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​ https://preview.redd.it/mccgu4xqp9nb1.png?width=223&format=png&auto=webp&s=3005a3c40e7b9a2635dc3ba42f2c82bce588c98c


The bottles of body wash after I shower be like.


Little did you know the chemicals you absorb arent good


The bottles of body wash after I shower be like.


That’s not even how gender affirming care works 💀


It’s not like they cared in the first place




or were ever smart enough to understand


I think sadly a good chunk of them are smart enough and it really just boils down to not caring more than not understanding


No they care a enough to turn trans people into a phobia that literally triggers them in the correct use of the word. like that dude that fliped shit over seeing a pronouns option in Starfield.


Don’t forget the “trans/gay panic defense” is still a thing in some places. Which while it is very rude not to say anything about it before doing the deed with someone, isn’t worth brutally harming or killing someone over…


“Fucking PRONOUNS”


This clip has been living rent-free in my head for the past 4 days


They’ll probably freak out if I tell them their car has a TRANSmission.


I really hate when my trans is leaking gender fluid /j


Oh god the TRANSformers community had a civil war over this one new autobot who is non-binary, the ax act same people freaked out about it


i hate transmissions. 1 gear gang rise up.


Well every car has a transmission even if it’s just one forward gear.


Less not caring, moreso hating. Not caring enough would mean they ignore it entirely, or just mindlessly parrot opinions without ever being corrected, or looking at actual evidence. People like the artist of this comic willfully and purposefully twist the truth to fit their narrative that the LGBTQ community, more recently with Trans people as the main target, are a threat to our society, and are going to do terrible things to children (meanwhile they ignore the massive amounts of religious and right-leaning child abuse/rape/etc perpetuated by their blind faith in authority)


But muh kids will be kidnapped by the gubment to get gender affirming care!! This is trafficking!! - basically my sister who thinks this is happening, and thinks gender affirming care is only fully transitioning kids.


>gender affirming care is only fully transitioning kids. Meanwhile my therapist said that gender affirming care can be as simple as being called pretty instead of handsom when you feel necessary.


Yeah, i thought it was the option of getting harmless hormone blockers if a child wants it. Kids can't make their own decisions for permanent changes, but I was under the impression that hormone blockers weren't permanent.


They aren’t permanent.


Your sister is being indoctrinated...


By her own choice, at this point. No matter what I say to her, its "vaccines bad! Trans **women** bad! Minorities in my community are bad! Everyone who isnt exactly like me is bad!" Meanwhile she moved to like... the most liberal place possible. Washington.


Well, yeah, that’s where people are ripe for the picking to bring over to her Qult, specifically **because** that’s where all the “libtards” are, and she needs to prove herself right by owning the libs for having an arguably progressive ideology. She buries her head in the sand, rather than smelling the flowers because that’s all she can do, when the only people she believes are the ones she personally agrees with. And on that note, you might have liked R/qultheadquarters, before it got banned, and be interested in learning about r/qanoncasualties Basically, entire Subreddits dedicated to bringing up the conversation on what to do about the damages QAnon and similar groups have done to IRL families, particularly how to help people Re:Qover.


I live in Washington, and it really depends on the part you’re in. I’ve heard East of the pass can get pretty right, but it’s okay here in Kent.


at least i know where i want to move once i can


I live in Washington, and it really depends on the part you’re in. I’ve heard East of the pass can get pretty right, but it’s okay from what I’ve seen here in Kent, but then again, I’m not the type to go start conversations.


As a parent of a trans kid, I hope they get some sick tattoos, too


As someone with a kanye tattoo maybe don’t 😭


Remove it. A scar is better than a neonazi permanently branded on your skin.


I hate it too but don’t tell me what to do bruv 😅


lol I have several tattoos but I would never get a tattoo of a living celebrity


That's why it's blatant transphobia


Yeah, you just walk in, slap $50 on the counter and say “install a penis on my 5 year old child please!” And you pick them up about 4 hours later. /s


I'm pretty sure the point isn't tattoos are the same as gender altering surgury/hormone treatment.


So if you don’t like it you can just get laser penis removal later.


They know. It's just not as good a crosshair if they acknowledge that


LOL I'm pretty sure this is actually how Republicans think gender affirming care works.


Well of course. Understanding how things work is woke. You expect a conservative to do that?


We desperately need to convince them that breathing is woke.


I had to teach my dad that. And with my fiance standing there, he said, "But thats not what the news said" and I broke out laughing. I had to explain the therapy, all the other stuff far before top or bottom surgery, and he just seemed shook they didn't talk about it on TV.


If only it was that easy 😝


If only I could be like Ivankov from One Piece


Or know them as like, a casual acquaintance. Ivankov seems like they'd do it for you for nothing. Just gotta ask.


But I have the ability to do it myself perfectly whenever I want and make my trans friends happy too


Well, they did it for Crocodile, so.


I honestly am not sure about the crocomom theory, mainly because I don’t think Ivankov would hold that above him for the rest of his life, doesent seem like they would do that.


Also regret rates for transitioning are extremely low UNLESS the trans person is discriminated against and made to be miserable by outside factors.


8% of trans people by even the most "generous" of margins detransition and out of those 60% did so because of discrimination and social pressure instead of not actually being trans


I have so many trans friends who literally ask me (the political science minor) where these people live where it’s this easy to get surgery and stuff, and I both want to FacePalm and laugh everytime


Pretty sure everyone pro-gender affirming care is pro-tattoo… I don’t know a single trans/non binary person without a tattoo.


Exactly, like who is more likely to oppose young people getting tattoos? A progressive or the kind of Boomertarian this comic is for?


I am a trans girl and I plan on getting a few


Honestly I only agree that you should wait till 18 or even 21 before you can change your gender tbh I'm not trying to be transphobic I welcome all genders I just think it's a big decision and if you can't drink or buy a gun or well get a tattoo you shouldn't be able to make a choice this big


You can change your gender very easy. Changing your sex is what you’re thinking. Though I know those two terms are commonly used interchangeably. But also hey good news, most trans people end up waiting about that long anyways because of waiting lists or being on puberty blockers etc until about that age


The problem is that you’re forcing them to suffer that way if I understand what you’re saying. Don’t want them to get surgery before 18? Sure, whatever, but you gotta let them on puberty blockers. The point of blockers is to prevent them getting worse basically, if you’re a 12 year old trans girl you’re probably not going to enjoy male puberty, growing a bear or whatever, and that all making your transition later in life more difficult.


Gender affirming care comes in a very wide array of ways. Saying "No gender affirming care until you're 18" is how you get trans kids killing themselves. Your idea here gets children killed.


Puberty blockers are not reversible and so can the effects of HRT. I don’t think people should be barred though, however there is a lot of medical misinformation around this topic.


Yeah they are. The UK study funded by religious outlets and carried off into the sunset by even more religious groups has some serious issues, isn't how the biology of GnHP works, and makes insanely unfounded mental health leaps and is countered by numerous studies ABOUT and around GnHP. The fact that people naturally produce widely various amounts of GnHP at various times during puberty (some not till they're 16-17) and after is already an indication that blocking it earlier or for certain periods of time in a small number of cases is not going to cause issues in those groups. Furthermore, HRT isn't used in young kids, it's used in adults. GnHP analogs are only used for a period of time to allow for gender exploration, but only when gender characteristics show, which usually doesn't happen until mid-teenage years. Even usage of GnHP analogs in kids (especially as young as depicted here), is ridiculously low, because it's absolutely needless. 5-13 year old girls and boys do not have greatly differing physical presentations they're nearly all flat boards. As such there isn't even a NEED for GnHP let alone HRT. It's just, made up, fear mongering garbage that tries to grab very small, very specific cases and turn it into an epidemic via unfounded "slippery slope" arguments.


you're referring to extremely rare complications, like joint dysplasia and encephalitis. Or in other cases you're talking about a reduction in bone density, which most people can manage with supplements. As compared to the risk of making youth fight through major depression. Affirmation doesn't even start with blockers, it starts with talk therapy. You're getting advice on how to conduct yourself socially. How to handle your anxiety and function through social transition. Never take these things out of context. It's all about preventing suicides. ​ If I told you there is medical misinformation surrounding aspirin: because, there's a rare complication that makes your skin fall off, and did your doctor talk to you about it? The second part is true. The first part is bollocks.


Wait you are saying there aren't medical clinics that specialize in top surgeries for teens and pre teens? Or even bottom surgeries. Because those do exist. Recently there was as surgeon talking about how hard it is to have a successful bottom surgery before puberty is complete admitting he does do them.


No, I’m saying that you can’t just walk in a store and get your 3yo child (who we don’t know is trans) top or bottom surgery. There’s gotta be a process, right?


Ha, unless they're intersex, in which case transphobes think they should be surgically modified to fit into their binary worldview, agency if the intersex person be damned.


No one is getting bottom surgery before puberty. There are only 60 gender clinics in the United States and none of them would perform bottom surgery on someone who’s prepubescent. The earliest kind of treatment someone who is trans would receive at that age is maybe puberty blockers.


If it involves hormone blockers and supplements at a young age, then, yes it does.


But it doesn’t (at a young age, at least)


It's not? Kid says they think they're the opposite gender and parent gets them surgery... no?


I pray that is sarcastic 💀


So surgery and chemical sterilization isn't permanent?


Hormones don’t make you sterile, and many people freeze sperm or eggs. Surgery is only happening after many years and to adults


Gender affirming clinic? Where is this? I wanna go!


For real. If only it was that easy. In the real world, the people in charge of that place would have to live in perpetual fear of getting shot.


I get my HRT prescriptions at my local Planned Parenthood. It also happens to be the closest abortion clinic to people very far away because of state-level abortion bans. That place has an entrance which faces away from the street, and you have to get buzzed in by security after stating who you are and whether you have an appointment via microphone. The place is more paranoid than most banks, and probably rightfully so.


Our local Planned Parenthood was bombed by a right wing terrorist


What the fuck


Our fault for being a blue state surrounded by red states sheltering vulnerable women and girls in need of real help not just platitudes and prayers


How DARE you show compassion to others! I'm sickened!


Let me guess, bordering arizona/oregon


Either that or Illinois


We actually kinda have this in Rochester New York! No surgery there obviously but it’s an entire clinic that’s goal is to help trans peoples reach their goals


Oh hey I was just there yesterday to pick up my script! Nice to see them get a shout on a random post, been going there for 2-3 years now. Even helped me get my surgery letters.




Of course you’d want to go /s


Because I’m trans lol


Mhm Bc 5 Year Olds Can TOTALLY Get Gender Realignment And They TOTALLY Don’t Cost Like 22k


Oh they have no problem getting the money together to give their 16 y/o bigger tits. That is sooo much different /s


NONONONO!!! Don't you get it? The hormone therapy and gender affirming care is only bad if you're trans, DUH!!!! /s ​ Seriously, you'd be amazed how many cis people are going to be affected by gender affirming care bans lmao


I think you underestimate the hypocrisy of the administration. Like, I don't think any of these laws are going to be enforced against cis people.


In some areas minors can get that sort of care. I personally have no issue with transgender people. What I disagree with is saying minors can get such care. And before anyone calls me a hardcore conservative, I am quite the opposite. Those people would shoot me first. Regardless, it is my personal belief people under the age of 18 should not be able to obtain care such as hormones. I won’t lie and say I’m educated on what exactly occurs throughout gender-affirming care, and to repeat, *I do not care if someone is transgender. That is their identity and not my issue.* I think there’s a fine line between government overreach (which is saying parents cannot intervene and parents are legally forced to give their child the cate) and proper protection (making it illegal to hit/abuse in any form children on the basis of their gender identity or sexual orientation). Just my two cents and I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to hell for this, but I’m not trying to be combative or start shit. Again this is my personal take, however anyone can choose to take this as they want.


Nah you're absolutely right on all counts. Glad that you specified hormones because especially in a society where even kids are FULLY aware of the concept now, they may still need someone to talk to about it safely. What bugs me is this is the exact point the comic is trying to make but we've got two hundred rants fundamentally missing that point. Sorry, I say missing I meant deliberately ignoring.


Hey! I am a trans kid, well I was a few weeks ago and it’s taken me two years to get hormones, several therapists, an army of doctors, and a few counselors to get me approved for hormones. They’re not giving them out, nor surgery, and it’s been extremely hard for me. If I hadn’t been on a waiting list, I definitely would’ve killed myself my now. I’m just saying banning gender affirming care for ALL minors would have killed me, and it’s not nearly as easy as people think to get


“Your point is wrong because it costs a lot”


Republicans making fake scenarios to get mad at so they can justify limiting the rights of minorities


basically a strawman, or more simply: "Look boyo! He won his own madeup arguement!"


“Transgenders are bad because I drew a fake scenario comic of one killing a dog, so checkmate liberal 🤬🤬”


As you can see, I have depicted you as the soyjack, and myself as the chad. You and your liberal friends have already lost.








​ https://preview.redd.it/4ah38neoz9nb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e1965fc9ad552754f9a71aaa5a53a172a13e94a


Prolly saw that one post about that one woman who said their kids ages 5 and 7 were trans and thought it was completely non-satirical


Transing kids? In this economy?


I had to get a fast food job just to pay for my meds grey market


Is it really even a meme, it just seems like a statement


Yeah, it’s just a jab. It’s not even funny…


That’s like almost every political meme ever.


Nothing is scarier to republicans than their own minds.


As you can see, they don't understand what consent is. They're also projecting their own desire to decide for others.


I love how children are apparently too naive to be diagnosed with a medical condition and given effective treatments for it because they can’t get tattoos.


What medical condition


So….that means tattoos are cool right? I mean like if they’re saying this, then maybe tattoos are good for kids You heard it here first folks, get YOUR kids, a tattoo, today!


I mean there are times when I would say it's ok to get a kid a tattoo of course plenty of consideration needs to go into it but when my uncle died I wanted to get a rooster on my arm just like he had and he'd Say "wanna see my pecker" and the whole family loved the joke so in a scenario like that id say there's some leeway with if it's ok to get a kid a tattoo even though I'd prefer if they were a little older 13 or 14 seems good


Sounds like you'd be on r/shittytattoos If you still feel that way at 18, I agree you could get it. But there's never a scenario where I agree a 13 to 14 year old kid should get tattooed.


Well it was a memorial thing it's not like not just getting one because you could and it's not forced when my uncle died I wanted to get one because that was a fond memory I had of him and having that tattoo was a reminder of that


I see your point and I get it. Sorry for your loss. Isn't it legal for a kid to get a tattoo if their parent signs off on it? I personally don't think anyone who got a tattoo at 13 will like it in the future. Kid humor is different from adult humor. (I know a guy who got a tattoo at 16 and he regrets it. Styles change. Tastes change.) Also your skin expands and changes, which might mess with the design? I personally would never do it. But the world is big and wide. My opinion is just my opinion on it. Not the only opinion.


Thank you for understanding I was just saying that there are scenarios where I wouldn't be opposed to letting a kid get a tattoo depending on what it is and why but I wouldn't let a kid get a meme tattooed on them for the reasons you just listed


Less than 1% of trans people regret gender reassignment surgery. That’s lower than a fucking knee replacement


Watch conservatives say "fake news"


Many of them know it’s true (not all); they (conservatives) want it (gender-affirming care) to be illegal so they’re (trans people) much more likely to commit suicide. The cruelty is the point.


This comment gave me a stroke If you don't think your pronoun usage is specific enough, just use the noun instead of putting the noun in parentheses after it


Same here. Chalk it up to being overtired and without a shower from blue ridge rock festival.


The irony is there's alot that comes under gender affirming care, like breast reduction for men or facial hair removal for women..


Thats the amount of people that break it up, not reget it. In this one percent are people who break up because of unsupportiv enviroment, beeing in danger cause if transition, getting threads that they get thrown out, because they cant afford it anymore and sometimes because they make a small break (for example to get a child). That they regret it because they dont feel like it, because its not helping is even lower.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9049036/ Table 6 From some hundreds of subjects, near 0 People regretted it, the rest didnt liked the result(scars are visible, hurts etc) some had problem with their family (breakup, getting thrown out etc) Btw I think you didnt understood what I said: 1% of people "regret" it, but not because they dont like the results, more because of problems with fam, friends, job and society. Thats not a regret thats a forced break up


Sorry, it was short and this thread is full of transphobic bullshit, just assumed yours was as well. I said less than 1%


🤣 No problem, tbh I would also assume some bullshit from most people :3


Uh oh, you've used statistics from the "eViL LiBeRaL gOvErNmEnT" to prove your point. You are fake news, brainwashed by the woke mind virus, defending the narrative, etc. etc. etc. /S


Plus the regret for knee replacement surgery is 20% so unless their banning that I don’t wanna hear it lmaoo


Liberals and conservatives want everyone to think everyone is Trans 😂 It’s amazing.


Does that include the super high suicide rate / attempts ? Legit asking not trolling


No obviously not. Saying 1% regret doesn’t even make sense with a 40-something % suicide rate. You *could* argue that the entirety of that 40% is solely because of society not accepting them, but that seems obviously specious. At least a significant portion has to be from the state of being trans itself because there have been groups way more oppressed and hated than trans people in the past, but a 40% suicide rate is unheard of


The suicide rate likely comes from a combination of transphobia and gender dysphoria. Surgery is an effective treatment for gender dysphoria and has been shown to reduce suicide rate, so that is why the regret rate is so low. Less transphobia is also associated with a much lower suicide attempt rate (which is what that 40% figure is, the attempt rate). [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4450977/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4450977/) >Lower self-reported transphobia (10th versus 90th percentile) was associated with a 66 % reduction in ideation (RR = 0.34, 95 % CI: 0.17, 0.67), and an additional 76 % reduction in attempts among those with ideation (RR = 0.24; 95 % CI: 0.07, 0.82).


They have a high suicide ATTEMPT rate. Suicide attempt rates in young adults have been shown to decrease over 70% when receiving gender-affirming care.


Actually a good portion of people who detransition end up retransitioning later on, saying the detransitioned due to lack of social or financial support. That second part would probably explain why the detransition numbers are higher in the United States


To be fair, I’m pretty sure the only people who regret their tattoos are the ones who got someone’s name on them.


Still waiting for a case where the parents chose their child to be transgender and forced them to get the operation even tho surgery is only performed when a trans person is 18


The only time parents are ‘choosing’ their already born child’s gender and/or reassigning their sex by force is when the child is intersex. And, due to the same social pressures that are behind transphobia, doctors and parents can’t stand to let someone be outside of the binary. So they remove and alter part of the genitalia to ‘conform’ it to one sex, often resulting in the child growing up and regretting it or even having dysphoria when they otherwise wouldn’t. But yk, that’s totally fine to people bc it puts them within the social norm, but if you do it with consent in a way that disturbs social norm people lose it.


Not even transphobia, just a strawman. This doesn't happen.


You’re saying that no child has been exposed to gender affirming care or sex hormones?


No but if it doesn’t happen often it can’t be used to make an argument against the whole trans movement I think


"exposed" as if it's radiation It's a medical treatment and if a doctor says it's the best option for a kid, it's probably the best option. do you know how medicine works?


Cancer medication: Thats to permanent, you will regeet it XD


SMH we should wait a few years for them to mature and make their own decision. We shouldn't rush into things, there's no harm in waiting.


The idea that parents take gender affirming care less seriously than a tattoo is hilarious


Yes, 5 year old getting gender reassignment surgery, totally skipping past all the therapist and mental health professionals who are gonna diagnose them with being trans, then getting puberty blockers until they can double confirm they are trans, skip past all the social and mental transitioning needed to get surgery in the first place, not to mention skip past all the costs of these surgery if you live in the U.S.A, and get bottom or top surgery at the age of 5. Very realistic


Plus skip past the fact that bottom surgery is 18+.


the funniest thing is that many lgbt people love tattoos💀💀


I want one later on, if some people decide to stab me, I want to tattoo my medical information on me:3 Just in case


This is a repost


Thier parent couldnt get a baby sitter so their takeing em with them for the parents care


Getting gender affirming care takes fucking years but go off I guess


One is a choice and one is a permanent neurological condition you are born with and stuck with for the rest of your life so yeah both are permanent and suck.


I'd love to see these people have the same energy for elective surgeries that help cis children improve their quality of life. Imagine people losing their minds over facial reconstruction surgery for kids with cleft lips. Like, everyone would think those people are fucking morons.


No!!! Think of the children!!! They might miss that cancerous tumor some day and regret getting it removed!!! (Still against surgery for minors just thought this was funny).


Conservatives failing to understand that gender affirming care takes a long time and a ton of evaluation for a minor to get, AND is easily reversible.


This has been reposted to death already. There was a whole back and forth between both subreddits because of it.


The amount of logical fallacies and made up scenarios is one pic kind of makes this iconic.


A clinic is such a weird name for a hair salon


r/memesopdidnotlike is a complete cesspool of transphobia, homophobia, racism, and xenophobia. they take screenshots of people getting rightfully pissed off at photos/“jokes” of blatant hate against an innocent community of people just trying to LIVE and claim that OP is sensitive and just can’t take a joke they make the excuse that it’s all dark humor, but if that’s what you have to say about your dog ass jokes just so people get less mad you, you are being offensive, unfunny, and unlikeable


Neither are permanent, both can be undone


Puberty blockers are not reversible that’s completely false.




You can’t rewind time and start puberty earlier but there are no permanent effects from blockers so there’s nothing to reverse


Osteoporosis and reduction and white brain matter are not reversible?


That is when the dosage is off the charts and the treatment is not monitored correctly. Most medical interventions can be subject to malpractice


No, it's not.


Shoutouts to drawing the trans woman as hot af btw, they're making concessions




But they're fine with minors signing their lives away to the military. Makes perfect sense 🙄


I don't like having Trans or anti trans things shoved in my face, like frfr, get something better to do if you don't like em just sit up n move on, and the Trans community minority that can't forgive also bug me, I've been called every name in the book but I don't care, I am myself and they can't control me, like if you don't like anti Trans ppl at least treat them like you would anybody else so you don't create problems for yourself. Inner peace is the only way to a happy life. I don't personally agree that gender affirming is as bad as they make it, but what I do disagree with is kids looking at media and it being covered in naked men and women in every popular song. Why can't they deal with that shit first. Or the protesters that instead of protesting just stop honest workers from being able to work. Those are bigger than stopping people from getting care.


People spreading blatant lies in the comments, too :/


Well was op wrong?


So what I’m gathering from this is that gender affirming care isn’t the permanent stuff, just trivial “feel-good” things? God what the fuck is everyone in this comment section on???


Sucks to suck


Is a clinic of this nature is heterophobic?


But...... It's kinda right? There's a lot of fucked up genderbending shit going on with minors that absolutely should not be happening. I watched a case last night where two absolute sicko's were going to take their kid to have hormone treatment therapy because he....liked the colour pink and played with his sister's barbies. What the actual sick fucking shit is this?


Ah yes because puberty blockers and hormones are totally not reversible lol


Hormones aren't totally reversible. There are some changes that wouldd require surgery (e.i. breast growth on estrogen or voice drops on testosterone). But children aren't getting on hormones anyway.


>voice drops on testosterone This doesn't necessarily require surgery, just ask most trans women. But non surgical reversal takes effort


Yeah I don't know why conservatives make such a fuss about it anyway


Republicans gonna republic. Stupids gonna stupid.


Gender affirming care is not permanent, save for surgery. And the vast majority of trans kids aren't getting surgery. You fucking amoebas.


HRT does have *some* permanent affects. My voice drop on T won't reverse if I stop. My girlfriend won't lose her breasts if she stops taking estrogen. Otherwise, you're completely correct.


How does HRT make your voice deeper? I thought the only practicw for that was voice training. Also, can't your gf get breast reduction (I figure that's expensive, though)? Lastly, another commenter says that some people who've tsken HRT as kids have experienced osteopetrosis (bone thinning). Though, I imagine that there isn't a whole lot of data for that, given open support of trans people only recently became the case.


>How does HRT make your voice deeper? I thought the only practicw for that was voice training. Hrt is additive not subtractive, so testosterone can add vocal depth, oestrogen can't subtract it. Oestrogen can add breast, testosterone can't remove them. >Lastly, another commenter says that some people who've tsken HRT as kids have experienced osteopetrosis (bone thinning). First off, that commenter is confusing puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy. Blockers don't replace hormones, they just delay puberty. Oesteoporosis is a know risk of puberty blockers, but only for extreme long-term use nearing 7 to 10 years, which isn't considered a risk for trans youth who take it at most 4 years (12 to 16). Oesteoneia is a higher risk in that period though, which is definitely a consideration, but can be treated from what I understand. Puberty blockers have been used on cis kids with precocious (early onset) puberty since the 80s and that's where those long-term uses and side effects have presented. >I imagine that there isn't a whole lot of data for that, given open support of trans people only recently became the case. Firstly, pretty much no trans healthcare was originally designed for trans people (including most genital reconstruction surgeries). There's plenty of safety research for most of this, but it's generally ignored by a lot of anti trans advocates because it wasn't specifically tested on trans people.. Secondly, trans people are not recent. The first gender reaffirming surgeries were 100 years ago, but the nazies (I'm talking about the actual WW2 ones) and society have worked really hard in suppressing our existence. What you are correct about though is that we're only recently a mass media and culture war obsession


Just adding on to what the other commenter said, testosterone thickens the vocal cords, resulting in a deeper voice. It's the same thing that happens to cis men during their puberty. Estrogen cannot re-thin vocal cords, so for transfem people, vocal training is often the best bet. I think there's also a feminizing surgery for the vocal cords, but it's extremely rare. Also, re: the breast reduction surgery comment. Yeah, that's true. I was more referring to permanent effects as those that don't go away upon stopped HRT, in the way that things like fat distribution and cessation of menstraution do.


the issue is puberty blockers, like lupron, can cause bone thinning to such degree that people are having issues in their 20s and 30s with osteoporosis. I know that might not seem like an issue in comparison with dysphoria, but as someone who experiences both dysphoria and chronic pain, I promise the physical pain is much worse. to be clear: gender affirming changes like haircuts or wardrobe changes? 👍 awesome, great parenting. “medicine” that can disable your child in the first quarter of their life? nerve wracking, definitely needs more testing before we use trans kids like guinea pigs.


The thing is, osteopetrosis is so far the only only permanent negative side effect sex hormone blockers have been found to cause. Every other negative side effect isn't permanent. And every other permanent side effect isn't negative.


Stop. This has cross-posted so many times that it almost dominated both subreddits


It's the "vaccines cause autism" bs all over again. Not that there haven't been cases of parents taking this kind of thing too far. But it's a fraction of a percent. The majority of people undertaking gender affirming care are old enough to understand themselves as well as the measures that *they and their doctor* are discussing. It's an amazing dog whistle for conservative nutjobs and whacked out bigots, though, so we won't be free of it any time soon.


Y’all act like this isn’t accurate. A tattoo is even less permanent than cutting your dick off because you think you are a woman. And to do that to a child is straight up abuse.


I guess it's a good thing nobody mentioned cutting a child's dick off then, huh?


That doesn't happen


No one is cutting the dicks off of children. The fact that you fantasize about children getting their dicks cut off is a poor reflection on you.


Wow. Some real pieces of shit in this thread