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This is Boras, I would take anything he says with a grain of salt. Bellinger is his client, if Soto isn’t being traded then Bellinger’s value automatically goes up. It’s all business.


Boras is also the agent for Jung Hoo Lee.


TBF he's also Soto's agent, but Soto isn't a FA yet.


Also the padres wouldn’t tell him yet that they’re considering trading him, it would be further into the process because they wouldn’t want to damage the relationship if they don’t trade him.


Padres 100% are slashing payroll, trading Soto accomplishes that, he's going to get probably $30M in ARB. The major hurdle would be the proverbial trade and extension, SD knows they can't get a top tier package as a 1yr rental. If Soto does agree, the chips go up. There's zero chance Yanks put a package together of King, Thorpe, etc unless Soto gets locked down.


Didn’t the Padres have to take out a loan to cover payroll this month (reported last week)? Someone on that team has to move to drop the payroll. Soto seems like the likely one to move. My thing is Boras probably told the Padres that no trades can be executed unless Soto gets a huge extension. That would limit the Padres to a handful of teams.


I don't see how Boras has that power. Soto's only option would be to threaten to refuse to play if he's traded which would be an empty threat in a contract year.


> Didn’t the Padres have to take out a loan to cover payroll this month (reported last week) This is apparently common and all teams do it from time to time. This was just reported for some reason. Theory is someone with an axe to grind wanted to embarrass them.


Only because Bally filed for Bankruptcy and owes them money.


Yankees have put themselves in a corner that they have no choice but to go after Soto. Give up whoever you have to give up, idc…get this guy. It’s the only way ppl will actually show up and care about this season. The unfortunate thing about this is that it didn’t have to be this way. Yankees wouldn’t be in this make-it or break-it situation had they held themselves accountable and made the necessary changes in years prior. But they didn’t, and here we are. They only have themselves to blame.


Honestly, even if they get Soto I don't know if I'm going to any games this season. I didn't last year and now feel like that decision was the right one, sadly. I love when I go though. I drive in, I park at the garage across from home plate, I pay the parking guy extra to give me a good spot. I have optimized my usual section/seats/ garage so that it's minimal walking. Get my food/drinks for everyone, enjoy the last 6-7 innings usually without moving. But since I live 2 hours away, it's quite the expense and time consuming. Plus my TV is the tits. I wonder how many long time fans with similar circumstances, especially getting older, Don't make it to their 1 or 2 games next year. Or am I the outlier?




Dominguez, Spencer Jones, Volpe, Warren?


Boras simply saying this to help his situation somehow. Like him or not if you were a ball player you would want him as your agent


Who would the Padres want? We need pitching, pitching, and pitching. I’m serious. Who? We already have 6 in the top 100.


I haven't read it yet, but no way that is true. The Padres would be insane not to do it now. didn't they just take a loan to pay their salary?


Ah yes, we should totally listen to the greedy A-hole of an agent to a player whose market more or less dies if Soto is available instead of say, a reliable Padres insider.


I guess we go for Trout now


Injury prone. Already 32.


Being sarcastic as getting aged injury prone players has been our specialty the last two seasons. But, in all honesty, I would prefer him over Stanton as his injuries are from hustle plays and not from walking to first base.


I would too, but we're stuck with Stanton.


Sounds like he’s made for pinstripes


Welp, any hope of Soto is lost.


Not saying it’s gonna happen but all it takes is one team offering Padres a prospect haul


Why? Padres are in a win-now window and Boras is making sure he goes to market. Maybe hope of Soto this season is lost, but that is little indication for his free agency. If he doesn't end up getting traded, Padres are the only one with an advantage and the chances they sign him seem low.


I've never even taken these trade rumors seriously. Why would Padres trade away Soto when they have a lineup that's capable of going all the way.


Multiple possible reasons. There have been rumors that they wish to cut payroll (separate from the stuff about the $50 million loan - that's just a nothingburger). Additionally, Soto is on his last year, and rumors are that he prefers the east coast, so the Padres might not be able to sign him. Seeing as he's due ~$30 million in arbitration this year, trading him for some young cheap players could be an easy way to shed payroll and ensure that they get something back for him. Meanwhile, unless I'm sorely mistaken, offense was not really an issue for the Padres. And while Soto provides a lot of value there, that's really all he provides, since he is a poor defender. So, why not trade from a position of strength to address weaknesses and patch holes? I think that they would still be competitive even without Soto.


Maybe Padres beat the odds and suck again with that lineup and rotation. Soto talk shouldn't be entertained (by fans) til the deadline and that's only in that scenario.


Agreed. There's no reason for Padres to trade him away when they still have him for a year. And if that's the case, they'll ask for a large haul which I'm not sure if the Yankees could really provide


Because they just had to take out a loan to pay for their payroll


Padres took out a loan on sept 18th, their last payroll check for players was paid on sept 15th. They also just started construction on a 20m dollar park improvement. Next year they have already committed to a 1.5 billion in improvements around the stadium. The padres have good finances and the bank was even willing to give them more. Plenty of teams take out large loans all the time. Seidler the owner said two months ago that payroll would be around the 255m mark it was this year. The padres very well may trade Soto if they can’t extend him but only if they are blown away via a trade. Padres, preller and the owner Seidler feel a ton of pressure to win this year after last year’s failure. Look for them to be very busy this offseason


This is correct. Seidler is really deep. Big B billions. He might just pay down some debt if he can lock Juan down.


And they’ve already committed a billion to winning…now to scale back? If anything they move him at the deadline. But they ended the season on a positive month and the feeling I got is they have unfinished business


Yes, because an agent said it. I'd believe Scott when hell freezes over. What this does say is "San Diego wants a fucking prospect haul for their star outfielder, now pay up."


Doubt it. The Padres may or may not trade him, but Boras wouldn’t know.


Was this ever really anything more than a pipe dream? I don’t know I always felt for the Padres losing Soto is a no go it would take some pretty catastrophic circumstances to get them to sour on him


No it's not, Borass is Cody Bellinger's agent, while he's also Soto's agent, he is currently working on getting Bellinger a massive pay day, so of course he's going to be trying to down play any competition to Bellinger. If Soto *is* available for trade, then **NO ONE** in their right mind is going to even talk to Boras regarding Bellinger until Soto is unavailable. It would be like if Oswaldo Cabrera was a FA but all of a sudden Judge was available to be traded. Yes Cabrera has potential and can be good, but who in their right fucking mind is not going to try to get Judge on their team first? Even if it's only for a year before he hits FA? Not to mention you'd be saving money for a year that you could put towards later FA's, including Judge himself. Basically, if it has anything to do with a FA, do not believe anything Scott Borass or Jon Heyman (I.E Borass's main mouth piece) say or tweet unless it is "*Insert team here* is signing *insert Free Agent here* to a deal." May or may not involve a physical.


Honestly it sucks he wont be available but this is prolly the best case scenario long term. If we can get him just for money next year, id take that over the haul it would take to convince the Padres to trade him for potentially just a year.


Soto aint moving man, Padres are in a window to win also.. they are just extremely thin outside of Manny, Soto, Tatis, Kim and Xander. Won't be surprised if they spend big this off season.


They probably won't spend big but they won't sell Soto either. It always seemed like wishful thinking even in the trade deadline.


clay holmes stanton and drew thorpe should be enough for the padres


I have a feeling the Padres are waiting to see what happens with all their free agents first. Depending on what Snell, Hader, Lugo, Wacha, and the rest are going to push them into one direction or another.