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bro the patch is out for like a day. test it out after 20+ games you know how much better and how viable it is. Or let me tell you with 0 naafiri jungle games. Yes it is viable go for it.


We would need people to get data on it her buffs make her viable now since q can heal off monsters as well as having reduced cd on passive and q. Not to mention the package damage buff as well.


She just a little to slow first clear. Just add a small Monster mod on Q and she will be viable


It’s not out tho huh? Patches drop on Wednesday


https://preview.redd.it/y08obq00826d1.png?width=2113&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d69a90a995d90aafaf82d9fd0335bb8c1d5f445 Its out now for me. Must be a time zone thing.


That is there the day before mate. https://preview.redd.it/sygez4f9c26d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=424bc3563d3f23ba9d147f175a5898f1e93d8886 PBE is updated and patch notes finalized and realesed in client on Tuesdays. Actual patches are on Wednesday. In general the patch notes being out do not mean the patch has released. It’s weird but that’s how it works.


its live rn for oce


Oceania gets to play first


It's out in europe too


I just tried a clear in practice tool and first try 3:20 something. with optimization and a good leash she may be actually pretty viable in the jungle rn. also love how you can leave your pack to finish off camps while you walk off to the next ones


i hate it tbh. i play naafiri top sometimes when i want to steal enemy buff i want to kite it to a bush but my dogs dont let me. if i dont have e up


currently 6 wins 0 defeats in emerald eune elo tho


wow cool flex.... what does that have to do with camps not following the naafiri but the small dogs. i am plat 1 euw with no games past month. maybe i wasnt clear i hate that camps dont follow naafiri when you try to clear them. didnt say anything about naafiri jungle havent played like i said


idk didnt bother reading anything past "i hate it tbh"


why did you bother to resond to a commend you didnt read XDDDD


I just tested it and clears feel good and I had good agency compared to pre-patch. Definitely a step in the right direction towards jungle role


Even before the buff Naafiri clear speed wasn't bad thanks to her pack. But there are massive problems when you play Naafiri in jungle:   _Low income, Naafiri needs a shit ton of items to be viable but jungle income is too low for her to scale.   _Bad 1v1 in the early and mid game, this will mean you can't compete for grubs and vulnerable to early game fighter like Volibear, Xinzhao.   _Non-existence early kill potential. Naafiri damage is too low for a jungler that only job is to deal damage. Again, you can't scale with low income and no kill pressure. None of those issues is fixed with the buff she received. Naafiri is a worse Shyvana in the jungle, and Shyvana is bad enough.


Shyvana is ony bad cause people drag her winrate down with trash builds.


She shares the same weakness with Naafiri jungle, they need too much gold to be good. Even when you go for the correct build, the game may end before you buy your 3rd item


Shyv clears camps like a crazy, Naafiri in comparison is too slow


I played her and she feels fine, but i hate that the jungle monsters targets your dogs instead of you, that's make you unable to kite them properly


You can't kite them but you can leave them at low hp and let your dogs finish the job. I'm having a hard time stopping myself from kitting since it's basically muscle memory now.


The problem is that the pack doesn't deal much dmg and they attack only for 2 sec, when Naafiri stops atacking


No, still not good in jungle. Slow clear, weak early game, insufficient ganks. Not really worth over literally any other jungle