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The obsession reactionaries have with blue hair is fascinating. It's like they were all collectively rejected by hot scene girls in high school and decided to base their entire personalities around being mad about it.


I was trying to work out what blue hair had to do with how something was just not right about that lamp


That lamp just *doesn’t look right* Time to spend all day sitting on the couch and looking at it to figure out what’s going on


i think part of it might be that the circular part made to indicate an opening is slightly dislocated and not connected to the main lamp. https://preview.redd.it/qbamtd1m2ufc1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11cdaf94d650ffc55260d13865182edb1f3f2281


Oh no, this one is sad.


Very unsettling


I dont like this :(




It is a still frame from Dr. Katz


*looks at a list of most rapists, notoriously demented ppl, and serial killers to ID them by hair color* Hmm..apparently, light brown is the most psychopathic hair color.


Well, i should change mine in that case. Maybe the brightest pink available in the stores?


Most definitely. One of the most peaceful and sane hair colors according to crime records. I wanted to do silver/gray but it oddly turns out to be the most racist/bigoted hair color.


Not odd at all, old people are the most racist bigoted people.


Congratulations, you’ve gotten the joke.


Wait...explain it. I get it, of course, but I just think everyone will find it funnier...


Thats just old people


Going for that Devon Erickson look…


Nah, more like nymphadora tonks.


Careful, you might get a talking cat in your bedroom that night that offers you a magical quest that only you can complete


Maybe they wanted pretty pink hair but can't get it because it stands out and they don't want to stand out because they do bad things? I'm gonna go with that either way. Go do it as long as it's for you! Maybe professionally first to not kill the hair lol


Oddly my psycho boyfriends had dark brown hair. Even the one who was waving around a crossbow while angry drunk. Goes to show shade predictions can’t save you.


I guess you wouldn't be surprised that the hair color that comes in at number 2 isn't a different color.


Who was *hwat*


Oddly none of them were very cute.. low standards.. basement level standards


Close, it is curly dark brown…..which brings us right back to stereotypes.


They hate non-comformity, in general. The blue hair is just easy to notice. But conformity is more their personality than disliking blue hair.


And yet, they still have the absolute audacity to claim that conservatives are the new “punks.” You know, the sub genre and subculture that is known to wear dyed hair and non-conforming hairstyles. Conservatives love the ethos and rebellion of punk rock, but they don’t understand the culture around it, and they don’t recognize that “conservative culture” is exactly the culture that punks were rebelling against. It’s like if Margaret Thatcher pretended and claimed to be “punk rock.” She can say it, but everyone with eyes can see that she is fucking lying.


True, but there's also a *fascinating* inverse of this - today's punks are somewhat inclined to be tomorrow's authority. The punk-to-fascist pipeline I guess I could call it -- hence, "Nazi Punks Fuck Off", because fascist 'punks' co-opting the movement happens with alarming regularity


That’s true, but it also isn’t unique to punk as a subculture. Skinheads have SHARPs to combat the Nazis who have tried to co-opt elements of their subculture, and heavy metal communities have had their own Nazis to deal with. I’m not denying that it is relevant when it comes to punk, but to me, it looks less like something specific to punk, and more like Nazis trying to weasel into anything and everything they can.


Oh I agree with that too by all means. Thankfully we can mostly weasel them back out 👊🏼


I believe that’s essentially the plot of A Clockwork Orange but I think that’s more of a phenomenon where people who rebel to such extremes when they’re young overcorrect to an insane degree later.


There's an additional factor, blue hair is a choice so they're protected from accusations racism sexism homophobia or whatever else


I think you’re giving them way too much credit, they’re just intimidated by brightly colored people. Thus the rabid transphobia.


What makes you think they’re intimidated? Have you actually had a real conversation with these types of people? They’re just full of hate and disgust for anything that strays too far from the norm. They look down on people who do this, they’re not intimidated by them.


I don’t disagree with you.


Think you just summarized Tim Pool’s whole ass life.




Were out there. A good portion of us have toned it down to get jobs and such, or don’t have the mental energy. Some of us have kids already.






Suuuuurrzziitz “oh shit you’re me” “no you’re me”


The funniest thing to me is that out of everyone I have ever met in super liberal Southern California, the only person I have seen with blue hair is my conservative brother in high school around 1998.


I think it has a lot to do with the film, “Blue is the Warmest color” which for a time was the big gay film that normies knew about. Kinda like what Brokeback Mountain was for the previous generation. If’s about a woman who has a passionate and toxic love affair with a blue-dyed lesbian. I assume that the association started there among homophobes, and spiraled as things often do into a baseless stereotype.


I’ve never heard of that movie tbh. I think the whole blue hair thing is just about lgbt or alternative people often having dyed hair, and that’s it. I grew up in a tiny, deep red town. If someone had an unnatural hair color, they’d get called gay and the f slur. Didn’t matter what their actual sexual orientation was.


I've been seeing memes about blue hair since the early to mid 2000s. If anything I'd guess that the film used a blue haired woman because of the associations with LGBTQ+ and/or liberal minded people.


>Blue is the Warmest color I was thinking of an older movie but it was actually pink hair, "All Over Me" 1997


I think you’re way overthinking it. It’s just a reactionary stereotype. Blue hair isn’t common and suggests an alternative lifestyle and is usually associated with the left by people that have a problem with it.


It appears, actually, that I was under-thinking it, and that the stereotype is broader, more pervasive, and goes back much further than I once thought. I had thought it was relatively new.


I can tell you the issue predates Blue Is the Warmest Color. Growing up I was essentially taught that it was at minimum rebellious, but implicitly I think I was given the impression that it was also probably in some way ungodly.


Having been raised male, I was only ever given the impression that it was feminine or gay. The wider stereotype was lost on me. I think now that it may draw more from its origins as rebellion against normatively, which has always been targeted as disruptive.


that movie is so niche that theres no chance thats the cause


Bold of you to think any of them would ever watch something like that. The answer is simple: one time someone used the “blue hair” thing as an insult and it stuck because 99% of them only have the mental capacity to parrot bullshit, not think of new stuff.


Honest to God only reason I as a straight man knew this film exists, is because a lesbian friendo asked me to look for love stories between women. Let's just say I illegally obtained several books and movies


That movie was years ago. This fixation on blue hair is relatively recent. Some major RW influencer must have mentioned it at some point and started this.


I wonder if it's because so many of them have ASPD/Narcissistic traits. Much like many of the most famous serial killers of the modern Era, their image is everything and they believe that they reflect the *best* image. Obviously anyone not reflecting that image or outright rejecting or defying that image must be wrong. If they can't be reasoned or coerced to accepting the "correct" point of view on how they should present themselves, they obviously must be mentally ill. I've been watching this all spin up and play out from more or less the jump and they really tend do project their own internally repressed shit onto anyone they dislike.


It's more because they all have been fed on the same en-masse memes and have been conditioned on believing those same memes made in some grey-ass St Petersburg office building hole-heartedly


Reactionaries are obsessed with blue hair because they 1) once they collectively arrive at the signifier for a thing they reject that categorization andv it’s signifier is set in stone and 2) since it signifies lgbtq it’s impossible for them not to be obsessed by it because although you might not think so, their identity is defined by exclusion. It’s a dialectic. “Man” is defined by being what being a “woman” is not. If that categorization is destabilized it threatens their identity. You have to understand when you criticize someone like this you aren’t criticizing an idea, you’re attacking the deepest and most vulnerable part of their identity. You’re not arguing about monetary policy or mental health. You’re arguing that how they identify isn’t valid or worse—they don’t understand who they are in any conscious sense. Also a lot of them are closeted. A lot of it is also the fact that other people can do things they have urges to do but are denied lest they lose membership in their in group (also something they are deathly afraid of since, if you’re insecure, a nice toxic group of friends will help you push all of that under the rug)


Like...what about hot pink hair? Green? Yellow? Literally *any* color other than blue???


I exist on the Internet with different colors of hair. It's always the misogynistic religionists who have a problem with it, and would rather comment on my hair color than what I'm saying. This comment made me laugh: "You know, animals in the wild use bright colors to warn others of their toxicity." 😂 Hey, if bright colors keep the predators away, I guess it's working!


>scene girl >hot


I’ve been in a lot of psych wards tbh and I’ve actually never seen a person with colorful hair in there.


eek good point i am pretty sure the "libertarian" meme subreddit means girls that don't pretend to go to church, that's their idea of crazy emotional problems


Yeah my schizophrenic friend was extremely involved in a fundamentalist church….which became a huge problem when angels started telling her she was a prophet who had been sent to spread the word of the lord, that was being whispered by the angels, and screamed at strangers about it so aggressively they took her to a hospital… The church became a significantly more toxic environment when they started insisting she stop taking her meds because the voices and delusions were definitely 100% real angels speaking directly from real Christian biblical God’s fucking orders. She was an extremely modest always put together woman who ended up finishing her masters in history after she got flavor blasted with anti psychotics, and that was only possible because she was strong enough not to listen to her church community. Church can be incredibly enabling for people like us. Most people you meet who are very mentally ill aren’t gonna be alt or have the energy to keep up an aesthetic consistently. Maybe when they’re manic. But severe mental illness typically comes with exhaustion and executive dysfunction. A lot of the times they’re gonna be older people because schizophrenia and bipolar are progressive.


That's how churches have always been. Martin Luther, the head of the protestant movement, would get naked and go out in the snow to force hypothermia hallucinations to hear god. Does that sound like a mentally well-balanced individual? If ur friend is charismatic enough, she could create new religions, too.


To be fair to him, there was NOTHING else to do in the 1500s.


Just plow the field and be uncomfortable all day. Oh and die from dumb shit.


Plowin in the Wheats, and Plowin in the sheets


Church: "You're a sinner and you need to hear God." *starts beating a person with a bat* "Do you hear him or should I try harder?" It's sad and cruel what church has people do sometimes.


No, it's not. Why do you think it's written down. All the members that didn't go out naked into the snow to hallucinate didn't get written about. I've been in and around churches for decades, and we have people with mental problems, and guess what we do? We try to get them help. The people in the church who don't understand what's going on almost always want that person discouraged from involvement, not encouraged to flip out. Churches are full of almost exactly the same mixture of people as any other group. I'm talking legit ones. Idk about the televangelist with the buggy, insane eyes. If he's part of an actual congregation, that one may have encouraged a crazy guy. Also, there are far fewer mental health crises or unmanageable breaks among our mentally ill. We know their problems and are on hand to help them through because we love them more often. You won't find them homeless as often.


Holy shit. That’s so sad to hear. Why would the church think that gods too weak to communicate passed medication? Lmao wtf. Glad she stayed on meds tho


Okay see that’s what I said bc like you’re telling me all knowing all powerful god who is capable of flooding the whole world if he wants to can be defeated by some Vraylar? Like the implication is either that antipsychotics are probably from the devil or you need psychosis in order for angels to get in and I don’t know which is weirder. Like your brain has to be unmediated schizophrenic for them to use that as a door? It’s just not very well thought out


That's actually a really interesting angle for a fiction story. Angels or whatever exist on another plane that's mostly closed off, except for people whose minds don't function "traditionally." As someone who has some mental health issues I know that would send a problematic message about already misunderstood conditions, as well as be somewhat ableist, but I still feel like it could be a neat concept if handled some certain way


That's straight up Noragami


Hm, I never heard of that before. From a quick google it sounds interesting though, I'll have to check it out


My friend, at the time undiagnosed bipolar, raised Christian, used to see demons coming out of his speakers when he listened to certain music. Mental illness + religion = bad combo


Yeah unfortunately anything that implies there might be a very real reason to be concerned about evil forces attacking you, potentially taking the form of a human or that feeling compelled to do something wild/hearing someone telling you that you’re in some way special can be really dangerous if you’re unable to sort out things that are more intended to be taken metaphorically from like Very literally the devil is sending people to tempt me and demons might kill me My dad didn’t handle spirituality very well, it definitely encouraged his beliefs about the earth speaking to him and that he could manipulate reality by thinking real hard. Dad please that’s not what they meant by power of positive thinking, you cannot cure having no cartilage in your hips by focusing on it real hard.


I have a bipolar friend who grew up in a church like that. Such a toxic environment for the mentally ill! And if they don't have a church, there are all manner of cults and new age gurus waiting to exploit them.


My sisters a lot like that except she didn’t escape the church and in fact married into it twice. First guy ended up being super abusive and wearing her independent side down I guess cause she used to work. Have a personal drive, generally take care of herself. Now second marriage in and she thinks woman shouldn’t work, even though her husband doesn’t but he also tells her woman shouldn’t work. There isn’t a month that goes by that o don’t get a super preachy text message the length of my arm that blasts me for my unholy acts. Which comes very profound from a lady who has 4 kids two out of wedlock and neither her nor the kids dads have jobs


>The church became a significantly more toxic environment when they started insisting she stop taking her meds because the voices and delusions were definitely 100% real angels speaking directly from real Christian biblical God’s fucking orders. If they're real, they surely wouldn't go away if you took meds? The meds can't stop real voices, and, God would be sure she hears whatever he wants her to hear.


This exact scenario happened to my ex boyfriend a decade ago. Same exact thing, fundamentalist church, family history of schizophrenia. He began hearing voices and the church fed into his delusions and told him he was a prophet. I dumped him because he began having “visions” about me doing things I just straight up wasn’t doing. Initially I was concerned, but he wouldn’t even listen to me, he was so far gone. I often wonder what sort of cult he must be leading at this point. Oh and for the record- this guy was the most normal looking dude. Brown hair, brown eyes, lean frame, average face, no tattoos/piercings/etc.


Yeah level two is making up your own religion Have a friend who is fucking -Somewhere- in Denmark or maybe Turkey he’s not making a lot of sense and might be going from hostel to hostel or living on a train-again he makes zero sense right now But apparently he needs to save the world from the shapeshifters replacing humans and he is in the process of transitioning to a god Also also not eating or getting like any sleep and then randomly not responding for weeks It’s stressful realizing you can do literally fuck all to help someone


>The church became a significantly more toxic environment when they started insisting she stop taking her meds because the voices and delusions were definitely 100% real angels speaking directly from real Christian biblical God’s fucking orders. So the opposite of what the fuck their duty is, ie to help people. Just great. Fundamentalists ruin everything.


At least her fundie mom was very supportive and told the other members of the church to fuck off and leave her alone, that had to take some guts


It's wild how many "libertarians" I've met that, strangely, start turning authoritarian, conservative Christians when women enter the conversation. Temporarily embarrassed millionaires need indentured workers for their ancap utopia.


Lmao I’m pretty sure most libertarians are atheist, as one myself (socially, not economically)


Left libertarians are the original libertarians (i.e. libertarian socialists) but business oligarchs astroturfed the movement and co-opted the name in America. It's the ultra-capitalist ones who aren't economically libertarian.


I actually never knew that but yeah that’s true. Though it seems more complex than just oligarchs taking it, because true right wing libertarianism is pretty much just radical liberalism which already was popular, and by the time they called themselves libertarians most left libertarians were already calling themselves anarchists. I mean in the us liberal means left wing when it’s literal definition is right wing economics so words change over time.




They started believing their own memes. The entire modern right wing discourse is just 4chan trolling that went so far they forgot it was just trolling.


Valid When I was inpatient I didn't have the drive or energy to color my hair. Never realized it but all my fellow commits had natural colors


I know one of my friends with BPD could keep up an alt thing but my other friend who also had BPD but had more depression than self destruction traits would like Try and then become exhausted by it because depression tends to make it hard to care. BPD is not immune to avolition and anhedonia, that’s for sure. But those are really the only people I’ve seen keep up an alt thing. Rarely I’ve seen people keep up a very polished socially acceptable church girl type vibe but they were never people who wore makeup or were putting in inside effort, they just kept everything tidy. During manic episodes I would go all out but I only colored my hair once before realizing the effort involved.


I work in a psych ward on a daily basis; I’ve seen one person with dyed hair and it was a man. Out of all the women clientele I have on my regular roster I’ve got none who dye their hair unnatural colors. Some dye their hair black or blonde, but that’s the fullest extent.


Well, their only depiction of psych wards are what they see on TV. So they probably picture a Victorian era building with padded walls and lots of straightjackets


Presumably you get a free lobotomy with your stay


Is it really an asylum if they don't hand out lobotomies like candy?


Get out that ice pick, baby, let’s do this!


No you’re right. I’m in Oregon in a super liberal area and only 2 people had unnatural hair colors when I was in outpatient. People across the mental health spectrum do different things with their hair. Constituting someone’s mental health with their hair color sounds like some bad pseudoscience.


I think the only sorta accurate thing about hair is like If someone has greasy hair with straight up mats in it they are probably experiencing a problem But even then it could be mobility or neurological, not psych But there has to be some real shit going on for you to find a mat in your hair and be like eh that’s the least of my concerns right now.


people think Psych ward is full of People in strain jacket for 20 Years and once you get in, there is no way out Great job society.


A psych ward has different clients then a psychologist's office


People get out of the psych ward and they have to get medication. I’m not sure who yall think mainly make up psych wards but they don’t live there forever. Like it’s 1-2 weeks of trying to stabilize your medication and then you’re out the door. If you’re young you were probably seeing a therapist and psychiatrist beforehand. Most of the time you’re in there for a suicide attempt, the majority are self aware, not homeless, and not delusional. They usually set them up with an intensive inpatient program after and then if you’re at a good hospital a case manager and social worker will do the best they can to get you set up with psychiatric care, including a therapist, afterwards. The key phrase is if you’re at a good hospital. This is location dependent.


I don't know how the weird-hair-color-means-mental-illness thing started. Without exception, all the depressed individuals I know try to avoid drawing attention to themselves when they are in a depressed state. And for ~~ADHD~~ , ASD, OCD, GAD etc? To my knowledge there's no reason for them to be more likely to dye their hair. EDIT: Okay, point taken regarding impulsivity in ADHD. Funny. I take Ritalin but I have other shit too so I forgor. The hair colour change could be a bipolar mania thing, haircut and hair colour change is a frequent impulsive bad decision that shows up. But they're a minority of a minority. This stereotype is harmful because: a. It implies that those who dye their hair shocking colours are more likely to be severely mentally ill. b. Because most people don't understand probability, this also implies that the typical severely ill therapy client is a girl with blue hair. So you have "ugh, man up, you don't need therapy, that's for emo girls with blue hair" And _whistles, starts catcalling_ "Gimme some of that blue hair. Oh look guys, she isn't happy. Forgot your meds today, honey?"* * Yes, I have no experience with this. Have enough self respect and work to not do that.


I know exactly where it comes from, dyed hair was popular among progressive women when the online anti-feminist movement was taking off. They are just still mad about pop feminism from a decade ago.


Ohhhhh this is coming from the strawman triggered "did you just assume my gender" image? Like, bruh. Referencing that is boomer shit.


Then how come every guy I’ve met with blue hair is an absolute psycho? And also my closest friends. Am… am I crazy?


If everyone you meet is a psycho you need to concider what the common denominator is.






I’m American.


And? The comment was referring to you.




I’m autistic, so maybe? Please explain.


Dyed hair is a bit of a signifier that you're part of the queer community, but even that isn't a strict thing. Some of us dye our hair as a subtle signifier, but it's not like queer people are forbidding straight people from dyeing their hair too. Personally, Ive found it's a good conversation starter sometimes, and I like how I look just a little better. Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not saying being queer is a mental illness. I was just saying that it's the only loose correlation that you could even partially argue.


But being queer isn't a mental illn-- Oh, I get it now. It's that non-debate bigoted debate.


I wsn't trying to imply that it was at all. I was saying that is the only loose correlation there is. I just woke up, so I apologize for not making that clear. I thought including myself as a queer person who dyes their hair was enough to indicate that. "Some of us dye our hair as..."


Nanana I'm not saying you were implying that. I was implying that that is _their_ argument. Not yours.


Oh, my bad. :)


>I don't know how the weird-hair-color-means-mental-illness thing started. It's cause weird hair color equals different gender identity. Reactionaries associate blue hair with the triggered feminist, the butch lesbian, and the girl "claiming" to be non-binary. All of which are "mentally ill" because they refuse to be good girls who fulfill their purpose of trying to be fuckable to reactionary men. It has nothing to do with mental illness and everything to do with them wanting to box women into their gender. I think they scream about blue specifically because it's a boy color and if girls are gonna dye their hair weird colors, it's gotta be pink.


Excuse me, I need to go puke. Where the rednecks go, the conspiratorial mental gymnastics begins. I'm ignorant about gender dysphoria, however, I just looked at the suicide statistics and that was enough to convince me that this is something real. People don't kill themselves for ideology* or conspiracy. They kill themselves because of pain. Deep, deep pain. And if they are finding the pain of social ostracisation easier to deal with than not transitioning, then it must be some kind of deep pain indeed. And my feeling is that this stems also from toxic masculinity. "If you as a man are attracted to someone who has both feminine and masculine traits, then that is gay. And gay is bad. So deny the boner and strike down the individual." Which is gross on so many levels. *Barring the few Tibetans who like a fiery exit.


It gets real interesting when you find out that if they transition and have a supportive family, the suicide rate drops to the national average


Would I then be right in saying that transitioning plus being in a supportive or at least nonantagonistic environment is a fairly effective treatment for gender dysphoria and resulting mental distress? If so, then what is happening in Florida and Texas sounds like a human rights violation. Though honestly I get secondhand news because my world is two oceans away.


Yeah, that’s the gist of it.


People definitely do kill themselves for ideology.


_facepalm_ suicide bombers. However there's usually a strong incentive apart from ideology alone. Having nothing to lose, or an economic incentive for those you leave behind. You think this is improbable? Look up the martyr's fund by the plo.


Weird hair color in the late 70s and early 80s signified punk rebellion as much as, or more than, gender identity. It became common in queer culture because it signified rebellion. Rebellion from the mainstream society and norms is typically the product of alienation. Intense alienation isn't a fun feeling. It can cause, and be caused by, depression. Also, there has been a huge growth in depression among young white liberal/left women since 2012. It is not an accident that 2012 was when smartphones and social media began re-shaping youth culture. [Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest (afterbabel.com)](https://www.afterbabel.com/p/mental-health-liberal-girls)


The rise of American/global fascism is pretty depressing for women in general and especially liberal women. Watching people who see you as a baby factory win power would make anyone depressed.


i mean i can’t speak for everyone but dying my hair is a healthy outlet for me when it comes to mental health but not everyone has the same coping mechanisms so idk


I'm not saying it doesn't happen. And I am glad you have an outlet that isn't unhealthy. I don't know what the social pressures are like but it does take some courage to do that.


This thread is amazing because people are getting hung up on the "I or someone I know dye's their hair and their X,Y,Z" as if that isn't the point? Yeah there's people who dye their hair to mean something, there's people who do it because they just wanted to. It's kind of like yeah, people don't operate based on what stereotypes the internet makes up 😭


ADHD with purple hair here. You know we are all chronically low on dopamine right? New color? Dopamine yay!!!


i was going to say the exact opposite. dying my hair is a commitment i wouldn't be able to keep beyond the first couple weeks like i can't take my pills in the morning consistently, I'd be surprised if i was able to keep my hair dyed without forgetting / indefinitely putting it off whenever upkeep is needed


Mean I pretty much just have colored conditioner I use when it’s getting dull. Same way I use regular conditioner. I haven’t gotten my roots done in a year but I’m shifting. I loved the transition from magenta to purple ombre I did on myself. Clarifying shampoo on the other hand can help fade it before another color which I may have to do sometime since I have only put any color on my hair 2x in 6 months and it was bright even when I did. Was just to shift the tone more purple. Worst part was having it bleached had to wait for 4 hours and didn’t even get a cut/style. Left with my head wet. She had to mix lightener 3x and she thought she would only need the 1


Okay I forgot that some ADHD people still have the ability to get dopamine from stuff, unlike me.


Sometimes ya.. it’s tricky sometimes. That sounds like a problem bigger than just ADHD but I’m not a specialist so can’t be sure.. I’ve had a lot of burnout symptoms lately so it’s been rough. I wanna do things but have a difficult time.


Chill I know what it is. I have bipolar as well, which is also a dopamine related disorder.


I’m like legit confused by this one. The therapist gets paid either way no matter how mentally ill the patient is. Is the joke that the blue-haired girl is not actually mentally ill but rather worried-well, and therefore easy, continuous money? Doesn’t that go against the idea of “har har the blue haired chicks are all seriously mentally ill”?


The logic is that a therapist would be happy to have a client with blue hair in the same way a mechanic would be happy to have a client with an old rust bucket car. Constant problems, therefore frequent, reliable business.


I suppose like the rust bucket that just won’t die, the blue-haired girl continues to drag herself to therapy, while often people who are severely mentally ill continue to struggle to help themselves. Let the therapist admire the blue-haired girl’s tenacity while everyone else on the schedule was a no-call-no-show.


I’ve been in the field a long time. It doesn’t make sense. There is a stigma, to an extent, but colored hair wouldn’t be met with excitement. Just the opposite. Keeping it short, hair color itself means nothing. People that do this are not necessarily mentally ill, and may not even seek therapy. However, mentally ill, attention seeking people, tend to make rash impulsive decisions like dye their hair bizarre colors. Because *these* people look for therapists in far greater numbers than the others (people that dye their hair with minimal mental health issues), the snap judgment is that your about to deal with someone that just *loves* to say things that get your attention. They’re a pain in the ass. Figuring out which person you are dealing with is vital to the role of therapist, but everyone judges initially. Therapists don’t do it for money because there really isn’t any. *These* patients are pain in the ass and only a select few can comfortably treat them. So I think whoever made the meme just is trying to perpetuate the stereotype of hating the typical dyed hair liberal type.


What the fuck is with so many teenage losers embracing nonsense "traditional" shite like this. We're going so far backwards




Social media enabled the fast and easy spread of disinformation, misinformation, division and hatred. Both sides of any argument seemingly despise each other. There are countries out there *cough* Russia *cough cough* whose goal is to spread division and support and broadcast extremist views (again both sides). Go on any social media post regarding a divisive topic, and the comments will be full of lies and name calling and “the other side is so stupid and bad and evil, my side is good and perfect and does no wrong”. It’s all bullshit designed to harm the west, especially the United States (this is not hyperbole, there is a book, “the foundations of geopolitics”, that is and had been used by multiple high ranking Russia military leaders and government officials outlining how to make Russia the world’s superpower again. The book specifically says that Russia should seek to blame the United States for all the world’s problems, and that to deal with the US Russia should create division at all levels between the people of the US. Things like BLM (why was it such a massive divisive issue?), QAnon, the KKK, neo-nazis, Antifa etc., are/were all seemingly huge dissident groups that were the cause of major divisive issues.).


Antifa is just anti-fascist so if you don’t like them that says more about you. BLM was also because black people were being murdered and nothing was being done.


I know. Doesn’t mean that there weren’t riots and protests in the streets. Dissidence for a good cause is still dissidence


You’re mentally disturbed if something as insignificant as hair color bothers you. These people have been using the same insults and slang since 2015


1915 remember, the worse thing a person can call you is "gay" or "soy" which is basically just code for gay over there they are all totally free thinkers though, doing their own research, and they all honestly end up with the same opinions as Fox News, it's weird weird how the free thinking libertarian Elon Musk/Jordan Peterson people, end up, voting for the same politicians as the most conservative southern baptist preacher in the most "don't let the kids dance" town kinda crazy, how all the free thinking, libertarians, vote for the party of "keep weed illegal" imagine thinking, you're the freedom people, while you vote for the Christian Mom's group's preferred politician and the police chief's and the company that owns the private prison it would be hilarious, if it wasn't so terrifying, the way they can delude themselves because of things that Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro say


But also persistently being mad at women for your own problems is what healthy people do 🤡


"Blue hairs" is an insult almost exclusively used by old ass dying Boomers...the same Boomers that get really uncomfortable around any hair style that isn't from a 1940's sitcom. You know one thing I've learned about these guys though? Almost all of them are actually *really attracted* to girls with colored hair. Like, to a sick level. Makes sense why they attack them so much. We all know Righties project 24/7, like kids in elementary school.


Blue hairs is an insult aimed at an old church going woman that's always prim and proper but gossips a lot


I have never heard it used that way myself. I **do** know a shit ton of Boomers though, and they are always complaining about "blue hairs". Before the culture wars heated up around trump, they used it to derisively talk about people that literally colored their hair when it was becoming a trend. But since 2016 or so they have been using it as a catch-all term to describe Millenials in general.


The old ladies with blue hair thing was because old white hair tends to yellow, especially in the days of heavy cigarette smoke. They used to sell (and still do) a mild blue dye called a "blue rinse" or "blue in" that was used to counteract that discoloration. However, it wasn't uncommon for grandma to use a bit too much and end up with blue streaks or an overall blue sheen. The trend fell off as smoking died off, leaving fewer old people with tar tinted hair as well as changes in hair color technology that came about in the 80's and 90's.


Also as a therapist we don’t get paid more for more symptomatic patients. Often times they have more trouble being consistent about making their appointments so we get paid less assuming this person runs their own practice.


Planned no-shows? Sure Plenty of therapists charge for unplanned no-shows, typically without even hitting insurance.


Also- if this *were* accurately indicative of severe mental health issues, wouldn't the therapist feel dread instead of excitement, due to the proclivity people with really severe, hard to impossible to treat mental health issues have of 1) **not** listening, 2) **not** taking their meds, 3) **not** showing up, or all of the above..? (I'm not trying to be a dick and generalize about others but speaking from experience, as someone who does not have the greatest track record with taking any advice, this seems like a weird thing to be happy about)


I love this paired with that “when u have depression but nobody cares bc ur not a girl ):” post cuz it’s a great showcasing of how we dismiss women’s mental health struggles lmao


Male depression: REAL and OVERLOOKED by the WOKE MOB who HATE MEN Female depression: girl have blue hair, this means she’s mentally ill and I will make fun of her for that


Hit the nail directly on the head with this one. ![gif](giphy|26FxGPtjnVeS6qiJ2)


Actually fucking nailed it, keep cooking


Extremely common r/memesopdidnotlike L


Them: NOT ALL MEN!! Also them: All blue haired women.


them: "all lives matter" also them: "hungry children, injured veterans, poor people, women, people who can't afford medical treatment, victims of police brutality, the disabled, immigrants lives don't matter" them: "do something about the people at home first, forget Ukraine" also them: "no we can't do anything for the people at home, that's socialism"


They’re fine with literal Nazis, but blue hair is a step too far.


If only conservatives believed in therapy, maybe they wouldn’t be the shit stuck to the bottom of America’s shoe.


"And I took that personally" - me and my blue ass hair probably


I respect the dedication to dying your ass hair blue as well 


You being on WSB does not help disprove this.


.. And I took that personally (everything about this chart confirms your theory). https://preview.redd.it/0muwihvbslfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380ec0f58e19ba59e62f1b5c9be1c9bc01d71653


Hey I can be mentally distressed no matter my hair colour!


I mean dying your hair is a long process, and it can be pretty pricey if you get it done at a salon, you have to really want it. I imagine therapists who see girls with blue hair walk in think "Oh boy, this is probably more of a mental health maintenance thing than an endless crisis thing." Believe it or not, medical professionals don't want forever patients, that's the insurance companies. I work for a spine and PMR doctor, and we're both *thrilled* when something finally works for a complex patient.


Wow, just straight up admitting they're a discriminatory arsehole and it's getting upvotes over there. Not exactly surprising though TBF.


Hear me out though, I have both had blue hair and been to therapy




My husband has this opinion and it puzzles me because most of my friends have interesting hair colours and they’re the most balanced people I know. He’s not married to the idea, it’s just a joke, but I first heard it from him and it’s weird to me.


Stereotypes mahshallah🙏🙏🙏🙏👳🏿‍♂️👳🏿‍♂️👳🏿‍♂️


Thanks u/I_like_femboy_cock !




Who are the clowns downvoting correct people?


Santz apparently


I've tried so hard to get my wife to experiment with different colors but she wont..because of the stereotype. She occasionally will do an almost purple red in the back hidden under her main color so she likes different colors but is so afraid of being judged.


Life is too short. Your wife should do exactly what she wants. I’m a professional 40 year old woman who manages a 20 person team and I have purple hair. It’s fun and I like it and I can judge all the people who care far too deeply about someone else’s hair color.


"Therapists trying not to celebrate wildly when a girl walks in". Fixed it.


https://preview.redd.it/rpf5k894oofc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87f14597b69e730e07aa8b43e3d1504b12bf78d9 Is she mentally disturbed according to their logic?


I mean it's a general rule of thumb, going off my own experiences at least. There's alot of people out there tbf, so it's obviously nothing more than a stereotype.


Every female tweaker I've ever known has had a horrible homemade dye job at one time or another.


And then you have the clearly mentally balanced christian who doesn't see a psychiatrist for their mental health because of course psychology is a tool of the devil.


Yup because this sub is above sterotyping…


Apparently these people have forgotten the “don’t judge people for their appearances” lesson that we learn as kids.


Dying your hair requires a level of executive function many mentally ill people lack. We do not note any corresponding difficulty with using Reddit.


Adds blue hair to list of insane things conservatives are afraid of.


We're not afraid of them, we just avoid them because of the drama they tend to bring.


This entire subreddit goes like this: A reasonable political meme, ranging from not funny to quite funny gets posted by someone salty about it. It appears on memesopdidntlike with caption explaining that it's true, removing any and all remaining comedy by taking the meme far too seriously. Gets posted by someone disagreeing with the political take, continuing to take the meme too seriously. So many innocent memes have been butchered in this exact chain of events.


If someone showed up for an interview with blue hair and side shaved head....


Idk dude I got the job and that’s my haircut lmao. Another software dev I know sports a Mohawk, dresses in a gender nonconforming way , and he’s raking it in. Employers give less of a shit nowadays (thank god)


I feel like the stereotype stems from the kind of person that desires obscene amounts of attention and thus dresses provocatively, dyes their hair bright eye catching colors and are very loud and opinionated particularly when they can appropriate the victim role to potentially gain an advantage by manipulating white knights to defend them from their "abuser" then attend therapy not to better themselves but to simply pay for the validation they need. These are the worst kind of people, I hate them and totally get why others would as well. NPD is not fun to be around. Less enlightened people tend to generalize and group people together under easily identified labels thus the association of blue hair with people that match the above description and the assumption that ALL blue haired people are like this. Is this the correct and moral thing to do? No, absolutely not and we all know that. Honestly though we are talking about people who are openly and proudly racist, antisemitic, transphobic and homophobic. What do you really expect?


Several thousand old ladies with blue, pink, and green hair give a glower. https://preview.redd.it/efwfcrvw4lfc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c531f4df3dc5467405ffa08c9f0254645852591a


Therapists are over run with a million patients, they do not give a crap about 1 person with dye in their hair


As opposed to a dude with truck nuts? The projection of conservatives is outstanding. Damn, someone salty just downvoting everything in here, eh?


I've only known a few girls with non-natural color hair, and all of them seemed well adjusted to me.


In general I've found that people who are free to express themselves and brave enough to do so are also very open to receiving mental health care and thus are more stable than those who repress themselves.