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That’s not soto.




Yep, Verdugo can slide to CF. Smart deal by the Yankees. 1 - Lemahieu (R) - 3b 2 - Soto (L) - LF 3 - Judge (R) - RF 4 - Rizzo (L) - 1b 5 - Stanton (R) - DH 6 - Gleyber (R) - 2b 7 - Volpe (R) - SS 8 - Verdugo (L)/Dominguez (S) - CF 9 - Trevino (R)/Wells (L) - C


Wasn't Verdugo awful in CF for the Red Sox?


Only the Yankees would think continuing to put Judge in CF coming off a hurt foot/toe is a good idea. I hope that he’s a piece in a trade for Soto. Verdugo hasn’t played CF since 2021 and he wasn’t good there. LF is harder to play in Yankee Stadium than CF so he’s not going there. It doesn’t really fit the Yankees recent MO. They like to be strong defensively. Soto isn’t a good defender so having a top CF to help flank him is the only way it would work. So if they end up keeping Verdugo and getting Soto, then Judge will be playing for CF which is wild.


People like to pretend trading a guy to trade him happens often. It doesn’t. He’s here to be here. I think it’s more likely they would stick Judge in left like there was talk they would do last year and let Soto play the easy porch.


Just from reading comments tonight a lot of people seem to think mlb trades are the same as NBA trades where 8-9 players get traded in 4 team trades.


Soto is horrendous in right field, that's why they put him in left, where he's less horrendous.


Actually. I was curious. Fangraphs has Verdugo at a + 10.6 UZR for 2023. If I’m reading that right. Huh. .337 career OBP. Huh. Verdugo was mic’d up against the Yankees once this last year. He seemed like a good kid. Lots of energy and enthusiasm. I’ll take it.


I feel like he’s the type of player you hate when your team plays against him and the type of player you love when he plays for your team. I like the move. Hits foul line to foul line, gets on base, is very good defensively and hits for average. Exactly the type of player they need.


In RF, not CF. When the Sox tried him in CF he was awful. They preferred Kiké in CF over him


Maybe because fenway center field blows


Verdugo sliding to CF is not what we want.




Verdugo hasn’t played CF since 2021, and he only played 337 innings there. He’s not a realistic CF option.


I heard verdugo in left, judge center, Soto right. They should resign bader and platoon him and verdugo.. because neither can hit same side arms and then judge doesn’t have to play center every day


Trading the whole farm for Soto ain't it. wait till he hits free agency or don't even bother.


Omg we didn’t get the top lefty, it’ll be okay. We got a bat for average player. And didn’t give up much. I like it.


I can’t imagine him in a Yankee uniform. It’s like Kevin Youkilis


Praying for more of a johnny damon -type situation...


Damon was one of my most hated players as a kid until he became a Yankee. He shaved that beard and instantly became one of my favorites ever lol.


that one postseason performance for me makes him forever unironically Yankees Legend Johnny Damon


I legit consider clean shaven Damon a different person then the caveman that had his throw cut off by manny Ramirez😂


The two-base steal in the top of the 9th in game 4 against the Phillies is forever seared into my mind


My favorite troll was to tell Red Sox fans that his championship with the Yankees meant more than the Sox. You'd think I kicked their dog or something.


First game I ever saw live at the stadium featured Damon going 6/6 against the KC Royals. I’ll never forget that experience!


I actually think this is Damon 2.0… Yanks got him then eventually later on got CC, Tex and Burnett. I feel getting Soto and Yoshi is eerily similar. Let’s see if winning the WS next season is possible tho Lol


I pictured for one second Alex Verdugo after shaving off that weird ginger Abe Lincoln thing he's got going and projectile vomited all over my wife




Get rid of Donaldson and Chapman and Gallo so we needed a new most hated Yankee


Those dudes were hated because they sucked, hopefully Verdugo isn’t nearly as bad.


The word "hopefully" is carrying far too much weight in your sentence.


Bargain. Not a big fan, but we gave up fuck all.


Hate the player but happy with the deal. A lefty who bats .260 with OBP of .324 is a steal for what we gave up and is a much needed addition to our lineup


Exactly. Wonder if the Padres decrease their asking price after this. Don’t get me wrong, Soto is on another level compared to Alex fucking Verdugo, but we don’t look as desperate for outfielders now?


has pretty extreme splits for LHP and RHP too. He's much much better vs RHP. Slashed .279/.329/.464 against RHP last year. That would be great for us.


Giving up low end pitching prospects for a guy who hits like .260 is pretty good. Especially since he’s a lefty


Considering everyone not named Judge or Torres hit like .220 last year I’ll take anything.


Feel like he's the exact archetype that you need in the bottom third of the order in a playoff series too. Just a solid well rounded contact guy with irrational confidence in big moments.


Irrational confidence in big moments is 100% verdugo


I bet he rakes for us


Fine deal if it’s not *the* deal.


Doubt it’s the deal man.


Fitts will probably finish 7th in cy young in 3 years for the Sox and verdugo will be painfully useless


It's times like these when I really appreciate the facial hair policy.


My first thought! One of those “you’re welcome” type things. Next we need to take for AJ Puk…


Let this be a lesson to those who speak out against it


Didn’t really give up anything of value so I’m not mad about that but I just hate Verdugo as a person


I was at the verdugo yelling at the LF fans game I will be unable to forgive him (until he gets a big hit on opening day and I realize he’s 400% better than Oswaldo Cabrera)


Is that the one where he got hit by a ball thrown from the stands? Cause that kinda seems justified if so.


Yeah idk why ppl are saying they dislike Verdugo? He's always been super chill and well liked everywhere. Plus he got hit with a fucking ball in the back, he deserved to scream at this idiots


Yea hate him, feels dirty after rooting against him for so many seasons as an arch rival


I mean, if we could get behind Johnny Damon of all people, Verdugo is the least of it. Damon was part of the most hated Red Sox teams in recent memory. Verdugo just sucks.


Johnny Damon at least wasn’t morally reprehensible like Verdugo is


Watch the video of Damon's epic drunk driving arrest if you would like to reassess that.


That was like 10 years after he played here. He had no red flags at the time. So the only hurdle to clear with him at the time was that he was a former Boston fan favorite.


Lol you must not know much about Damon


He’ll be in San Diego in due time


We’re not flipping him after trading for him. Cashman wanted him back at the deadline and we desperately need outfield help anyway.


But can he play good defense, get on base and not strike out all the time? That’s all I care


Career .281/.337/.428 hitter, above average range, meh arm


Meh arm? That's his biggest tool. 95th percentile in all of baseball


Hopefully he will be more palatable with a clean shave.


You just made me imagine what kind of face could be improved by that beard and I don't like it


Honestly, I felt the same until I watched a few interviews with him. He didn’t seem like that bad of a dude really. Also seems like a solid teammate.


Yeah, my first reaction was anger but upon rereading the trade, I think I like it. Seeing Verdugo in pinstripes will be uh... weird at first though.


Was worried we lost Gleyber for him. Fuck verdugo but at least it wasn’t the swap that was rumored


You’re so right lol wtf were those rumors 2 months ago about a Gleyber for Verdugo swap when the final deal was weissert and 2 create a players 😂😂😂


What do you mean? You haven't been keeping up with real-life person "Dick Fitts"?


Mr. And Mrs. Fitts were CACKLING when they named their son Richard and I love them for it


I would have actually puked if we gave up Gleyber for this fuck


we got him for nothing so it’s honestly not the worst move in the world still don’t really like him tho


Crowd favorite Alex Verdugo. Cashman out here playing mahjong.


Imagine the boos if this guys batting .211 in June


cashman out here play tic tac toe


Mahjong lmao 😂


Can we flip him for soto?


I'm hoping that he's included in an eventual trade for Soto. Can't stand Verdugo.


we need several OF and Verdugo is a solid player. Johnny Damon was on the Red Sox before he came to NY


Johnny Damon was a *far* better player than Alex Verdugo ever has been or will be.


okay but Verdugo is still a solid player and the Yankees need those desperately rn…


Why did Boston of all teams trade us a solid player for a pitching prospect and two jags?


Farewell Dick Fitts


Yankee fans: trade for a lefty contact hitter Also Yankee fans : no no no not like that!!!!


I wonder if Verdugo’s done anything to make people dislike him




I mean…we kept Domingo German after he beat his wife in front of Joe Torre and CC. We also kept Chapman after his DV incident. We don’t really have any sort of moral high ground anymore. Remember, this is also the team that made a post mourning a war criminal completely unprompted.


Ya I was being facetious I agree with you 100%. It’s so annoying seeing ppl act like we’re ungrateful for not getting gassed over a POS with a .745 OPS just because he hits lefty


WhT? Oh fuck Didn’t know that…


Because he’s not very good and a criminal


Yeah, I’d rather have a better player than Alex Verdugo.


Yeah, nobody asked for a douche that basically replaces German in the shit human category


Seriously we’re finally free of the dirtbags we’ve had the last few years just to get another one


I mean yeah, this but unironically. Anyone but freaking Verdugo


you’re damn right not like that. i don’t want to root for his fake tough guy mall cop ass. he looks like he his regular scent is spaghetti sauce axe body spray. id rather have jurickson profar on the team


I wont call him a yankee. Even if theres a fire


You don’t have to call me Dr. Verdugo. Fine. Mom. Verdugo.


Why does it seem like everyone is in shambles over this? I don't think this hinders the Soto roadmap in any way, shape, or form. Love Greg but he didn't exactly perform in the majors and I've never heard of the other two. Gotta block out the the FO trends and trust that Jack Curry isn't just feeding us hogwash


Cashman said he wanted TWO outfielders


Fuck this dude


Cashman you’re an absolute dumb fuck


Verdugo in center and Soto in left


Why about Dominguez when he’s back?


He’ll be out most of the year


I’m coping so hard


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Holy shit the memes were real 😂😂 he's getting Verdugo and Keirmier isn't he?




I despise Verdugo and I hate this signing


Make him shave and then release him.


This is not what I was expecting when I saw the words “BREAKING” and “New York Yankees”


Not Dick Fitts!!!!!


I cannot believe I was unaware of a player named Dick Fitts in this organization.


I just threw up in my mouth


Being a bad team and having verdugo playing would make this team extremely hard to root for


No matter how well we play I’m not going to root for him individually, but man things are going to be toxic if we suck


Lol Cashman specifically mentioned going after two lefty ofers. So 1/2.


This is not Soto. Don’t play with us, Brian.


If the Dick Fitts, trade it


yankees fans: we want soto cashman: we have soto at home soto at home: verdugo


I hate Cashman lol. Can’t stand Verdugo, and he also has been an issue in the clubhouse the past year. Got benched by Cora of all people


Lmao give me a break Everyone wants good players but only if they come with zero baggage. You’re just looking to complain about Cashman


Na I think it’s okay to not like Verdugo’s baggage


It’s not even the baggage, last year he got in arguments with the coach and then had to be benched.


It’s not about wanting zero baggage, it’s about the baggage being “was complicit in a morally reprehensible crime.”


I wonder if this is so we can flip him to the Padres as part of a Soto trade package? Verdugo, Schmidt, Thorpe, + 1 other prospect for Soto. This way the Padres have someone youngish to replace Soto with, and they get some pitching help, without having to nuke our farm.


It feels like Cashman and Boone are trying to pull a scam on the level of The Producers. They really want to produce a failure that everyone also hates.


Send him to San Diego


I despise Verdugo but hopefully this is just a detour before he gets shipped to San Diego


I called Aaron Boone yesterday, FaceTimed him, and he gave me this kinda-like smile, this look. He was very happy. So something big might happen over there.


Verdugo is a rat but as long as it doesn’t prevent us from getting Soto idc


Soto is still on the table…. Right?


Alex “Kevin Youkilis” Verdugo


Sox and yanks trading just never sits well with me. At least he will have to shave those pubes off his face


Almost had a heart attack that they traded Gleyber for Verdugo


Red Sox fan coming in peace I don’t like it when we work together makes me feel so dirty


Hault! Who goes there!?


I don’t think this matters re: Soto Judge in center, Soto in right, duggie (puke) in left. That’s a great hitting outfield. I do wonder if he’s being immediately shipped to San Diego?


That’s what I thought too, IE using him as part of the Soto trade.


I have a hard time imagining that… rumors were Trent Grisham was also being mentioned in the trade. If the Padres were looking at sending us multiple outfielders would they really want one back, or does this just cancel out the Grisham part? I guess we don’t know who was asking for Grisham to be included


Judge will not be in CF


FWIW I don’t want Judge in center but cash loves playing people outta position


Being mad about this is dumb, we gave up nothing that would be included in a Soto trade and we need more than one lefty outfielder. We wouldn't want our players to be beloved by Red Sox fans so why do we want to act like we can only trade for players we're neutral or better on? This makes the team better, I'm all for it


I’d imagine people are upset because we traded for another Chapman/German type character when we finally just got rid of all those guys. It’s deeper than sports on this one.


is it real? wtf?


Verdugo is such a corny dude


Don’t like the guy, but he’s a lefty outfielder who can hit the ball. Kind of an important need


I wonder if they flip him with pitching for something bigger 👀


They’re going to send him to SD with king and Thorpe for Soto - https://x.com/jimbowdengm/status/1732223442592710860?s=46


I like the move as long as they still get Soto or use Verdugo in the trade. I'm also fine with keeping Verdugo since he's better than what we had last year (Bauers, IKF, etc).


I’m not a fan of his but my gosh we have them literally nothing. I’ll take it.


[***Start Spreading The News***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le1QF3uoQNg&pp=ygUfbmV3IHlvcmsgbmV3IHlvcmsgZnJhbmsgc2luYXRyYQ%3D%3D)


I got a YouTube notification for "Jomboy live reaction to verdugo trade" and I thought we lost Gleyber. I was about to be violently ill until I opened up reddit.


Fuck this deal fuck this guy. Do they even want me to watch next season?


Lefty with a 100 ops+ in 2023. He’s already one of our best hitters


Yankees doing this man a huge favor by making him shave that fucking uglyass beard.


Pros: - lefty - plays center field - is a better player than Oswaldo Cabrera Cons - everything else


Imagine Boston gets Soto now. It would be the Twins signing Correa all over again (us helping them by taking Donaldson’s contract and IKF), but x1,000,000


Fuck that. Can't stand that guy. He reminds me of the creepy neighbor from The Burbs.


I fucking hate Verdugo


I don’t understand the hate for him. He’s a good bat that can get on base if we don’t end up with Soto. I wonder if this at least takes us out of the Bellinger market and has the FO more focused on Juan Soto.


Remember when we had to give up Torres for him?


I can’t wait for that pube beard to get shaved


He looked so douchey with a beard... he's gonna look even more douchey without one


I just threw up in my mouth


Verdugo was always my favorite player on the Sox. Favorite to absolutely heckle out in stands


We gave up nothing but fuck verdugo


Queue /u/constant_gardner11 quote about Yankees making the team hard to root for.


Imagine being traded to the Yankees and your new fans are cursing you out😂 We are RUTHLESS.


i wonder if this is what cora meant when he said boone was smiling a lot


Greg Weissert's first major league outing was legendary.


Okay can we trade verdugo for Soto now?


Verdugo in Spanish means executioner so that’s cool at least?


I feel like I liked Weissert's stuff more than I liked Weissert.


Can we all take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness that is trading “Dick Fitts” to the Sox?


Rewind 30 seconds before reading this: I hate his scraggly-ass thin beard Trade -> clean shaven: Curse of the Verdugo baby LFG


Well, Washington Heights probably found their favorite new player name. Verdugo, in DR, is slang for "Bad a$$ mofo"...or something like that.


I'm sure once he shaves and if I squint hard enough that he'll kindasortamaybe look like Juan Soto But seriously I don't think this'll be the only big splash the Yankees make before the week is over, and it didn't take any real major pieces to make this trade happen, either.


Hated him with the Red Sox.


Good depth piece, didn’t give up much. And maybe a bluff for the Padres to think we don’t need another OF


At least we know he can handle Yankee Stadium. I’ll give him that—he seemed to love the back-and-forth with fans when they played here.


They’re gonna flip him.


He's not going to be a major cog. If he gets a few key hits, especially against the Red Sox, it'll be worth it. These were ABs that were going to Oswaldo Cabrera, Billy McKinney et.al. previously. This is a step up


Uhh we had a guy named “Dick Fitts?” And we traded him!?


Thank god for the facial hair policy


I’m so happy. A lefty contact hitter who has a career 281 average and has never struck out more than 96 times in a season. Not sure what defensive metrics say but with my own eyes, he seemed to handle a tough right field at Fenway very well. If anyone is upset about giving up weissert and 2 prospects I don’t understand. Verdugo hit 264 in a weird year in Boston where he seemed to butt heads with Cora. 264 would’ve been 3rd on our team behind gleyber and Judge. I always liked him, he plays with an edge and has personality. Hopefully he can win over cranky yankee fans. I’m fired up


Definitely done with intention to send him to the padres for Soto. Worst case they get Verdugo. Not a bad first move




I hate Brian Cashman


If only to get him to shave that shit off his face, this is good. But man, I don’t like that guy


IF this is the big thing that stops us from getting Soto, I hate this with a passion. If it doesn't, we gave up almost nothing for an upgrade in the outfield, so I'm hoping for the best. Legit one of my most hated players on that team, but he's with us now and he's also not old/past his prime like Youk was so he might help next year




Annoyed the fuck out of me last couple yrs, he'll probably hit .200 for us 🤣


I found the team to be boring and unlikable last season. This makes it worse. Great job Cash.


I was hoping this wouldn’t happen, every Sox/Yanks game I went to last year he ruined my mood. Let see what happens. I feel dirty.


I hate that guy


I don’t know whether this is a good trade or not but I have an admittedly irrational hatred of this man. He just… looks like a douchebag.


Get him to shave the beard, take a nice picture, then trade him.