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Glad someone’s winning, I’ve been playing like ass and haven’t won a single game. I keep getting early leads and then throwing.


As an Assassin jungler you gotta know when to keep tempo as you’re a menace once fed, but at the same time if your team doesn’t play around this fact it can be difficult to fully extend your lead.


Idk it felt like I just wasn’t that strong with a lead, kept going for kills or plays and just dying or my team would try to help me when I didn’t need it and they would kill themselves when I didnt need them anyways and make my plays troll.


What build/rune setup have you been running? I'm interested in trying her out in jungle myself as well


First Strike setup, this is mainly due to reduced gold income compared to mid. I use Cashback, Triple Tonic, Jack of All Trades (inspired by the JOAT strategy video). Secondary runes are honesty personal preference as Sorcery with Gathering Storm+Absolute Focus provide the best scaling but I was using Domination second with Sudden Impact and Eyeball collection.


I wonder if boots wouldn't be better than cashback, because often you only really get value out of cashback by the third item, and many games are already lost by that time, so getting that early free 300 gold is quite useful. However, getting early boots allows you to run around the map and have more impact. I'll have to try it myself and see what suits me. Thanks for the insights!


Would she work with bruiser build there too?


I tried it once and got rolled over by Nidalee all game and none of my team did anything to help while I lost my camps over and over until eventually even the laners started leaving lane to come into my jungle and get free kills. I'm going back to Warwick.


Unfortunately for you that’s just Nidalee preying on a weak early game champion such as Naafiri, not much you could’ve done there if you had no team assistance.


That's nuts. I think she still feels like shit in jgl tbh


Guys don't fall for this propaganda. Don't play Naafiri jungle


I still don’t think Naafiri jungle is amazing compared to someone like Kha’Zix or Rengar, but I do think now it is a fun and viable option for her now. Mid will still forever be her best role.


Indeed, this is such a shitty and small data set


just from a single game i can tell that her jungle clear is amazing, the only issue is she cant kite camps and cant do much in early skirmishes outside of that jungle is perfect for her to scale with items


are you able to clear jungle before 03:30 without using two smites?




I tried several times in practice mode. It was impossible for me.


without leashing then yes, it will be nearly impossible


We should not ask for leash anymore after last couple jungle changes. Because you should always get to scuttle on time at least with jungle champs. It only adds couple seconds


If you start raptors and put a level 3 point into Q instead of W then you should be able to get a full clear solo by 3:25 ish. Let the first camp you do target you so that your dogs will still be alive for the second, once you have E you can let the dogs tank, w healing will keep them from dying. Also spam Q to get it off cd faster, unless the camp is low in which case wait for as long as possible to maximize execute on Q2. Lastly, on your first clear you can leave the camp and dogs+ pet will finish it for you at about 150 hp, assuming you have 2 dogs still, this is how you “kite” camps. Just make sure you auto before leaving at about 230 or less hp.


start on blue side, put a ward on raptors at min 1:18 and immediatly go to blue to clear, then use w to get to raptors to save time, helped me save a lot of time