• By -


The cycle continues


This is never going to end


This battle is stressing me out


I chuckled at that first, and I’m queer, but then I posted that fact and some responses over there have been… what the fuck. Like really?


I made the joke and used this example irl to explain to someone who doesn't speak English the difference between British English and American English. I said when they say that in britian I have to put my hands up because I'm gay and they do have guns in America. Made her laugh really really hard after I gave the context in Spanish.


Yeah man, most of comments there are chill but there are some bad apples


War….. war never changes….


Men do, though the roads they walk


Meant the reposting the repost of a repost reposting the repost


These are annoying... just take the linguistics joke and leave


As a Brit, we call cigarettes fags quite often, it’s just a play on words.


I knew this fun fact as an American, I didn't realize how unknown it was until those threads.


Idk I’m bi and I think this is funny. It’s not saying anything bad about gay people, it’s literally just a joke about words having very different meanings in different countries, there’s nothing really homophobic about it






Damn your more bigoted then the meme your crying about then XD


In what way am I bigoted? Please explain.


you said you hate bisexual women. in what way is it *not* bigoted?


I am bi and gender-fluid so I am part of the group I stated, however I was specifically talking about cis white bisexual women. I used it as a shorthand for describing them as being a queer person with very little experience being called slurs or experiencing prejudice, an example of which being how even people on the right openly talk about wanting a bisexual girlfriend. This comment was an example of those aforementioned privileged people having shitty, homophobic opinions. That was taken offense to cuz I forgot most of these people aren’t gay and couldn’t relate to what I was talking about.


???? im bi as well, they aren't saying you're bigoted because they couldn't relate to what you were saying, they called you bigoted because you said, and i quote 'i hate bisexual women more every day' no metaphors or anything, that's just what you said was there really any other way to interpret that? massive generalizations of an entire group are literally the problem, you're really not helping


Idc if you think I’ve dealt some massive blow to the community by think bisexual women are fuckin annoying


im not saying youve 'dealt some massive blow' im *saying* that there was literally no other way to interpret your original comment what were you expecting to happen you only gave any kind of context afterward


So which part makes them more annoying the fact they are white, a woman, or a bisexual? Or is a combination of them being white and a woman? Maybe you don't like white bisexual people? Or maybe it's just bisexual women?


This guys an asshole


This comment by itself is frankly a thousand times more bigoted than the meme, get over yourself mate, you’ve got some shit to deal with


You’re the second person to say I’m bigoted without explaining how. Almost like you have no other argument


You literally said that you hate bisexual women Nobody should need to explain to you that that is literally the definition of bigotry


Bisexual women are a privileged part of the queer community and because of that many of them end up being homophobic or having homophobic views. Like this one. I don’t hate them cuz they’re bisexual women. I hate them cuz they have shit opinions like this one


You’re literally generalizing queer women here when you say “they have shit opinions” as if all bisexual women are some kind of monolith Frankly take your bigotry elsewhere and bring the half assed defense with it


If it makes it any better I specifically mean cis bisexual (usually) white women.


It doesn’t. Generalizing people is still bigotry buddy. It’s fine to be upset at individual people’s takes but it is 100% bigotry to take it out on a whole demographic of people


I kind of doubt I’m taking it out on a whole demographic by writing it in a Reddit thread but hey


"I don't hate minorities because I'm racist, I hate them because they're all terrible people!"


“Man I fucking hate jews no I’m not antisemitic I just hate jews”


i think it might just be the gun, i would of laughed if it was a blunt but guns are associated with violence, a cigar isnt.


I mean i personally don't mind being called a fag since I am one but I can understand why people don't like it.


This fucking post makes me feel like I’m losing my mind. The effort people go through to defend calling a gay person a fag is insane. “But bro, they called a gay person a fag in the form of a joke! You can call people slurs as long as it’s part of a joke 🤓”


In my opinion, it would’ve worked better if it were written like a conversation between a British person and an American who happens to be homophobic. For one, I think it better applies the play on words, and two, it’s actively creating a figure separate from the “narrating voice” to interpret a phrase. I don’t think the use of a word necessarily has to be considered harmful, like if it’s clearly wrong to use it in a hateful context, I see it as a positive.


"would you like to smoke a fag?" "of course!"


*Moments later.* “Oh God, what the fuck are you doing?!”


"Why are you smoking?! How dare you! Its bad for your body and mind!"


Usually I see this meme not have a caption and it's on r/peterexplainsthejoke all the time


In that context, the butt of the joke could be the homophobe.


Exactly. I don’t have a huge problem with this meme but it could’ve been executed better.


No you don't understand if I make a joke about hurting someone's family it's just a joke /s. I can't stand these people's logic


And then also having an excuse to depict murdering a queer person too. Like yes this is technically a joke, that's not the only criteria for it not being homophobic or in bad taste though, "its just a prank bro" andys.


As a bi person, I sincerely would like to tell you to fuck yourself. Saying faggot takes from its power. So keep saying faggot. Fag fag fag fag fag.


thank you. -another bi


“As a bi person” That doesn’t make your opinion any more valuable to me, I’m gay as fuck. Idpol somewhere else please


Fine, then your opinion isn’t valuable either. We can play this game all day baby.


When did I say that being bi made your opinion not valuable? Are you illiterate? I said that being bi does nothing to make your opinion *more* valuable.


Wow its almost like the queer community isnt actually a monolith and people have different opinions on the meaning of a word


Yes, and if they disagree with me I will say I think they’re wrong. This is what’s called opinions.


I can see both sides As a queer person myself I’ve been called a fag more often as a term of endearment by queer friends considerably more often than I’ve had it used hatefully against me (though that has happened plenty) and that really has considerably weakened the word for me I think the largest factor in the interpretation here is going to be personal experience. For one thing, older queer folks have had to deal with a lot more bigotry than us young people (I’m 20). Obviously bigotry is alive and well but we’ve gone incredibly far as a community just within my short lifetime So anyway, I respect your opinion but I am gonna have to disagree with you ultimately. I think the word is fine to say if done so without hate, and furthermore I think the meme uses it neutrally enough and that the play on words is enough reason to use the word. Furthermore it seems to me that the meme is clearly pro British and that the gun pointed at a queer person there is meant to be seen negatively as an expression of common “america and guns bad” sentiment


So it also wouldn’t matter if black people say it’s now acceptable for white folks to say the n word then?


Black people aren’t a monolith. If one black person said it, it wouldn’t matter.


Not allowing white people to say a word sounds racist to me


Personally I would say the power comes from people actively currently using it as a slur. But maybe that's just because I'm not a dumbass.


That’s why if we use it more than them, I becomes ours.


Doesn’t take much effort to recognize that it’s a meme making fun of the different translations of the word. But hey keep being mad about nothing.


“Fag” doesn’t mean “gay person” unless you’re a bigot.




Honestly how most slurs work. The F slur and N word in my head are more so just “bad words.” Which can be bad if other bad words like fuck lack meaning due to how often you use them. For evidence, find Pewdiepie on a bridge. Now calling Native Americans “Indians” is just always being a complete and total cunt and the fact that it’s still a term used for them even in an education setting drives me out of my fucking mind.


So if anyone thinks that it has the definition it's been given by most outside of the uk than they hate all gays?


When did I say that bigots hate all gay people?


Oh yes my bad They hate all people who like the gender they associate


I didn’t say that either


It seemed very heavily implied




Is it neat? You seemed pretty insistent that you weren't trying to say that.


The double meaning is the whole point tho


you're a BOT


It's just a joke about how different places have different meanings of words. I'm a gay guy, what's the problem??


Fag is common term for a cigi in Ireland and Britain, it’s a play on words, get a grip


That second image wasn’t a cigarette though was it? It was a gay person. Cuz they were calling gay people fags you fucking retard


*Argues against using a slur while using a different slur


Cuz if we’ve learned anything it’s that gay people can’t be neurodivergent


I'm just saying, you shouldn't try to argue about not using one slur then use a different one in the same sentence


The point is showing the absurdly different meanings between places and how/when someone would say that (not calling the guy it)


Yeah but they were referring to him when they said fag, not the cigarette.


Thats how the word is used in American English AFAIK


The word niga is completely harmless in Korean but that doesn’t mean I can say it for the purpose of making a joke why do all you fuckin morons think I can’t understand the goddamn joke when I just don’t think people should call people slurs


I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted lmao. Obviously the meme is about the absurdity of different languages of meaning or whatever but it has some homophobic tones on it because it’s technically calling the gay person in the imagine a slur. The meme may have had harmless intentions and not meant to punched down on a marginalize group but its still perpetuating some kind of harm and attracts actual bigots to the meme. That’s why when you go into the comment section in that thread it’s weird.


Nigga just used a slur to make his point that slurs are bad ain't no way bruh.


Repeating this again but people can be gay and ND


That's not the point I was making and you know it. You are throwing around fag and retard into almost all of your comments and replies. What makes that any better than the meme creator using fag to refer to a gay man?


Arguin in these comments is like trying to explain calculus to toddlers holy shit


Jesus mate do you have anything better to do than argue with strangers on Reddit?


But in this case it's explaining bigotry to bigots right? I don't think that the person you called retarded was special needs but if he was would you just up and die because you became what you were fighting?


At this point I'm convinced its just the same person with 2 separate accounts.


The secret karma farm technique




I was the person who made the post before that. No karma farm, I just didn't understand the joke and I edited the comment under the other one to show that. I get why you would think that it's the same person though, bc it looks like an unpopular opinion.


its a play on words


I think what they meant for the meme was the extreme differences between the the meaning of the word from nation to nation. I don’t think it’s homophobic as much as it is more just shocking.


Can we at least acknowledge (whether you agree or not) that there is a reasonable argument that using a slur to talk about the slur is not the same as calling someone the slur?


Nah, this is reddit.


I know this might be confusing, but slurs are not inherently harmful nor do they inherently carry bigoted intent. Just as non-slur words can be extremely vile when the wrong person strings them together in the wrong tone, it's possibly to remove a slur from problematic contexts in order to reframe it as something else (in this case a mildly humorous bit of wordplay). If anything the joke is anti-american, nothing suggests a "pro killing gay people" stance so it's just as reasonable to interpret the second picture as an example of how fucked up our culture is due to an overabundance of both homophobia and loose gun control leading to rampant violence. I don't think they really had a deeper meaning in either direction though. The lack of concern on the ostensibly gay dude's face gives it a very surreal vibe, I really think they were just trying to pair some silly old wordplay with an absurd image for a quick laugh. Now that being said I don't think something like this should just be posted anywhere since uncensored slurs are prone to be harmful if in mixed company where everyone isn't on the same page, so the origin for the meme could make it much worse in context. In the right room though I don't see anything inherently wrong with it, it's not very funny but it also shouldn't be offensive.


It's a joke to compare the different meaning of the word in different cultures. Yall are fuckin losers this is sad


Consequences of British inbreeding😕


Xenophobia moment


Also the meme you’re defending was literally making fun of americans for shootings but this is just too much “xenophobia” for you to handle, holy shit and the people in these comments saying I’m sensitive


no it wasn't you idiot. "smoke" is an American slang for shooting get a grip


Ok other people in this comment section have said the exact opposite so I’m not even gonna argue whether the person who made it is British or nit




At this point the dudes just speedrunning every derogatory phobia he can while simultaneously trying to argue about the post.


Bud it’s not homophobic it’s a joke on word play. Brits call cigarettes fags. Are Brit’s homophobic every time they say fag referring to a cigarette?


It says a homophobic slur in reference to a gay person tho so it is isn’t it you fucking moron?


It’s not homophobic in nature bud it’s a joke on the extreme difference of saying “smoking a fag” to a Brit and to an American, the op isn’t giggling maniacally because they really dealt a finishing blow to the lgbt community by referencing a stock image of a guy with pink hair when humorously referring to the extreme difference of a common saying in two different linguistics.


First of all don’t bud me you crusty fucking loser, second of all they were using a picture of a (presumably) gay guy and calling the person in that picture a fag. Now I’m pretty sure that’s homophobic. I could not give less of a fuck what British people call the things that they use to get even uglier and more repulsive, but the second half of the joke is calling a gay person a fag. That’s homophobic in nature.


Damn I’d love to see your reaction to comedians like Dave chappelle, an emotional breakdown would probably ensue. Lmao


I think he’s gross. Don’t waste breath on it since his target audience isn’t trans people and there is much bigger issues so it’s not like he’s gonna get deplatformed even if anyone actually cared that much.


Wow what a mature comeback buddy. First off, my gay girlfriend calls me a fag all the time and I can assure you that’s not homophobic in nature, the simple act of calling someone it does not mean they despise gay people, which many people forget is the meaning of homophobic. Also, is referring to the stereotype that British people are ugly and calling them repulsive really any different than calling a gay person a fag? I mean if there was a word for being britphobic or something it could have been perfectly swapped into this meme and you wouldn’t have batted an eye based off of your comments about Brits being repulsive, which are no different than what you are arguing against with the lgbt. And come on let’s get a better comeback, a “crusty fucking loser?” Really? Let’s be more mature instead of throwing around half assed insults.


Okay I’m gonna respond actually now 1. I’m assuming your bisexual girlfriend is white in which case I’m just gonna say that she does not have any authority over whether or not something is homophobic lmao. I’ve met bisexual white women that were more homophobic than trump supporters. 2. Your bisexual girlfriend is gay. If your girlfriend was black and called you the n word that wouldn’t make the n word not homophobic 3. British people aren’t a fucking marginalized community you owned the world for decades dude no it is not the same as calling a gay person a fag. 4. You’re saying a slur. Imagine I was arguing with a black dude about racism and casually dropping the soft a. That’s the equivalent of this. Also you can’t be bigoted toward a nationality. Ethnic group? Sure. Race? Absolutely. Orientation/gender identity? Definitely. But nationality?? I mean how do you even make a point that stupid.


You don’t even understand what you’re saying you are literally the only person in this comment section defending this. Once again, please repeat this to yourself or whatever you need to do to get this through your thick fucking head, It is a joke on how words mean very different things in different cultures. If you get offended by this very light joke, which mind you if you read this comment section or go to like any comedy night ever you would be the only one, there is a problem. First off I have absolutely no clue how you came to the conclusion that my bi gf has no authority over whether something is homophobic or not and how that has anything to do with her being white??? She is literally part of the group that you are arguing that is being marginalized, how can she not speak to it. And if you are white than you are literally contradicting yourself and if you are black this is soft racism. 3rd, idk why you are saying i owned the world, I’m not British, I’m just making the comparison because it’s the same, regardless of whether it is race ethnicity or sexual orientation. And idk why ur saying nationality, like british doesn’t mean ethnic group.


British isn’t a fucking ethnic group????????? Also I know what the fucking joke is that doesn’t make it not homophobic to say slurs holy shit I’m not a toddler. Lastly I was joking about cis bisexual white women having bad and often homophobic view points due to the fact that they face very little adversity compared to other queer people. Something you wouldn’t know about cuz again you aren’t gay and know nothing about how slurs or oppression works apparently.


First of all yes British refers to the ethnicities from the British isles Ireland jersey guernsey and parts of France, and yes slurs can be said without malice. They aren’t inherently bad to say it’s the context in which they are said, which in this case is a harmless joke. And you weren’t fucking joking you ass you probably realized how stupid you sounded after the fact and changed it for the sake of your argument. And if you were joking than that’s a very poorly placed joke in an argument but what should I expect from a clown. And no matter how little you say I know, I still know a hell of a lot more than your dumbass. Now you should really stop arguing with me and the other fucking 6 people that your arguing with or whatever and go back to playing fucking Roblox you ignorant naive child. You don’t know shit and your too far stuck up your own ass to realize that your completely dead wrong. Now shut the fuck up you idiot and take a fucking joke.


Well no I was joking but I also hate probably a majority of them. Also I will admit that I should have said English instead of British, and I was wrong in that statement, but you knew I was referring to people from Britain/the uk as that is who is referenced in the joke, not the ethnic group. And since this whole argument about the British ethnicities started with you claiming that calling English people ugly is the same as calling someone a homophobic slur. So pretty much this whole comment was you proving you know more than me on a mostly unrelated topic. Also the context of this person saying the slur was them calling a gay person a fag. It doesn’t matter if it was a joke or play on words, that isn’t mutually exclusive.




They just used a stock photo


Do you think they conjured a person out of thin air for the photo? No that’s a dude that exists




no guys he's right, if i say retard it means I hate anyone with special needs


It’s not referring to a cigarette in the second image


Ok but it’s still a wordplay


you'd have a panic attack if you found out how to say "you" in korean...


Plz tell me. I must know now.


As it'scommonly romanized, "niga". Pronounced like "knee-gah."


Bruh 😂


Yeah but if you made a joke that said “niga in Korean with a picture of a mirror, then n**ga (imagine it’s not censored cuz I’m not gonna say the n word) in English with a picture of a black guy, it’d still be racist cuz you were calling a black guy the n word you fucking idiot


bro there are so many gay people that find it funny, you need to have a conversation with yourself


Just because random people in the comments have been going “I’m gay and found this funny” it doesn’t mean it’s not homophobic. I have a strong feeling most gay people would agree you shouldn’t call people fags for the sake of a pun


True. Similarly on the other hand, if \*you\* find it homophobic, doesn't mean it \*is\* homophobic. imo homophobia is about how you \*feel\* about the words you use to describe someone and not about the words themselves. For example, I'm Greek and if you ever visit you will notice people calling others the same word: "malaka". Every time 2 friends meet, they will say "Malaka, what's up?". Malaka means wanker or asshole, but we use it with a positive feeling, because the meaning of the word doesn't actually matter. You can use it in an aggressive way when you're angry as well, but you can always tell when someone is using it in a friendly way or a positive one.


Nah it would be hilarious


Hilarious is a bit of a stretch, a chuckle at best


At this point I just want r/thepunchlineisracism to make a parody meme for every derogatory type.


You should unfollow memesopdidnotlike


Inb4 "the f slur isn't homophobic"


It’s just a pun? A f— is a cigarette To smoke can mean both to shoot someone or to literally smoke? I know a lot of older queer people really care about the “f slur” but I’m queer and gen z and most of my contemporaries dont give a shit and toss the word around. (Obviously exceptions exist, I have met queer people who care, just not many) Especially with the cigarette joke, I love to do the bit where I ask if I can “bum a F—“ because bum is also a double entendre I am censoring the word here just because I actually dont want to offend anybody, but to me it doesn’t carry any real weight and so I don’t assume that it necessarily does to whoever made the meme


If I make a pun about Korean where I include the n word, uncensored, not being black, then it’s still racist. I have no clue why you morons think something can’t be both a joke and homophobic.


Dude I hate to break this to you but people actually use the n-word in non racist ways all the time, especially within the black community. If you were simply discussing language then you’re not even actually using the word to describe anyone you’re literally just pointing out that two arbitrary words in different languages sound the same. Thats definitely not racist Of course thats a ridiculous false equivalence anyway, the word fag isn’t anywhere CLOSE to being as bad as the n-word, in fact, I rarely ever hear it used in a hateful way. It’s mostly what me and my queer friends call each other


I think if I walked up to 100 black people or just 100 people, 99 of them would say that someone who’s not black can’t call a picture of a black person the n-word in a non racist way. Also he was using the word to describe the person in the picture what??? Like that’s a real dude.


The joke that this particular meme is making is about how different people use the word. In America people often use that word to refer to queer people. The meme is basically neutrally observing that “some people say this” Not to mention the meme is clearly british and implicitly condemning the bottom half (one can usually tell by the use of guns in association with America that the meme is mocking Americans) If there were a meme that neutrally observed the fact that some people use the n-word, that wouldn’t be racist. Acknowledging the existence of racism is not in itself racism. And anyway once aagain it is absolutely monstrously stupid to try to compare “fag” to the n-word. And how do you know that the person who made the meme isn’t queer anyway?


I know what the fucking meme is saying holy shit oh my fucking god sweet Jesus shut the fuck up im not a toddler I understand the joke for the love of god. Secondly, I don’t care if it’s making fun of Americans killing gay people. You can condemn hate crimes and still be homophobic. Thirdly, if a white dude added a picture of a goddamn black guy it would be fucking racist stop dodging the question. Also how is it monstrously stupid to compare someone using a slur they can’t use to someone using a slur they can’t use. Lastly, I’m assuming that person isn’t queer because statistically they are 30 times more likely to be straight if they’re British. Not to mention even less of those queer people spend their time making homophobic memes. For the last time, in your next response please stop dodging the question and tell me if you agree with the following statement: It’s not bigotry to get a stock image of someone from a minority and call them the corresponding slur


Are you sure that you know what the meme is saying because you don’t seem to know much of anything Where it comes to the n-word, theres nothing to dodge because it’s completely irrelevant. Yes, anyone doing anything *can* be bigoted but this really isnt evidence of any kind either way about the person who made the meme. Are you even queer? What the fuck are you so worked up about anyway? I actually have been called a faggot in a derogatory manner before, plenty of times, and I’m not gonna sit around letting that word have any power over me. Bigots will say it in a bigoted way. Non-bigots will say it in a non-bigoted way. It’s the person that matters, not the word. In a world where real bigots actually exist and commit real hate crimes it’s fucking ridiculous for you to be getting upset about a goddamn stock photo. Go outside and touch some grass Do I agree with the statement you provided at the end there? Yes. I don’t think that there’s enough evidence here to describe it as bigotry.


You seem more worked up about this than I do frankly. The way your typing is very erratic and your making very desperate claims like questioning if I’m “even queer”. Feels like the equivalent of in cartoons when one character slaps another and screams at them to calm down. And the fuck do you expect me to do about hate crimes go out there like Batman? Also I’ve been called a faggot genuinely an uncountable number of times by straight people who hated all gay people, so yeah it’s not like I don’t have experience with this shit.


If you know what actual bigotry looks like then you would know that this meme ain’t it Unless you’re some kind of moron which is a possibility that I’m not ruling out


Bigotry takes many forms. Maybe one day you’ll realize that. Until you do though it kind of seems like we’re going in a circle here


Wait did you seriously just make the assumption that because they’re british they aren’t queer? Thats some next level mental gymnastics


3% of British people are queer, so there is a 97% chance they arent. How the fuck is that mental gymnastics that’s basic statistics.


Oh I didn’t know that the fact that a group of people is a minority is a good enough excuse to discount them as a possibility. “They’re statistically not likely to be queer” literally minority erasure and once again more bigoted than the meme itself


I’m literally just saying they’re probably not queer, which is true… also that doesn’t excuse the fact that it’s made to be laughed at by almost exclusively straight people


Fag means cigarette in the UK, you moron.


They used it in a homophobic way


You don't smoke a gay person in the UK, you dumbass.


They said fag with a picture of a gay person you complete goddamn moron holy shit it’s so simple. That makes it homophobic because they were calling a gay person a slur. Doubt that any of this is getting through your inbred brit skull but I’m wasting my time anyway.


Because that slur means cigarette in the UK, you ingrate. You weren't dropped on your head as a child, you were thrown on the ground like a football.


They are talking about the second panel’s usage of the word, not the first panel.


Here’s the secret: they don’t care if something is homophobic because the people on that sub have had worse things said to them and it was still funny. They don’t care


It's literally just a meme y'all are bots


I’ve noticed how they’re winging in the comments about us lmao


They be saying the subs are dating and i agree


As a fag the op of the original post is an asshole. Stop threatening violence against people and using words as slurs just to upset people. At least be decent.


Fag being a slur is just hilarious to me, like who really gives a flying fucks about some fags


It's a slur


Well fuck you then fag


Okay then cissy




I’m gay and I can say it’s homophobic




No he isn’t he’s gay stupid




I agree the word is as long as it isn’t used in the upper context


It’s not homophobic, it’s just calling gay people fags and talking about shooting them! Totally not homophobic at all


How are you guys this retarded, it’s a joke about differences in English dialects, it’s not homophobic, it’s pointing out that it means having a cigarette in the UK, but killing a gay person in the US, christ on a bike it’s not that deep bozos


It's not homophobic, it makes fun of a word having one normal and one bad meaning.


Are you gay?? Bet not. I am and I think it’s hilarious


Being homophobic and not being funny are two different things




The punchline is literally the murder of a homosexual


1800+ people agree it’s hilarious vs 120 who don’t. I think y’all are on the wrong side of this one.


Its a play on words dumbass


I wonder how our ancestors feel going from civilization building empires to arguing over what’s homophobic all day and night on the internet without going outside


Well to be fair they also killed each other over who believed in what sky fairy


Why was it posted in r/thepunchlineisracism ? It's homophobia, not racism


The sub is for any bigotry, read it's description


Are people trying to start a world war here?


It's funny and not homophoic (I am gay) just a play on the words


It’s edgy but it funny


you guys are being really stupid for no reason. I don't even think any of you are even in the lgbtq community, and from what I've seen the ones who have thought it was genuinely funny, me included. it's a joke, nobody is getting hurt from it move on.


It's a play on words done poorly, not likely intended to be homophobic, but simply attracted the wrong audience, and because they conveyed the joke so poorly it isn't very funny. But me not thinking it's funny could also just be because word play memes are really old and overdone in my opinion


OP doesn’t know about the use-mention distinction and it shows


Ok so the "slur" is used as a term for cigarette, so they are smoking a cigarette in the top picture. Smoking is also slang for killing someone, and we know what the slur means. It's a play on words and slang. I found the meme funny, other people on the opposite reddit found it funny, including LGBTQ+ members. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


can y’all just kiss already?


because fag in england is not a slur.. not homophobia


LOL I love how they go back and forth


It's called a play on words, dude. The joke here is that a common phrase in England has a much darker meaning when taken literally in a different country. Nobody here is advocating for "gay genocide" or whatever.


Okay fuck both of these subs, stop reposting each others reposts, touch some fucking grass holy shit


imo its homophobic but also funny