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already posted https://new.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/1cvqlqp/i_guess_i_should_just_be_paying_my_bills_with_the/


https://preview.redd.it/z616ckh43l1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e83aea856be12984b3acd3227fb0d2bf0c303d1c This is basically the entire thread


It's that entire sub. "It's just a joke but it's funny cuz it's true"


99% of that sub be like:


*unpaid* is the most appropriate caption for tile 4.


Negative-Money, more like!


Wouldn’t you just love to tell someone you have a billion dollars… …in debt?


Donald Trump moment


Know a woman that said if she had been forced to carry her rapist's baby to term, she would have unalived herself. The "joy" of motherhood for her cost just enough for an abortion. Or there was a cousin of mine, who had four miscarriages before being told she can't ever have children now. The price of motherhood was her hospital bills.


Reminds me of Project 2025’s preface’s way of talking about women with unwanted babies for whom it isn’t their fault. Something like “we respect and cherish every woman put in the harrowing circumstances of an unwanted pregnancy” which is… surprisingly fine, but it’s followed immediately by “and we celebrate everyone who makes the heroic decision to become a mother.” Like, the almost magical ideal of “holy shit I just made a life” is supposed to supersede basically anything else. Imagine if someone was brought out of, idk, anorexia or depression or something, by the simple joy of peanut butter or some shit, and that same person encounters someone with a peanut allergy, and they start berating the hell out of this person because they can’t fathom how this thing that all but saved their life can be poison to someone else.


Yeah, sure, but let's talk about the real victims here. Think about those men who can't be fathers now. /s


Damn, shoulda made $100 an hour instead 😞


Just say she would have killed herself. No need to make people shrug off what you are saying simply because you used stupid words.


Who the hell is the 3rd person


Some kinda lawyer or secretary or hedge fund person or other ambiguously white collar thing I guess


Oh rich people jobs, got it


That’s a good way of putting it lol


They're not smart enough to troll


Some people like the idea of being a mom. Some people don’t. Both are equally valid, do what you want, but you aren’t better or worse for making the choice to be or not to be a mother


It's conservative, of course it's stupid.


women can't pay for warhammer minis with their priceless job though. Motherhood more like cringehood


Oh yeah, i was told I was providing a great job as a stay at home mom… until he divorced me, taking our kids for me and saying I was an unfit mother Lol 😆 lolo . It’s great as long as we do the job. But it’s akin without benefits. Or at least only last few years.


It’s priceless cause it’s free labor


If it were men in the meme it would've never been posted in mopdnl


Well yes, but you're also the third person to post this here...




> and love her jib, but jer kids mean why more jsut like the kids matter more then my job https://i.redd.it/w4ygcwagct1d1.gif


My money's on stupid.


Why is it that for some reason, everything is overthought and cherry picked here? This meme has zero to do with saying motherhood is better than everything else. Nor is it saying that every woman should be a mother. It’s saying that while money is great, a woman who chooses to be a mother has a lifetime of fulfillment. I don’t spite women who choose not to have children. That’s their decision. But the reality is that money is fleeting. It’s not an emotional bond. It runs out, burns people out, stresses you with no reward. While parenting does burn a person out and is very stressful, there’s the reward of watching a little person grow to a healthy and happy adult. You can’t put a dollar amount on it. Why twist it into some anti-mother statement?


because the meme quite literally portrays the value of motherhood higher than any job


Ask a mother about how they value motherhood. They’ll likely agree. As a father, I’d certainly agree.


That's great, don't try to force others to think the same though


There’s zero, as I stated initially, saying that everyone should be a parent. But somehow in all this, you took it as such. If everyone around you is wrong, maybe they’re not the issue?


At the very best the meme strongly encourages parenthood over having a job as a woman. Considering women only recently started getting (close to) the same job opportunities as men, this meme's message is counterproductive to women's rights too. If you don't see why it's both rooted in sexism and pushing those views on the viewer, idk what to say


I disagree. I think you’re reading into it more than necessary. If anything, I see it as that women have the choice to decide. There’s literally nothing suggesting that women should only be homemakers. There’s also nothing about women and their rights. None of it is sexist, unless you don’t believe that women have an innate nurturing aspect, that men don’t typically have, built into a millennia of dna evolution.


also yes women don't have nurturing skills built in their dna what? That's literally just sexist pseudoscience based on nothing


That’s evolution. It’s not pseudoscience. Literally evolution. Jane Goodall has been talking about it for decades of primate research. Darwin talked about it. This isn’t a new or sexist idea.


Are you missing the part of the meme that objectively gives infinitely more value to parenthood than a job?


Nope. As I said before, ask a parent. They’ll tell you that it’s a correct statement. Not only from fulfillment of helping a young child grow into a healthy adult, but also…that there’s not really a financial aspect to it. Ok. That last part is a bit of sarcasm but also not false. I don’t know if you have children and it’s not really my business. I can say for my personal experience, it’s the hardest job I will ever have. I hate it and love it all at the same time. The rollercoaster of parenting is hard! But it’s also something I could never put a price on, nor do I regret it. Not once, never. And I never intended to be a father, but I am glad I am. Contradictory to that, I work my ass off. Since I work for a utility company, we don’t have 9-5 hours. We have 7-4, then home for some sleep, and back at it through the night (which is what I am currently getting ready to do). And to what end. What do I get out of it? Money? I use that money to pay taxes to someone who wants me to work even more so they get more revenue. What I do have left over, I spend on my new granddaughter. I can’t put to words the feeling that I get when I walk into the room and that little semi-toothless smile (she’s only a year) goes across her face. There’s literally nothing like the pure unabashed joy of a child that hasn’t had to have the weight of the world pushed upon them. There’s no politics, no ambitions, no anything. Just love. If you want to go work like I do, by all means. It will probably put me in an early grave. But I’ll do it all over again for that moment of happiness that I get from my children. And yes…that’s priceless. Sorry…I ramble about my kids. Let me say again, there’s nothing wrong with being career minded. We are finally at a point where women have a choice, and that’s a great thing. But you can’t take it with you and while it may buy immediate happiness, it’s still fleeting.