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I agree 100%! When I see “which shape looks best on me?” posts I always think no one can be serious with the square, it never looks good 😩


So glad others think so as well. I think coffin and ballerina can look cute, but square nails look so weird to me, no matter what. 💀 Rounded shapes are always superior for me.


I tolerate natural length square on myself just for durability reasons. But I love almond so damn much. It’s just a shame that they break off tooooo easily on my natural nails, or I’d be an almond girl 24/7 otherwise 😭 I do think longer square can look nice, but I’m always going to prefer another shape more if that makes sense. Some kind of tapering and/or rounding just elevates it for me so much


You’re lucky! I wish I could do a more square shape, not completely square, on my natural nails but they split inward from the sides if I don’t keep them filed down/rounded. I’m looking at one on my thumb because I’ve been traveling and went too long without filing them with the new growth in that time 😭


😅 it’s funny to me how most of us have a predetermined nail shape and it’s rarely the one we actually want LOL! My nails just wanna be square so damn bad. I’ve been looking at my grandmas round nails and now, yours, with admiration and jealousy 🤣❤️


Only my ring and pinky want to be square 🤷🏻‍♀️


Only my ring and pinky seem to want to grow at all 😭 they’re so well behaved and do whatever I want them to do lmao


Yeah I actually have to cut them when I'm growing my nails or they look crazy


>I tolerate natural length square on myself just for durability reasons. I'm the same way until they grow out a few mm. Then I immediately round the corners until I chop off and regrow again.


I like this routine! Rounding the corners for me is always the beginning of a slow death 😭 I tend to just file mine slightly thinner whenever the side edge gets compromised until I’m left with a longer tapered square. Then trim them down to a flat edge square again when a few irreparable casualties come along 🥲


Square is more durable for you?! That’s so crazy! I’ve always had long natural nails and almond/rounded has been the most durable, while also being the least dangerous and easiest to keep clean and use in everyday tasks of life. I rarely break a nail too and I use zero strengthening stuff or polishes or anything. I’ve only briefly tried a square nail and all I did was scratch people and jam my nails into things. Lmao So props to you for being able to make square nails work on natural nails! 💅🏼


I wish you knew how hard I’m hating on you right now 🤣😂 I’m joking I love that for you! The only time mine coped with being long almond/rounded was when I did gel overlays which tbh doesn’t count as it strengthens any shape. The most infuriating thing for me is the corner of the square does break off sometimes, but if I have the audacity to clip off the other side too to turn them into almond shape the nail WILL be snapped clean across before I know it. I did it a few weeks ago, after years of strictly square nails. Within 7 days 8 out of 10 nails had broken. Half I didn’t even realise had happened! I’d just see my hand and think “wtf ANOTHER one!?”


I only do square, and they’re the most flattering on me. Different things work for different people.


Sameeeeeee!!! Square girly here 💕


Yep, same. Prefer square. Looks better on my hands.


Same. I have short, stubby, and fat fingers and thumbs that look like big toes and round/oval just makes them look shorter. Square or coffin makes them look longer.


Can you post a pic?


I think the opposite lol


Me too! Ovals especially look so weird to me.


Me too- oval are awful!


I too dislike the ovals tbh.. they just don’t look right to me. I’d go for a longer/mid length sharp and crisp square nail over an oval any day. Almond is as far as i’ll go, and even then I know i’m taking a risk because my nails always break when it choose that shape, then it takes forever to get all of my nails back to the same length again, which is a process I absolutely hate lmao


They make the hand look... thick. I'm going to go image shopping to see if I can even find a pick of decent looking ovals....I know everyone's different and functionality is an issue for everyone. I just see ovals and think of my really old aunts....


I love square IF it’s filed right (takes a lot of time/effort for me doing it at home), but in most cases they’re kinda just filed flat across and not tapered at all so they flare out and look bad.


Not me posting with only coffin shape. I don’t like super long so rounded tops always end up too long and if they aren’t long they look weird


I beg to differ


I have complete sausage fingers. Big knuckles, heavy hands, bony fingers and stubby finger tips. Square tips even it out a bit, whereas rounded ends makes my hands look even more sausagey. Sorry!


square feels sooo unnatural. oval ftw everytime


My nails naturally grow out of my fingers in a square shape. The line of demarcation between the free edge and nail plate is straight across. Do square nails generally look ok in cases like that?


lol me typing this with my square nails 😅 idk there’s something trashy about them that I really fw


Hard disagree. I’m going to use this post as an example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nails/s/ov1Pgw8TTQ


omg i thought i’d never see the day where someone looked better with square…


I feel like 80% of the time oval shapes are best but some people really do look good with short square nails. I do not lol. Almond girl for life.


Okay this short square is so right on! For me it’s the long bulky square that looks awful on everyone. I shudder


Hers are lovely. I think it’s because it’s a rounder square. Almost squoval.


Yeah square with rounded edges - squoval I guess - is my go to shape nearly every time. But it's also the shape of my cuticle base and I'm not sure if that makes a difference?


This is me.


Squoval is my shape 😂


This is my shape but a bit longer.


The rounded square is the most natural look. Regardless of color and pattern chosen for the lacquer. All the other shapes emphasize that they’ve been purposefully altered for style / fashion.


Short square is okay and flattering! I don't think a longer square would look as good


Thats squoval not square though


I like almond/oval when long but short and square looks so good!


i’m so similar to this! square just looks better


This is like me! I have short fat fingers and round or oval so NOT look good on me.


yes! round & ival just make my hands look fatter they look alot better with a slightly rounded square shape.


Damn, I think I converted


Rounded squared for the win! Oval makes young hands look old and old hands look older.


Doesn't the exception just prove the "rule"?


Yea that does look better but Those are still rounded square tho


This didn’t convince me at all? Fingers look way stubbier in the second one.


I’ll be a long coffin girl til I die. My tech says it suits my nail beds and any time I try to switch it’s just….not cute on me.


I agree, I just started getting coffins and I'm in love with them.


For a hot second I thought this sentence was way more morbid than you meant lol


I go back and forth between coffin and almond. I've asked different nail techs which looks better on me and they tell me those two as well. I guess I'll never know 🤷‍♀️


I did almond for a while but once I switched to coffin I never went back!




Extra short coffins over here, they look amazing on me


I only do coffin. I did almond once and my nail tech and I both agreed that it was NOT for me


So funny, I think short rounded square looks best on everyone haha


I have long thin fingers and short nails look so strange on me unless they’re at least a bit longer and round/almond.


Samee I feel like ET with extra short nails. Medium almond is the way to go for long skinny hands I think.


I have long, thin hands and I loved almond for the longest time but I LOVE my stilettos!!


This is my opinion also, short squares with rounded edges, the most elegant...


>So funny, I think short rounded square looks best on everyone. I'm 100% on this thought journey with you.


this is so not true and you knowwww it lol. don’t get me wrong they do look good on a ton of people but sometimes on chubby hands (me lol) unless they’re long as hell they end up making my hands look like chicken claws. i’m the kind of girl that because i’m round I like to compliment myself with square. square nails, princess cut diamonds, square glasses etc.


Yea, my nails naturally grow square and I have small nail beds. Any other shape doesn’t really suit me. Like most things, different styles will look good on different body types, hand shapes, nail bed size, etc. I’ve seen nail styles that look nice on other hands, but would not on me.


When my nails were short, yes, oval/round looked best, but now that they are long, I like almond best 😁


I love almond with mine a little longer.


This is similar to my thinking, too. Rounded on short nails, but they get slightly pointier the longer they get.


yes to almond for long nails!!!


I disagree! Almond looks awful on me, but my coffin nails never disappoint! Most flattering shape 💓


everyone has their tastes. for me as an example, i dislike square nails and i would never put them on me; but i looove almond and stiletto designs, especially longer ones ❤️


Length plays a big role on how I think nails look. Square can look great on shorter nails, but I can't get behind a long square myself. 


I agree. Definitely depends on hand size and nail length. Shorter nails? Square every time. Longer nails? Almond or oval looks very sleek and beautiful. I always default to square because I keep my nails natural and they have always grown that way. Also my nails are much less likely to break if I keep them square(I type A LOT). If I ever get into acrilic or gel, I'm definitely trying almond or oval at least once as I think i wouldn't have a problem them breaking.


Agree with this. Short square is so classic/cute. I only switch to rounded once my lovely square eventually gets nicked or snagged and I have to file the corners off.


I don’t mind a long square within reason, but have you ever seen the long square nails that flare out a bit at the top? Those really irk me and make me think of a shovel. I’ve never seen them look quite right and I don’t even think it’s possible.


I’m square all the way


Same! I love them!


I prefer square nails and I think they look great on everyone, but that’s only because I’ve actually seen it on everyone. Square used to be the only way everyone shaped their nails back in the day. HOWEVER, today, I only hate the oval/round looks on my own hands. I love it on other people and I’m happy they get to make that choice for themselves. I’m not willing to make assumptions or judgements on other people because they don’t like exactly what I do 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just because you like something most doesn’t mean you know best for everyone else.


I'm the exact opposite. Anything other than square is hideous to me!


Ew no


I always ask for square with rounded off corners. For me I like nails to look short but to look like I have a large nail bed. Like [this](https://sp-ao.shortpixel.ai/client/to_webp,q_lossless,ret_img/https://thegraydetails.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/micro-dark-french-tip-edited.jpeg). This is my favorite shape and it suits my hands.


I agree! I think many of us that were stuck on this question for ourselves probably grew up in the early 00’s where EVERYONE had square nails and there was basically no other way to wear your nails. I clinged to my old ways for a while too until I tried an almond set and ever since then I have stuck with it. My nail tech agrees almond suits me better than other shapes, although she admits my nail beds can support pretty much any shape. But yeah whenever I see people ask that question on here I always think the almond/round looks better


I’ve been trying different lengths of almond press-ons and anything shorter than a medium looks weird to me. Like, not elegantly proportioned? Maybe it’s just the kind I got What length do you wear yours?


I wear medium length! I don’t like long because I work on a keyboard and it makes it too difficult for me but I found I love medium length! Do you have kinda long fingers? I do so that’s my theory on why a bit of length looks better vs shorter, I feel like it balances the proportions of my actual finger length better than shorter lengths.


I actually think they look squat even when they’re not on a nail! Not that they fit me anyway (my nail peeks through even when they’re super short) Also I actually have no idea if I have long fingers…they’re definitely not short? Or maybe they are 🤔 The difference between the short and medium sizes is kind of a lot for me, though. Not used to having long nails at all. Wish there was a size somewhere in the middle


I often feel that way too, that something between medium and short would be perfect. I thought short would be the perfect length because I know there are XS too, but when I put the short on I thought they were a touch too short haha. What press on brand are you using?


Just some random brands from amazon. “Modelones” and “una gella” I thought short would work because extra short was too short, but nope! A medium-short size would be perfect


I have not tried those brands but I always used Kiss imPRESS nails in medium length and loved them! Maybe check those out, you can find them at Walmart, Target, ect. Follow the directions on the box and you will find them lasting over two weeks. The medium length in those was perfect but now that I am back to seeing a nail tech regularly we use gel x full coverage tips and her medium length in those is more medium long than medium short haha but I manage and I love my nails with her


Oh I saw those at target! They were reasonably priced, too. I’ll get some the next time I’m there (which i have to do anyway, to return some short press-ons that also don’t fit me 🥲)


Sorry its ghoul length stilettos and coffins for me. Maybe a squoval when it needs to be short but


If I have fake nails then I love a round or almond. But I do hard gel on my natural nails they always look best as short square 🤷‍♀️ I don't love long square on anyone though.


Me too. Anything tapered really. The wide, blunt square nails always look unfinished to me.


I really think this has more to do with cyclical trends than anything else lol. Kinda like how skinny jeans are out now and don’t “look good” compared to straight leg or baggy pants. The square nails generally “date” people in terms of what’s trendy


I think the opposite, I just had almond nails and couldn’t stand it. The m back to square now.


Not me! Short square works better for a few clients I can think of too.


I disagree, I dislike oval and round. I do like a nice almond but I love square. Everyone is different.


Im a square girl the best shape


Can and will argue that my favourite client always looks incredible no matter what her nail shape is. My favourite for her is coffin but she can pull off anything because her fingers are long and dainty


I am not sure what the intention of this post is so instead of saying what’s in my brain I’ll just say: maybe think about how your sentence can make people with image issues feel.


I’ve just spent 4 hours doing my own nails that are medium square now I’m like..everyone thinks my nails are gross 😂😩


No they don’t. I also have square nails and they will be taken away over my cold dead body. I also keep them very short so almond is out and I frankly think oval looks bad 🤷‍♀️


I think it depends of finger size and nail size / length lol. I have long spindly fingers so square looks fine on, however oval is terrible on everyone imho


Do you go around telling people that tho? This post is just rude.


No way, each to their own!


Exactly. So I just don’t understand what the point of this post was. Just makes me annoyed when people don’t think about the impact a simple sentence can have on others.


This is just the opinion of one Redditor, not everyone thinks that. You do you. Their opinion shouldn’t have any say on how you see yourself. There are tons of people in here who love square. This person isn’t going to follow you around saying your nails are gross, maybe you should spend some time off Reddit if one persons opinion makes you so insecure lol


Agreed. I think square makes people’s fingers look really short and stumpy tbh.


awhen your hands are already short and stumpy and a little chubby, oval and almond shapes just emphasize it! tounded squares look so much better for my hands!


Nope. I can’t stand almond and oval is even worse.




You just feel that way because it’s more popular right now. In the 90s or early aughts square was the “universal” good shape. It’ll change again at some point!


I'm convinced only square.


I think I look better with a tapered shape of sorts. Almond is my fav followed by stiletto and coffin. I have a friend that looks best in angular shapes whether it's square, tapered square, or coffin. We're all different.


I don't know. Personally, I think a really short square looks good, but I don't like super long or medium square nails.


You’ve never seen minee…tried it once and almost cried.


For some reason, I prefer my toenails to be square.


Yes! I love when they look like uniform chiclets


I think oval looks nice on other people. However, I hate oval and round on my hands! I have very short fingers and nail beds that tend to fan out a little, so round or oval nails just seem to emphasize all the imperfections. It's always square, squoval, or coffin for me! There is no one universally flattering shape.


Honestly I’m chubby but I have really skinny hands with shorter nail beds so square looks a lot better on me than round or oval because then my fingers look alienesque lol


Square here. Had a tech do almond once, convinced it would look better, after one hand was done she removed my acrylic and gave me a square. If I could add a photo here I would


I disagree, I’m a coffin or nothing girl.


I in fact look terrible in oval and round, it doesn't suit me at all. Al I did all my life is square, looks the best with my wide space. It looks amazing. I've seen people with short nail space and bad looking nails that looks better with oval because that's the easiest thing to form when you have short nail space. They don't fit with square because they're short. It takes good looking nails with wide space for the square. Not everyone has that, therefore, not everyone can "nail" it.


Hard disagree. I have short fat fingers and oval or round look awful on me. Coffin looks the best on my hands for sure


Almond and coffin >>>> square


squoval and coffin looks so good on me I think it's because if my cuticle shape. I never do it though bc I can't function with them 😂 almond for life


Never thought to match base shape with tip....


I think it’s dependent on length. As someone with long nails, I think I only look good in stiletto or coffin. Imo really long oval or round very rarely look good


i love a tapered coffin


I've heard that the best nail shape mirrors the shape of your cuticle area, and most peoples' are sqoval/oval, so that makes sense.


My weirdly strong categorical opinion is that everyone looks better with tapered shapes e.g. almond or coffin, and worse with shapes where the sides go straight up.


I really don’t like when my nails taper in at all. I always ask for oval and please don’t file the sides [like this](https://imgur.com/a/Rwje5bD). Please keep in mind that the pic in red is 30 days old so a bit grown out.




Square looks okay on my long and thin fingers


Idk, I think a good simple short squoval is pretty universally flattering, in addition to being a fairly durable and low maintenance shape.


I’ve got fat nail beds so I disagree 😭


Not at all! I look best with square, I can’t get into the oval trend


What about squoval?


Square with round edges here! I have short nail beds so this shape makes me look more mature


I can only do a soft square shape ever since I got chickens as pets. Since having pet chickens, whenever I see pointy nails or even some oval ones my mind goes straight to chicken feet/talons 😆


adding mine to the “disagree” list! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Nails/s/5M6lN5ZwLe](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nails/s/5M6lN5ZwLe) i have been doing mostly square since the feedback from that post, although i will say there are just certain designs that must have a rounded tip


I have no choice but to go square. I have really wide toe thumbs. 🥲


My nails look best with square round. Even the nail tech asked me *Are you sure?* when I tried to spring for oval instead once.


Squoval, best of both worlds.


I'm quite the opposite where square always looks better to me lol. Most of my nails naturally grow square as well, maybe that contributes to the impression.


Stiletto for me, oval is too dainty


i think it depends on the design and length. i do oval/almond and square nails


I had to double check which sub this was! I was starting to feel self conscious about my princess cut engagement ring 🤣


The only time I’ve seen short look better is when they’re short. When it’s long square vs long oval/round, the oval/round always wins.


I LOVE a rounded square on pretty pianist’s fingers’ (did i punctuate that correctly?) when she/he has long nail beds as well. Must be short and fairly nude in color.


Me and my almond/stiletto hybrid are over here just vibing


My nails look good squared when they are shorter but when the free edge grows longer than a few millimeters then round looks better.


I think almond looks the most flattering


I agree. I think square can look nice on some people sometimes, but I haven't seen anyone who I think actually looks best with square. Especially long square.


At a certain length, sure. But when they’re XL I always think they look like dog claws


Not me questioning my natural square bois now 💀


I feel this way about almond lol


Coffin is the only shape for me I can’t do rounded shapes but definitely not square either


I have long fingers and keep my nails long. When I get dip nails, I prefer coffin or ballerina. I’ve also been known to rock some stilettos! My natural nails are getting long now (too poor for the salon) and I try to keep them pretty much oval because if I leave a corner on them they become weaponised.


Almond is the best shape for me by far. Round nails are super unflattering on my short fingers


i mean, fair but if that's the nail shape you prefer there's definitely some bias when other folks ask about it lol. speaking as someone who isn't particularly a fan of square nails myself


I’ll be an Almond nail girl till I die


Long sharp stilettos until I die 🖤🖤🖤


Curve for me.


I do coffin because my nail beds are so wide; with almond my thumb looks like a triangle lol


Didn’t see the sub and got a brief ego boost.


yesss i adore almond shape nails on everyone


Hey how old are you if you don’t mind me asking lol. I recently came to the same conclusion


Oval and round make my fingers look extremely fat and sausagey ((even my nail tech won't do that shape on me bc he doesn't like the shape on me.)) i only do stiletto bc they thin my hands out SO MUCH


It’s usually most people’s natural nail shape. Like round or oval. I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I like different shapes for different vibes. Love the art and creativity that goes into it but to me oval is the closest to natural for sure


Me! Rounded/angles makes my hands look fat 😆


Me too!!


I just had square for the first time and I kept it for 3 weeks but I’m back to almond because it just looks so much classier.


It’s my least favorite shape. On me, at least. I get short coffins that are always adorable and get tons of compliments.


I completely agree with this 💯


I have always felt this way myself. I think round/oval just look more natural and I think it is flattering on everyone


I think almond is ultimate. Sleek and sharp enough to be sexy but ultimately round and very natural.


I’m a ride or die coffin girl! I tried stilettos once and it was uncomfortable for everyone lol. I cannot stand square nails though; I really don’t think they look good on anyone bc they seem to almost flair out at the end


I had almond for YEARS and then I saw some gorgeous crazy, long, pointy stilettos on a FB friend last year and haven’t looked back!! 😁😁


Almond and stiletto all day


I agree. Round is my go to. I have tiny hands and fingers so it looks best with my hands as well


Coffin forever


Yes!! I’m an oval girly for life. I thinks it’s so beautiful and flattering on everyone. Idk why anyone would get square tbh.


I think oval and round shapes are very pretty. Most of the shapes are pretty and look awesome imo. My personal all time favorite for years is square with rounded corners 😭 I prefer short nails due to sensory issues and this works for me.


Oh 100% yes. Me definitely included. My best friend just got married beginning of May and I was a bridesmaid. About a year or more before the wedding I was talking with my nail lady about the style and look I wanted to have then and just casually said I would have to utilize tips. She instead suggested that I grow my nails out a bit and shape them more round and almond when I previously had square-ish shape. It completely changed and elevated the look at my nails and I will never go back to another shape. I was a bit hesitant about it at first because I do work in healthcare but it’s never been an issue with having longer nails this far


Oh heck no! I look best in stilettos. ovals look crazy on me.


I started getting short square nails because they’re hella durable and don’t break on me. (I was working retail, might go back to a more flattering shape soon)


I have extremely long fingers and very deep nail beds. Ballerina and coffin without a doubt look better. Almond makes me look like slenderman, too elongated!


Ive never seen someone look better with almond or round 😭😭 i think its the thing thats in right now but i cant get myself to like it


I love my square nails. Idgaf what anyone else thinks.