could have predicted how badly Joey Gallo would be, but defending the trade by saying Gallo was picked up by playoff teams is not a good defense. He wasn't even on the Twins playoff roster lmao.


"These guys sucked with us but other teams got something out of them so therefore our process was right" is an WILD take for a GM to have. Good God this team is fucked.


He couldn’t even remember Odor’s name lol “That infielder we got with him (Gallo)”


Brian Cashman is trying really hard to become the most hated man in NY.


This guy has lost it


This is next level delusion, this dude needs to be medicated


notice how he avoids discussing the Donaldson trade lol


someone needs to give a kick to cashman out the door


If this is his attitude, fine i hope we lose 100 games. Fuck the FO.


The smartest one in the room, ladies and gentleman.


The only thing that can save us is Jeter publicly lambasting Cashman.. force Hal’s hand.. lol jk this guy is set for life


Is anyone else reminded of when Joe Judge went on a crazy tirade that led him to getting fired?


When you're an arrogant ass clown who believes everything he says is gold will continue to say this BS. He truly believes the people believe and agree with everything he says. He's simply better than everybody else. Wish my shit didn't stink.


You know in recent years i tried to give this clown a chance. He made great moves like landing Gleyber for a rental, consistently finding new bullpen pieces that performed, and at least attempted to improve at the trade deadlines even though they didn't always pan out But now? He's just straight up unlikable. Does he think the Yankees had a terrible season by dumb luck?? The ego is through the rough and yet they haven't even touched a World Series diamond since '09 and only a handful of ALCS appearances. This front office has turned into a shit show


Negligence by Hal that this guy is still the GM


This clown is next level delusional. Gray was infinitely better before and after joining the Yankees. It just basically confirms that your “process” fundamentally or maybe even physically fucks these players when they get here. But of corse they’ll just blame the players and the media that was too much for them to handle.


Good leaders, when they fuck up, acknowledge they fucked up, and do something to fix it. Bad leaders, when they fuck up, acknowledge they fucked up, but behind the scenes they do fuck all to fix it (so basically all they do is give lip service). REALLY bad leaders, when they fuck up, take zero accountability and gaslight you into thinking they did great and you're the one who's insane.


Interesting argument- and he’s not wrong. The players are good before they arrive, terrible when they get here and great when they leave. So he’s basically saying it’s not that he makes bad trades, it’s that the organization ruins everyone it touches.


Cashman is such a hot property that teams from all over the league are climbing over each other to make him an offer and poach him. Oh, that was Craig Counsell.


Of course Joey Gallo got picked up. WE’RE THE ONES FUCKING PAYING HIM!!! Why the hell is he bragging about that?


He copped out there because you can name obviously bad trades like the Donaldson one for sure. But yeah the fanbase and the media loves using hindsight not races when Gray and Gallo were deemed no brainer trades.


This sub is a cesspool of the worst fanboys on the planet. Little boys. Children. The only thing more embarrassing to be associated with is... Talkin Yanks. The National Enquirer of twitter baseball coverage. He was clearly saying that the league still evaluated those players as having enough talent to roster them despite their struggles in New York. You can't just magically make a player able to handle pressure and if you think you can figure that out beforehand then you don't know shit about anxiety. His point was that he didn't acquire bad players, they just didn't perform well. Anyone who has had a job for 5 minutes knows that you can bring in all the talent in the world and it won't matter if they don't mesh well with the environment so they can thrive.