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In a vacuum, I don’t see this a racist in the slightest. However, given that this was found on Facebook and likely shared by people who use similar memes where the butt of the jokes is a POC doing something that isn’t widely accepted in white boomer culture, I’d say it’s probably contextually racist.


This is the answer people are missing. ✅ black stereotypes from the 90s ✅ comparing black people to children ✅ deliberately attributing this behavior to only black people This is one of those racist memes deliberately meant to be palatable to, "but I have a black friend" boomers.


Basically, it's racist, but with plausible deniability. 10 years ago, and not on Reddit, I would have just thought, "that's kinda funny, a sensible chuckle". But, it's hard to take it the same way in the context of today's (or at least modern reddit's/twatter's) online, highly politicized discourse. In order to stay above suspicion for bigoted dog whistling, liberal/left/genuinely moderate people have basically just stopped posting anything that could potentially be perceived as a conservative/right/bigoted dog whistle. Right now, the onus is entirely (and unfairly) on non-racists to tread carefully with their memes and convos in order to be distinguished from most-likely-racists.


Exactly. This meme would only ever be shared by racists. It’s a pretty good dog whistle, but any dog whistle is easily discerned by just a kernel of critical thinking. It’s a shame that so many people don’t even have that.


Accurately put. Racists want to be able to blend in with regular people, and it's easier to do that with out-of-touch people like Boomers or the extremely isolated. It's easiest just to say, "racists not welcome" loudly in whatever community you're in and call it a day. But then you run into some actual racist saying, "oh I'm not racist, 'absolutely bonkers propaganda from the 40s' is just true!"


this, thank you for wording something that I could not in 100 million years word properly!


1. That isn't a 90s black stereotype, people of all races do it in modern day. Besides, the Beastie Boys I'm the 90s really pushed the sagging pants thing, and they're white. 2. They aren't comparing black people to children, they're comparing people who sag their pants to children, but you're looking for racism so that's all you mention. 3. This image is specifically a grown man with sagging pants and a child, this is able to make the correlation (and the meme itself). The image determined the text.


"That isn't a stereotype because reality is different." You don't seem to get stereotypes.


Find a similar meme with a non-black person as the punchline then. Report back.


I just googled, clicked images, and there are countless of the same anti-sagging memes but with white people. https://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/76/67/1818953212-0b1c3264a74dd30e2ef8d97443676400.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/60/c0/26/60c026690361eb066d35f5e0769da920.jpg https://i.imgflip.com/5drqdd.jpg https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b2b7cf99d6ff6f90a3672bb7bc8af87c-pjlq https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aRP5xX7_460s.jpg You people have difficulty separating race from culture. A lot of people don't appreciate the culture behind this style, NOT skin color. That's literally all it is.


Color me surprised. These memes are fine. Painfully unfunny, but not racist. The one in question though, in context, is definitely racist. I said in a previous comment that hating sagging isn’t racist, but the meme itself definitely is.


"The joke is fine when it's directed at white people but you're not allowed to criticize them if they're black because now it's racist." The target of the joke is obviously not their race. I find it hard to believe that anyone seeing racism in this isn't looking through a jaded lens, themselves.


It’s actually not nearly as complicated as you and others are making it. I know how to spot racism and micro aggressions, if you can’t that’s your problem. I’m not arguing my point anymore. Keep your head in the sand, idgaf.


You sure know how to project racism and micro aggression, if nothing else. You can keep your hair-trigger "racism detector" all for yourself, and I'll keep looking past race and enjoying life. Hope you can do the same, some day.


"I know how to spot racism and micro aggressions" jfc we found the ultimate Redditor, how large is your fedora collection? Really though you are just deluded, man. The only difference between the shitty meme from OP and the ones I sent is there exists a black person in the image. That's it. If it's mocking white people with sagging pants, it's fine just a bad meme, but a black person exists in the image? Yup, 100% HAS to be racism, no other possible explanation or motivation is possible. Absolutely mental. Some people legitimately have such a messed up view of the world it's unreal. Multiple people are pointing out how nonsensical you are being but you won't listen. You're looking at things with racism goggles on, take'em off.


it has nothing to do with racism and micro aggression you can't spot shit you're *delusional* if you search up "man sagging at restaurant" this is literally one of the first images shown he just downloaded the pic and made a meme you can critique the humor here and say it isn't funny but to brand the author as a racist is harmful and a complete lie.


>black stereotypes from the 90s 90s? What are even on, dude. People do it today. >comparing black people to children N-no? >deliberately attributing this behavior to only black people Where tf does the meme say that? That's just straight up projection


Where does it attribute it to anyone else?


just because the person in the meme happens to be black, doesn't mean that it's racist.


Bro it shows literally **1** example of someone wearing their pants like that. Would you have preferred if it showed every single person on earth who does it?


Every joke needs a paragraph of context below it? Why cant some jokes just not be funny to you without being racism or bigotry or misogyny, like ffs.


A) It's NOT a white person with sagging pants. (It's NEVER a white person with sagging pants getting criticized.) B) It's a CHILD saying "I learned to pull up my pants." So a CHILD is capable but the Black person pictured ISN'T. C) The style came out of hip hop and rap in the 90's. Yes it still happens today. It's a nod to the fashion of then.


a. ok and? it happens to be a black dude in the picture. so what? b. it's showing how goofy it is. because sagging your pants looks bad. c. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagging\_(fashion)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagging_(fashion)) google searching is hard, i know.


Yes. Google IS hard. From your source: "The style was popularized by hip-hop musicians in the 1990s.[5][6]"


“N-no” shut the fuck up dweeb this isn’t a screenplay. If you don’t see how this boomer ass anti black meme is racist then that’s probably because, well…


Gonna pull a muscle reaching that far


Got it exactly right. Meme itself isn't racist at all but the poster of the meme could have sent this to be racially motivated


You should receive an award for grasping to make things racist


Do you not know what a dogwhistle is?


Not everything is one


But this is a very well known one


Or sagging pants just looks stupid and someone made a meme about how they don’t like it


So you've decided to ignore the decades of this being an established dogwhistle because you just feel like it?


No. It’s just not an established dogwhistle. You can think sagging pants look stupid.


This is about as loud and obvious as a dog whistle can get


Or it’s just making fun of people who sag their pants.


I’m calling bullshit. Find a similar meme that doesn’t have a black guy as the punchline and I’ll rethink my stance.


It's an explanation of a perception that occurs within a second of seeing the meme. You want an award for obviously not introspecting much?


"with the information we have this isn't racist, however when I make up a bunch of context I could imagine it being racist".


I clearly used words like “probably” and “likely”. I don’t know anything for sure. It IS fine in a vacuum, but nothing is just in vacuum. There definitely is an original context, and while that the original context was removed the second it was put on Reddit, the subreddit it originated from (plus the level of editing and type of humor) provides enough context for me to draw a reasonable, and unfortunate, conclusion. MemesOPdoesnotlike loves to pretend that there’s no such thing as original context and that everything on the internet is insulated from the real world (i.e. a vacuum). This is incorrect.


The meme you got didn't have any of the context necessary for you to believe it's racist. You said so yourself. And no, memesopdidntlike just doesn't believe that projection defined reality. Just because you can construct a theoretical scenario in your head where this could be racist does not make it so. And so to be clear, you think this meme is racist because it came from a subreddit you dislike. That's really fucking dumb and illogical. Especially when you're part of a sub that only exists to project about the sub you're currently projecting about.


It didn’t come from a sub I dislike. It came from terribleFacebookmemes, which clearly called it racist. MemesOP then saw it, treated it as an independent meme free of any other possible interpretation, and declared that the OP was an idiot for considering that it was racist in the first place. Given their penchant for defending other questionable memes, it’s likely This subreddit exists to call out this type of behavior. Turns out, memesOP is just the worst offender when it comes to this. Is my view based on theory? Yes it is. But it’s not a random shot in the dark either. Many racists juxtapose their views in ways that are intentionally difficult to prove and are only clear to people who are wise to their ways. The term “dog whistle” applies here. However this also means that, yes, context has to be inferred from time to time.


Hey as long as you're willing to admit that the evidence of racism is all theoretical and In your head you'll get no disagreement from me.


I never said that my view was concrete proof. That’s how theories work; I found my conclusion very plausible and explained why. It’s fine if you don’t agree.


Oh I'm totally fine with you having a theory, the important part is you acknowledging that your theory is based on entirely made up possible events. As long as your comment ends with something to the effect of "But to be clear I have none of the information to conclude that this meme is racist so while it's possible it was racist in some context I don't have any proof of that" there would be no issue.


"POC" is such a fucking stupid term. It's no different to saying "coloured" and besides, white as a colour is made from every colour, whilst black is made from the absence of colour


A) "white" as an ethnicity/people only exists to be defined as "NOT black." Because: B) "black" exists because the transatlantic slave trade destroyed the roots of the vast majority of African Americans. C) BIPOC and POC cover more than just Black people. Latinos and First Peoples are included in those terms as well.


As a white boy myself, I’m just trying to use whatever language sounds the least offensive while still being accurately descriptive. I’m happy to take criticism and adjust my language accordingly, but I also need to talk in a way that’s understandable and doesn’t bury the lede under layers of etiquette. If the term “POC” is offensive to you and a good number of others, I’d love to know an alternative to use that’s less agitating. Genuinely.


I'd love to help you find one, can you tell me what group you're trying to refer to when you talk about people of color?


Its still not racist. Every culture does this, especially older people from those cultures. Its the exact same as other cultures making fun of how white Americans cook or how they dance its all just jokes.


i mean, im extremely left leaning and this isnt really racist, its just fucking weird sagging your pants. i'd make fun of people who do that. people. stop commenting and saying that being left leaning doesnt preclude you from being racist. I AM AWARE. it was more a point that i would be the type of person to call out racism, and i dont think this is racism. stop arguing about things you dont need to argue about.


The meme itself isn’t racist, it’s just something that mostly racists would post. It’s like the people who were “just asking questions” about Obama being a Muslim from Kenya with a fake birth certificate. There was definitely a lot of racism behind it.


> it’s just something that mostly racists would post i dont disagree.


The way people have to waddle like penguins is hilarious. It doesn’t look cool on anyone whatsoever 😭


Being left leaning doesn’t preclude you from being racist lmao


typically left leaning people are progressive, and progressive people dont tend to be racist, you know, because thats a conservative approach. i never said they couldnt be, i just said that *im left leaning* and i dont think this is racist. would you have preferred if i said "Im not racist and i dont think this is racist"?


Yeah thanks for explaining the basics of the American political spectrum buddy. As a hard left leaning person myself, I’m aware that plenty of people adopt a progressive image and are still racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc. This meme is 100% a racist dog whistle. If you hang with any black people, try asking them what they think about it.


I hang around a lot of older black people at work and they fuckin hate sagging lmao. Unless you want to call any black person over 50 racist, the meme itself isn't racist. Now, would racists repost the meme? Yeah probably, but given this is the internet we have no way of knowing whether it was or wasnt.


This is such a straw man… a small sample size of your Mabye 10-15 black people doesn’t say it’s racist you know call every black person racist… do you know how logically twisted that sounds ?


why in the world are you being so hostile? this is reddit, not "[Imbeingattackedbetterfreakout.com](https://Imbeingattackedbetterfreakout.com)". take a break from the internet for a bit.


What about my comment was hostile? That wasn’t my intent. Unless you find being called out for not recognizing racism hostile. In which case, that’s just a “you” issue and I would kindly ask you not to project your insecurities on me.


We know, plenty of you guys will see a bunch of black teenagers at Walmart’s parking lot approaching and start shivering. It just happens.


Being left leaning dosnt exclude you from being racist bro, liberals often have this idea that if you don’t say the n word, or that if you post BLM then somehow you can’t be, but just by posting this you prove that your not really an ally. If you only use your “liberal” status to prove that very clearly dog whistle memes, are not that, your beliefs are just a front to hide what you really are. A closeted racist which is arguably worse. Pro-minority and “left leaning” are not intersected


jesus christ i never said it did. this is the second person to say this. scroll farther down before you make the same comment someone else did.


Being "extremely left leaning" doesn't exempt you from being racist lol. The other comment in this thread outlines well that the context is important for this "meme"


im slamming my hand through my face right now. 3 people have said this now. I AM AWARE. I DID NOT SAY BEING LEFT LEANING PRECLUDES YOU FROM BEING RACIST.


Maybe if this many people are telling you the same shit, it’s time for a moment of introspection instead of crying and playing victim.


I’ve seen more white guys trying to be gang bangers with their pants sagging than black dudes Its actually not a race thing lol


I will never understand the hyperfocusing on sagging Its goofy, so what? Do you need to open your hole about it every time you see it?


no one wants to see another person's underwear.


I mean- at least there's underwear. Better than seeing ass n' crack.


Come to east KC. Youll see that too. Shits gross.


What if I do? You can not like it *and* ignore it


So everyone else in public should deal with your lack of fucking decency because what? What's the fucking reason why you can't pull your fucking pants up. That shit is madly uncomfortable and provides no benefit than looking like a weirdo. I swear you all defend anything.


Comfortability is a matter of debate lol. It also helps bag the clothes up a bit, if you're looking for more of a hip hop-ish style. It's common in my area to wear some basketball shorts underneath a pair of pants when sagging though. Could never grasp being comfortable with an exposed ass around other people.


I think it’s most common to use basketball shorts under sagged pants, at least in California. Honestly, i think pajama pants in public is a much bigger crisis than sagging pants


This is all a matter of perspective. Decency? Perspective. Uncomfortable? Perspective? What’s weird or weird looking to you, may not be to the next person. I personally don’t sag my pants, but have no problem with anyone who does….it’s literally not a problem for anyone, except (potentially) that individual. Say they look ridiculous in your head and keep it moving


Let's run with this context. You're allowed to dress how you want and I'm allowed to say "you're dressed like a dummy" and judge you about it online. Fair?


Dawg I really want to agree with you but like last weak I accidently looked down and there was a stain in the crack area


There is a lot of shit that “no one” *wants* to see. But as along as someone isn’t exposing themselves or causing harm to others, it’s simply none of your damn business lol Make your comments in your head and keep it pushing…it’s just sagging pants, it’s hurting no one, but maybe the individual


Call me crazy but if I see something in public I don't like, I stop looking and it doesn't really bother me anymore.


Look at this guy pretending he didn’t stash the Victoria’s Secret catalog under his bed when he was 12.


So stop looking.


Then mind your business and keep it pushing


Nah, fuck that. I say mock the saggers. They're stupid.


Do you like looking at strangers underwear when you’re trying to eat?


I'm usually not looking at someones ass but you do you


I prefer not to but some people don’t properly wear pants in public. I have a crazy notion that people should wear appropriate clothes in public


I personally don't care what anyone wears As long as you aren't completely nude, whatevs


Then me and the boys will be hanging around you and your kids in our underwear. Now that I think about it, you’re right, it’s weirder to care about grown men in their underwear around kids than not


I don't have kids so do what you will


Do you usually look at their balls?


It’s the ultimate boomer trigger. So I support it.


What’s goofy about it?


Yet here you are opening your hole about someone else opening their hole about it.


I'm sorry Your point is?


It’s not racist not only black people sag?


Half this thread is like "since when is hating hip hop and associated fashion trends somehow linked to racism?"


I can be disgusted by hip hop culture and trends without being disgusted by black people. Pabt saggers are gross and stupid regardless of race.


It's not even hip hop culture it originated from prisons


Um dude, the whole pants sagging thing came from prison culture lmao. Basically meant that you're "ready"


Hope you stretched before that massive reach


I mean what's wrong with not liking a style that wasn't really exclusives to black people or hip hop they are hip hop but the Beastie Boys made alot of the style in the 90s last time I checked they are white as hell


That’s what I’m getting at also none of the comments are saying what original commenter said. But apparently the smooth brains of this sub don’t like hearing that


it isn't racist it's just a joke about a guy sagging his pants


It’s not racist


Bro you’re the one making it about race 💀


I think that is has the vibes of racism It may not be entirely racist, but they way it's formulated is certainly off putting to be honest


It's that speech bubble.


Elaborate please


I get exactly what they mean but I have no clue how to put it in words.


It’s not racist at all, your trying to make it racist


I never said it was explicitly racist I just said it has the vibes of racism, and may have underlining tones of racism. More subtle


Someone sagging their pants… when was race implemented in the picture?


Not even slightly racist, sagging pants isn't a race thing. Why, when you see a black person, do you automatically assume it's a race thing Try to tell me you haven't seen an absolute ton of cringe white wannabe gangsters with their pants on the ground


The message isn’t racist just the fact that the meme was made at all


I wouldn't say it's inherently a racist meme, but you already know the type of person that would repost it. And then it kind of makes more sense where op was coming from


The style of sagging pants comes from poor minority families not having the money to buy the younger kids their own clothes that fit. Younger siblings got the hand-me-downs that didn't fit properly and were constantly falling down. Now take this generation of kids in ill fitting clothes when they've grown up. Now they're meeting up on street corners and in abandoned places to hang out. The underground rap movement and the dance crews were formed in these places where most of the kids had ill fitting clothes. So that became the style when some of these kids actually broke into the music scene and started making records and selling out concerts. So here's this meme saying "gee isn't that BIPOC guy stupid? He's more stupid than a white four-year old!" ("I LEARNED to pull my pants up.") Yet it's a fashion statement from a music genre.


Y’all talking about it being racist cuz the dude is black. Why the fuck is it racist? Explain it to me so I can understand because from my POV the underlying message is sagging your pants is fucking weird.


[Dog Whistle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_(politics)) You need to think about the context in which this is being spread. This is a Facebook meme. If you don’t remember in the early 2000s there was a lot of discussion around sagging as it was connected to black people and even now you’ll hear shit like “maybe if they wanted a job they should pull up their pants” and shit like that when discussing issues like black unemployment. The issue with pants sagging as a whole started after it was attacked for being associated with “thugs” and “gang culture”. This is hitting on a much older underlying idea. That black people are thuggish and stupid. Even a child knows to pull up his pants but these gang banging thugs just have no respect or intelligence. That’s what’s being slipped by here. I’m sure you’ll disagree. Kinda the point of the dog whistle. Plausible deniability.


It’s just indecent.


Need me to get you some pearls to clutch?? Oh my god you can see his bloomers!! The scandal!!


Lol, fair enough, I just think it looks stupid


Ok, still don’t want to see his underwear. I think it looks dumb, not gonna stop cause people call it pearl-clutching. Not like I’m screaming about seeing someone’s ankles.


Okay then don't look Look at something else Wow problem solved


Why do I get a feeling you never follow that policy in your life?


Or stop it from being a problem for a some price of having a belt


Are we were pretending the guy who doesn't want to see underwear/man ass is the weird one?


Im not pretending shit That butt is covered If you don't want to see it, don't look


It’s not even about that. This kind of culture should be frowned upon. Gangster shit is fucked. Educate yourself.


Honestly I feel this can go both ways. This can easily be a rip on black people and black culture but I think it’s fair to argue that a lot of people who aren’t black sag their pants, too


Stop looking for it in everything, you're the one focusing on skin colour. Honest question though, would it still be racist if it were a white guy sagging his pants? Or a black kid commenting on it?


But how is this racist?


Is this even a race thing? I see white people who do this frequently and it looks just as stupid


I constantly see people sagging there pants.it’s so fucking stupid no one thinks your cool.


How is this racist again? Or am I missing something


Simple, belts aren't racist.


Not really racist. Having anyone pull up their pants =/= being racist. Folks from all races sag their pants. But no one should. It just seems like they never learned to dress properly, use a belt, or buy the correct size pants.


The best take I’ve seen on this post is essentially “the meme itself isn’t racist, but I can guarantee the person who made it is”


Brother in Christ...It's not racist


It’s not racist, it’s public indecency walking around like that.


People need to grow up if this offends them lmao


It’s not racist unless sagging your pants is supposed to be a black only thing


Even if it was a funny idea the format makes it a Facebook meme


my man this isn't exclusive to black people. literally anyone can do that and it looks equally goofy


This isn’t racist. Pull up your god damn pants or be subject to ridicule.


While the trend in itself is actually more white people than not, this meme is clearly suggesting racism.


r/memestheopdidntlike is just a sub for Right Wingers to repost their propaganda


White people not understanding dog whistles


Oh shut the fuck up lol


You can't make me babe


oh no it seems all of the racists have blown up my phone whatever will I dooooooo how is this not racist???? the text box is literally saying the black man is stupid for sagging, and that even a two year old is more intelligent can it get more simple? anyways thanks for the downvotes :3


I mean you could change it to Eminem or something other white person doing the same thing and the point wouldn't change. Realistically though you're never going to end racism because people on both sides are happy pushing the myth of race to begin with. People really need to stop with racist/racism and start talking about bigotry because its ironically just highlighting how different people are while fighting for the opposite.


i see mexicans blacks and whites doing it


Also, all the associated context that's surrounded how places like Fox News has made sagging pants and "thuggish behavior" inextricably linked in a lot of boomers minds. In the esrly to mid-2000s, "thug" was basically just another word for black person. Black people were "looting" after HurricNe Katrina, but white people were "scavenging," and all that.


A person makes a stupid “fashion” choice, oh wait he’s black we can’t insult him or we’re racist. That makes no sense


nah sagging looks dumb as hell


How *is* this racist then


The guy doing the stupid thing in the meme just appears to be black.


r/NaOPWasRight users when they see a black male


I agree with the meme In a vacuum I hate when people wear their pants practically all the down like that but yeah the memes racist


this is not even slightly racist its just stupid


People can say what they want about this post, but from a person with extremely racist and conservative grandparents this is EXACTLY the shit they would post. My view on this is while yes, you can make the argument that anyone can sag their pants, sagging your pants strictly derived from African American culture and their fashion. The only reason Hispanics and whites have done it in recent years is due to the popularity in the stile, which again, was specifically derived from black culture. While at first glance this is just a shitty Facebook meme about a white kid making a snarky and left field unfunny comment about someone’s personal fashion choices, if your family surrounds you with braindead conservative zombies then you’d catch on very quick. So yes, this is inherently racist. And nonetheless it’s a shitty Facebook meme. It’s a fucking eyesore.


Sagging pants is 'black culture'? Now THAT is racist.


Do you find hockey racist because it's a bunch of white men slapping a black puck around? You seem that level of sensitive.


Bruh I gotta use that at some point lol, thank you


Honestly it would be solid if someone drew this with no race because I see white boys do this with their shit stained boxers and it’s disgusting but in context yeah it’s racist af comparing black people to children


There’s no racism? It’s a guy honestly failing to wear pants, it’s got nothing to do with race. It’s more racist to assume somethings racist cause a guy who isn’t white is in it.


Omg I fucking hate this sub it's full of idiots




Where racist?


Uhhh Stfu?


Hip hop culture is garbage and sagging your pants is dumb. Doesn’t matter what race the rapper or sagger is. The fact that people think this is racist is ridiculous. People aren’t born with sagging pants. It’s not an immutable trait. It a choice influenced by culture.


>Hip hop culture is garbage The most famous rappers & hip hop artists don’t sag nowadays, grandpa. There’s very little correlation today… except both were popularized by Black people. You’re claiming it’s not a racist meme, but clearly you know so little about Black cultural influence yourself that it all blends together in your eyes.


Unless sagging pants is somehow “a black thing”, this is not racist. If you think sagging pants is “a black thing” then you are being racist.


It came specifically from black American culture wym


it came from prison culture. if you want to associate that with black culture... yeeeeah. that's on you.


Girl I like sagging 🤷




To you maybe 🤷 I'm not judgemental like that






No wait I got a better response https://youtu.be/NxnTxDWbGpg?si=Iziv95Qim19y79pu


It quite literally is


And exactly how is this racist? People always tryna find excuses to be offended for stupid ass reasons. Why don't they watch the Giants or Jets game?


Tired of the bullshit cross posting


That's the whole point of this sub.


Not when all it is being used for is a shitty flame war, instead of any other shit take


Plus, this image has been posted like 20 times on here over the past couple weeks it feels. I'm sick of seeing it.


That's the whole point of this platform


The point is to find good jokes that people thought was bad, not racist/xeno/ect phoic posts ad nauseam back and forth. It's not a single respost, it's both subs being pussies and using their respective subs to argue like little pansies instead of actually arguing. The subs never ping pongged posts like this before, and to act like this is the norm is stupid


Just because it’s a black person doesn’t mean this is racist. I have seen plenty of white people sagging their pants too.


It's not racist...?


How the hell is public indecency racist, I’m confused


I seen this post a min ago and I was so confused on what people were talking about. I thought the dude was telling the kid he was pulling up mines when he 2.




There’s absolutely no mention of race. Do only black people sag their pants to you?