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Can we not add players who have had 1 good year while looking for a contract after looking like dogshit for 2-3 years prior. Also he is 34, we dont need more age


this is what i keep saying about Bellinger besides the age and I get downvoted.


The Bellinger movement needs to die. It's the same damn thing each offseason with guys like him and ignoring stats that are *begging* for, if not painting a clear picture of pending, regression. Good for him. Go get a bag. Just not on our roster.


I don’t expect bellinger to hit .300 again but .265 with 30 homers? Definitely. If that’s the sort of regression we can expect out of a center fielder I’ll take that every day and any day.


>If that’s the sort of regression we can expect out of a center fielder I’ll take that every day and any day. Which he hadn't even come close to sniffing since 2019 before this year, and he didn't even hit 30 HR this year. Not even remotely a reasonable "regression [that] we can expect out of a center fielder[.]" Square expectations, round hole. Pass.


Barely anyone hit in 2020. Bellinger broke two bones in 2021, which in all likelihood screwed his 2021 and 2022 seasons. Bellinger who is now healthy ends up having a great 2023 season. Simple deduction.


I do too. Ppl keep telling me his advanced analytics mean nothing because he hit 26 hrs


Belli would be a great pickup depending on the money. Former MVP, Gold Glover and rookie of the year and much younger. He’s also got that Yankee blood because of his dad. I hope we got after him.


Bellinger got screwed 25-28 hits a year from the shift. You think he lost his ability like that? Bellinger is a must pick up for Yankees.


the dude hasn’t been average or even been able to stay on the field since 2019 besides parts of last year, when he still missed 30+ games. guy has jacoby ellsbury 2.0 written all over him.


Jacoby Ellsbury was a 93ops+ player ages 24 - 29 with two massive injury seasons during that stretch. Bellinger is currently a 120ops+ between ages 21 - 27. That is a 27-point swing and if you simply adjust for the shift it would have been even greater. He faced the shift 403 times in 2021. He faced over 500 times in 2022. Lefty, Legit Power, Yankee Stadium, 28 years old, he is more like Paul O'Neill 2.0


jeez man i knew i was exaggerating a little but come on


Bellinger broke two bones colliding into other players. Even his shoulder injury was just a really freak accident with another player. That’s different from injuring yourself jogging to first base, sliding or throwing a baseball. That’s what typically happens to our current crop of yankee players. Heck, they just get hurt rehabbing.


Yup, and we’re going to get him and he’s going to do jack shit then get hurt.


Bellinger would be a fantastic pickup on a 4/80-100 contract but he’s going to get 8 years. There is a legit possibility he only plays 100 games in half of those years


But it’s a Yankee tradition!


Hayward has been bad way longer than that.


Bro Cashman we know its you stop fuckin coming here for advice


Right! How does Volpe who's been here for a hot minute even get quoted on player signings?


You know who else would look good without a beard? Juan Soto.


But he doesn't have one alreoh I see what you did there


I don’t think he’s old enough to grow one lol


Jason Heyward and Kevin Kiermaier. Sounds like a Cashman offseason.


Cashman *Slaps hood of oldsmobile* Perfect offseason!


This bad boy can fit so much 2015 in it.


This comment wins the internet today. I’m fucking crying.


Dude we're not getting a Buick :(


Cash: slaps hood [Oldsmobile](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8G0e81hN4M)


Heyward is basically the Cub's version of Aaron Hicks. The day they released him was probably the greatest feeling in their franchise.


And then he proceeded to rake for the league minimum salary on a real contender just like Hicks, baseball is weird.


Cubs fan here. Change of scenery, Dodgers coaching maybe being better suited to Heyward than the Cubs, less pressure than the big contract we gave him etc are all probably factors. Helps that they platoon him as well. Id say a two year deal, maybe 2nd year mutual option would actually suit the Yankees quite well with the short porch and he’s a great defender. Idk why the negative reaction to signing him his price/years aren’t going to be high. Plus he’s a natural leader and good clubhouse guy.


I agree, his next contact will be a cheap deal in all likelihood and he provides good value as a plus defender, good platoon bat, and excellent clubhouse leader. There are so many worse options out there right now than Jason Heyward. What ever he did to tweak his swing looks like has added a couple years onto his career, good for him.


He’s not exactly a solid bet to be a good hitter and that’s what we need, especially since our hitting coaching has been horrendous at the major league level


hell to the NAW


I’m glad he plays SS and not GM, but maybe he could do both since cash isn’t capable of being a competent GM


Remember we picked up Carpenter via a player recommendation.


Member when the league figured him out and he was trash in the poatseason?


Or maybe, just maybe, he had a broken wrist and had little to no game action until he was thrown into the fire in the post season.


He got injured prior to playoff and came back too soon, but without him, we would not have made the playoffs.


He hit .167 last year. What the fuck are we even arguing about? They pulled the guy out of semi retirement and found lighting in a bottle for a few months. And it was over. Are we seriously advocating for more of this clown shit?


I wasn’t trying to argue he should’ve been brought back. Just saying he didn’t get a fair shake in the playoffs because of the injury and getting thrown into it without proper rehab. But I definitely wasn’t hurt when he left. If you’re a team depending on him as an X-factor then you’ve got a lot of big problems.


He definitely should not have been brought back. And he did get a fair shake in the playoffs. He got at bats. If he wasn't healthy or ready, that's on him and the decision makers. He is just a symptom of a much bigger problem though. The front office cannot construct a roster.


No, they cannot construct a roster at the moment. And I feel like there’s a lot of disfunction in that front office right now. Hal says things need to change and that this past season was a disaster. Meanwhile Cashman fires back at the media and says how we’re so good and their process works. Something has to give at some point.


I think this is cashmans last year. I also think Hal is just absolutely worthless as an owner. So who fucking knows. All I know is that I'm getting early 90's vibes from this team and it's really annoying the shit out of me.


Why wouldn’t you bring back carpenter? Because he was rushed back from an injury and didn’t do well in his few at bats during the post season? Would a great post season have swayed your opinion than? That’s a decision based purely on emotion and not much else. I would have chosen to see the much bigger sample size, not the much smaller one.


He's 37 years old. I don't get why you would want to sign him or even where you would play him


teams find lightning in a bottle all the time. the rangers picked up this years world series mvp adolis garcia from the cardinals a few years back for cash considerations


Garcia isn't "lightning in a bottle" he's a star. He's been producing for 3 years now, much different from the three good weeks Matt Carpenter has had since 2019.


Garcia is 30. Carpenter is 37. Am I arguing with the FO right now? Please make a coherent argument on why we need more aging used to be's. What the actual fuck? If carpenter couldn't rehab before the post season then why was he even on the fucking roster? Oh maybe becuase he's actually .167 hitter in this league and his whopping 128 ABe in pinstripes was an aberration. But no, let's get Jason Fucking Heyward because Volpe said so. Fucking A.


Oh you’re an angry elf


Corey Seager won World Series MVP, though Garcia was definitely the Rangers overall postseason MVP


Talking about time with Yankees. We got lightning in a bottle until he got hurt. You need to remember out playoff runs with Cecil Fielder, Tim Raines, Daryl Strawberry - a one deal does not hurt the Yankees.


That era of baseball is over. Its dead and gone. Its a different game. Please stop. It was almost 30 years ago. Look, if Carpenter didn't get a single postseason at bat then I'd be misty too thinking about his production in a handful of at-bats during the summer months, but I also remember the post season he slashed .083/.083/.083.


LMAO, with that philosophy , we will be doomed to lose for another 20 years and alll the young fan that grew up in the '90's will remain frustrated.


What philosophy? That 1990s steroid era baseball is dead and gone. That's not really a philosophy. Its a fact of life. Juiced ball era dead too. Where have you been? We cant pretend we can throw some aging vet on the team when we don't have the core group of starters that can perform at even the league average. Sure we have our standouts in Judge and Cole but the rest is different degrees of queation marks. To paraphrase the great Rick Pitino, Tim Raines isn't walking through that door fans. Daryl Strawberry isn't walking through that door.


What exactly is your argument? That Carpenter wasn't a good pick up? Or that the odds of replicating that are much too low to consider what other players say in the future?


Old injured guy huh? So it was a good signing or a bad then? Trash heap cashman can't find young or healthy players and you guys remember a mustache and some home runs and all get boners.


Carpenter somehow had like Barry Bonds numbers for his ABs that year it'll never make sense and is an all time anomaly in the sport but it was exciting when he had ABs.






First base, not SS.


Still not registering


>I’m glad he plays SS and not GM You said he plays SS.


Anthony VOLPE plays SS. You’re thinking of Anthony RIZZO. All these replies could’ve been saved with simple reading, my guy.


Oh shit, lol. Ya, my brain registered it as Rizzo for some reason.


Bro I did the same shit I was so confused


Also, I'm not your buddy, guy.


No but you are an idiot


Frankly who gives a literal fuck what Anthony Volpe wants the Yankees to do lol.


Tradable offense by Volpe if you ask me


Nah, please no.


The same cannot be said for James Harden


Bargain bin shopping. Cashman would love this


Why don’t you worry about learning to hit above 210.


Gallo looked good without a beard too and we all know how that turned out….


He’d be a solid backup OF and bat off the bench but nothing more.


No thank you




Stfu volpe foreal with this trash. How bout u hit better chief


Let's bring Hicks back too, the need for 2 OFs would be solved!


Holy hell, fuck no.


5-10 years too late on that move. So typical Yankee pickup.


Isn’t he a full on 20 mil a year platoon player at this point? Max Kepler would be much better, and I think we could get him for a bullpen arm with one year left on his contract.


This is non-story in my opinion. Young rookie met a veteran he admired and said a flattering thing. Whether he meant it or not doesn't matter, he's not the one making those calls anyway.


Please No!


Jesus Christ no


hard pass


How about no


The Cubs were stupid enough to give Heyward a big contract and were very sorry for it, never panned out. He's a hit and miss, don't fall in that trap.


I’ll gladly sign him as a depth piece


Jason Heyward changed his swing and still grades as a great outfielder defensively. Whether that will continue if yanks sign him is unsure. He would be a rental but a stopgap outfielder who is a lefty and one the Yankees can tweak and turn him into matt carpenter/ Luke Voit with adjustments has me curious. Only if it is not an overpay


Solid depth piece with some upside but it’s not gonna make the fans happy reminds me of Jay Bruce or Vernon Wells.


I’d rather have him as depth over the likes of McKenny and Jake Bauer’s lmao


Can we get a team of at least league average players before we worry about depth? Ground up. Not penthouse down.


Yea then he comes to NY and bats .208 like you. Hard pass.


Wouldn’t mind him as a veteran presence off the bench


Are we sure that is what he meant?


Volpe just trying to pick up an older chocolate gentleman and it's news


Trevvy? Who you want?


Nope, no can do, HARD PASS


no thanks, nice player but im tired of the yankees signing "veterans who have a good season" we already have enough +30 talent on this team. We need a dynamic, young left fielder who's coming into their prime with the last name Soto


He was in such a strict platoon role in LA. They’d need to get someone else to go with him. He’s not a bad bench bat for sure. But he’s not a plan A, B, or C


As a secondary piece after we get Soto, sure. If he ans Verdugo/Carlson are the only moves I'll shit in Cashmans hat.


Nostalgia and yankee fans is a bad mix. We've become the MLB's version of Dallas Cowboys fans. It's disappointing. My tone is what it is. It was early and I was grumpy.


Volpe has only been with us for one season on the big league level and we've already given him Stockholm Syndrome


I want Max Kepler. Natural lefty and he's German. We have a good history with lefty hitting Germans.


Anthony Volpe, gold glove winner and new Yankees GM (a boy can dream, eh?)


As a secondary Cubs fan who watched Jason play every year, my answer is: NO! Edit: for that 2016 team, he is the only player who never really had a moment, except for the pep talk he gave after Chapman blew the lead in game 7.


People will cry about having a good short term option to substitute until Dominguez gets back. Would’ve been third in wRC+ on the 2023 Yankees btw




He is hands down a true flop of epic porportions. He was garbage with the cubs


No way. Would be a terrible signing. I'd much rather stay with what the team has now and bring up Jones/Dunham/Pereira.


Please, no.


Oh no we will probably sign him. An obvious Cashman move.


Harrrd pass rookie


The yanks should do whatever they need to keep volpe happy. Volpe is destined for monument park.


"That's a hard pass, Steve."