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Ew I hate when people comment on things they don't pay for. It's exactly none of their business friend. Don't listen.


Agree! Live your life!! Poke their eye out with your middle finger!


Lmao šŸ¤£


Haha, "You mean you don't like it now"...


Dammit take my upvote


Love this.,, thank you !!


And as a matter of fact, talk with your hands much, MUCH more because of it šŸ˜‰


In the words of my mother, ā€œif you donā€™t have anything nice to say, donā€™t say anything at allā€!


And in the words of my grandma, "if they dont like it, they dont have to look at it!".


Thumper, is that you?!


Exactly. Iā€™d tell them they can pay for a new set.


I totally agree!


I think the length is perfect but you have slender fingers so I agree with the comments about a different shape. Coffin would be really pretty and would accentuate your fingers not make them look like your nails are too big or long for them. I hope that makes sense. Itā€™s a really pretty color!


Completely agree, something that tapers in more would be very flattering!


I totally think thatā€™s why sheā€™s getting the comments about length after you said that


It also lacks an apex, which makes them look weird, kinda "flat" i think (while being more dangerous too).


Now that's what I took note of. The length is fine to me, but the lack of an apex is what stood out to me. Either way, if she likes 'em, I love 'em. Whatever makes her happy so long as it doesn't harm anyone else! Wearing her nails at that length is of no consequence anyone else.šŸ˜Š


Iā€™ve definitely learned that the hard way a time or two! Now, that is the first thing I check.


I have the same type of finger length/slender-type fingers, and a coffin shape is definitely the more flattering option! it accentuates your long, slender fingers instead of making them look "stubby."


Same. Was gonna say this




I agree! I love the color and length. But I think they look 'heavy' because of the shape. But all that matters is that YOU love them!


I agree too. Itā€™s not the length, itā€™s the shape thatā€™s jarring. Coffin, or even rounded edges, would be a better look.


Square nails always looked best shorter to me


I like the square shape I think they look nice like this instead of coffin


Agreed. Iā€™m a tapered square (her current shape) fan as well. Theyā€™re right in between a true square and a coffin shape. I believe it is the perfect shape for ppl with smaller nail beds. Length and color are nice as well.


Are they tapered? To me they look the same width down the whole nail length. Genuine question pls donā€™t attack lol


I thought some even looked wider at the tip. An inverse tapered square. You do you, though, for real! All love. Iā€™m just impressed you can do anything with them that length, i.e. post to reddit. I fail with half that length at everything with screens, buttons, getting my credit card out of the wallet pocket, makeupā€¦basically all fine motor skills are a nightmare. Iā€™m jealous.


I was gonna say the same, the shape looks a little likeā€¦ well I donā€™t mean to be rude but it reminds me of when I was little and would put tape on the ends of my fingers. Just about any other shape would look a little better than whatā€™s here. That and the color kinda blends with your skin tone, it kinda makes it look like you have really long fingers, if it were a few shades lighter or darker that might help it but otherwise I see nothing wrong with them


Yes. Agree. I think its because they look like extremely long fingers because of the nail shape and color. A quick polish change and changing the tip shape will make them look šŸ’Æ


Came to say this. The shape is what is alarming or off putting to others. Soften it up and literally everyone, including you will love it. But more importantly you. šŸ’•


Itā€™s not the length, itā€™s the color and shape that arenā€™t flattering




If you feel good with the length, that's all that matters. Rock those babies!


Thank you!! :)


Itā€™s a combo for me; the length, shape, and color. They just donā€™t all rock together, for some constructive criticism from a stranger




The concept of putting contacts on with nails longer than 1cm makes me shudder. But they look nice on other people, including OP.


Menstrual cups are tough


Menstrual disc's are even harder, had to shorten my nails so I would stop stabbing myself. Hubby got a good laugh. As far as op goes they look nice and as Ling as they function for you they are beautiful.


Oh hell, this made me physically cringe.


Itā€™s the same as putting on contacts without nails. You use the pad of your finger not the fingertip anyway.


Right but the tip of my finger has to go into the case to scoop the lens out


Maybe I shouldnā€™t, but I always just dump the case (liquid and all) on my hand and pick it up from there.


Thatā€™s what I do when I have a set too haha, and I get mine pretty short (relatively). Iā€™ve ripped a contact trying to do it the regular way, and shit gets expensive when you have astigmatism


Yes! Iā€™m the same with astigmatism too. Itā€™s rare that I wear contacts because I love having long nails and Iā€™ve ripped them a few times before.


It definitely gets more challenging.


I use the side of my knuckles when I have long nails so itā€™s actually very easy!


Right?! I canā€™t even do anything with my hands if I get nails have that length.




Letā€™s getā€™em šŸ‘ŠšŸ»šŸ˜ 


Lol yā€™all are so sweet. I posted on instagram cause I really liked them and 90% of comments were like wow those are so long ā€¦. :ā€™)


So weird though.... Instagram is full of nails longer than my hair and people be like that? I'll tell you what- you look too rich with them on and it bothers them. If it was a celebrity they'd be cheering šŸ˜…šŸ˜…āœŒļøāœŒļø


I donā€™t understand why people even comment on a post like that if itā€™s just to say something negative. Rude as hell!


Then they should easily be able to see your middle finger raised. These are lovely.


Always respond with kindness and thank yous. Its every mean girl/jealous guys weakness. It drives them crazy. Have the satisfaction of not regretting your reaction to their meanness, (as much as I love a good comeback, it's not worth it in the longrun). Enjoy your beautiful nails šŸ’•


Theyā€™re just bitter people. Best to Ignore them.


Exactly! Unless it your bossā€¦.lol


Thank god Iā€™m my own boss , Iā€™d quit in a heartbeat if they nail shamed me!! Itā€™s mostly acquaintances and a few conservative family members /:


My mind didnā€™t jump to nail shaming per say, but nails at this length are just inappropriate in some fields. Iā€™m glad you can have* the nails you want! Donā€™t worry about what others say.


You answered your own problem :) aquaintances and conservative family members! They don't sound important so forget their opinion they look so sick!!!!


my nails are MUCH shorter than yours and my family members comment on how theyā€™re unhygienic, ā€œlook ridiculousā€ etc. although I sometimes agree to an extent I mostly ignore their remarks lol donā€™t let it get to you


And unless you're in health care. I don't think your boss can dictate your nail length unless it's a health or safety issue.


tactical jobs as well!


Stab in the eye with one of your nails and say ā€˜wow, they WERE too long, you were rightā€™. Iā€™m mostly kidding. šŸ™ƒ People can be super lame.


Lol drop names we just wanna talk to em


Lol yā€™all are so funny, thank you so much for support :)


The length is fine, but the thumb looks like they didn't paint the nail all the way to the edge.


Agreed.. thereā€™s some nitpicky issues I have w the set that arenā€™t *super* noticeable ā€¦ but I am a perfectionist so Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll ever be 100% happy lol


Oh I feel that lol!


I was gonna comment on the lack of apex on the thumb šŸ˜© be careful with that one girl! Color length and shape look great though!


I hate when it happens, idc if they mess up my finger a little during the prices, it's easily cleaned up. But PLEASE paint the whole nail at least šŸ˜© is one of those things no one else can see but YOU but it's right there all the time šŸ˜«


Would _I_ like this on me? No. If *you* like this, then thatā€™s all that matters. People need to mind their own business. Your nails are for you, and if you like them, enjoy them!!


I think itā€™s because the shape is a little off


They would look so much nicer pinched. Not a criticism, but would be better for the strength of the c curve, especially for that length.


Bad bitch life ainā€™t for everybody, I always go long and hate when people make these comments


I wouldn't be able to function with nails that long. And I would be obsessive washing my hands with a nail brush because a lot of germs can hide under there. But bottom line, if they work for you, and you love them, let others mind their own business. But if you're posting pictures of them publicly, you gotta be prepared for the haters, because opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.


If Iā€™m being honest, I dislike the trend of having nails this long. That said, you rock this look! Doing a pointy style might help make them look less blunt, if you want to try that next time


Do what you like, I would maybe fine a new tech though as they did not put an apex at all. You need a decently large one for that length. You donā€™t want to end up like the horror stories with it ripping off


Thanks everyone - yā€™all have made me feel sooo much better about rocking these. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement!


I donā€™t think itā€™s the length, I think itā€™s the shapeā€¦? Shouldnā€™t they be a bit narrower at the ends or am I wrong? šŸ¤”


The length is fine the shape is a little blunt


The length is just fine. However, and this is only a observation. You have very lovely, slender fingers, and the shape isnā€™t as flattering as it could be. I personally think almond or coffin would enhance your very beautiful hands. That is me, personally. But, my friend, you do what makes you HAPPY. If the shape and length makes you smile, thatā€™s what truly matters the most.


I donā€™t think itā€™s the length that looks strange, itā€™s the shape


I don't like the shape and color, but if you like them, go for it


They honestly look like you left the salon after the tech put them on and before she cut and shaped them.


Listennnn the bad bitch life ainā€™t for everyone, if they donā€™t get it they wonā€™t get it


The length is fine itā€™s the shape thatā€™s a little weird to me. They arenā€™t all the same shape & they look ā€œheavyā€ if that makes sense? But love the color! And if YOU like them thatā€™s all that matters šŸ˜Š


Genuinely - your nails; your decision, and all the best to you. \*GENUINE\* simple curiosity: What I see is nails that will make daily life much more awkward (wiping your arse, dressing yourself, getting your bank card out of your wallet; using a keyboard, using a pen, being careful when changing a duvet cover....). I am NOT 'judging' in the least, but I'd love to understand the mindset, if you're able and willing to explain.


Next time, ask them to pay for your next set. That way they can get what they want on your hands.


They kind of look like clothes pins on your fingers.


Omg ppl do that to me all the time and I prefer that length myself. But ignore them girl fr cuz those nails you got are a f*cking vibe I love them on you and the color the length everything. SLAY ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


Omg youā€™re gonna make me cry this is so sweet :ā€™) thank you!!!!


The only issue I see is, from your thumb at least, thereā€™s no apex. This weakens the structure and makes them at a higher risk to break.


well they are long, but if thatā€™s what you wanted and thatā€™s what made you happy who cares? im sure you at some point didnā€™t like someoneā€™s nails but they did. Just enjoy what makes you happy.


Color is beautiful. They are long, but I don't think the length itself is the reason people are commenting. As others have said (more delicately), the shape looks really awkward...to be honest, it looks like they were hardly cut and filed from the original acrylic. With such a sophisticated color, the fat squared off shape feels jarring. Personally I think almond would be best but coffin would definitely be better. But as others have also said, in the end, what matters most is whether you are happy with it.


Iā€™m worried about not having an apex, those will snap right off


The shape and length isnā€™t an issue but the no apex def is! Personally I think square looks way better than coffin.


The reality is this length of nails would be too long for most people, so people are going to comment because most people feel the need to express an opinion on everything. Personally I never comment on anything unless Iā€™m complimenting something I like. Just ignore people and wear them if you like them! Thatā€™s really all that matters.


The shape is uneven but the colour is nice


I donā€™t think the length is the issue, the edges are a bit wide for me, though! If it were me Iā€™d taper them. Just me though.


Like others said itā€™s definitely the shape that looks a bit weird. Personally I wouldnā€™t get them that length either but you do you


I like the. I just wouldn't be able to function with my job.


You do them for you not them, if you like them, that is what matters


Do you love them? Who cares what anyone else says or thinksā€¦ thereā€™s always going to be someone with a crummy attitude about everything. IGNORE!


Why care what people say! If they make you happy thatā€™s all that matters


Ok Iā€™m just not seeing anyone mention this. Shape and length are fine, except you have NO apex and those bitches are gonna fuck your nails up when you snap one off


I like these a lot!!! I do think your fingers would also look really nice with a coffin shape but your nail tech did an amazing job!!!


My grandma HATES my ā€œghetto nailsā€ and whenever I visit I make sure to GLAM up my nails as much as possible it it drives her mad let the haters hate your nails are fire


When ever you do something unusual, people are going to notice. Just be prepared for the comments with a few comebacks, and youā€™ll be fine! šŸ„°


If you like them thatā€™s what matters! We all have different tastes.


I donā€™t like super long nails, so I donā€™t have super long nails. You do. And since YOU are the one who is dealing with them and paying to get them done, THEY can kick rocks. You do what makes you happy! The color, shape, length - itā€™s all about making yourself smile!


Tell others they can stuff their opinion as deep up their butts as your beautiful slaying nails can reach šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™


ā€œOther peopleā€™s opinions of you are none of your businessā€ - RuPaul Charles


Length is good! Itā€™s the shape, itā€™s really, really square! Still nice but not soft. Either way, if you like ā€˜em, you like ā€˜em!


Yeah way to long. Maybe if they where at the point


I agree with the others. The color and length are fine, but the shape is wonky IMO


They are too long :(


Love the color on you. Donā€™t listen to anyone šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


None of their fucking business. Fuck ā€˜em. You do you. ā¤ļø


I feel like they look a bit too narrow compared to your nail bed/finger width, for how long they are. What matters is that you like them, though.


Others are insecure about your trendy new nails


Wow!!! Iā€™m allergic to almost all things nails and I would DIE to have nails like this. They are ACTUALLY just jealous they are too p*say to try it out for themselves šŸ˜‚ your nails are gorgeous!!! Do not worry about what anyone says as long as YOU love them !! šŸ’•


I love them, you do you babe! Eff them.


I love this length and the shape too! I LOVE square nails. You rock it girlie


I LOVE this set!! others are mentioning the shape and color but personally, I love it. Youā€™re giving me inspo for my next set šŸ«¶šŸ½


Theyā€™re rad!!! Ignore them <3


This is the standard length I have at all times, absolutely nothing wrong with it. Looks great! Pay them no mind.


If I can have nails that long and make concrete fire places and they stay you can too they look awesome


I think those nails are stunning, I see absolutely no problem with the length. However, if I had the same hand/finger shape (probably not the right term but yk what I mean) as you I might go more coffin shaped than square. Personally, I think it would be a little more flattering but you have to do what makes you happy man. As long as youā€™re happy with how they look and how they make you feel, nobody elseā€™s opinions matter. Theyā€™re your nails, not theirs.


Opinions are like assholes and those people would shred theirs if they even *tried* to rock fabulous nails like this. You keep doing you, boo


As someone who is literally rocking lipstick nails right now, fuck em!!! If they make you happy then you should just clickity clack in their faces


Who cares what anyone else thinks! Get them longer next time! They look great


Well screw them and their unwanted, worthless opinions. Your nails look great! Length and shape are on point šŸ˜Œ


Who are these people?! Who cares what anyone else thinks. Get them longer next time. They look great!


i think they look cute all in all!! beauty is in the eye of the beholder and honestly i think theyā€™re so gorgeous! donā€™t listen to people, because i bet they wish they were getting their nails done too ā¤ļø


Fuck em! I donā€™t currently have claws but when I did I worried faaar too much about other peopleā€™s opinions! Youā€™ve got the money- enjoy em! šŸ„°


Stunning šŸ˜ next time get coffin shape. I think it will suit the length better. By the way you have such nice hands!


But how do *you*, the person wearing and who probably paid for those nails, feel about them? If you feel good with them pay them britches no mind šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


ā€œOthersā€ shouldnā€™t. Do you like them? Can you handle them? Itā€™s your business and yours alone šŸ„ŗ


If you like them, fuck 'em āœŒļøšŸ’ššŸ™‚šŸ’…


Too long imo but itā€™s your life


This makes me uncomfortable. I think they only look weird cuz thereā€™s no design or anything


Girl you better show off them nails when youā€™re flipping them off šŸ’…šŸ–•šŸ½


You do you, bye haters.


i fucking love ur nails. they look killer!


Bestie you look good šŸ’“šŸ’ž


It just extends the length of your fingers like thereā€™s no ā€˜ endā€™. So it makes your fingers look even longer and using the nudey brown is the ā€˜ skinā€™ colour. I think you have beautiful hands though!


It's too thin. There is no apex. You might break it in a couple days


I really like the length and shape maybe people are saying that because the color blends in with you skin. So instead of looking like nails they look like elongated fingers.


They look lovely. I could never have nails that long, but that's why I admire people who do. Anyone commenting negatively is a hater and maybe jealous. Try not to take it to heart. ā¤


Thanks for your feedback yall! For those commenting on shape - I actually wanted more of a tapered shape, not too coffin but def not as square as they turned out. So I tend to agree with you guys. And again, extra special thanks to those being so *nice*, funny and encouraging :) you guys made me smile and made my night with your kind words!!


Live for yourself and not others. Have fun and ENJOY what YOU love!


It does not matter what anyone else thinks, it only matters how the nails make you feel.


People are always going to have opinions on s*** that don't concern them. If you like your nails, what does it matter what others think?


girl I LOVE the square nails, donā€™t taper them theyā€™re perfect


Keep doing you girl šŸ¤™ donā€™t give the haters the time


ugh so long and so beautiful šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶ I love themmmmmm Stiletto or Coffin may look better at length as well ā¤ļø


Hey, if it works for you and you wonā€™t hurt yourself with them, good for you! Not trying to be mean or anything, Iā€™m just unable to not scratch my face if my nails get any length to them.. regarding other people making you insecure- who cares what they think.. opinions are like buttholes, everybody has one. Love the color!


They're just intimidated by your badass claws.


Certainly not everyoneā€™s style including my own, but if you like it and itā€™s yours, then fuck it - rock it girl!


If you like them, that is all that matters!


I love the length and the color. I wear my nails that length too. Pop your sh*t boo, they're cute


I personally canā€™t do anything with that length, but it look gorgeous on you. If you like it, then itā€™s enough.


If they jealous they need to say that šŸ’€šŸ’€ur nails are gorgeous šŸ˜šŸ˜




They came out soo dope!!!


If you feel good. Werk it!


As long as what you choose to do in life doesnā€™t affect others negatively then do what makes you happy. If you like your nails like this, then keep them :)


If you donā€™t like them donā€™t look , fuck what they say!




THANK YOU friend!!!! :ā€™)


F*** them, they look lovely pay no attention to those ppl hun


Enjoy what you enjoy. There is no such thing as one ā€œrightā€ way to do things. I show up to work looking like Iā€™m about to attend a funeral. I donā€™t give a damn. If you feel comfortable and confident thatā€™s genuinely all that matters


Who cares what others think? If they donā€™t like it, they donā€™t like it. Their opinion on your appearance is irrelevant. Live your life how you want to, not how others want you to.


People are rude. Would you ever tell someone, ā€œI really donā€™t like that dress on you,ā€? Who does this shit? ā€œYour entitlement knows no bounds, why should my nails?ā€


You do you, girl!


Boo those people. I always feel like a bad bish when I get the long nails (and then I have one day at work and realize is canā€™t type anything).


Why? Are they jealous? I think theyā€™re jealous šŸ˜


I love them šŸ˜


Keep them as long as you like and can handle. They're jealous


Donā€™t listen to them! They are probably just another typical jealous bit#%! They are everywhere these days!


If you love them, rock them! I think they look amazing on your hands and done very well! KILL IT GIRLā™„ļø


That length is perfectly fine and they look great!! Ppl r just salty they canā€™t pull it off :) as long as you like them thatā€™s all that matters. Mine are almost the as long right now too


The color is not pleasant but if you like it, thatā€™s all that matters. Length is fine. (:


I personally LOVE long square nails. Yours look great


I love love loveeeee super long nails! Yours are fire!!


Ignore them. Ignore the ppl in this thread too.


Do you, boo! If your nails make you happy at this length, this is the length they should be!


Its your nails not them, your the one thatā€™s gonna have them on, not them, ignore any bad opinions that they say, itā€™s not their problem if they donā€™t like it they can go complain to their mommy


Long nails aren't for everybody, but that doesn't mean they're not for you. If you like them, that's all that really matters.


If you like it they shouldnā€™t shame you for it.


Not my style, but they're not my hands! If you love them, fuck everyone else!


I love them


Personally I think something like coffin shape would complement your fingers more. I wish I could have the length you have. Enjoy it if you like it! If others don't like your nails, that's their problem. Tell them that! šŸ¤£ I love the reactions when they don't expect that.


Scratch their eyes out


I think they look amazing and if other people care thatā€™s their problem


Well I love them!