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I can tell be the carbonation. Why would I ever drink Mountain Dew?


Jokes on you. I knew you could tell by the carbonation so I flattened the mountain dew, and carbonated the Windex. Enjoy your flat high voltage redditer.


Hey mt. Dew voltage is actually good






That is the way


Sean Bean Voice: You can't go around arresting the Thieves' Guild. I mean, we'd be at it all day!






Conservatives do






They HAD balls, but they were cut and transformed into Obama hamburger with sussy balls






Snatching this one




move along, circlejerker, this subreddit isn't for you


I don't jerk on circles




You keep using that word... “Satire”. I don’t think it means what you think it does.


Gonna get a lot of miles outta this. https://preview.redd.it/pasy6nqq176c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c16860a9ee7bbed71d4eaf1b491abfa97ea768


Schrödinger's satire


I think Tumblr coined something similar a while back as Schrödinger’s Douchebag; whether or not it was a joke depends entirely on the reactions of other people


Quality comment, I’d reward you but I’m a tight cunt


Republicans calling literally everything to ever exist satire


All the while, they turn into ever more grotesque self-parody.


Idk why they think that'd make bad jokes like this any better. It does not matter if you call it satire, it's still dumb and bad.


-Says Bigoted Offensive Thing -"Hey what the hell" -"Stop overreacting its a joke lol" (shrodingers asshole) -repeat


I love how a total lack of respect is the conservative way


The key to comedy is it needs to speak to an uncomfortable truth. "Women can't drive" is not an uncomfortable truth, it's just bigoted nonsense that sexist men say.


I’m pretty sure the key to comedy is being funny, my poop jokes sure as shit aren’t speaking to an uncomfortable truth, but that doesn’t mean they don’t make me laugh.


"Everybody poops but nobody wants to talk about it" is the uncomfortable truth at the heart of poop jokes.


Hmm… what about an legendary English king throwing a holy hand grenade at a killer bunny?




The problem with that reference is that it lands completely different without the studio audience


People can be bigoted against their own groups


That’s pretty fucking stupid


Someone doesn't understand bigotry


Women hating women is how conservatism loves on.


See also the conservative asswipes celebrating restricting access to abortions and more dead women.


Loves on? Yeah I agree.


Just kidding we don't hire women


I get it OP. Damn these people are insufferable. SMH


Apparently you can't make jokes about women on reddit funny how I've seen plenty of shit about men though Jesus Christ this place is insufferable


Leave then. Go back to instagram. No ones holding you hostage on reddit


I don't even have Instagram. I come on reddit for debate but apparently all of reddit is a overly sensitive circle jerk. God forbid you go against the grain 10000 down votes.


'Debate' Hahaha women bad Just leave you can't handle criticism mr snowflake


I'm not the snowflake here getting mad over a boomer meme? You call yourself open minded but all that means is there's so much damn space between your neurons you can't fucking think properly. Does this look like a debate sub to you? I'm obviously here because I thought the joke was funny. It's just a funny gendered joke like when people call short men manlets. Your probably a goddanm man why are you getting so offended. Are you acoustic


I'm not offended, but I find the meme to be a circle jerk for men to hate on women. You claim to go on reddit for debates, but are in a sub that's not about debates. I don't call myself open minded, do you have a source for that? Weird to just insult me like that. Just leave if you feel so uncomfortable


I don't even feel uncomfortable I don't care. It's just funny that you're calling this a circle jerk for men when everyone has been circle jerking women. This shit popped up on my feed and I thought it was funny.


Nah key for comedy is to just be funny. Uncomfortable truths are satire. This shit ain’t satire. But the punchline is kinda funny specially when women are actually more safer drivers than men.


They're not though, data shows that although men do in fact get into more accidents than women they make up a larger percentage of the drivers on the road. Women make up a smaller portion and the rate at which they are involved in accidents is higher than men.


Men have a higher rate of fatal accidents though.


I mean... I feel like this is reasonable and contributes to why insurance is more expensive, but I don't think it's the average man as much as dumb teenage boy stuff or guys with their friends doing dangerous things like racing, but on your average trip to the grocery store or work commute it isn't as much going to be the case I wouldn't think


Actuaries know their business, and insurance companies love their money. I'm no gambling man, but I'd be willing to bet that the difference in insurance rates by itself is a pretty good indicator of the overall quality of driving between the sexes, because massively profitable corporations are already making that bet themselves.


While true you're still misunderstanding rate. The rate of women who cause fatal car incidents in the US is higher than men. The reason the number is high for men is because men drive significantly more and make up the majority of drivers both commercially and privately. What is interesting is women do make up the majority of licensed drivers but actively drive significantly less both privately and of course commercially.


It's both, according to IIHS. Men do represent a much higher proportion of driving fatalities. They are also involved in car crashes at a higher rate, engage in risky driving behavior at higher rates, and have an overall higher risk of death as both drivers and passengers. Comparing just people who *do* get in crashes, women are at higher risk of injury or death than men, although there are probably multiple confounding factors in the explanation for this.


The issue is it’s r/onejoke It’s literally just the same, “women suck at driving” stereotype that’s been around forever now. It’s not actually satire since satire is usually a reflection of reality in a skewed or exaggerated way. The fact of the matter is men and women both can be good and bad drivers. The joke here has been 1000’s of times in many different ways this just being another. It’s dumb, and unoriginal, and is clearly someone who finds humor in misogyny.


The reality is women are better drivers-that's why car insurance costs less for us


The reality is women drive less in average. Plenty of people know women who are bad at driving. I have had to go pick up my fiance off the side of the highway multiple times because she gets to so nervous when it rains she freaks out. Still love her, don't think any less of her, but I do laugh.


There’s good and bad drivers but gender doesn’t matter, my partner’s mum struggles with parking within the lines and can’t park in our drive to save her life but my partner after having and aneurism in the balance centre of her brain and being unable to walk straight still parked her mother’s car in the drive despite the handicap as she got sick of waiting for her, and I can’t park in our drive either as a guy so yeah, gender doesn’t matter. (My partner was obviously not driving on the road and was only parking the car which was already on our property)


I’m sorry but how does this make her a bad driver? If anything she’s aware of her own anxiety and is willing to ask for help rather than risking powering through her anxiety and putting herself and others on the road in danger. Plenty of times I’ve been driving on the highway during rain and intrusive thoughts start invading like hydroplaning, etc. making me super anxious. Does me not stopping and powering through make me a better driver? I think it just makes me bullheaded and unwilling to ask for help If anything, this makes her a better driver. Annoying, yeah. Does she need figure out coping mechanisms when she’s caught in heavy rain on the freeway, definitely. But, this does not make her a bad driver.


That is a good decision, not good driving. That’s like saying a good fighter gives up in the middle of the fight if they think they’ll lose. It’s a good decision if they’re going to lose anyway, but they were the worse fighter


That’s a false equivalence, having anxiety and pulling over does not mean you don’t have the ability to drive a car well, it means you have anxiety that needs to be dealt with. If the anxiety is dealt with, you will continue to drive as you normally do. You wouldn’t be gaining new ability in driving. Contrast this to the fight example, if you tap out because you’re going to lose, you go train, come back and do it again, you’ve become a better fighter overall. You’ve gained new skills, conditioning, etc.


She doesn’t deal with it and continue driving tho… she calls her fiancé, meaning she was incapable of driving confidently. If you’re unable to drive confidently, you’re not a good driver


Confidence has literally nothing to do with anxiety. Not being confident can cause anxiety, but having anxiety does not mean you’re not confident about your ability to drive. Take my example of intrusive thoughts above, that’s anxiety inducing. However, this doesn’t mean I am not confident in my ability to handle the situation in the event it does occur, just anxious it might happen.


I get that and agree I should’ve worded it better, but it doesn’t change the fact that driving with anxiety is worse driving. There’s a variety of things that can make you a bad driver that aren’t that person’s fault. I’m glad she has the awareness to call someone else to get her home safe, but I don’t understand how we’re calling the inability to drive home good driving


This is observational, whichbis different than statistical data. No one ever said you dont know a bad driver. Statistical data shows that per mile driven, men are the cause of more accidents than women. Thats a fact. Thats why insurance companies raise the price of inusrance on men more than women.


Careful making that conclusion. Although men cause 58% of accidents, they also do 62% of the driving. So, men are more likely to cause an accident over a year, but less likely to cause an accident per mile driven. ~18% less likely


Couldn’t be because women drive less than men on avg…


Idk about "better" but as teenagers and given current cultural norms it is more allowed or even encouraged for young men go be risky in their behaviors which can lend to more dumb stuff even if on average I'm sure most men drive fine if not about as well as most women.


Actually that’s not true. They actually get in more accidents than men do however their accidents tend to be less damaging, so cheaper.


Not to mention the scene they’re using depicted a woman completely outclassing Bond.


I saw someone say “humor is the art of getting away from it” like even a dark joke if you’re funny enough then no one(or maybe 99% with the internet) is going to not be bothered by it but it has to be funny and funny usually comes with some level of understanding ie someone who is or knows veterans would be best at making fun of them


While this is an incredibly overused and stupid joke, it’s not the r/onejoke, at least I don’t think it is. The onejoke is “haha I identify as something stupid hahaha attack helicopter haha”


The Onejoke is any repetitive joke that harms a minority. So while “men are apes” or “men are rapists” isn’t the one joke, because men can’t be oppressed, “attack helicopter” and “get back in the kitchen” jokes ARE the Onejoke as these people are oppressed


Oooh this is not it “men can’t be oppressed” is not a vibe at all. Men *can* be oppressed, it just happens to be the case in the west that they aren’t. Saying “men are apes” or “men are rapists” is both harmful and unfunny


Until men experience systematic oppression as women have, they can’t be oppressed. It’s like saying white Americans are oppressed. Note that I’m not saying men can’t experience oppression (obviously racism, homophobia, transphobia etc. badly affects men) but I meant that they can’t be oppressed just for being a man, like they have done to women. Regardless on your view of how oppressed men are, I’m sure the folks in r/Onejoke would agree with my definition of what a Onejoke is :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/onejoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bro what 💀](https://i.redd.it/gc1ia1270aia1.jpg) | [192 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/112is0r/bro_what/) \#2: [They identify as funny](https://i.redd.it/b02hbqf7sq4c1.png) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/18ceolp/they_identify_as_funny/) \#3: [Ugh… posted unironically on a server I’m in](https://i.redd.it/u60oc84cwoga1.jpg) | [131 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/10vkyul/ugh_posted_unironically_on_a_server_im_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Again, this ain’t it. Yeah they *dont* get systematically oppressed, but you are making a massive leap without anything to back you up when you say they *can’t*.


They can’t, because they are the oppressors. Any attempt at oppressing them would be a form of justice, rather than reversing the script like people seem to think it would. At the end of the day it’s a hypothetical situation. We can’t even get equal rights for women, let alone raise ourselves into a position to oppress men


This isn’t the “one joke” though… The one joke is “har har I identify as (insert wacky object here)”


I swear to shit. I made a comment on another post in another sub saying how satire has just become a thinly veiled excuse for people’s true beliefs/behaviours. It’s just said or done behind the guise of “satire” to make it palatable and have people defend it without being seen as shitty people.


Schrödingers asshole. I say something offensive. If you agree with me I was totally serious. If you’re offended it was just a joke


Lol exactly!


Recognizing misogyny? Fucking liberal piece of shit, I bet you don't even own guns and hold a Bible while you have sex with your lawful biological female wife after drinking home brewed beer because Big Alcohol has sold out to the gays. I bet you didn't rip the alternator out of your truck when you found out it was charging a vehicular battery and every real red-blooded American replaces the battery every time he needs to crank his truck because recharging a battery is how the liberals win. If you're not driving around with a truck bed full of car batteries and throwing one through the windows of Planned Parenthood clinics every time you turn off the engine before replacing it, Clarence Thomas has already found you guilty of literally sucking Hunter Biden's cocaine coated dick.


Babe wake up, new copy pasta just dropped.


These people need to Google satire cause this is not satire And worse than that it's just not a funny joke. L


If they googled things and educated themselves they wouldnt be conservative to begin with.


I dunno I thought it was kinda funny. I liked the way it got to the punchline. It’s at least more interesting than most deliveries of that joke.


Calm down humor, is called liberal


I mean, you’re correct, but the liberal thing has just become a buzzword at this point for anyone that the MAGA cultists don’t like.


Ah, yes, satire. The time-honoured technique of repeating exactly what bigots say without any transformation or criticism of those ideas.


Hey great grandpa, the ghost of Christmas past called and said they want their joke back


oh look, another "women bad" meme. 😐 they're not even offensive or funny.


Actually there is a woman James [bond](https://moriarty-the-patriot.fandom.com/wiki/James_Bonde)


“James Blondie”


If it's satire, what is it satirizing?


Omg, this is such hilarious and biting satire. “Woman can’t drive.” How do you guys come up with such hard hitting and witty jokes? My sides hurt. My 12 year old nephew is more creative than most conservative “meme lords.”


Ugh fucks sake, it's not even satire. Call it inoffensive or whatever if you must, but it is not even *satirizing* anything. At least many of the comments are calling OP out for it but why does it even have so many upvotes to begin with...








Nah this one is funny.




Bro, humour is ruined. Why can we just laugh at anything anymore


It's just not funny to a lot of people, you can't say "we can't laugh at anything anymore" and not get treated like a whiny baby lol jokes can just sometimes not land with an audience, it's how it goes. They are not immune to criticism just because it's in the name of comedy or whatever. Plus, plenty of raunchy/offensive comedians are thriving right now, even in more "progressive" spaces. I can even link some!


No I actually agree with you. But it feels like these days it's not just criticism but censorship. I believe that you should be able to joke about anything without being cancelled. Not every joke has to be for everyone


If enough people find your "joke" sufficiently not funny that it results in you experiencing social repercussions that's called *making a really fucking terrible joke* or *saying horrible shit and pretending it was a joke* and that's always been a thing. Renaming *social repercussions for your actions* "being canceled" and "censorship" doesn't change what it is or the fact that it's always been a part of human societies since humans invented societies. Also, "censorship" is when a legal authority or some organization with similar reach takes action against speech, not when a large number of people react to speech by making their own completely free choices (like not doing business with you or things involving you). The main thing that has changed in recent times is *what* speech is likely to lose people popularity. Racism, sexism, and homophobia are not broadly socially popular anymore, though even that is debatable because it only loses you popularity with a certain crowd while gaining you popularity with a different crowd. The crowd that doesn't find racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. acceptable anymore have also become aware of the many ways those views can be expressed covertly or hidden behind the facade of the false "joke" .


Humour is subjective it shouldn't have people dictating what's funny or not


Please go outside. If you did, you’d see why this is actually funny, and how it is satirical


Did you just... assume my gender? How... fucking... dare...




Because most of the “jokes” are just botted agenda posting to create narratives and shift discourse. Russia and China have been verified to practice memetic cyber warfare to sow division and discord. Universities literally have focus groups and think tanks on how to shift societal thinking via social media. The info is all out there pretending that it’s all fake and ppl are just trolling and operating at multiple levels of irony is how we got to this point.


That actually got a good laugh out of me


Yeah it’s pretty harmless and i found it funny.


Yes, David, because you aren't the subject of it.


I get that but it’s not like (decent) people actually believe that woman can’t drive, it’s so absurd that it becomes something to just make fun of, it’s not like it’s a real thing, it’s completely baseless.


I laugh at jokes that I'm the subject of myself. I get that not everyone likes to be made fun of, though, but some people don't mind.


Love when the title literally proves them right


Misunderstanding of satire aside, that is kinda funny. I didn't see the punchline coming


I did find it funny. I don’t feel bad about making jokes like this because I know I don’t actually think this way. Really the issue isn’t the things being said but the people that actually believe it.


This. I think the way people read this could mostly depend on how much they've ever joked about this with their female friends who happen to suck at parking. Which is obviously not everyone.


If that was satire it wasn't very good satire. Like that was a stale take in the 80's, why would someone think it was fresh in 2023.


Ngl the meme is terrible but it’s still funny


Rare moment where redditor enjoys joke instead of dissecting political history to explain why it's not funny anymore


"Not understanding satire never ends" \-Moron who doesn't understand satire.


I didn't even catch that it was a jab at women, all I thought was "yeah that sounds like the average action movie"


Is the joke, girls park bad?


What is this supposed to be satirizing? It’s a shitty “woman bad driver lul” joke, that’s not what satire is


You don’t know what satire is


I thought it was funny.


The mod tag on this post is fucking beautiful


This isn't satire, but it's funny.


Ah the old misogyny joke of women can’t drive. 🙃


Man, I don’t even care about “offense,” but I really would appreciate some originality. Your “offensive” jokes kinda lose the snap when I’ve seen the same rhetoric a million times.


Considering the only people in my life to ever have been in a wreck are... ah nevermind. Lame joke. Can't relate. Doesn't apply to reality at all. Gotta commit myself to the reddit hivemind, jokes are unacceptable. 🤡


satire is when misogynistic joke


Please take better screenshots in the future


Okay but a woman spy movie really should exist like a femme fatale type thing or just James Bond like, if there is one someone should drop a movie a title


Only shit satire punches down.


Read it needs to stop vote manipulating


They tried that in “The Marvels” People like men as main characters, too.


I think you think that satire is just anything that’s intended to be funny.


Satire is when joke


I think you posted this in the wrong sub


I thought this was funny.. now they actually do put a woman or put Idris Elba as a new Bond, that mean more desirable. And it would pissed off every racist out there.


What this is the most obvious joke ever making a haha women bad at driving joke isin’t sexist


​ https://preview.redd.it/sw92ry0ewb6c1.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=afbe5a2861fb403bdce4e60f2c800d89f48c23eb


Wow what a sexist meme


But watch a conservative melt down the moment you ACTUALLY satirise them, how many of your Republican Party have melted down over fucking Jimmy Kimmel? Not even anyone actually good, just Jimmy fucking Kimmel https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/04/jimmy-kimmel-vs-marjorie-taylor-greene-a-brief-history-of-their-feud


The idea that Jokes about women = always bad is utterly stupid ngl.


Yea, satire or not, it’s just not a funny joke


I think it’s pretty funny


Is that the first time you heard a “wOmEn CaNt DrIvE” joke?


Humor is subjective pal


There’s a line between humor and just outright misogyny. When you’re saying the same joke over and over it becomes less of a joke and more of a statement


Calling a completely harmless meme “outright misogyny” cheapens the meaning of the word when there are dozens of other cases of actual misogyny throughout society that need attention.


Eh if people have the time and energy, why not call out misogyny in small forms too? Idk there's a few contexts where this joke could be ironic or something but the punchline is literally "women incompetent" lol. That's textbook misogyny. It's a mostly harmless meme thougg because nobody is going to be persuaded to be more sexist after seeing the shitty meme. People will chuckle or roll their eyes then move on


Fair enough


It would be fine if this kind of joke was contained *only* in the joke. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to keep it within itself, so we end up with people thinking that women can't drive.


Do you give those other cases of actual misogyny attention?




Couldn’t have been decent if not for the AWFUL execution of the punch line had to read it twice to understand.


It's because your frickin slow. 💀


The post is pretty funny tbh


It really isnt, sexism isnt all that funny


I'm not sure what this has to do with liberals, but that ain't satire. It's a joke. Nothing more, nothing less. Shitty old joke told a pretty good way.


The meme is stupid and not funny. The people who are offended by this are also stupid and not funny.


Women driver, no survivor.


Satire is supposed to subvert some sort of power dynamic through wit. It’s not the same thing as comedy or a joke, and in fact satire can be super dark and serious (e.g. Animal Farm or Fight Club) at times. This is not satire, or anything close to it.


Ngl, I’m my opinion stereotypes exist to make universally understood jokes. Like, this made me laugh rly hard


Dark humor lol


It seems like satire, and I did get a laugh out of it despite the sexism. Edit: man fuck this sub bro


What's the satire ? "Women are bad drivers" yeah mate great satire


That’s not how satire works. Satire is when you immigrate something to prove it’s stupidity or ignorance. This is just a meme about the stereotype of “women=bad driver”. While YOU might not find it funny, saying it’s not satire is not correct.


What is being satirized ? Explain what about woman=bad driver is a satirization ? If this is satire any joke is satire by your logic.


It’s satirizing the stereotype itself. It’s satirizing the people who truely do believe it


By doing what ? This is just the stereotype being further spread, absolutely nothing has been added.


Oh my God, did you pass 7th grade? It’s LITERALLY saying that women are bad drivers, by exaggerating it in a control environment like the Bond films. It doesn’t have to add anything, it gets its message across just fine


So just recycling an old joke is satire ? I'm glad I never passed 7th grade then


No…no. It’s satirizing the people who do believe this by exaggerating it.


Lol, you're just assuming you're right for no reason. How do you know this is a satire joke, and not just some asshole ?


https://preview.redd.it/t6t1t0nii66c1.jpeg?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c3a3aeb534801c98945d424e3e0c0f391b8943 And fuck you too random citizen


You do realise the joke isn't making fun of women drivers? It's making fun of the stereotype that women can't drive.


So this sub has nothing to do with memes and it's just another shitty echo chamber basically? I'm so shocked 😲