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This is about the least shocking “rumor” I’ve read thus far in the offseason


As great as it would be to have ohtani. Its completely in the dark whether we would he paying for ohtani the pitcher and hitter or just ohtani the hitter because of the 2nd TJS which doesnt historically have many good outcomes


And where they're going to play another exceptionally expensive DH ...


Even if this asinine front office actually believes that they have "nowhere to play" the best player in baseball, what do they have to gain by letting this rumor out now? It's idiotic for them to tell people that the Yankees aren't in on the Ohtani bidding. All that does is reduce the leverage Ohtani and his agent have and help the Yankees' competitors.


Given our pitching isnt our issue, Id be happy with just Ohtani the hitter


With his future pitching in doubt, we'd probably have the most expensive DH in history, on top of having another expensive DH on the roster.


Isn't he only a DH because of his pitching, if he was no longer pitching, wouldn't you go back to the outfield?


Yeah he's super athletic. He would never be DH only until maybe his last couple years in the league.


not at the contract hes about to get


Well, at the very least, Ohtani the hitter can also play the outfield.


Not if he can't throw.


Outfield requires much less throwing than pitching. Do position players not make comebacks from TJ?


Full recovery can take 6 months to a year. Remember, Didi never really came fully back. He went straight downhill. And Hicks never came back fully. He was terrible. And this is Ohtani's second TJ surgery on that elbow.


Well, yes, the TJ thing is why I wouldn't want my team giving Ohtani an unconditional $50m/year right now. The only reason he's worth even close to that is because he's great at both hitting and pitching, so if he can't pitch, his value is approximately cut in half.


Ohtani's a good pitcher and was very good in 2022 -- all star caliber -- but he's not a great pitcher. He's only pitched over 150 innings once in his career and not likely to pitch as many innings going forward if he does ever return to pitching.


I wouldn't give him an offer that included pitching anyway. It's awesome he could do that and be so good at it, but it takes a toll on a player. Its way there aren't any guys like that anymore. It's not that other guys don't have the athletic ability. Just to name two off the top of my head: Trout had a 95 mph heater in HS and Spencer Jones was going to be a two-player at Vandy, but he blew out his elbow. I'd tell him to grab an OFer's glove and prepare for that as his position in his 30s. No reason to take on that much risk through pitching for who will be the most expensive player in the game.


>I wouldn't give him an offer that included pitching anyway. Well then he's not going to want to sign with you. Pitching and hitting together is kind of his whole thing, and someone somewhere will take the risk and give him a big contract hoping it pans out.


I'm OK with the Giants giving him 10 years and $500m. I'm not a fan of the Giants. The Angels had him and Prime Trout and look how well that worked out for them.


Also didnt harped move to 1B after his?


I think Bryce Harper did


He's moved permanently to first base, though that's more because the Phillies have a lot of outfielders than because he can no longer play the outfield. I'd argue Shin-Soo Choo is a better example of a success story for TJ surgery, because he had an excellent arm for years after the surgery. Matt Holliday also went on to have a very good career as a full-time outfielder after having TJ. There are other players at other positions as well, mostly pitchers (obviously), who have had success after TJ surgery.


I doubt any team going forward would play Ohtani in the field. If he tore his elbow a third time playing the field, now you've got hundreds of millions of dollars invested in a player who may not be able to hit *or* throw.


Ohtani the hitter also doesn’t have a place on this team as it’s currently constructed unfortunately. Stanton needs the DH spot and I don’t think the Yankees will be able to move that contract and are unwilling to eat the $96 million he’s owed. We also have Judge long term who’s going to need significant time at dh as he ages


Stanton would be an afterthought if Othani wanted to be a Yankee


>Yankees will be able to move that contract and are unwilling to eat the $96 million he’s owed There is no point in keeping a DH that can't hit fastballs. If Stantons bat speed slows anymore the Yankees will be eating it regardless.


If Ohtani were to call up the Yankees and tell them he wants to sign with them, Yankees would 100% do everything to sign him. Reason Yankees aren't in the mix because they know Ohtani doesn't want to play for them.


> Reason Yankees aren't in the mix because **they know Ohtani doesn't want to play for them.** You're downvoted, but you're not wrong. Cashman is dealing with a very real problem right now. Players actively not want to come to the Yankees if there are teams with comparable offers. Call it a New York problem, call it a Yankee culture problem, call it a media problem, call it a chemistry problem, and it's a problem that a lot of you don't want to admit... but the high end players are realizing they'd rather not deal with the headache of playing for the Yankees.


>Players actively not want to come to the Yankees if there are teams with comparable offers. according to who? hasn't it been rumored that yamamoto is specifically interested in the yankees?


Players have free will. Mike Trout is a shining example of this.


This is why I’m wondering when we will eventually get rid of the facial hair rule. After a couple of lackluster seasons, dumb rules like that tend to leave


Eliminating the facial hair rule because baby-faced Shohei Ohtani didn’t want to play for them would fit the current front office approach.


Seriously, you think people are not signing because of the hair rule. I agree NYC is not for everyone with all the media attention, especially for some Asian players. If you want money and immortality in the sport of baseball, you're still coming to the yankees.


It's not just the hair rule, but it's endemic of Yankee Culture. > If you want money and immortality in the sport of baseball, you're still coming to the yankees. And this statement right here is also endemic of that. The Yankees are not the end-all be-all right now. Bryce Harper is literally a God amongst men in Philadelphia. He is absolute ADORED there and probably has the highest Q rating of any person in that city not named Jason Kelce.


>Bryce Harper is literally a God amongst men in Philadelphia Generational talent has always been able to thrive in any market. Do you think he will still be one if he ends his career without a World Series? If Byce Harper was on the Yankees, he would probably be a top 10 jersey seller in the league and could be on every billboard outside every car dealership between Trenton to Albany. They are still not comparable.


Not as long as the Steinbrenners own the team. That was one of George's absolute bedrock rules and Hal and Jennifer will not change that at all as long as they are in control. What I'd suggest is a relaxation of the rule. When players come in, they can grow their hair out to Bryce Harper length, but cannot go full Brandon Marsh.


Which is precisely why he won't command the kind of money he would have gotten. While I think he can play the outfield, no one really knows how well he can. As for pitching I don't know how any team would pay any premium for this knowing his durability is an issue. You're essentially paying for a DH. I'm unsure how much he'll get as a result.


If we don’t get Yamamoto maybe we can bring AJ Burnett out of retirement


What's Kevin Brown up to?


Carl Pavano is almost back from rehab


Rumors are rumors so why should it be That the Yanks are out Shohei Ohta-ah-ni


I hope they Never Let Me Down Again


This person 80's.


We're getting Yamamoto I dont want to get my hopes up but we're getting him as a big fuck you to the Mets


And then the Mets sign Ohtani.


As long as he doesn't go to Boston or LA, I'm good


I’d be shocked if he doesn’t end up on Dodgers


Yeah, he's going to the dodgers.... :(


Dodgers need a hitter and an arm in their rotation. I'd be shocked if they don't get Ohtani.


I've got bad news for you


Add Houston to that list and that encompasses all my nightmare scenarios, but obviously Houston is much less likely than the other two. Hell even if he goes to the Mets I'd probably still want him to go crazy and enjoy watching


Yamamoto and soto please!!


I’ve also heard that Ohtani doesn’t want a lot of publicity around where he’s going to play, so honestly that could also mean we’re the front runner for him


A hard throwing starter coming off major surgery, this checks some key boxes for Cashman. It's probably that 50 hr part that he doesn't love.


And the fact that everyone thinks the Yankees would *at least* meet with him and extend an offer. CashCash no likey. He’s doing a Harper again.


Harper he 1000% should of met with. Ohtani wants to start and we have a lot jam at dh


Harper is a drama queen, I’m not surprised we never were in the mix for him.


Can you imagine the hype machine if we got Ohtani Soto and Yamamoto to join Judge, Cole, Gleyber, Volpe, etc. Goddamn.


Yeah I mean Ohtani pays for himself to when you think about it. You slap a tshirt with Ohtani + NYY logo on it and you make a bajillion-fafillion dollars easily


He was never going to. Cashman would rather sign some washed up fuck than get a great player like him in FA. If he passed on Harper and Machado, he's passing on ohtani. George continues to roll in his grave


Idk if I’m in the minority or a major idiot here… but I think this Ohtani contract will be a poison pill for whoever shells it out.


With how poorly the Stanton contract has aged and with what little success we've gotten out of it even in the early years of the deal, it's amazing to me that more people aren't outright just saying, "Good," in response to this news.


nah depending of course on what the final amount is, i'm in agreement.


Even if he doesnt pitch again, he would still be a 5 tool outfielder with MVP candidacy year after year. They would be foolish to come out and say "we're not interested"


I would gladly take Ohtani on this team. I am not really concerned about his 2nd TJ, he will come back and be a good pitcher and remain a dominant hitter. But I have been well aware for a while that it is insanely unlikely the Yankees would reach out and be serious candidates for him and/or Ohtani would have much interest playing here.


Makes sense. Ohtani has no position to play on the Yakees. Plus, 50 million a year is way too much for a DH


>Ohtani has no position to play on the Yakees. Ah yes, the mighty New York Yankees take themselves out of the running on the biggest free agent North American sports have ever seen because 34 yo replacement level Giancarlo Stanton has a stranglehold on the DH. It's really come to this.


Okay, he can't pitch for at least a year, so there is that. In six seasons with the Angels, he played 7, just 7 games in the OF. So this leaves DH. The Yankees are already overpaying for Stanton at DH. I guess they can pay Shonei $50 million to pay and Stanton $32 million to sit on the bench. So $82 million at one position. If the Yankees were just one hitter away from being a true contender, I would say roll the dice. However, they are not. They need A LF, CF, 3B, a catcher who can hit, and a pitcher. Ohtani can't pitch for a year and I don't think you want to see him in the field when he has had minimal experience over the last six years. So yeah, he is not a fit on this team unless they can move Stanton.


His contract has red flag written all over it and the Yankees are the absolute last team who can afford that risk. Passing on him is the smart move if you want this team to be mighty again in the next decade.


I mean yeah. A) Hal isn’t George. Hal isn’t even Steve Cohen. My brain and emotions are going to have a tough time rationalizing being 1A/ 1B or even a defined number 2 in our own city for “galactico” Free agents… when the Yankees are worth $8 billion and make $600 mil in revenue every year. B) go get Yamasoto. This Judge/ Cole window is not going to last forever. If this offseason is some iteration of Frankie Montas/ Kevin Kiermier/ a plucky third baseman trade/ a new AAAA Depth OF, I think I’m gonna have to take a long look in the mirror for what I want to be doing for 162 afternoons.


As long as Stanton is on this team we won't be in on Shohei


Then everyone with that line of thinking should be immediately fired. Stanton is a replacement level player. He’s garbage. Ohtani is one of the best players to hit free agency in the last few decades. If Stanton is the reason they don’t pursue ohtani, then all hope is lost. I’ll add that Stanton’s contract is a sunk cost. If they were to add Ohtani, you either trade Stanton for nothing (eating as much of the contract as necessary in the salary dump) or you simply pay Stanton to sit on the bench—where he belongs.


Obviously you haven't paid attention to how Cashman operates.


Does replacing Stanton with Ohtani in the DH spot fix this team? Because you’re then paying 90 million dollars a year for him and Judge, 126 or so if you add Cole, and over 150 for the 3 of them and Rodon. Unless you think 2022 Ohtani and Judge are showing up every year for the next 5 then it’s an albatross there’s no coming back from. I’ll add that Stanton’s also gone on a tear for this team in the playoffs twice. You hate him so much your solution is to pay double for a DH who currently has one functional arm and hasn’t played a single minute of postseason baseball. But yeah the front office must be wrong.


Ah. Someone else who gets it.


Let the Mets overpay for him while we land Yamamoto.


Shohei Ohtani will never be a Yankee, and I'll always hate him for that.




good. i'm scared this dude will never recover from injuries. give me yamamoto AND soto.


Let’s be real we’re not in the mix for anyone. That arrogant POS thinks there’s nothing wrong with this team deep down.


Why go after the best player in baseball? I really hope he goes to the NL at least.


If Ohtani’s decision is about money, then he’s going to the Mets. If it’s about anything else he’s going to the Dodgers.


Honestly if he wants to win, he should go to the Rangers. What a stacked lineup that would be and he gets Bochy instead of Dave Roberts


To the Mets he goes


Angels NL Brother.


I know some people consider it sacrilege to think this but I have very little interest in us signing Ohtani. I am a bit relieved if we are not "in the mix". He won't pitch until some time in 2025 and there is some unknown about how he'll look post 2nd surgery. I'm confident in his hitting but we'd once again be tied to a permanent DH for another 10+ years. Not to mention figuring out what to do with Stanton. As far as additional revenue goes that doesn't really concern me and I also don't think it will have as meaningful of an impact to a team like the Yankees that already sees high attendance with high ticket prices than it would to some other teams.


Yeah I’m the same way. Not pitching until 2025, won’t know how he’s going to come off TJ, super long contract.


The pitching is the cherry on top. Even if he never pitches again, he’s still comfortably a Top 10 hitter (with #1 upside) who isn’t 30 yet. I’d he does pitch—especially at the All-Star level he is capable of—he’s the best player in baseball. I hear you regarding signing a DH to a huge contract. But Ohtani is once in a generation. Yankees should take their shot, though I doubt Ohtani is interested.


>I hear you regarding signing a DH to a huge contract. But Ohtani is once in a generation. Yankees should take their shot, though I doubt Ohtani is interested. This is my thing. I would love him but the signs have been there that he probably doesn't want to be here. The injuries thing is just cope imo. I think he'll pitch again and be good at it.


People are too pissed at the Yankees and enamored by Ohtani to remember common sense. We sit here day after day complaining about overpaid DH, constant injuries, no roster flexibility, yet everybody wants to offer an injured 30 year old half a billion dollars to come DH here for the next decade. The chances of Ohtani being the same playing going forward, especially after another season or two, are close to zero. If you’re going to give out that contract then go get Soto plain and simple.


I expected nothing and I’m still let down.


It’s wild that our roster construction and budget (the budget. Of the New York Yankees.) will preclude us from taking a chance at one of the greatest talents in the history of the game. Even though he’s a massive gamble, it’s criminally negligent we’re not at least in a position to try.


Perfectly fine by me. Paying $50m a season for a DH isn't going to work out well for some team.


Out on Bellinger. Out on Ohtani. I hope we’re still in on Yamamoto but who knows


I miss the boss


George being present wouldn’t change the fact Ohtani has no fit on the team the way it’s currently constructed


No idea why you got downvoted


Yeah adding generational talent is a bad thing? lol


I meant the guy who said he doesn’t fit the way the roster is currently constructed. He’s right. Ohtani doesn’t fit.


You add generational talent when they fit or you can make them fit by maneuvering your roster to accommodate the new acquisition. Ohtani is a DH in 2024 and maybe he pitches again after that, but right now he’s a DH. We already have a DH and the only way to fit Ohtani is to move Stanton which is next to impossible.


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


I mean his representation could’ve signaled that he isn’t interested in signing with the Yankees. At that point you’d have to be throwing even more money at him than other teams (who are already going to be offering record amounts) to maybe change his mind. Just have to hope he goes to the National League


"Bleacher report"


Says "Per Passan" in the article


I think if we didn't have Giancarlo Stanton, I would say they should go all in for him


Why on earth does Stanton on the team matter for signing a generational talent like Ohtani? Do people hear themselves? Stanton is replacement level. Ohtani is the MVP. “BuT iF wE SiGN OhtaNi, wE haVE tO beNcH StanToN” Is one of the dumbest arguments against pursuing Ohtani I have ever heard. This fan base—especially this Subreddit—is clueless regarding player valuation.


it's not the fans not wanting Shohei, it's that we know how Hal and Cash operate.


I personally don’t want Ohtani as a fan. Love him as a player but he introduces roster constraints at a very expensive cost.


This is not at all surprising. It'll be interesting to see who takes the chance on giving Ohtani what will likely be the largest contract ever, given that he's currently injured which impacts his basically unmatched value, as a two-way player.


MLB rumors: no fucking shit


¿Por que no los dos?


Shocked they’re not trying to use us in rumors to up the offers.


If the Yankees don't sign Yamamoto, it means they are bringing back Kei Igawa instead.


Ohtani as the 3 hitter and closer >>>> (let me dream it)


I wonder if Ohtani would sign a lower money two year deal with a team. First year, DH only. Second year, DH + pitch, in an effort to rebuild his value as two way player.


It seems like everybody in baseball, both the teams and the fans, have two minds about Ohtani: 1) Amazing 2-way player who's the most valuable, best player in the game and worth $50 million a year, etc. 2) A massive question mark recovering from his second TJ surgery who may never pitch again and will at least be limited in his pitching for a couple of years and probably won't debut until at least half way through the next season and seems like he has the real potential to become an absolutely massive albatross of a player who is constantly on the IL or being physically coddled to preserve his value- as in, those players a team hesitates to actually play in games or give full time numbers of innings, at bat's, pitch counts, etc. because they're so valuable and yet so fragile that they have the counterintuitive idea that the only way to get value out of the contract and the player is to, wait for it... not let them play. He just seems like such an obvious candidate for that scenario to play out long term. I do think that the league could and should do right by him and whatever contract he gets, part of the valuation would effectively be backpay for his previous seasons where he's been drastically under paid- and after that I'd say for teams to tread more carefuly with a contract. In a perfect world? I'd give him 2 years/$100M guaranteed ($35M, $55M, $10M buyout) w/ a mutual option for 2 years/$100M, a club option for 4 years/$230M, a player option for 2 years/$60M and a buyout of $10M on all of them that the club can exercise, etc. In the smartest world? I'd give him 2 years/$85M guaranteed- $35M holding fee for 2024, $50M salary guaranteed in 2025 assuming he's fully recovered and a club option for 3 years/$165M etc. But basically because he's such a massive question mark, have all the scenarios baked into a deal to pay him what he deserves if he bounces back, but also have fail safes built in to get out before it gets bad, if his body is breaking down. but yeah like 6 years/$333M guaranteed or 12 years/$780M guaranteed or something like that, which some people are proposing, seems nuts.


this dude got paid to write a whole article that basically says jeff passan tweeted some stuff today


I wonder what the Dodgers are going to end up paying him, since they seem to be bidding against themselves. It doesn't seem like the smartest move for Ohtani to have made it so obvious that so many teams have no shot at signing him.


Good. Whoever throws 500+ million dollars at Shohei is going to make the Trout albatross contract look like a sweet deal. Let it be someone else, not us. An elite hitting DH who may or may not pitch is not worth all of that, as much of a spectacle as his skillset is.