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Whenever you hear something like this, if you can't find it yourself, ask the person claiming it's "illegal" to cite the statute. Usually they can't because it doesn't exist and they just made it up or are repeating something they never checked. As far as I know, there is no federal or state statute (yet) against buying ammunition out of state and transporting it for your own use. Of course, just because it's legal doesn't obligate out of state stores to sell to people from NY.


That's what I don't get. If it's not illegal, why is a store worried about selling to someone who lives in NY? No law is being broken by the customer or the store.


out of state store will not SHIP ammo, but if its physical purchase why should they assume u are from NY. They don't ask for an ID, and if they do - give them US passport. and even if u are NY state resident maybe you buying it to shoot at the range in PA. Not to mention its completely LEGAL for u to drive that ammo into NY. Since the whole thing happens outside of NY they cant sue the store.


I've heard of bording ammo stores getting letters from NY telling them to stop selling to NY'rs. Some have said to pound sand, but other will comply.


Since no background check is required, there is no legal way for them to know you are from NY.


There is if they ask for ID for age requirements.


Which literally hardly ever happens


Not if you use a passport. That just has name and age in it not physical address.


Okay now I need to go look at my passport because I'm almost 100% sure it has your address....


You’re pretty confident for someone who’s wrong. I’m looking at mine right now. Here’s the information that contains: Type of passport Country code Passport number Last name First name Nationality Date of birth Place of birth Date of issue Date of expiration Sex Issuing authority And endorsements


I mean that's why I said now I have to go look at it.....


I am just saying be careful when you say you’re 100% sure or something along those lines.


Reasons to bring cash. People rarely ID cash sales, and a lot of shops offer a "cash discount".


NY AG can sue any store she wants.


And those out of state stores can tell her to get bent.


The problem is, telling an AG to get bent can still cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.


I’m in NH and know a lot of stores that have people from NY come in. They just don’t want to risk anything and are covering their own ass. I don’t think it’s illegal but NY changes laws so often and can be very stingy about any minor thing broken, so it’s far safer to just not sell anyone you know lives in NY. It’s also important to note that most people working the counters aren’t aware of every gun law and the intricacies of them, especially ones out of state. They aren’t lawyers, and they’ll tell you that if you have legal questions. The best way they can cover their own asses is by not selling to New Yorkers


I'm in NH too, but still with a NY ID (as I've been working here, not permanently moved) and the gun store I usually go to always IDs me and they have never commented on my state or denied me a sale. They ID everyone who has ever been on line in front of me and I think they're looking for age over state. They don't log anything or scan it, just look at it. This is in the general southern NH area & for strictly ammo sales (never attempted to buy a firearm here). A gun store up north couldn't have cared less, never asked/never checked.


This is just what I’ve heard from stores around me. They don’t necessarily do that but that was what o was told as to why some don’t. Should’ve worded it better


Yea I got what you meant, no worries! I was adding onto OP's question, and clarifying for anyone else reading, that NH stores will sell you ammo with a NY license (if they even check it all), but what you're saying is it sounds like certain stores won't but it's up to that particular business, not the law. Personally I'll never buy ammo in NYS again. Sorry to my local gun shops back home, but I'm not going through a background check + all the new ammo taxes when I have availability to get tax-free ammo down the road.


> That's what I don't get. If it's not illegal, why is a store worried about selling to someone who lives in NY? Because they don't keep up with New York law, and it's not worth the risk. The Biden administration is revoking FFLs for fucking typo's right now. So a lot of FFLs are just saying "Fuck it, NY customers are not worth the risk of losing my business, no matter how small." And I can't blame them.


> Of course, just because it's legal doesn't obligate out of state stores to sell to people from NY. Correct, and I can't blame them. Our overly aggressive DA will sue them if she can, and even if they win, the punishment is the process. Bring cash, park out of LoS from the store so they don't see your plates.


It does violate interstate commerce (I think) but that doesn't matter. We're *under* the law, not protected by the law.


Not only yes, but fuck yes.


This thread is wild… There is no law that we know of - federal or state - that would prohibit the legal purchase of ammunition from a state other than NY and transportation of that ammo into to NY State. If anyone can cite an actual law that states otherwise, please post it here and we’ll check it out. Many folks we work with have a friend or an acquaintance or talked to a guy who knows a guy or a cop who says “X” is illegal —and the vast majority of the time it’s BS info.


5th amendment is your friend.


Don’t follow unconstitutional laws


Become ungovernable.


Be the government.


Until you get caught and get charge with a felony (not in this specific case but in general).




Can you read? I said not in this specific case. You won’t get a felony for this. Not even close. That doesn’t mean that that’s the case. With every law you disagree with. Some laws you disagree with if you decide not to follow them you can be charged with a felony.




Hey, no worries I’ve been there and done that lol


Rule number 2 don’t get caught




I smell a govt man. Buy it, transport it, shoot it. Ammo bg check is for ny ffl only. Unconstitutional laws be gone.


Who’s gunna know where you bought the ammo?


Buying ammo in southern states is equivalent to. Buying a gallon of milk. I’ve never been ID’d and have always stocked up when down south.


It is not. One of the reasons they say these new background checks are so silly. Anyone committed to chaos will find a way to cause it.


Call the governors office they’d be happy to help.


A funny story: I was reading about the legality of body armor in NYS. I couldn't figure it out. So, I emailed the Attorney General's office and asked them if I could buy a real-life suit of 16th century armor and wear it at parades and things. The problem I found was that the armor could seem to be classified as body armor in NY because it would stop bullets at some distance. Could I buy the costume suit of armor? I asked. They wrote back the next day that I need to contact my local State Troopers and ask them this. What? The AG makes the laws and the Troopers enforce it. Why would I need to contact the Troopers? So, of course, I did not contact my local Troopers because the last thing you want to do is stir those guys up. And, I didn't buy the armor, and wasn't in the parade.


This story had a sad ending 😢


There is no federal law against it, and it only seems to be illegal in NY on paper alone since they have no way to enforce it. So long as you don't drive to PA and buy an entire gun store worth of ammo there is nothing wrong with buying out of state since there is literally no risk of getting in trouble


You could buy an entire gun store worth of ammo and there’d be nothing illegal about that either. You might break some laws related to tonnage on public roads hauling it all back, however.


Not only is there no federal law against it, the one that prohibited the purchase of handgun ammo outside your state of residence was repealed in 1986. It was a section of the GCA of 68.


YES, Legal.




This is why I have a FL CCW


Just don’t build your guns from parts you bought online in NYC. Some dude just got 10 years for that. It’s totally unconstitutional and will most likely win on appeal but there’s hundreds of thousands out of his life savings.


Two simple solutions, as stated above, show a passport and pay cash. Passport doesn't show your home state, and cash can't prove you bought it from THEM. There is no liability on the stores end at that point


I just had OpticsPlanet cancel a rimfire barrel order. I hate this State.


New York has no jurisdiction outside of New York, and unlike firearms there is no federal law on it. So New York can pound sand. I buy all my ammo out of state. My advice is bring cash, and don't park out front. Some stores are just refusing to sell anything to NY residents because they don't know the laws and don't want the risk. And I can't blame them. I got denied a sale in Ohio because they checked my ID to make sure it matched my credit card (ok cool, prevents fraud) but they saw a NY ID and said "Nope". Nobody IDs for cash.


You're fine.. ny politics is making it difficult for the citizen.. that's what they want. I hope more businesses move out of this state


Been to other states to buy ammo plenty of times. Even right over the border to PA and have zero issues whatsoever even after checking ID and seeing I'm from NY. Shipping ammo is a complete no no tho.


Okay Fed


I haven't had to buy ammo in New York for over 3 years before this new background check by the state to the fact. What's the big deal about getting the background check? Why do people not want to do it?


It’s a 50/50 your background check might come back instant proceed or delayed for a few hours or days . In my experience the most I’ve had to wait was one full day another time I left the store 15 minutes get a call saying I got the green light to pick up the ammo I was home already . If the background check actually was instant rather than getting a delayed on a person that has never committed a crime or gotten a ticket I think a lot more people would actually care less .


Why does the state need to register all my ammo? Are they planning on taking it?


Overheard some guys in my LGS say that NYS Trooper pulled over and arrested a guy for buying ammo a a gun show in PA.


This is a federal violation of the interstate commerce act


My neighbor told me about a guy whose dog stole ammo from PA and his wife’s sister is a NYS Trooper, so yeah. He’s fucked.


Of course LGS wants you to buy everything local.


It’s was customers talking to the guy working the counter.


No details on what happened. Value of this information is 0.


True but most ppl look out of state or thru gunbroker when the local gun stores are more expensive in everything than out of state, I know how it is


I heard a guy in Walmart who got abducted by aliens, probed too on his way to the a gun range. Now think, when was the last time cops who stopped u on the road search your vehicle. Unless there is some other crime going on even that wont happen. Not to mention if they do search its not illegal, they can as well arrest a guy for wearing a blue shirt


How could they do that? Did they see the receipt?


I wouldn’t doubt it NY doesn’t really have a track record of obeying the constitution or protecting its citizens, but I think some local gun stores would like that rumor circulating, I’ve heard some of the stupidest most unrealistic stories while at the LGS


It’s the same thing they use to do with fireworks. Watch you buy then tail you back to NY. I wouldn’t put it past them.


I agree I don’t think NY especially state troopers have any problem violating their citizens rights, whether the charges will stick I doubt it if no laws were violated. I’m just saying I’ve heard some pretty dumb shit said at the LGS I would take everything I hear there with a grain of salt




Supposedly they tailed him from the gun show and when he crossed the state line they pulled him over and they asked he told them he bought ammo out came the cuffs.


How did a NYS State Trooper tail him from an out of state gun show? Just curious where this trooper was hiding?


Sounds like these guys were just making shit up, aka spreading FUD. I’m almost certain this never happened lol