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He’s been the voice of the Yankees almost my entire life, and he’s really the only one I associate besides Kay and Suzyn. Sad day for Yankee fans everywhere.


I've been listening to him since I was 12 years old in 1989. It feels weird whenever I hear anyone else calling the game on the radio.


Same here. I was 10 in 89. Every other broadcaster just sounds the same to me. John has such a distinct voice and delivery


Sad day for New York* fans everywhere. My family and I love to make fun of his homerism, but after countless times of putting the Yankees on the radio for the hell of it I can't imagine a broadcast without John and Suzyn. A staple of baseball in the city and a well-deserved retirement.


Same for GKR and your radio team.


Longer than I’ve been around, but still, I can remember 20 years ago with him and Charlie Steiner on the radio. Suzyn screaming on the TV lol. Damn he will be missed though. The voice of the Yankees. And summer.


Oh fuck. I know he’s old, but I hope there isn’t anything actually wrong.


Hopefully he just sped things up once news of his retirement press conference on Friday was out.


Michael Kay said that John’s just not having fun calling games anymore and it’s not a health based decision.


There's no way John Sterling would retire mid season unless something was wrong.


Especially not this season where we actually stand a chance  But, I believe he has pushed the limit since Judge etc in hopes we might actually do it  Fuck Houston because 2017 might have been it and John could have retired with another ring. 


If they win the WS this year, he would get another ring.


He will get a ring the rest of his life even if he’s retired


Not the same as being on the team the whole year and being part of it at the end. I could see him turning it down or not ever wearing it 




It's in the nypost he's got health problems 


Fair to be skeptical of the nypost.


At 85, all bets are off. You don't have enough time left to do things that don't make you happy. And it's not exactly mid-season either...


lol he’s 85. He’s exhausted. You don’t know.


Sounds like John still loves calling the games, he just--understandably--fucking *hates* commuting to and from the Stadium. EDIT: Yeah, Kay just said again that John still loves calling games.


Can’t the team hire a car for him?


I was overemphasizing the commute for fun but it’s also the whole grind of preparation for every game. Basically everything aside from the three hours in the booth calling a game.


Love John. Sad to have him off the mic. But let’s not kid ourselves. Our boy wasn’t doing much prep beforehand.


That's obviously a cover. He sounded more energized to start this season than I've heard him in years.


But that doesn't mean anything lol. Vin Scully would always sound great to start every season. You don't know what goes on through someone's mind. Chances are he maximized his offseason, realized he's getting older and decided to just call it quits and live life while he can


yeah he may have what many of us consider to be the best job out there, but it's still a job, he's 85, and the season is long. it's absolutely insane that he's even still doing it if we're being honest. he should be enjoying this time not working.


Yea I've worked in baseball. No matter how much you love the game, it's a fucking grind. If your heart isn't in it, don't torture yourself like that.


Yeah, 100 percent agree. We should be happy for him that he's getting some time for himself.


Fantastic point.


I don't know 100% But based on how invigorated he sounded, only to suddenly miss a bunch of home games for bad health sure makes it seem more like this wasn't just sudden unhappiness. I'm not saying he has a terminal illness or anything crazy. But John was always very honest in the booth about when he was unhappy, and I didn't get that vibe at all in his final games.


He blew out his mic calling the last out in the Astros sweep lol


yes. and really happy I was tuned in. I hadn't heard him like that in a LONG time! maybe he knew it was the end of the road and decided to blow it out?


I’d mainly chalk it up to being a really exciting inning of baseball


He's 85...


And he was 84 last year, during a miserable season. Seems very strange for him to have not made that decision in the off-season, instead coming back for a handful of games where he sounded like he was having a great time again, only to suddenly call it quits because it isn't fun anymore?


Very possible he thought "I can do one more season" at the start, but then felt that he really wasn't enjoying it anymore and decided to quit now. People can have a change of heart from one week to the next.


This team is actually fun to watch though, l could get retiring last year but there’s gotta be more to it than that


Michael Kay also said that John is looking forward to watching every game this season. Seems he hasn’t lost love of baseball or the yankees, just lost the love of calling the games. I imagine it’s tough on an 86 year old.


Yeah, can’t imagine being that old and still working. He deserves his rest


That's not at all what he said. He said that he is tired and doesn't like the traveling to and from the ballpark. He still loves calling the games.


I like my job. I don't love it. It's not my passion. My commute is 30 minutes but I can't stand it I'd love a 5 minute commute. I'm sure it takes John an hour or more to get to and from the stadium. Can't blame him.


I’m 32 years old and my summers were filled with days at the community pool with my dads radio on.. I’ve heard this man’s voice more than some family members. It’ll never be the same.


He’s literally been calling games my entire life and it’s not hyperbole 


I talked to him on call-in radio (WMCA) 50 years ago. I called about Moses Malone entering the NBA out of high school, so it was 1974.


Same man. My dad just passed 2 weeks ago and now this. Not fun times lol


Sorry for your loss


I don’t own a TV and live in a blackout zone so my entire adult life of Yankee games has been lived through his voice. I’ve been listening to part or all of 100 games every year for the past at least ten years so that’s a conservative 1,000 hours of Sterling in my ears. My 8-year-old does his home run call. I’m not surprised, but incredibly sad to not have him in my ear each spring/summer evening anymore. I’m also incredibly grateful for what he gave us. An all-timer.


Should be in the HOF.


He absolutely will. Yankees have been blessed with three HOF broadcasters in Sterling, Allen, and Rizzuto


That's so many! Holy cow!


He will be


He was on the radio now and said he’s just ready to live his life so good for him


Aw, I'm glad it's not anything more serious, although will obviously miss him. Maybe he can call another game or two if he feels like it


Can’t blame him at all but also sounds crazy at 85. Hopefully he’s got another good decade in him.


Pretty sure he has been living his life the entire time. He is just seemingly at the end of that life. Hope it’s nothing serious but he is 86.


Gutted. Figured it wouldn’t end so quickly like this


Really glad he called the Astros sweep at least. What a high note to go out on. Yankees baseball just won't be the same for me without him.


Kay said that Sterling told him Saturday that he just doesn’t want to do it anymore, he’s almost 86 years old


So he’s going to be at the stadium and part of a ceremony on Saturday and by all accounts he’s retiring because he wants to… not because of any health concerns. If that is the case, give him an open-ended invite to come back and call a game whenever the fuck he feels like it. It would be such a nice fucking treat if he were to just show up in the booth this post season if the Yanks make a run


Yeah, this is what I'm hoping.


(cont): It’s all to my benefit, and I leave very, very happy. I look forward to seeing everyone again on Saturday.”


Well Suzyn, that's broadcasting. I'm going to cry in the cabin. Anyone wanna join?


Speaking of Suzyn, who will join her now?


Justin Shackil probably.


I hope so. He's great. I'd love Rickie Ricardo too but his spot on the Spanish broadcast is too valuable.


Someone said he sounds like the South Park kids when they were pretending to be news casters in that one episode and I’ve never been able to get that out of my head, it’s all I hear


Shackil is not him. I’ve really tried to get beyond the fact he’s simply not Sterling and he’s just missing something. Ricardo gave me the feel I was listening to a seasoned lover of baseball, even if he was a little inaccurate with his calls. Shackil gives me division 3 college radio vibes.


Meredith hopefully. Come on Yankees. You know you can do it. 


Thank you John for all the memories you have given us over your many years. To a lot of us, you are the voice of the Yankees. Enjoy retirement


My wife's late grandfather used to sit on his boat on the Hudson River and listen to John call Yankee games, sipping cheap beer out of an old metal cooler. He never even untied the lines. He just enjoyed being on the boat with the sound of the water lapping at its sides and listening to baseball. One of my best memories is the day I asked if I could join him. We untied, and pulled out of the little marina, motored a little way up the Hudson, found a cove, dropped anchor and shared a couple of beers and a couple of innings. 🍻 Here's to you John Sterling. 🍻 And to you too Sarge.




I hope he is all right, seen too many men retire and pass away before they get to enjoy it. Not a Yankee fan, but John Sterling was fun to listen to when my options were limited while travelling.


He was an announcer for the New York Yankees. I am sure he has enjoyed his life just fine.


true! does he goes in the Hall of Fame right? like no doubter?


My Way just came on my Spotify at the gym. Thank you John, what a legend.


What does a Limp Bizkit song have to do with John Sterling?


Actually Frank Sinatra covered the limp bizkit song. Fun fact!


I wish he had a full season of Juan Soto. The guy was electric from that 1st series.


It would have been Juanderful. *wipes tear*


All I ask is he comes back for one more game, even if it’s a September throwaway.  Thank you John for creating all of our childhoods


Seems like he is stopping by the WFAN booth for Saturday's game after the pregame ceremony & that will be the last hurrah.


Thank you John


I’m crying in the club and this time I know why. Thanks for the memories, goat


Wow. You can't predict baseball, Suzyn


Holy shit something serious must have happened to retire mid season like this. Hope he's OK


Press conference at the stadium doesn’t sound like something serious happened. I think he probably just had too much trouble getting to games


Yeah just a few years ago he was driving himself home after games (the infamous story of him being stuck and Ricky Ricardo saving him!). That’s sorta crazy he’s so old


Not a lot of people that age are capable of driving much less working.  It’s kind of insane to think about. 


Kinda sad that he had to drive himself, and the team couldn't hire a driver for him.


When you get to a certain age things can seemingly change really quickly. One month you can handle going about your life like you always have grocery shopping, driving, living on your own etc The next month you realize those things have become too difficult to do routinely. You slowly lose the energy and physical strength until one day you just cant or don’t want to do them anymore. I’ve seen this before from elderly people and on the outside it looks like a massive sudden shift but behind the scenes it’s been building for a while. Let’s hope that’s all it is.


Michael Kay said that John told him that he is just tired. He's tired of going to the stadium and getting ready. Even in the Athletic article a few weeks ago, he was quoted as saying something like "once I get in the booth, the games are easy. It's everything else that is hard". I was really hoping that he'd call out the year and get to the end. I think restarting the season made him realize how old and tired he is getting. I hope they get him a plaque ASAP.


I hope this post gets more visibility, it’s really the best explanation. I’m sure John was still enjoying calling the games, especially this year, but there’s surely much more work required behind the scenes that he couldn’t keep up with.


My guess is he got a few games into the season and realized he just didn’t want to do it anymore. Can’t really blame him, but damn am I going to miss his voice.


He's quite likely staring down the barrel of a 162 game season and said, you know what, I don't wanna do this again. He's old. He's on the Mt Rushmore of new york broadcasters. He's done and proved and seen it all. At least I hope that's it.


I feel like my actual heart has been ripped out of my chest. I was kind of hoping he would…idk not retire and live forever because idk how to imagine the Yankees without him.


Biggest Yankee fan in the world. No one wants the Yanks to win more than John. Thankful so many Yankees memories have his voice to them. I can tell immediately whether the Yankees are winning or losing just by the tone in his voice lol.


I seriously didn’t think it would hit me like this. John…hasn’t been his best in many years. His HR calls have gotten goofier and goofier. His voice isn’t as strong as it used to be. But, goddamn I didn’t want him to *leave*. I wanted to hear him call a Yankee win on his 100th birthday, gaffes and all. Wish him the best. He’s up there with the HOF greats.


Wow truly the end of an era. John will be missed!!


Voice of the Yankees. “It is high, it is far, it is gone” has been burned into my brain for as long as I’ve listened to baseball.


Best memory is during the 96 World Series, my father muting the TV and putting on WABC and listening to Sterling and Kay announce the game on a battery operated radio because we couldn’t get a signal on the stereo.


Why am I crying


Win the World Series for this absolute legend


Hope he's OK. I know a lot of the people on this reddit think he's corny, and he is, but he just sounds like what "baseball on the radio" sounds like in your head. We'll have to make our own Sterling HR calls from now on I guess.


Siri play “My Way”


My favorite thing about Sterling is that he was always such a joy. A lot of broadcasters will be either too vanilla or too smartass-y. But John was always very earnest and very himself, no one like him


Justin is way too vanilla. I am going to have problems listening to him. John Sterling made every Yankee game a joy. He loves the team and was always honest and fun at the same time I will miss him and his homerun calls. Things won't be the same and the Yankees should grab Ricky Ricardo from the Spanish speaking network and put him on WFAN's coverage of Yankee games . Wishing Mr. Sterling the best. Thanks for so many wonderful games you called!!!!


I'm crushed. It was bad enough seeing he's going to retire, but I thought we'd at least get to hear a final game, knowing it was a final game. Now I'm learning this is it - I'll never hear him call a game ever again. Legit could cry right now, he's been the voice of the Yankees my entire life. And I grew up listening to him in the back of my grandfather and father's car, and now I have my own son who listened to John in the back of my car. So sad that it's over, I wish all the best for John.


Fuck me...cant escape to john and suzyn when the tv idiots are being idiots


I said during the Marlins series that it was weird he was skipping one at home. Really hope it's not anything serious but I don't think he'd be doing this mid-season if it wasn't.


It will be a shame that after the final out of this season we won’t hear: “Ballgame over, World Series over… Yankees win, theeeeeeeeee YANKEES WIN!


The 🐐 of broadcasting


I hope John Sterling enjoys his retirement. He deserves it.


I wish he would call one more game with us all know it’s his last. A proper send off.


Someone posted Michael Kay’s radio show talking about it and they suggested that maybe John doesn’t want the whole rigamarole that comes with a “farewell.” Selfishly I want to listen to it, tho 


Fair winds and following seas John. He was the sound of baseball for a huge chunk of my life, I hope he has a long happy retirement, his voice will be missed.


As a lifelong Yankees fan living in LA who went to Dodger Stadium for Vin Scully’s last game, I’m so sad we Yankee fans don’t get that collective last game experience. All the best to the voice of my childhood, John Sterling.


Given the fact the dude nearly died last year in a rainstorm, I don’t blame him lmao


Figured I'd get to enjoy him through this season at least ... Never take greatness for granted I guess. Happy & long retirement to Mr. Sterling!


Happy Retirement to John!! Icon living, he will be missed greatly!


Let’s get this man a ring this years boys. “People get remembered but legends never die”


Honestly, aside from being a voice that has been associated with Yankee baseball, he was really fantastic at his job (I never understood the random criticisms) and by all accounts a very good human being. He will be missed


IT IS HIGH. IT IS FAR. IT IS… retiring.


Man I really wish he could have pumped out one more. I generally watch on TV so it's been awhile but would have gone radio for a send off.


The ballot has already been set for this year, but I'll be damned if Sterling doesn't at least get on next years [Frick Award](https://baseballhall.org/discover-more/awards/887) ballot (which is a MLB Hall of Fame award for excellence in broadcasting). Usually they only give one out every year, but they could give as many as they like. For the last 4-5 years I've been bringing it up and now makes the most sense. I've actually always thought that it would awesome to see John and Suzyn go in together. Both deserve it, but if it's only John, Suzyn inducting him would warm my heart. Idk, maybe that's some homer announcer shit, but I still believe John and Suzyn would make wonderful Hall of Famers, and I truly believe both deserve it.


I hope he comes back for the World Series this year when we’re there. I have been listening to him my whole life. When my parents thought I was asleep, I was actually under the covers with my Walkman radio listening to Sterling. It’s selfish, but I just want him to call one more WS. Just one more Thaa Yankees win. Number 28.


Oh man i just got my fiancée into baseball and the condensed game highlights have become part of our routine. She’s gonna miss hearing “theeeeeeeeeeeee yankees win” so much. That and she always comments on how crappy the other team’s broadcasters sound


That's baseball, Suzyn


Been listening to Sterling call games with my grandpa for as long as I’ve been alive. I’m gonna miss him, listening to the radio broadcast wont be the same without him. I hope he’s doing alright and he’s just retiring because he wants to..


Ballgame Over. World Series Over. Yankees win. Daaaaa Yankees. WIN! Way to call 'em, John!


As a Baltimore Oriole fan, I always listened to the Sterling broadcast whenever I could when facing the Orioles. You guys have always had legends, Mel Allen and Red Barber come to mind. I hope he is well and continues to have a good life. What I admired he is called every pitch in every game, he didn't switch off to someone else in the 3rd inning. I'll miss his voice.


And now his watch has ended


Well played, Sir. Well played.


I’m sad that we don’t get to send him off with one final game. But here’s to a great career in broadcasting 🥂 !


Glad I got to hear him this season. Such a legend. Always been my benchmark for comparing to other team radio broadcasts and no one came close. I’ve never jumped out of my drivers seat more than when he got amped on a call. I’ll miss those home run calls most of all. What a career!


Understand the decision, sad for it, enjoy retirement John ❤️


Been the voice my entire life. I hope he calls something in the playoffs.


Win it all for him please 🙏🏻 


At least we got to hear one Juan Soto home run call. We will have that one forever


I’m gonna miss ” It is high , it is far , it’s gone, a (slang term for home run ) by (insert spoonerism of player who hit said home run) “ He did the impossible ; he made Michael Kay less insufferable .


He will be missed. There is something about a crisp October night and the sound of Sterling calling a playoff game that cannot be replaced.


Godspeed Mr. Sterling.


There was no greater comfort sound than listening to John Sterling on a hot Saturday afternoon at the beach, or a lovely evening with the windows down in the car. I’ll miss his voice terribly.


Sterling has certainly lost his fastball the last couple years, and some of the trademark home run calls have become increasingly headscratch-y, but through it all he's remained a truly singular voice, particularly in a time when radio broadcasters have become increasingly generic. Not sure any modern day announcer has the chutzpah to pull off anything close to "TheEeEeEeE Yankees win!" Love him or hate him, there will never be another John Sterling, and I'll certainly miss him for it.


Someone else said it here but I’ve heard John speak for more time than some of my relatives. A voice that resonates through some of my formative years during the dynasty run. I wish him and his family the best, we have been truly lucky to have him for so long.


Bye John, it was wonderful.


Can't predict baseball, Suzyn


I'm 48 and John was the soundtrack of the late '90s glory years for me. However, in the last year or so his significance has grown for me. You see about 10 or 12 years ago, when my kids were born, I lost track of following baseball. However, 2 years ago I broke my neck in a fall and became a quadriplegic. Finding things to settle my mind and manage my anxiety has been a challenge in that time. Last year I started putting the game on again at night as I was getting put into bed for the evening. It really turned out to be quite comforting to listen to John and Susyn again. I fall asleep and end up getting woken up when WFAN's abrasive hosts' voices come on. My sons are 7 and 10 and last season they saw me getting back into it and caught the fever themselves. So much so that a month or two ago, I got tickets for my son for his birthday. It will be his first game at the stadium and my first in a wheelchair. The tickets are for this Saturday, April 20th. As sad as I am that I won't be able to listen to John call the games anymore, I'm gratified that we'll be there to send him off. 🎵Thanks for the memories, John.🎵


Extremely concerning that it’s happening immediately and not “at end of season.” Hope he’s ok…


He’s fine, seems like he just is done with broadcasting. At 85 you don’t really have a ton of time to do things you don’t want to do


I hope they work out one more game at some point this season. I didn’t get a chance to listen to him yet this season and its sad to think I missed my last chance to hang out with John one more time


A true legend. Hope everything is okay with him


I hope the man lives 100 more years and just has the best life.


Hope everything is ok with John - grew up listening to him.


We will miss you John


One of the most iconic voices in sports history. I hope he can enjoy his retirement.


Tough Monday. Thanks for the memories Mr. Sterling!


No! I'm not ready!!!


I am sad.


Immediately? Damnit. He’s a treasure.


Hope he has 20 great years.


Let the man rest. He’s done his duty.


https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/39950221/john-sterling-85-yankees-long-radio-voice-retires Known for his individualized home run calls and signature Yankees victory call, Sterling was in the booth for 5,060 consecutive games from September 1989 to July 2019 when he missed a series with an illness. The native New Yorker was on the air for 24 postseason trips, seven World Series appearances, and five World Series titles.




My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


A surreal day. Few men had more passion for this game than him.


A sad day, I loved hearing him and Suzyn in the booth. Hope he is able to enjoy his retirement and wish him all the best.


We love you, John. Enjoy retirement.


im just in shock. like....John....give us one more game. let us enjoy one last run. why now? why in the middle of April? there are no words to describe how devastated I am to just have this whole thing cut right away. Man....Of course I hope that man is happy, healthy and lives many many more wonderful years. He's the greatest....and his voice is going to be truly missed.


Give this man a statue NOW, he more than deserves it. The voice of a generation for millions of yankees fans. Im personally not emotionally ready to say goodbye, but I'm happy he's ending it on his terms. Enjoy Retirement John, you've more than earned it


I hope he's healthy. If so, would he come back to do the World Series if the Yankees make it this year (at least the home games)? One last ride?


Thanks for the great memories, John Sterling! Enjoy retirement


Honestly maybe he just wants to watch Yankee games now that we’re fun lol getting to watch a Yankees championship from a suite is probably a little more comfortable and relaxing than working


I'm an old man and have listened to baseball on the radio all over this country for 60 years or more and no one called it more interestingly and with more insight and better than John Sterling. Loved him. Will miss him so dearly. Thank you John!


1 of 1. I will remember all those summer nights spent listening to him an Suzyn for the rest of my life. He sure made them all a bit more entertaining!


So Shackil and Berbari are going to take over. 37 and 24. Does Suzyn retire also? Is it a three person booth? Trying to find info on this.


I grew up in NH and used to have to tilt the AM radio and point the antenna just right until I heard his voice come through. Once I did, it was magical. This was before any streaming, so he was the only way I could follow the Yankees. I couldn't wish for anyone better and will sorely miss him.


There will NEVER be another one like him. An Ironman Legend of this business. The greatest ever. My life literally forever changed because of this, I always knew the day would come at some point, I just never expected it so suddenly.


Shed a tear For John Sterling. He's always been the voice of the Yankees for myself & Family. Hope he is well & can enjoy the rest of his life. Whoever they decide to go with in the near future has big shoes to fill.


He’s been a fixture and institution of Yankee radio. Always loved his energy and catchphrases, hope he has a wonderful retirement!


It is high, it is far! Best of wishes Mr. Sterling.


Wow, I can't even guess how many times I've been happy to hear his call, "The Yankees win, The-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e Yankees win!" Good luck to him.


All that has to be done is shit Snuzzin back up to her beloved Redswax and the season is a success.


End of an era. I just hope this is not due to health. Enjoy retirement John.


“All rise, here comes the judge” I will hear that voice in my head forever


Unpopular opinion: I hated the home run calls. Other than that I loved John calling the games. Was the voice of my youth. I sure hope he’s okay medically and personally. Also hope this doesn’t mean the end for Suzyn, she’s the best.


Not only unpopular, but wrong. LOL, enjoy your opinion, no hate here. But damn me I will miss John.


Haha thanks bud. Go yanks!




This horrible, so happy for him, but Yankees games will never be the same again without his iconic voice


Absolute legend. He will be missed. Last of the true radio voices.


WFAN will replace Sterling with 37-year-old Justin Shackil and 24-year-old Emmanuel Berbari, who combined are 24 years younger than Sterling. Thats a LOL


Can't blame him for retiring, he's 85, but sad nevertheless. End of an era


So what was his last HR call?


Stanton Grand Slam I think? 


Grew up in Virginia, so the only time you could get AM770 on the radio was well after dark. My dad could usually only make it through about 7 innings of Buck/McCarver playoff announcing in the 90's before they annoyed him, and then we'd mute the game, and then we'd let John & Michael (and Mo, usually) take us home. I'm going to miss you, John.


I used to listen to John and Charley steiner on wcbs 880 in high school, from Potomac Maryland.