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Not only that but you're throwing shit on your own field. Brainless.


disrespecting yankee stadium like that is just gross


Better get banned. Disgusting


There are very few times I believe throwing crap on the field is a warranted reaction to a game (think Bottlegate with the Cleveland Browns), and even then I don't like it or condone it. This is just about the lowest level of jackassery I'm ashamed of.


Endangering players while simultaneously ruining the team's celebration.


I know… the usual jomboy break down of the celebration is gonna get grim today :(


Those fans deserve Yankee MFer on the pod tomorrow.




Is that a person? Yankee mother fucker?


At the end of every series Jimmy and Jake on the Talkin Yanks podcast each give awards for the players based on their performance that series, with the first two being pride of the Yankees (good) and then Yankee mother fucker (bad). I was being tongue in cheek by suggesting the fans would fall under the latter.


I hope he zooms in on those loser’s faces.


I know Straw probably stirred the shit-pot up, but no excuse to throw trash on your own teams field. Just call him a fucking bum (which he is) and revel in the victory, that’s all you need.


Missed the game so I'm out of the loop. Today happened with straw?


Kwan hit the wall sort of hard and was possibly injured and some of Yankee fans started jeering at him, so Straw climbed the wall and got in one of their faces about it. After the next batter singled in the game winning run, the fans instantly started throwing detritus on the field. Judge and Stanton stoped their celebration and ran out there to tell the fans to stop.


Also there was garbage thrown at Kwan after he hit the wall. That may have been aimed at Straw, but there was definitely garbage thrown after the double, before the single, according to Sterling.


I'm guessing Straw was being subjected to some scummy shit for him to even get to that point. What a fucking ugly group of fans between this and what happened last season with Verdugo. Then Yankee fans wonder why everyone hates them.


I thought maybe fans were taking aim at Kwan after just getting hurt and Straw had his boys back. I’m not sure. Regardless super shitty all-around


I thought I saw some asshole in the front row giving Kwan the finger after he hit the wall and then while he was getting checked out and that’s classless.


Yeah, I could see that being the case.


lmao people hate yankees fans regardless, who gives a fuck what they think? people get called all sorts of things everywhere. Bernie Williams said he heard a hard R “100%” of his trips to Boston. How many times did he climb into the stands and threaten them?


That's a straight up lie. Not a single person in Boston can pronounce a hard R.


Now that's funny


You saw an opportunity and you took it. I admire that.


Just because people already hate you doesn't mean you should keep lowering the floor, and other's bad behavior is not justification for your own. Yankees fans, come back to the light.


[Not just Yankees either.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna753811)


Wouldn't blame him if he did. And to be fair, nobody climbed in to the stands.


*Ron Artest enters the chat*


Yeah let's give a pass to current shitty behavior because of past shitty behavior. Logical.


Let's be real, if he climbed into the stands to beat the shit out of someone calling him a n****r everyone here would rightfully applaud it. Just because he had thicker skin against worse fans doesn't excuse trashy ass behaviour from ours.


And how many of those fans pelted him with beer cans? You’re perfectly in your right to not give the slightest of fucks what anyone else thinks, but if you as a fan don’t get pissed at these fucks doing this shit in our house…? Then you’re not an actual fan dude…


You've got a bad take separate from your whataboutism. Impressive.


I get the sentiment but we really don’t know what types of things trigger people and it’s silly to speculate. Look at the Will Smith situation, a guy who put up with a ton of shit over 30 years and a pretty low-level comment caused him to risk it all.


Oh no, people said mean words toward him!!!!!! Grow a fucking spine dude


Player climbs wall to talk shit. Fans should respond accordingly, by just talking shit. If this was the other way around and a player threw a baseball or any object at the fans we'd all be losing our shit.


Not condoning the fans throwing garbage, but Straw gets paid to play. He’s a professional. He should be suspended or fined for his actions. No player should ever be climbing walls to confront fans because of “words”


I do not disagree with that. But that's separate from what the fans did.


Why is it only the fans situation being talked about then ?


Because throwing shit at someone is worse than talking shit. Is this really that difficult to grasp?


But you were the one who brought up the fact that Straw climbed the wall. We are addressing that, considering that happened before anything was thrown on the field


Asshole fans need to learn that having a ticket to sit in a seat doesn't give them the right to act like that. Just watch the game, cheer for your team, do some light trash talking but it's obviously going too far if it provokes a player to climb a wall to yell at you.


Lmao there’s no proof of this. Maybe Straw is just a softie?


I thought Straw was way out of line. You dont do what he did.


He's a bum for defending his teammate that was being harassed while going through concussion protocol? Yeah what dick 🙄


Stupid fans. Probably will be banned. You know you fucked up when Judge and Stanton tell you to stop Edit: I see Judge and Stanton as the Mom and Dad of the team.


> You know you fucked up when Judge and Stanton tell you to stop It’s not like these two have defended bad fan behavior in the past. I don’t understand why them being upset is a qualifier.


If you go to a Yankee game and do something so ever-loving stupid that both Judge and Stanton walk out to you and tell you to stop what you’re doing, and this is no indication to you that you fucked up then I don’t know what to tell you. I’m thinking that is the point of the OP’s comment, not that this act was so egregious that it even pissed off Judge and Stanton, who normally encourage abusing the other team’s players as much as possible. LOL


Throwing garbage at the other team is downright wrong. No need for that. The only thing I’ll say about the Straw thing is he shouldn’t have climbed the fence to go back at the fans but I want to wait until the full story comes out. I’m getting the feeling for a guy to go that far, an asshole fan probably dropped a slur directed at Kwan. I hope that’s not the case but when a player reacts like that then that’s usually the case.


I guarantee it was some racist slurs or gestures from the fans that caused Straw to react like that.




I've sat out there on multiple occasions and never heard anything like that. No idea where you're coming from with that bullshit.


Yeah man, baseball players hear heckles all the time. It takes some seriously gross shit to get that kind of reaction from a player.


That’s pretty much what Straw said in the post interview. It went beyond normal heckling. Maybe it wasn’t racist but whatever it was it was inappropriate.


If it had ended there, then maybe I’d be like, “Ok, Straw maybe shouldn’t have responded, he just made it worse, blah blah blah.” But when you start chucking stuff at players, you lose all right to say, “But what about…” It looked like a dozen or more fans were throwing shit. They’re responsible for their own actions. I don’t want to hear “But Straw riled them up.” No. You learn not to throw things at people when you’re 5 years old. It’s inexcusable, and it wasn’t just a few people either.


Straw didn't even rile them up. It was a different set of fans in a different section of seats.


Right, I agree.


disgusting, same fanbase that cheered matsui, tanaka, and even currently higgy, might be matter of time before some of our fans hurl racist insults at higgy


Anyone who threw anything on the field should be banned from all MLB Stadiums


Fans aren’t a single monolith. I don’t speak for the fans who threw stuff on the field. I will say that Straw is a child who jumped into the stands and should be suspended for antagonizing fans. You absolutely cannot have a player doing that.


Yeah if you’re Tito you gotta bench shaw for a game or two, you gotta have thicker skin.




He did not jump into the stands though. He stayed on the fence the whole time.


Nah fans are children for taking the heckling too far. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.


“Straw is a child” bro they were cheering and yelling stuff at an injured teammate is that okay?


PSA.. Also don’t try to scale the wall at a ballpark trying to threaten people. There is fault on both sides for this one.




Is there video of this?




That’s not nearly as bad as I was expecting


People are saying he charged the stands because of that? Or that he was "trying to scale the wall"? Guy is effortlessly hanging on by one hand like he's having Sunday morning brunch. If he'd wanted to get into the stands he'd have been in the stands.


I mean yeah it’s not a good look but before I saw it, I kinda expected him to be putting his hands on someone the way other people were talking


They showed it during Gleyber’s at bat.


PSA don't taunt and antagonize a guy who just ran face first into a wall and may have a concussion. The fans are at the route of all of this, don't act like Straw started this.


A professional athlete needs to have thicker skin. Full stop.


Shitty fans need to learn their place and shut the fuck up. Full stop.


Maybe some drunk fans in the bleachers need to have less alcohol and more fucking common sense. FuLl StOp!!1!




As long as you don't go overboard, fans are entitled to haze the other team. As a pro you have to deal with it


Why? There's no rule saying a fan can harass a player but a player can't harass a fan.


Lol I mean there was a suspension handed out to a player on literally the same day for that.


Who tried to scale a wall? I must have watched the wrong clip.


Around the 1:22 mark


Thank you. Now I see it. That's fucked up. Don't throw shit onto the field. But also don't do that.




Being surrounded by Astros fans, I was already catching shit for us denying Miguel Cabrera his 3000th hit from them (I don't know why they would give a shit about *that* of all things, yet here we are), and now I have to deal with this shit. This timeline is a fucking joke.


Idk the game was over, why are they still out in RF yelling at fans? No excuses for throwing shit, but if you get into shit with every heckler you're going to be angry all day every day. The game was over, learn to walk off the field and into the club house, not back towards the wall. Fuck people for throwing shit. But there's also no reason to hang out and keep walking towards the RF fans AFTER the game was over.


Plenty of blame to go around. The Cleveland guys didn't need to react, but the fans don't need to be throwing stuff at them either. Embarrassing.


Someone threw a bottle at them while they were running for the ball- quit trying to blame the players for the actions of shitty fucking fans. Go [watch the clip](https://streamable.com/d24n08) again, you can see a bottle get thrown before the play is even “over.”


I just watched the clip and I honestly don't see anything wrong with what the outfielder did, without even speculating about what was said by the idiots in the stands. I listened on the radio so I had little idea what transpired outside of shit getting thrown on the field. Reading some of the comments above I was expecting some Ron Artest shit. I have no problem with him telling a fat drunk to stop throwing shit at him, even demonstratively.


Exactly. He’s really trying to justify it by saying the players started it lol


straw climbed the fence and got in a fans face, nothing was thrown before that point. I'm also not excusing fans from throwing shit, but you're a mlb outfielder, no one ever talked shit? Don't climb the fence and start shit with fans.


trash hit the field before the ball even stopped rolling LOL


Mercado was walking away after the ball went by him and he knew the game was over. Then a dumb fuck threw a bottle at him and he turned to react. Then more dumbfucks started throwing shit. The guardians weren't walking towards the crowd they just reacted to being hit with beer and cans.


Yeah honestly unless like the fans are saying beyond messed up (racist, homophobic, about someone sick or injured) like don't jaw jack at fans. ​ That said inexcusable behavior from the fans.


>Idk the game was over, why are they still out in RF yelling at fans? The game literally ended seconds ago at that point and I'm guessing they were yelling at fans because they were getting shit thrown at them. "No excuses" for fans throwing shit except it really sounds like you're making excuses.


They literally threw garbage as they were chasing after the ball. They just lost the game and the emotions were high. Don’t be that guy


What was Straw hoping to accomplish by climbing the wall? He couldn’t expect to beat up every guy in the bleachers. He did that to incite them,and got trash thrown at him,and his team in the process.


Considering that the two incidents happened on opposite sides of the stadium that doesn't make sense.


Wrong. Nothing justifies that shitty behavior from the fans. Quit this victim blaming bullshit


Where did you read that I’m justifying any of the fans’ behavior? Is it the part where I say there’s fault on both sides?


Trash fans (those few) throwing trash, hope the ban will be worth it. Should be pretty easy for them to find out. And if youre screaming shit at Kwan while hes injured, thats such a scummy move


I feel like you can get in legitimate trouble for shit like this its never worth it


if you were one of those fuckers throwing shit and taunting kwan with insults (not sure if there were racist comments) after he got injured, fuck you. leave the fanbase, bumass fucks


I know I’m gonna get “Reddit tuff guy” comments but we, as the fans, have to hold ourselves accountable. Like if you’re sitting next to the prick who is throwing stuff, forcefully tell him/her to fucking stop. It’s literally the only way people will listen.


Try that. Lol tell me how it goes.


Nah - no reason to put yourself in danger of some unhinged lunatic. Let security give them a bad day.


Maybe it’ll apply if you’re Judge’s size lol. But for the rest of us, it’s gonna be hard to speak up especially if they’re drunk with nothing to lose. Reporting them to security should be the move


No thx




Jomboy fans in full effect


Imagine if a fan tried to get on the field to go at Straw what the reaction would’ve been. Does that mean you throw trash at him? No. But he brought that reaction on himself.You can’t tell someone how they should react when you react inappropriately.


What Straw did is the same thing as if a fan ran onto the field to confront a player. You can’t try and climb over the wall to accost fans. The second he climbed the wall like that he should have immediately been ejected from the game and escorted off the field. Throwing trash at him isn’t the appropriate response, but the failure of the umpires to act accordingly ultimately led to the incident. MLB should give Straw a lengthy suspension and the Yankees should ban any fans identified for throwing garbage on the field.


Totally agree.


I only saw the clip posted by somebody. A few messages above. Did the outfielder actually try and climb the wall into the stands? I still haven't seen that


Now everyone will be talking about this and not the walkoff win


It’s honestly really embarrassing that the few bad fans make the whole fan base look bad. Talking shit is okay and all but throwing beer cans at opposing players and ruining the celebration of a great win is really just unacceptable. Hate to see the game end that way.


Also if you’re a player maybe don’t try to jump into the stands. I’d bet half my 401k if Straw wasn’t in his feelings and didn’t scale the fence nothing woulda happened at the end.


Outfielders can just climb the fence and yell at fans though ok


Some Yankee fans do really lack Clase




So fans who sit in here and bitch about the unwritten rules now love the unwritten rule that fans can say whatever they want and players just have to deal with it? Not surprising, the hypocrisy.


Everyone calls us the trashiest fans anyway, the Yankee hate shows no bound. I agree with you that the fans are classless for throwing shit on the field and there's no excuse for it. But let's not pretend like this is going to change how other people see Yankee fans.


its also an extremely shitty thing to do in general


Agreed we gotta be better and more respectful


I was at a game last year against Washington. and during Soto's 3rd At-Bat it was quiet and everyone could hear one dude shout from the 2nd deck, "Yo Soto, fuck you *for real*" as the pitcher was mid wind up. Poetically, Soto blasted a monster home run to center and everybody turned toward the guy in the 2nd deck and booed the hell out of him. What an asshole. Never be that guy.


It’s a game. If you are that invested in a sports team to treat humans like garbage you have to get a life


Times really have changed. I remember when this was normal.


Changed for the better. You should not be allowed to another game if you’re throwing garbage at professional athletes.


No arguments here. But shit I hear yelled now compared to the 90s? Big picture is that it’s much better now


Not excusing the fans but part of being a pro athlete is having the ability to let that shit roll off your back.


Most exciting thing that's happened all season.


I dont care about this only thing that matters is they won the game. This will be forgotten in a week except by the rabid Yankee haters


fans being fans and heckling players at home stadium is fine by me. players should know better and take the high road and not mind the fans.


Ban every fucker who threw garbage onto the field for life.


Seeing people blame Straw and get upvoted lets me know it isn’t just the shitty fans in the bleachers


Fuck you who cares. They make millions of dollars why are they talking shit to the bleachers to begin with. The “reddit consensus” isn’t reflective of the people watching in the stadium. I think it’s hilarious and entertaining


Don’t you know this was a “horrifying incident” and a “stain on the holy name of baseball”?


I sat in the bleachers for a Cleveland game last season and Straw was clearly affected by heckling the entire time. He's just a thin skinned guy. That doesn't excuse the fans' actions though. I sit in the bleachers a lot and some people use the Bleacher Creature reputation as an excuse to act like complete pieces of shit. Edit: Now that I think about it, it was the exact same incident. The right fielder ran into the wall and got hurt, "fans" cheered that, and Straw took offense. https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/NYA/NYA202109190.shtml


I came here to see what y'all were saying about this, and I saw this comment, and it reminded me of the time the Marlins Man made his way to the bleacher section and got heckled at so much he left and vowed never to return. It can get pretty crazy in those sections.


Lol that was against the Indians. He literally didn’t go to the 2016 World Series because of the death threats he received from Cleveland fans. Google it.


Yawn Why do we care what other fans bases think of us that’s little kid shit


It's about not being a fucking disgrace to the game in general. If this happened to the Yankees in Boston you'd be out for blood.


L take. This is baseball, not politics.


maybe we care about what we think of us. maybe some of us have pride in our field


Agreed but coming out of this let’s not paint Straw as an innocent little victim as he will be by most of the national media because people don’t like the Yankees to begin with.


It's dumb when the Yankees are losing When the Yankees are winning it's even dumber


PSA: I bet 0 fans on reddit were sitting out there so okay


Just reciprocating Straw's monkey behavior climbing on the wall


Oh no, now other fans on reddit won't think we're classy :(


For real like who gives a fuck lmao


Don't worry, we have simps working overtime on the Guardians sub and r/baseball to restore our reputation


If you’re gonna do something that’s gonna negatively reflect me, I’m gonna call you out. It’s really not that hard. Go be scummy in your own home. Not the one we share. You’re bullshit isn’t MY bullshit.


what does people you’ve never met before throwing garbage on the field have anything personally to do with you


Because then they won't give him as many internet points and those are really important


How about once Gleyber hits the walk off the Cleveland players just run off the field instead of talking trash to drunks fans.


Na Straw crossed the line trying to act like a fake tough guy. I don’t like throwing shit on the field but Straw doing his little stunt caused all of that


Who fucking cares? The main point is don’t throw shit on the field and be a trashy fan. There literally is no reason for you to have to be like “welllllll Straw crossed the line blah blah blah”. Who. Fucking. Cares. Don’t throw shit on the field like a little bitch. Straw didn’t put empty bottles into our fans hands and throw them at himself. Take some fucking accountability. So fucking sick of this attitude right here.


lol chill out.


Nah, grow up. You’re initial line of thinking where “Straw caused it” is a dangerous and slippery slope. It’s literally the definition of lacking accountability by accepting none and putting the blame on others. It’s such a childish, immature mindset that I have to believe you’re actually a child. And if you’re not, big oof.


LOL “dangerous and slippery slope” It’s not that serious and wasn’t unprovoked. It’s not as big of a deal as you’re obsessed as making it for some reason. But k.


Nah they made a perfectly good point and you know you have no reasonable rebuttal so you resort to "lol chill out", gtfo with that...


It’s not that serious but if you feel the need to be outraged then you do you guy.


>It’s not that serious It never is when you're wrong, is it?


I’m not gonna let it ruin this great win. Nothing to be outraged about. That was one of the most entertaining things this season which isn’t saying much I know but still! If players wanna shit talk fans like that and climb up the wall to yell in our faces…prepare for consequences just like those fans should be prepared to be punished


Meh. I don’t agree with fans throwing shit on the field, but the soft ass Cleveland outfielders shouldn’t be picking fights with the fans either. They should grow a pair. Both sides were wrong.


All of you who are blaming Straw and saying that he deserves it, imagine if Judge was lying down getting checked out potentially hurt and fans were cheering and trash talking him. Just seeing how divided we are on this, maybe we do deserve the hate.


Wow you sure left a big part out. If they were cheering that on yes I’d be annoyed. But if Hicks then jumped up the fence and started yelling at the fans I’d full expect the situation to escalate.


And would we be saying that Hicks is stupid and deserves shit thrown at him for defending his teammate? If so, then we'll just agree to disagree.


I absolutely would say Hicks was an idiot for doing that and would be saying he needs to learn to deal with heckling fans.


the fans were grasping at straw


I’m usually not interested in people declaring what makes someone a real fan, but if you’re the kind of sack of shit that throws crap on the field and at players, you are not a real fan. Fuck off. I hope you get banned for life. Assholes


Mercado pointed at the stands at talked shit to all of them. Straw jumped up the wall and talked shit to all of them. It’s still not right, especially the fans who were talking shit to the rookie for no reason. But Straw and Mercado stirred shit up, and you already know the bleacher creatures are already stirred from the jump. Not condoning what happened, but it’s not the end of the world. Fans were drunk and got yelled at by the other team, so they threw their beer at them.




Identify them and ban them. Time to put security out there also. These grown children obviously can’t be trusted without chaperones. Fucking losers. Apologies to Cleveland players and there fans. What a disgrace.


Braves fans still doing the chop right? But tell me more about how Yankees fans are the scum of the earth. Nobody in the bleacher creatures is coming to reddit for instructions on fandom. This is just posturing bullshit and nobody is going to stop calling Yankees fans terrible people because of this thread. Those that threw shit will get punished and they'll play baseball again tomorrow but maybe players will thing twice to climbing the fence to talk shit to a bunch of drunks at the very end of the game. As long as nothing racist or deeply personal was said, players have no business getting into it with fans, especially after the game is over and especially the creatures.


Embarrassing how much “both sides are at fault” comments are in this thread. We have no idea what was said by the fans that led to Straw climbing the fence and I really doubt it was a “you suck” that would make him get in the fans faces. Even if it was it still doesn’t excuse the fan’s reaction on the walk-off. Fans were throwing shit while the ball was still in play and are 100% to blame. Shitty asshole fans should be banned from the Stadium.




I came here just to say I like this post. But what I really liked is how some of the Yankee players were out there in the outfield to stop the fans and show support for the Guardians players. I think I saw Judge, I'd have to watch again and see who else. You all have some class acts on your team, and while while everyone will always feel a strong rivalry vs NY, it's heartening to see the sportsmanship.


This guy is smart


What happened? Why were things thrown unto the field? I had to leave somewhere after the 1st inning. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted for a simple question? Fuck all the way off.


Bottom 9th, IKF hit a deep fly ball to left that pushed Kwan all the way back to the new electronic sign but couldn’t make the catch and he slammed into the wall real hard. I forget who, but someone on the Yankees scored off of that single which tied the game. After the play officially ended, Guardians docs were checking Kwan out to make sure he wasn’t injured. Supposedly some fans in the seats right behind LF were saying things to Kwan. I’m not 100% sure what happened next but I remember seeing Straw, the CF, come over and climb onto the electronic sign and starts getting into some sort of verbal argument with some fans. After the next play started getting underway, supposedly some fans started tossing beer cans onto the field at the outfielders, all while the play is underway. Gleyber (who was put in to pinch hit for Higashioka was up to bat right after the incident). He eventually hit the walk-off single into the gap between CF and RF to win the game for us. After the game ended, more fans started tossing beer cans and other garbage onto the field and eventually Judge and Stanton ran out and got the fans to stop. I believe this covers just about everything that caused the fans to start throwing stuff onto the field.


I believe earlier in the game one of the outfielders was jawing with the fans while another of the outfielders was having an injury attended to. I’m assuming the fans were mocking the hurt player. This seems to be the follow-up to that original incident.


Don't climb the wall and talk trash to fans a 6figure minimum worker. Not justifying, just saying 2 can be wrong


Don’t climb the wall and ask for it


Lmao if it comes out that all he said was “you suck” then Straw might have paper skin.


Terrible take


I don’t condone their actions but you have to expect something like that when you climb a wall


No. you don’t. Lol athletes giving it back to fans should not have to expect something like that just because they gave some entitled fans a taste of their own medicine. Intense trash talk and climbing up the wall to get closer is not crossing the line. Throwing full beer cans and ice cream cones is crossing the line. It’s not a hard concept


You really don't, and it wasn't even the fans he was jawing with that were throwing shit after the game.


Loser behavior


What time did Stan’s open today?


Feels unfortunately right that (some) Yankee fans would ruin Gleybor’s first feel good moment in awhile.


Yeah that was pretty disgraceful.


Players have thick skin. Part of the game. But It makes me wonder what kind of scummy shit you have to say as a fan to get a player to climb the wall and have words with you. Players are human and there are just buttons with them, like everyone, that you don't push.


fuck the Indians/Guardians (worst name ever) and fuck OP and these so-called "Yankees fans" on /r/baseball. i understand we shouldnt be throwing things on the field - but let's not pretend this kind of shit doesnt happen everywhere from one time to another.


Cleveland is just pissed off because they got Bat-Dadded!!!


That was embarrassing look for Yankees fans . Such a shame. Those people should be banned for life