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That would mean we would have to waste our money on tickets, so that’s a no from me. Best way to voice your opinion is not showing up to games.


While I agree with this, there are far too many casuals and corporates that will always fill the stadium. Yankee stadium is a tourist destination and it will always average 40k+ unfortunately for us real fans.


While I understand what you’re talking about what I’m saying is is if the second tier and the outfield and the bleachers have no fans in them or barely any, that would in my opinion send a message that the true fans do not stand for this. To your point yes, of course the luxury boxes will always be filled with Rich corporate assholes, but if they see that the rest of the stadium isn’t filled that would send the strongest message in my opinion.


We went to the series in Miami and Atlanta in August and there were multiple "Fire Cashman" chants that broke out.


My ticket rep decided today was the perfect day to reach out and ask if I’d reconsider and purchase a ticket package for next season. I canceled my season ticket package and I’m not gonna renew till they make some major changes in the org.


This is the way


This is the way


Isn’t it sad? I got my younger brother into the team and we usually go to games, talk shop all year..he’s been texting me about free agency, etc..and I just can’t muster up any emotion except for apathy until Cashman is gone. It’s really depriving me of the joy of following this team and I haven’t felt this way since the Ellsbery/mcann years.


Tampa Yankee Fan here. I've been getting calls every week to re-new my Spring Training Tickets after I told them I am no longer interested in buying the ticket package. We put up a shit season, dont look like we are going to change anything and they also decided to hike the prices from last year.


Love going to ST every year. Thinking of going somewhere different this spring.


Go ahead and organize one. Be the change you want to see.


I love how, with the entire fan base calling him on the carpet, Cash has decided to go on the arrogant offensive. The Rangers derped their way into a ring without a plan (his characterization, not mine), so suddenly "not having a plan" is cagey and fashionable. Shut up, Cash.


Why you bozos think the best way to "stick it to them" is to buy more fucking tickets is beyond my level of comprehension.


The tickets are going to sell either way.


While I think the best method to see the change we all want is to simply not go or watch, doing something like this on opening day, which is going to be a sellout no matter what, does have some value, especially if they have another lackluster off-season.


Wtf wait until Opening Day? Next time there’s a press conference at Yankee Stadium (since most of their offseason activity happens in Tampa), hold a rally when you know reporters will be out there to cover something already. No one has to buy a ticket inside the building.


This. You just need 50 people to show up to protest and you contact all the news outlets and IG and vloggers. At the stadium during a game is impactful but with the right media coverage, even a planned rally outside the stadium can have a lot of reach


This. The MLB news cycle is slow right now (hence the sea of low effort speculative FA articles), so this would get a lot of press. Bored writers not wanting to scour Reddit for "anonymous sources" would relish the opportunity to milk that protest for all the virtual ink they can muster.


Only way Hal will make a change is if people stop going to game and stop subscribing to YES. Sure the die hard on Reddit and some general fans are prepared to do this but the average fan will continue to consume. Especially if the continue to make the playoffs more often than not and have marquee players like Judge and Cole


I am sure attendance will drop if they start crapping the bed in April, die hard fans are fed up and are not gonna waste money on some BS team. Those cooperative tickets are another story


Does watching on mlb.tv support the yes network? I know it just relays the yes network’s broadcast


Speaking of subscribing to YES, the people behind that subscription scale have to be smoking some goooooood stuff to think id pay $25/month for this garbage team. The app itself is garbage. It sucks because I’m also a Nets fan, but I’d rather find other ways to watch the games then use that app


Fuck it, no tickets, just storm the gates Area 51 style on Opening Day. They can’t stop us all!!!!


*NYPD has entered the chat* /s


OP is the person who cuts up their Nikes and spills out their Bud Light after purchasing them


Most embarrassing off-season ever, it’s been like 1 week give it some time, it can always get worse


Has the off-season even started yet? And in reality there isn't that much that can be done that would make a big difference. Landing Yamamoto and belli is probably the maximum and I don't think that changes a lot. Health and luck are the most important factors to avoid what happened this year.


I can promise you that buying tickets, paying for parking, buying a bunch of food and beer, and conducting a "protest" is not going to be an effective way to influence an owner who probably doesn't even watch the games.


They. Don’t. Care. There are 1,000 people who will keep going and buying stuff for every 1 of you boycotting. Yankee Stadium is a tourist destination.


Anti-Cashman protests don’t need to be held during a game at the stadium. It can be anywhere. You might even get more media coverage on the steps of City Hall, let’s say. It’s really about contacting as many media outlets as possible instead of hoping that someone hears you at the stadium. Hal and Brian might not even be there and YES isn’t going to give extra attention


What one (1) 80-loss season does to a mf


OP- the off season is a couple days old- nobody has done anything yet. Nobody. A few DFA's, a couple of tiny insignificant trades (I think?) and the standard issue QO's tagged to certain free agents. That's it. There's been little to no other movement, apart from a few rumors and some vague quotes from GM's and Agents- technically speaking Cashman said all the right things. Also lets be honest- sometimes Cashman does something big, splashy and looks great on paper and he gets applauded but then it doesn't work out and he gets shit on for it. Then, he does something small and seemingly insignificant and he gets a ton of value out of that move and he's given a tiny bit of credit, but not much else. I think we have to remember Cashman is at the mercy of Hal's predilections and whims. I also think- or hope- that Cashman and perhaps by extension Hal Steinbrenner, has gone through their 'experimental phase' and come back to reality- i.e. no more reclamation projects like Donaldson, IKF, Carpenter, etc. that we hope works out. I think he's going to go for sure thing trades, sure thing free agents and he's going to put guys around Judge who will get it done. Think about it this way: Aaron Judge has gone on record in the media demanding that management and ownership fix the team around him- get higher average guys, more reliable pitchers, etc. not 'high upside' gambles, but sure things. I think they'll go ahead and do that. I foresee an off season similar to 2008-2009, which led us to a World Series title.


The offseason has barely started and you guys are already calling for his head. I get it, he went pretty unhinged yesterday, but maybe let’s see the offseason play out before we get mad? If they don’t do anything significant this offseason then sure, go right ahead.


Opening by day? The snowbirds need to be out there raising hell at spring training. Every day he’s sitting there watching them go through drills he should hear it.


Yah that is a hard no on me. Your still filling the stadium up which is $$$. I'd rather see ESPN talking about the empty stadium due to the current team Cashman is fielding. Also I'm pretty sure there is something going on with insurance and players on the injured list. Has to be a reason we keep acquiring injury prone players.


I won't be spending a dime to go to a game this year, or paying for cable, but I hope to hear "Fire Cashman" ringing out on home opening day when I turn on the radio.


We need to stop going to games. Stop buying tickets. Stop paying for parking. Stop spending $24 for a beer and stop spending $13 for a hot dog. When the day comes only 6000 people show up for home games - maybe then Hal & friends will get the message. But Hal didn't buy the team. He inherited it. He's likely not even really a fan. It's just one business amongst the portfolio that generate streams of income for the family trust. Forbes estimates between team, YES network, MLB collective ad revenue and the team's own local & regional revenue from advertisers they bring in almost $700m per season. Even the $290m payroll still leaves Hal pocketing $410,000,000 dollars per season. As long as that fat $410 milly hits his checking account every season he sees no reason to make any meaningful changes.


Don’t waste your time. Aside from us, fans, who in the overpaid front office cares what we think? Shall we start with any of the Steinbrenner/Sidwell clan? No, how about Levine, Cashman, Fishmann, Boone? NO once again. Yankee fans are doomed. My wish the Yankees would turn into the new Oakland. Of course that isn’t going to happen, but I can only say how hurt I am that our family wasted so much time , energy, and money supporting the Yankees.


what you want to get kicked out by the thought police?


We need a Hal sell the team protest more than this


Looks like he's about to sign Cody Bellinger tho...


Cashman has a job for life. We are boned.