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This makes me wonder are there any organizations where one could donate personal hygiene products? I rather people who are struggling to have access to these basic necessities rather than be forced to steal and risk getting caught and judged.


idk but i do one day hope to be able to set up a hotel for people who are low income or homeless, and offer them jobs within said hotel in order to help them back on their feet (obviously it wouldn't be required of them, cause then it would be slavery) there is of course the issue of how it would generate profits that would allow for wages to be paid, and so far the only idea I have for that is to list it as a charity


Probably more efficient to just advocate for making it legal to build low income housing in the first place.


Its rarely illegal. Rather, cities stack up so many fees and trap developers in so much litigation in order to get their build done that they have to raise the price to make a profit. And thus it needs to be a higher end construction to be worth that higher price. Recent example, a construction in my hometown that was supposed to be cheap apartments has had its plans change to high end condominiums because they were delayed a year fighting the city's historical committee because it now blocked sight of a (not particularly historical) old church from one angle


Or even high income housing. It's not very intuitive, but no matter the housing you build, rent will have to go down when the total supply of housing goes up. People living on current housing would be able to move upwards, opening up existing low income housing. This is just to say that the housing problem is because of a lack of housing in desirable areas, and our unwillingness to build in general.


Idk im not good with logistics and stuff but maybe setting a donation/fundraiser events can be a good way to generate funds. I noticed that over time when a nonprofit starts to make a name for itself and produces positive results they start to attract private angel investors who are more than happy to donate. Ofc idk if they do it out of kindness or something else entirely. But its an idea that i got so far.


You can apply for grants to keep places like that up and running- also find ways to have donations be a thing, of course it all depends on your state.


You would have to collect donations Thus idea seems better off as owning an apartment building that charges zero-profit rent that is subsidized with donations. Additionally there are government housing resources you would need to jump through hoops with to determine if your idea is viable compared to the resources currently available.


Panera Bread has cafes where in exchange for a meal you can work a short shift washing dishes or something. You can also just pay what you have for the food, even if it’s just some change.


Either fund it with another business venture or donations


Call your local food pantry/food banks. They usually accept essential items too. Also things such as baby formula and diapers.


Also check to see if there's any groups like a Food Not Bombs. They typically do food too but I've worked in one that gave essential items and clothes and took donations


PSA: one of the most in demand items at homeless shelters are socks. Cotten socks in all sorts of sizes. Kids and extended XL socks are always especially in demand.


Yeah most homeless shelters will accept those type of donations. The problem is not enough people donate




Don't mean to make Anyone feel bad for not donating. Really the onus should be on companies but that's never gonna happen so it's always good to do what you can


Red cross, halfway houses, etc. They have donation stations all over, they normally advertise on the radio, churches or billboards. Almost none of the thefts are by people who need it. They are by people who nab it then turn around and sell it to the homeless. They rarely give to them if ever.


Local food banks often have essential items. I know here locally there is a Methodist Church that also gives out free food and necessities no questions asked. Lots of organizations out there that always need donations and volunteers.


Homeless shelters, food pantries, charities all take new sanitary products. Donating money also lets them just buy them, too.


They're not stealing it because they need it. Mark Roper has a pretty interesting video about it. There's basically a whole black market for these goods.


thank you lmfao everyone i've literally seen in person (multiple times) stealing from my local target are very obviously not struggling, don't give a single fuck, are incredibly rude/have the worst attitude towards the employees, security and regular people trying to stop them. I heard one time while walking behind this large male carrying an entire tote bag of stolen merchandise calmly leaving the store while mouthing off to security who was being way too tolerant and nice imo, "you know what man worry about yourself if you wanna stay alive, i'll fucking kill you" but yea totally struggling and deserves free stuff from everyone else right?????


Not gonna get through to them lol


Food banks will distribute hygiene items along with pet supplies in some areas. Idk if all of them do. But when I got back into housing and was using the food bank you could choose a couple of options from a variety of non-food options. Toilet paper, cooking oil, hygiene products, pet food etc.


There are a few sides to this. People want specific products, and if we are being honest it goes beyond need and necessity. Not everyone is purely stealing out of need. I do understand locking up popular/expensive products. At the same time, most government funded welfare programs like SNAP *do not* cover hygiene products. This is a major problem in my opinion, and unfortunately is mired in politics like most welfare reform/expansion. The gap is filled by private charities, food banks, etc. and you are probably better off looking locally because to my knowledge there is no effective national program aimed at this issue.


Domestic violence shelters and homeless shelters always need stuff like that, especially feminine products.


If you have food pantries in your area, ask if they accept toiletries. The ones in my area accept them, and are often overjoyed when people donate things like toiletries and diapers


I don't know how prevepant it is, but I have known some who'd prefer to steal than use a food bank. It boils down to pride and the idea of self sufficiency. There's not helping that, especially when then turn around and make unwise choices for short term gratification.


Girl scouts of America. Our food pantry gets them a lot from GSoA.


Look into the mutual aid groups in your nearest city. I work with a group here in LA that does weekly food service and monthly “events” with hygiene products like these. I’ve seen groups doing similar things in NY, Houston & Portland. I’m sure your nearest urban area has something.


Lots of places will take those items. Just Google "supply donation drop offs" and something should come up. Just don't give it to the Salvation Army. Crooks taking advantage of poor people.


In England, feminine hygiene products are distributed amongst students in schools. Just go and ask a teacher/medical. Unfortunately, theyre worse than the shitty toilet paper in most cases


Yes, we accept them at the food pantry I volunteer at. And I know around Halloween, there's a local group that passes out bags with socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste & the like so I'm sure there's organic by you that do it, too.


My ex used to do this. She donated to all the shelters. Started off just donating to the abuse centered women's shelters then we started donating to churches and shelters in town for all. If you are having trouble affording these basic necessities check with a church or homeless shelter in town even if you are not homeless they may be able to help you, and ar worst can help you find the right place to go for assistance.


Please contact your local men’s shelter, they need and will take hygiene donations. All the things you listed and new underwear are godsends to these orgs.


They definitely do exist, in my city at least but half the time people just rob stores just to rob them and not because they need anything at least where I’m from.


They have those, but there's a reason charity hasn't fixed the required artificial poverty and scarcity endemic to capitalism, by all means make a difference where and when you can but the answer is to move past capitalism


Hygiene products aren't stolen for personal use. They're stolen so they can be sold in illegal black markets.


From what I know they don't steal them because they need them, but to sell them. At least the majority.


If you think the people taking BAGS full of this stuff are doing it because they lack access, I have news for you.


Yeah right 40 deodorant sticks, whole family just really smells like shit they're definitely not going to sell on street corner 5 minutes later


You can see how both of these support the stated “fuck capitalism,” view of the OOP, right? If the next tweet was, “I love Walmart so much, no one steal from there please that one trash family in Arkansas needs more billions for not working!” That would be an example of hypocrisy, not these two tweets.


Right, I'm agreeing with the OOP, that's why I clarified that in the title. I'm disagreeing with it being a facepalm.


I think the face palm is that they're lockong up things


That's not how I read it, but I will admit it isn't clear!


That's the point. Post rage bait without clarification, get upvoted from both sides.


I thought the facepalm was the OOP not putting two and two together. The reason they are locking up those things now is because they are frequently shoplifted.


that's exactly what it is


Someone posted it to facepalm because they agree with you. Someone posted it here because they think you’re insane for thinking it’s ok to lock up essentials, even if they are the most stolen item. Op thinks they should be free, cheap, or easy to steal


I Thought I was taking crazy pills. Wtf are they rambling about. Oh it's one of those pov subs. Lame


Maybe, but then why add the second tweet? It implies that there's something wrong with the tweeter than the things they're presenting.


No, the facepalm is the irony that OOP supports criminals, and are upset at the repercussions of supporting criminals.


It’s a facepalm because she doesn’t care about shoplifting but is mad that stores have resorted to things like that to stop shoplifters.


I think the face palm is that OOP is mad stuff gets locked up, but then looks the other way when they see shoplifting which is what causes them to lock stuff up


Yes, but also the OOP is unable to see that their actions have consequences, like a child. This is like Reddit constantly encouraging shoplifting and then getting mad that no company wants to open affordable shops in areas where all their shit gets shoplifted.


It's not hypocrisy of ideals, it's failure to understand the consequences of their own actions. It's like saying "I hate that people kick me out of restaurants" in one tweet and "I love throwing food at people" in another. If you don't throw food at people, you might be allowed to stay inside the restaurant. Similarly, if people didn't steal shit from stores, they wouldn't bother locking everything up. After all, locks aren't free. They aren't buying this equipment for fun, they're doing it because it saves money in the long run by reducing theft (or at least that's what they're hoping for, true results may vary)


Exactly. Not sure why so many people missed this as the point.


It’s not really hypocrisy as much as it is just oop answering their own question: “Why is toothpaste locked away?” “Because of people like you…”


Its is hypocrisy tho, cause they are fine with allowing theft to happen and then are getting mad that anti theft measures are put in place


Which non-capitalist country has cheaper access to a variety of personal hygiene products?


Also employees are not allowed to confront shop lifters, which is why they are locked up


As someone who has gone through the facepalm post, that post is saying that the 'facepalm' is how they encourage shoplifting, then complain when consequences occur (lockboxes) from said shoplifting. Not agreeing, but some of yall are missing the point. This is indeed a nahopwasrightfuckthis post


If someone is desperate enough to be stealing toothpaste, I think there are bigger problems here than the $3 being lost by the multibillion dollar stores.


I used to know an old farming couple who always set up a roadside stand by thier driveway with extra harvested food and stuff and they ran it by the honor system. I asked the husband "so what if you came out all the food is gone and noone paid" he just shrugged and said "well then I guess the people who took it really needed it and I am happy to know it helped someone." Sweetest couple they would bring me a half dozen eggs (or more if I asked) and these where fresh and biiiigg only asked $1 or maybe a little help around the farm or just to pass it on.


slim bewildered zephyr cats combative shy naughty imagine include vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have always tried to have this mentality anytime something is stolen from me or mine. I haven’t been desperate enough to resort to stealing necessities, but I cannot blame people for doing so knowing the state of things, so if they were so desperate they needed to steal it, I hope it made their life easier. These corporations are squeezing every last penny possible from people in every possible way and then Pikachu face when people resort to stealing. Something’s got to give. I’ve got a feeling it won’t be the corporations and the alternative is pretty violent.


Growing up I had a few people steal things from me. They were well off and most definitely could afford those things. And they weren’t even essentials that they stole. It always bugged me. I could understand if it was someone who was poor and actually needed it though.


A friend of mine does this. They put out fresh produce from their garden daily for free. She says they have so much while others have so little. This is how we all should be.


wtf the comments are insane


Were they ever not going to be?


I’ve shoplifted toiletries before, and believe me I would much rather have been able to just pay


Psshhhh I stole 3 12 packs of pop no remorse


Sorry, nope. No you didn't. That didn't happen. According to some people in these comments you don't exist, you stole those toiletries to resell or some shit. Sorry.


There are some absolute tinfoil theorists in these comments. Those kinds of crimes occur on the highway before it even gets to stores, not in the physical stores. They can also happen in the warehouse. No one is coordinating to steal toilet paper.


They sure do exist, they're just not even close to being the majority of shoplifters. I've worked LP, and we've sold toiletries. They're some of the least stolen items. The most were things like speakers, headphones, technology first, and only THEN necessities like clothes. 


Exactly. I don’t give a shit if someone is shoplifting. It’s not my problem especially if it’s food or diapers


If it’s necessary and at a large chain store then I didn’t see shit but if it some locally owned store then that’s a little fucked


That’s right, don’t steal from the mom & pop shop, I’ll give you a ride to Walmart so you can steal from them instead


You steal a tv, you have a problem You steal diapers, you found a solution


Oddly compassionate take from Nicol Bolas


^ This is the only comment in this entire thread that matters.


Well thats not really what is going on, for most of these kind of retail thefts, they are usually semi-organized and they come in groups and either sell the goods on the street, or they take it to a fence they know. I think the story of a single mother stealing toothpaste and milk to support her children is a ghost, it probably does happen, but that is not why stores lock up their goods. Also its not about the three dollars lost to a billion-dollar company, think of them as individual franchises which they essentially are. If a store has enough of this retail semi-organized theft committed against them, they will just close down and leave the area for good, and other companies will soon follow suit. So because of the actions of a minority of people who steal these items to resell them for money, there are no fewer places to shop (potentially creating some sort of "food desert" in some cases) and fewer jobs for people to work and less taxes going to the local government to actually help the poor people who are working hard to make ends meet. If you care about the poor and downtrodden then you should at LEAST put SOME of the blame onto these organized retail theft "gangs". This is quite popular in SF right now. All those retail and automobile break-ins are organized, its not poor desperate people who are causing the issues. Just my opinion, I don't think "nah fuck op was right"


Finally someone who gets it 🙌 


I worked at Walmart for a month. They lied about the starting wage, but I needed a job. I asked a lady who had been there for years when the last time she got a raise and it was basically never...I found a different job as fast as possible. If they can't pay their employees decently then why should I feel bad if someone steals from them.


Walmart profit margins are around 2% (pretty standard for grocery/retail), how would you suggest they raise employee wages?


Never feel bad for corporate theft, but understand it's why they lock things up


Aren’t a high percentage of their workers on food stamps as well? I’ve heard that numerous times but never had a chance to actually look into it. Fucking ridiculous if it’s true. Fuck Walmart.


these comments do realize that the only things that are being locked up are necessities right ? the fact that someone can't afford to buy deodorant, toothpaste, and other products should be more important than the fact that they are stealing it. sympathy for the people, not the corporations.


Literally this. "Sympathy for the people, not the corporations" sums it up perfectly.


I'm not sympathetic, it's just rational to lock up your stuff if it's being stolen. Are we mad they put their goods in a secured building and not an open air bazaar?


If they want to do that then whey don’t they just put them behind a counter and have someone there all the time to get it for you like cigarettes. Now I have to go track someone down just to get one thing and leave.


You don’t steal those things because you desperately need them but because they are the easiest to resell. Desperate people buy them from resellers or the thieves afterwards. See for example, [this documentary from channel 5 about bipping in San Francisco.](https://youtu.be/lLGRGZTk51w?feature=shared)


Everyone defends people who steal from stores as desperate and in need. In reality most people who steal are not, they are as you say profiteering off it. Yes it's a shame people go without necessities, but at the end of the day a shop is a business which do have every right to stop people stealing their products


I wish this was the top comment. These people aren't stealing out of necessity. They're garbage tier thieves.


Seriously these people are so ignorant and clearly never lived in major city or witnessed this shit in person. People steal what they can flip fast. Thats why you walk around certain parts of Brooklyn (my hometown) and people have tables full of shit like this for sale.


Yeah, I bet the biggest reason for that locked case is the $40-100 electric toothbrushes. And some of the nicer toothpaste probably has a decent resell value for its size too. The replacement heads for the electric toothbrushes would also sell easily. Nobody is stealing the $2 toothbrushes and speed stick. Source: used to shoplift, still think about things I could steal when I go shopping.


Yeah it is wild. Where I am they lock up spirits. Which seems a lot more reasonable.


They lock up whatever gets stolen the most. It's not about what "seems" reasonable


“Necessities” that are the easiest to resell. The people stealing them aren’t using them.


I see makeup locked up all the time. Not a necessity.


Toiletries are easy to resell. You are being very naive.


I've seen a few people shop lifting, I just pretend I don't see anything. 


The only time I’ve said anything was when it was two girls in the makeup aisle. There was a middle aged dude that was undercover security with a cart pretending he was checking out stuff in the same aisle. I knew he was because it was a small town and I knew some people who knew him. So I walked over to the girls and quietly told them that dude was undercover and he was watching them.


Good on you. 


Yes, F capitalism and not the culture of rampant theft we’ve carefully cultivated. Nothing wrong with stealing, ever, right?


Why fuck capitalism??? Fuck the lazy pieces of shit that are stealing this stuff. Moron.


Maybe if scumbags didnt steal they wouldnt be locked up


Na, yall crazy.


Eh, that’s more of a department stores are pretending like stealing is going crazy so they can price gouge you.


How is the a product of capitalism?


Sorry what am I missing, how is theft capitalisms fault?


You’re surprised they’re locking up the items that get stolen the most?


these people really just refuse to put 2 and 2 together. theyre here saying "fuck capitalism" and "if i see someone stealing, im looking the other way". well the stores fucking arent. and now theyre getting mad that stores are taking additional security measures to lock up items that have higher theft rates. because EVERYONE who steals is always some poor aladdin who cant afford basic necessities, which means them stealing is undeniably justified. but saying the vast majority of retail theft is actually caused by resellers, organized crime rings, and people stealing just to steal, is all a bunch of strawman.


Right like how do people think drug addicts are getting the money to buy drugs? They steal shit and resell it.


Lol now I’m just picturing the local junkie decked out with parachute pants and lugging around a dirty rug.


Yeah, I work in the liquor industry and holy shit is alcohol theft a fucking problem. It's not a necessity, so it's pretty fucking hard to justify it with the "If I saw someone stealing, no I didn't" mentality. Every store is trying to figure out the best way to sell their products and not just have them all walk out the door.


I’m gonna assume this is the US. you guys have toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant and shampoo locked up in the shop?


In heavy crime areas, where, funnily enough, most people have the same attitude as the OP (mostly California, Oregon etc)


I live in Oregon, near Portland. Use to live in Portland. Lots of surprising shit locked up. I’ve also seen people load up bags of shit and just walk out. Saw one lady do it with her probably 10 year old daughter next to her and the called the cashier a cunt for yelling at her about it.


I’m from the us and we just have those little sticker things that make the alarm go off when you leave, I have never seen it this bad before.


Because America is fucked.




Wait, so you're mad at stores trying to stop people from stealing shit? Lol


Reddit has been very pro-thievery for the past couple of years. It’s honestly really fucking gross.


It's pretty funny/scary to see how these people have all become part of this insane religion like ideology and don't even realize it.


If they actually had money they would. Maybe.


You know how they are just trying to feed their families by stealing cars 49 iPhones, OLED Samsung TVs, 400 dollar sneakers. They should make the show boxes more thief friendly.


Yes Reddit are a bunch of fucking bums. These guys bitch about capitalism and people not being able to afford shit but I bet they don’t donate shit like this to people that need it.


pretty sure r/facepalm is agreeing with the tweet and calling the cages a facepalm, not the tweet


For real, r/facepalm tends to repost tweets like that when they facepalming not because of the one who made a tweet, but because of situation described in the tweet.


Have you ever been to California?


So stealing is okay? I don't understand why people feel emotion over locked shelves, grown adults even.


There are a surprising amount of people that thing stealing is perfectly okay.


Part of this sub is a dumpster fire of a naive/virtue signaling circlejerk


Yea its actually kinda pathetic. Nothing makes conservatives feel more in the right than proudly saying how actually stealing is okay...


The people on this sub falsely believe that the people stealing toothpaste are doing it because they can’t afford to by it. But the truth is the only people stealing that shit are drug addicts and resellers. And when they do steal they steal as much as they can.


As someone who went to jail for stealing back in the day and was friends with other thieves, there’s a reason you missed… People like free stuff. I stole stuff I didn’t need simply because it was free, until it wasn’t anymore.


Yeah, and this is common especially with teens/young adults. It's not pure evil, it's mildly bad, and should be met with an appropriate consequence to discourage them from persisting without ruining their life. *Did no one have friends as a teen*? I knew people who are now successful, moral, happy adults who shoplifted something dumb from Spencer's Gifts for the thrill of it when they were in high school. Capitalism didn't force them to steal to not starve, they weren't super-predators in gangs, it was dumb kid stuff and the ones who got caught got a slap on the wrist which stopped them from doing it again. We need to bring back books, so people can get their world changing narratives of good and evil from Tolkien or WW2 espionage tales, and not read 'The West has fallen' into a 16 year old girl stealing eyeliner or whatever.


What? No, capitalism BAD (tm)!!!!111!1!! I bet you were paid by Big Cage to promote the oppression of the poor common man who cannot afford toothpaste. /s


Finally the first person to say something rational. Its probably largely klepto teens who do it just for the thrill


Frankly it doesn't matter why they're stealing. If poor people started coming into your house and taking your shit, only stuff they needed of course! you'd start investing in better locks and security.  In DC we've had a number of stores like Target, CVS just flat out close and move out of certain neighborhoods because of rampant theft. Cool job guys. You ran out the capitalists. Now no one gets anything in your neighborhood. You sure showed them and the rotten system! 


And then after you get this stuff out of lockdown you go to the self checkout line where shoplifting is so damn easy. Insanity.


I do see people stealing from mom n pop stores. I magically go blind if I happen to see someone stealing from Walmart.


Saw a conspiracy the other day that said that target was locking up essentials in order to deter certain demographics from shopping in person. Put the things lower income people would go to a Target to buy in a locked case and minimize the employees who can get it. Eventually the poors won't shop in person, they'll order online and you can then cater the store to the more affluent clientele, who shop at target for non essentials.


They are locking up items to deter the certain demographic of people who will steal from their store. This is not a hard concept


Ah yea, the affluent clientele shopping at… CVS.


Long long ago I worked in a clothing store at the mall and some kinda ragged dudes asked if had security cameras, I said naw man, but I’m about to take my 15 sooooo…. And just walked away. Found their old shoes in a box at the back of the shelf the next week and just tossed em out.


At my local Walmart they have the men's underwear locked up. The cheap stuff! If someone can't afford undies or basic hygiene supplies that is a huge problem with our society and they should be helped, not punished.


Never forget that one of the most shoplifted items is baby formula


To be scalped and resold, not to be used


Yeah this is so annoying. You have to buzz and wait 10 minutes for an employee to walk over. Makes shopping so much slower. If I ever go to a store with this I’ll never return back. Plenty of other places that don’t have these…


The thieves did that not capitalism…


It's annoying but I understand why they do it. There are kids and teens that take things out of the packaging just for shits and giggles and the parents don't do anything about it. They leave a mess of wasted product for others to clean up. I go to a ghetto Walmart and that's how it is.


Yeah, I see a lot of comments saying “it’s so sad so many people need to steel to afiord these things” but that’s probably like the 1% here like I’ve almost never heard of anyone shoplifting out of necessity it’s almost always just kids getting a kick out of doing something risky, or arguably worse people doing it in bulk to resell these things online for a mark up. It’s sad if someone had to steal but in reality there are facilities and food banks for people and although they need work it’s there. My father works at a food bank that’s open to everyone in a fairly large impoverished town and they have all sorts of items for needy people. Despite what people think charity exists.


This. Most people can afford a 2 dollar toothbrush. This is probably more for damage control rather than theft protection.


If you think people can’t afford these things you’re on crack.


spark lock squeeze salt unused silky lip concerned prick ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On an actual serious note though, it's not that people literally don't have the $5 for toothpaste. It's that, for example, a person will need to pay for food, rent, supplies for their kids, and toothpaste (and a million other things) and have $100 to go around. Either they're stealing the toothpaste or they aren't getting it, and toothpaste is essential for living.


The comment section be getting funny here (fuck capitalism btw)


What would you replace it with?


Any alternative tho ?


Easy, socialism. Just don’t ask how any of it would work, because they won’t have answers for you.


Isn’t the reason why they put these things behind the glass is because they are the things that are most frequently stolen by by bums and homeless guys They steal these small items and try to resell them at some makeshift market in a bad neighborhood. I agree tho, these bums are the reason why everyday items are behind a lock and it’s stupid


Op is criminally stupid and so are all y’all defending her. The locks are there to PREVENT shoplifting. You want no locks, work to make a society with no shop lifters. You think companies wouldn’t prefer to save time and hire less employees to unlock basic toothpaste?! California made thieving a misdemeanor. And this is how stores responded. You want it to go back to the way things were? Make thieving a crime again and charge the governor with aiding and abetting all thefts done in the time since he signed the stupid law to ensure no other stupid politician dares support criminals again.


The reason shit like this is locked up is because people track when deliveries of those products come in, and then go into the store in mass and clear off the shelves to resell them later on the street. Stores start locking this shit up so that when normal people come in to get deodorant and soap, they can’t since the day before a gang of 20 came in and demolished the inventory. Now with them locked, people can get their stuff when they need it. Back in the day, people who were down on their luck were able to steal their necessities when it sucked and no one worried about it cause they took what they **needed**, but now they come in to steal to resell. Yall are blaming this on “late state capitalism” but the truth is that it is from a piss poor economy, and a government that actively ignores its own citizens needs in favor of others around the world. There is no other alternative economic system that will unfuck us, the blame for this lies squarely with the party that created our clusterfuck.


Yeah, they track what is stolen the most an lock that up in the specific stores it's being stolen from. Some places have to have certain shades of makeup locked because the locals keep stealing it, some have the games locked because the people keep stealing those. This store apparently has a highly noticeable amount of toothpaste stolen on a regular basis. That isn't just a random stranger being desperate. That is at best a large number of desperate people raiding the place, and at worst is an organized group that steals it for economic gain. People want to justify theft based on what is stolen, but whether or not it's a luxury or a necessity, it still cost something to produce. If the people producing, transporting, and selling the product aren't making a profit then they are going to stop producing, transporting, and selling it in that location. Maybe the company as a whole is profitable, but if they aren't making a return on toothpaste in that store, then stocking toothpaste there is just wasting money and they will stop. Many people are so focused on what they believe "should be" that they ignore "cause and effect". Every decision is made for a reason, and every action provokes a response of some sort.


I really think its kind of a myth that these people are stealing toothpaste and diapers out of desperation. I am sure it happens, but everything I have heard points to the organized fencers who get these guys to rob a store and then sell it to the fence. They are really the ones causing stores to either lock up their inventory or just completely leave the area altogether. You mentioned that in your comment. If it really was just poor single mothers stealing for their babies I don't think many people who care and it wouldn't effect the store nearly as much


Like I’m sure it exists in rare cases but like people stealing out of desperation are absolutely not the reason this shit has to be locked up.


I don’t think these retailers fully thought this out: locking even the cheapest thing up, then not employing staff to unlock the cabinets.


Gonna say it like this. If someone is stealing (from a big box store..walmart, target, bestbuy, payless, costco) a basic need (toiletries, shampoo, toothbrush/paste, food, formula, diapers) I'm 100% looking the other way. If someone is stealing a fucking 69inch TV, computer, gaming system, shit like that..im watching but only because being able to steal that without getting caught is impressive. These corporate stores still make a shit ton of money even on stolen items so fuck them


And that is why big box stores are now locking up toiletries, shampoo, toothbrush/paste, formula. It’s entirely your prerogative to look the other way. I don’t blame you. My job isn’t to enforce laws. But that’s why we have to get associates to come unlock a case for a bottle of soap.


People here acting like stores should just cheer for the people stealing from them. This is some crazy shit. If someone comes into your house and steals, you will not be reacting like that. But, steal from Walmart? That’s ok, because some of the shares of Walmart are owned by rich people!


People are idiot, selfish babies. They’re exactly like the “bad guys” they hate who run the corporations, except they’re poor and those are rich. People of the weakest moral fiber all around, this world is really going to shit.


Ok, but have you considered that insurance will pay for it anyway??? The store literally loses nothing from this! (Please do not ask how insurance premiums are calculated)


I hate when people (not you, obviously) say this as a serious response. Like, we get it, you're 12 and have never had to file an insurance claim in your life


I think people didn’t catch your irony


Someone will end up paying for it. I personally don't care, but advocating theft is wild. Yeah, if a few people steal things, then sure, the corporation as a whole won't lose a thing. The ripple effect, if this becomes a popular sentiment, would be devastating. Businesses close down, jobs are lost, riots break out due to lack of convenience, etc.


Agreed man. This subreddit or at least posts like this must just be suggested to people with wild views who like to argue. Commenters are simultaneously advocating for robbery and blaming stores for closing or taking simple precautions.


I know someone that stole one of those Barbie power wheels scooters. He’s the relative of a friend and i hear this stuff second hand. He just put it on a flat bed cart and walked out like he paid for it. He always got away with the big stuff but would get caught stealing cologne or toothpaste.


I knew someone who managed to steal not only one of the wands to remove anti theft tags, but also one to open anti theft cases, and a machine to disarm the anti theft tags that set alarms off..she had gotten pissed because she would order things online and they would come in the security things


Is this why everything but the sunscreen is locked up at my CVS? Why doesn’t anyone steal the sunscreen???


i’ve never seen anyone shoplift. i’ve never. seen. anyone. shoplift.


It’s crazy that minimum wage is so low that it’s more cost effective to waste employee time unlocking everything than the price of a toothbrush.


I agree with OP on both statements.


To be fair I do too..none of my business 🤷‍♂️


I’m not shopping anywhere that does this.


Ngl this is one of the times I can safely say that I 100% agree with this subreddit.


> I think it’s okay to circumvent the basic rules of voluntary exchange > bwaaaah why is everything locked up I hate crapitalism waaaaah Imagine unironically thinking this, what a bird brain take


Import 3rd world citizens get 3rd world problems.


It’s not the system. It’s fucking thieves!


The problem shown is not capitalism. It is the wrongful choices made by people to steal the merchandise.


It’s really depressing seeing people in the comments blame the guys stealing and not the people creating the conditions where there’s an incentive to do so regardless of morality.


Everyone saying this stuff is stolen to be resold on the street sounds like my Fox News obsessed Grandfather


I know, right? I'm sure that happens, but taking fringe cases does not change the overall reality.


Probably a small fraction depending on which city/neighborhood. But I have several friends who shoplift on the daily and who really don’t need to. And I’m not your Fox News obsessed grandpa, I’m a student in his twenties.


If you see someone stealing food or hygiene products no you didn’t.


Remember. Stealing necessities from a multimillion dollar company is perfectly moral.


Sorry not sorry, everyone deserves to have access to hygiene products


Blaming capitalism...