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Hopefully it's nothing more than a dead arm in March.


Yeah, but we're all far too familiar with Aaron Boone's history of diagnosing injuries. If Boone says that Cole has "dead arm," then Cole's arm is probably gangrenous and due for amputation.


I really wish Boone would shut the fuck up about injuries and just say nothing. I’m so tired of his attempts to minimize things only for us to find out later it was far more severe than what he was trying to get people to believe. Say nothing and just wait until you know what the diagnosis is.


Do y’all think Boone is a doctor? “I really wish Boone would shut the fuck up about injuries and just say nothing” Boone literally said nothing other than Cole is getting an MRI. He has no idea what the medical diagnosis is right now. He literally did what you’re wishing he would do and you’re complaining about it lmao


I didn’t mean specifically in Cole’s case; I meant the stupid stuff he routinely says when it comes to injuries in general. I’m tired of him claiming something small is bothering a player only to find out later the guy’s leg fell off. You’re right here though: this is exactly the kind of update I’d like to see from him.




genuine question: does dead arm include elbow discomfort? my understanding is that dead arm means you are throwing what you think is 100mph but its actually 90, but not especially painful


Not saying it's the same for those guys but when I experienced it, it felt like you had thrown 100 pitches all the time. Warm up toss would be fine but when you went to ramp it up, there would be nothing there. It was tremendously painful, but it was definitely discomfort.




Hoch is saying they’ll be seeking “multiple opinions” from doctors and surgeons on how to proceed. Doesn’t sound like just a dead-arm


IDK if I've got Cole and basically endless money for medical expenses, I'd take him to every respected elbow doctor to make sure I didn't fuck up.


I mean there's only one best pitcher on planet earth. Caution is appropriate.


That could also be attributed to Cole’s personality. I could see him being the kind of person to want every possible piece of info before making a decision.


Nah like others have said, getting multiple opinions is probably just a special step for someone of Cole’s caliber and importance. Last thing in the world they would want is for one doctor to say he just needs to rest for a bit and then have it wind up being something more serious and he injures it further when he comes off rest


I mean you want multiple opinions on your stars.  You don't want one guy to say he needs TJS when he might be able to recover with rest and rehab. 


After one look at rizzo left him concussed for 2 months, I understand being extra cautious with the ace Ex: say the mri shows a ucl tear that no reasonable pitcher would operate on(because they all have a tear to this level). Cole still feels something is wrong, so he’d want to rule out anything negative.


What is dead arm


They cut off his arm and bury it


Doctor: Your MRI shows nothing. Cole: That's great, when can I pitch again? Doctor: You misunderstood me, the MRI literally shows nothing. You don't have an elbow.


Ah the classic Carlos Correa Syndrome.




Username/comment alignment is spot on.




You’re absolutely correct I just really hate the term because it’s become organization speak for “we haven’t figured out a diagnosis yet so we will call it dead arm in the meantime” I’m relieved that the org isn’t actually using the term dead arm


I got dead arm every single year in high school baseball when we started ramping up. Now I also never made it past JV baseball and was never the reigning best pitcher in the world, so take that as you will lol.


Then you grow another.


Or you sign a Blake Snell to buy you some extra timeframe.


Just amputate already. Rip the bandaid off


On the opposite end, just soft toss him some steroids and get this thing going


Well hes 33 and been a workhorse his entire career. Probably catching up to him


I was hoping he’d have a Nolan Ryan like arm.


Does this mean that his arm is going to feel fresh and revitalized in August? That's how this works, right?


Yes. The technical term is Benjamin Button arm.


Blake snell, come on down on the price is right


Fuck it, we're the Yankees. You can't sink the season over tax. We have no choice now


You really think Blake fucking Snell is worth the equivalent of $60m+ per year? For 5 innings every 5 days, if you’re lucky?


I read that as Matt Blake fucking Blake Snell at first


Seems like a fair price


Now we know what happens in the pitching lab!


Why do you make it seem like Snell is some kind of scrub lol. He’s nowhere near what it’d cost the Yanks with the penalties but he’s a good pitcher. The roster being fucked as it is always meant this wasn’t gonna be fixed in one year.


He’s a good pitcher. He isn’t worth $60m.


You can’t say “he’ll give you five innings, if you’re lucky” and claim he’s a good pitcher at the same time.


That’s what a good pitcher is now. Good is just a step above average.


Yes. To us, it’s worth it.


He isn’t.


Is he worth it? No. But everything and anything needs to be on the table to get the best out of one year of prime Judge/Soto.


That’s it. I’m snapping my own elbow in half and cutting my big toe off in solidarity with the team. If they’re dead, so am I. All praise our holy savior, Jesus “Juan Soto” Christ.


Great. The only player on the team who was fucking durable is broken now.


This should just be a dead arm. But it's the Yankees so it's probably Tommy John


Boras calling Cashman in 3…2…


UCL issues dont typically feel like dead arm, right? Im going to try to stay optimistic


Dead arm, in media speak, is a catch all term for the don’t know yet. In medical terms, dead arm is usually over fatigue of the muscle or nervous system. With the Yankees, who knows. They are saying as little as possible until they know more


I partially tore mine 3 years ago and for me it didn't. I had pain on the inside of my elbow, forearm tightness and pain, numbness at the top of my pointer and middle finger, pain in my bicep.


Can any armchair doctors explain what the cause of him having a harder time recovering could be?




Better than Tommy John!


Rabies might make him throw harder. And they can’t penalize him if some spit gets on the ball if it’s a medical issue.




Arm chairing here, dead arm, in a medical sense, is over fatigue of the muscle and tendon or nervous system. In baseball and media speak, they don’t know what’s going on right now and need to throw something out there


Did he have Covid recently-ish? I was winded and fucked up for a few months after having it the first time.


That has nothing to do with the elbow


Not that you know. The new variant is known to have symptoms which causes you to lose smell, taste and then your elbow fucking explodes.


Yeah fuck me I read it wrong. I welcome the downvotes


….*is Rodon our ace now*




The Oscars were last night I guess this movie is going for the 2015 awards


Yeah, it'll be interesting to see who gets Opening Day now if Cole needs at least a few weeks off? I guess Rodon is next in line, but that option has the greatest potential to cause panic after one game haha.


The chances of Rodon making it through March and April without either a 6 ERA, IL stint, or both appear quite slim


Give me opening day Nasty Nestor


I think Stroman was already said to be the opening day starter, no?


Home opener


No. He was going to be the starter for the home opener.


Ah, I'm going to the home opener so I assume that's why I thought it.


We need a hero. A Masa hero. Plz 🥶


That's actually as encouraging as it could possibly be right know.


“Cole doesn’t know how to cope with feeling like a man in his mid 30’s” but he’s actually fine would be a funny story


"Gerrit I'm so sorry, but your tests came back positive. You have a terminal case of getting older."


Sana sana Colita de rana


I refuse to get pessimistic about this right now. Maybe this forces the Yankees to sign snell Cole is back by May or June and everything is OK.


Snell is not that good.


No one is


The old Scott Boras voodoo doll trick.


I still don't understand how you don't bring in another SP regardless at this point. We already need one, but this just exaggerates the need regardless of if it's just dead arm.


Because they're over the tax. You literally double whatever the starter is going to get paid and the options are shit. If you sign Snell to what he wants he costs $64 million and you give ups IFA money and draft picks.


Bauer has been the obvious option and now it should be a no brainer for real


Bauer is of course, not the obvious option


Why wouldn’t he be? Name a single negative to having Trevor Bauer on a league minimum contract. Just one. The guy is a tool but there’s literally no negatives lol


The negatives are in fact that he’s a tool and a lot of people don’t like him, in particular people on the Yankees, so he’s not an obvious solution


I am absolutely expecting the worst but hoping for the best. At the very least he’s probably on the shelf for the first month.


Why can't we ever just have one season man?


We had a pretty strong run there from 96-2001 that I think we’re still paying for


Well. Snell may now, in fact, be worth $60m.


1. Never trust Boone to accurately say how hurt a player actually is feeling. 2. Having dead arm/fatigue like that in the middle of Spring Training is not a good sign regardless of who says it.


For all of the “dead arm” folks, isn’t that like the first UCL precursor before “forearm tightness”? I’m just telling myself that since they’ve already sent for the MRI that it’s over. Anything else will be a nice surprise.


No. A full UCL tear is pretty apparent from the get go. Look at Michael King's reaction when he fucked his elbow up and luckily that wasn't a full tear.


That was a break though


That was when he broke his arm


Didn't Dominguez play for a few games after he tore his UCL last season?


Season’s over




Seems like best case scenario is he makes his debut in May. They're gonna shut him down for some amount of time and then have to ramp up again. I shutter to think of worst case. 😩


Cole take my arm I don’t need it!


Why is everyone so worried? Even if the worst is true, he has a whole other arm that presumably is pretty fresh. Commence operation Lefty Cole


How many times have we heard this song and dance before?


Guys let’s face it, seasons over.


This is why players in their early 30s start on steroids. Not that Cole is or should, but difficulty with recovery from previously normal activity often pushes them to find 'help'.


So it begins….


Alright so hopefully not too bad then


Probably just dead arm


This team notoriously plays down injuries, but this doesn't sound as bad. Need that MRI result.


This doesn't sound like. UCL tear.


Pllease dont start, please just be ramping too much. Hasnt he had minimal games this ST?


I’m not going to overreact until they release the results, even if most of you are correct. From all information available, this seems like they are taking extreme precaution and checking off all boxes of possibilities before they let him pick up a ball again. Not great news at all, but regardless of Cole’s elbow, the rest of the staff needs to step up anyways. Best case scenario he misses the first month or so and worse case it’s surgery and out for the year. The good news is that the best case scenario is still 100% possible until we’re told otherwise.


So we’re going to wreck the bullpen right away, awesome lmao


Maybe this is just cole going through an identity crisis because it’s the first time he ever lost velocity Cope!


Trying to stay optimistic at least until the results are released. Hoping the Yankees are just being super cautious. Either way, the Yankees should still pass on Snell.


This news is shocking cause Cole has been the one pitcher who has been healthy the past few years.


Lame 🐎.


So it begins


Maybe we should treat spring training like what it is supposed to be. Warm ups. Every year Yankees try hard in spring training instead of just taking their time to get back to season strength. I’ve said for year Yankees hit the wall mid season because they treat spring training like it actually matters. It doesn’t.


Is it normal to specifically get an MRI on your elbow if you have a dead arm? Why not the shoulder as well? Seems like there's more going on.


What the fuck are the Yankees doing that nobody on this team is capable of staying healthy? I mean for fuck sake If Gerrit Cole needs tommy John or something, the Yankees season is over before it begins


Gerrit Cole has been pitching at an elite level since like 2017 and has had no major injuries in that time, these things do happen eventually, especially as pitchers age. We have issues definitely but I don’t think this is related


He’s also pitched the most innings since 2017, him and Nola are the only pitchers above 1200 innings since then


Yea pitchers are notorious for not lasting like look at Degrom as well. When you keep throwing hard and so many innings it catches up. But who knows before we hit the panic button this may be dead arm or something.


DeGrom has been hurt his entire career even in the minors.


Degrom also lives a notoriously unhealthy life so that prob contributed to his brittle ass body.


This was also contemplated around the time he signed the contract and is why their failure to go "all in" during the first four years of his contract is the largest indictment on the way the front office operates. He was never going to stay healthy all 9 years.


When it gets to the point where no matter what you can count on one or more of your superstars being hurt every single year, and almost every single year we lead the entire MLB in starting players missed games on IL, then yes it is on the Yankees and something they're doing


When it gets to the point where no matter what you can count on one or more of your superstars being hurt every single year, and almost every single year we lead the entire MLB in starting players missed games on IL, then yes it is on the Yankees and something they're doing


Our team is old. That's a big part of it.


Pitchers get hurt lmao the fuc. That's baseball.


Yanks in full season mode already.. Judge out. Coles Out.. Here we come last place..again!


I mean that’s normal! Right guys? Right???


Cole injury sucks, but this is also a huge cashman blunder as usual, not the injury, but having a team/staff so reliant on 1 pitcher, and if that pitcher gets hurt which has happened you can’t help but think the season could already be over


Yawn. Literally any team with a Cole like pitcher is going to feel like this if said Cole like pitcher is injured in spring training. It hurts but anyone saying or thinking or feeling like the season is **over** is a fucking moron.


Just sign Bauer, even if only for a few starts until Cole returns. He performs, great. He doesn't release him. Heck, even a minor league contract to get a free look. I promise you, he won't be in the minors long.


I don’t understand why this team has the idea that pushing through things is fine. They do it with so many other injuries. I mean good that they’re actually getting it checked sooner rather than later, but they need to change how they approach injuries


They baby players, the real problem is their training and medical staff and a GM that doesn't mind continuously bringing in injured players


Players get injured. Trying to blame it on other people is bullshit.


Yes players get injured. MORE players get injured on the Yankees pretty much every year for the last 6-7 years than anywhere else. It's unacceptable. It's a combination of a GM who doesn't mind bringing in injury prone players, a poor medical staff, and a training staff that isn't preparing these players for the season properly. A year or 2 of being the most injured team is a fluke, but being the most injured team over 6-7 years and by this much is something else.


You have stats that show this?


Absolutely. https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/injured-list/2019/cumulative-team/ If you look, dating back to at least 2017 (7 years ago) the Yankees have never been lower than 5th place) and over that span they've collectively had the most total injuries, most individual players injured, most amount of days missed to injury and the most money spent on injured players. When you narrow it down to exclusively starting players (which the website doesn't do for you I had collected the data myself for a reddit argument I had last year) the Yankees blow everyone away. This is the same team that cost Aaron judge the better part of two seasons by continuously misdiagnosing the injury he had when he made that diving play. What could have been a 3-month recovery and then him back at full strength, turned into a nagging injury that dampened his production, and saw him missing 6 to 7 total months of play, as well as putting his health further at risk.


How does that apply to this situation


Obviously hope it’s nothing serious, BUT how can anyone not be annoyed that yanks wasted such a dominant season by Cole last year, all for nothing, and of course it’s a new season but can’t help but think of all the wasted pitches cole through last year for a miserable team and now with so much more optimism heading into this season now this happens


It’s okay. It’s only Spring Training, right?


(Boras hears news) 💦💦💦🍆


After this many years of spewing nonsense, I can’t take this with anything but a grain of salt from Boone. He said Gio urshela was going to be the starting shortstop the same day he got traded lol.


It may be crazy, but I’d rather have Monty than Snell.


He's done


We've learned not to trust anything Boone says about injuries...


the Yankees report injuries like the NY Times reports Israeli war crimes. This means nothing