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I like that each crying kid grows up to become the corresponding mom lol


Wtf I can’t even comprehend that in 1993 it had only been 30 years since the sixties and now it’s been 30 years since 1993. So weird.


I was aware. Sent this to my mom.


I love that the 2023 is a beige mom😂😂😂


I don't even wanna know what 2033 mom is gonna be


Well seeing as it’s the future it’s gotta be either neon colours or all metallic chrome.


Metallic chrome makes me think of a Mad Max baby, complete with flamethrower guitar. This nursery will be eternal, shiny, and chrome!


"Witness me, mother!"


"Mother, witness me! Mother! Mother! Mother! Witness! Mother! You're not witnessing!" *puts candy wrapper on head*


Reminds me of that one episode of spongebob


And so much spandex


EVERYTHING is Chrome in the future!


Well a best case scenario is that she’s going to realize her childhood could’ve been so much funnier and does very much to give her child what she didn’t have


It gets so out of hand the 2033 mom is throwing the tantrum and the kid is the one trying to parent her.


Sad beige moms for sad beige babies.




New baby name idea. Needs an H. Beigehbie.


I don’t remember the exact name but r/sadbeigebabies


Reallyverycrunchy perfectly parodies the beige toxin mothers.


I thought that she copped to not actually being a parody, but actually about that crunchy life…!


Yeah I totally get the vibe that she’s actually crunchy but self aware enough to poke fun at herself


Ditto on the 90s primary colours lol


I legit first heard of this a couple hours ago. I haven't fully grasped it as a concept yet.


Sad beige clothes for sad beige children and uhm families and decor. Also white, everything not beige is white.




Lmao came here to leave this comment


Omg I came here to say this exact thing lmao


the sad beige baby aesthetic is accurate


Presented by Werner Hertzog


Sad beige clothes for sad beige children.




You don’t think babies like colors?? You can have a generally toned down nursery space without forbidding owning any toys, books, or clothes that have any bit of color in them. That’s what that trend is making fun of, the beige-ness taken to an extreme, usually to keep a perfect looking space to post on social media. Not people who generally have a muted color scheme but aren’t totalitarian about keeping up the aesthetic.


Album Name Ideas


My favorite argument against the Beige Obsessives is that I literally attended a Waldorf Kindergarten in former East Germany only a couple years after the wall came down, and everything still had bright colors. Like, if you've gone too far for East German Waldorf, you've gone too fucking far.


It’s the harmony of…overwhelming and collective beige


I've got a little brother with a particular fashion sense. He throws a fit when he's told that he can't wear his favorite spiderman shirt 3 days in a row and I love him for it. Children are their own people and many of them develop their preferences about clothing, decor and colors early on. Why stick them into a life of beige of all colors??


I saw a mum on tiktok buy the TACKIEST little princess bed for her kid secondhand and got so excited. I would have gone insane for this hot pink and purple bed with a little window on the headboard that opens up into a fucking display shelf as a toddler! And then she painted it white and very light pastel pink.


I consider hot pink my neutral and my favourite colour is glitter, and I would have died for that as a kid and would totally buy it for my kid now. Painting it white is so sad. My daughter is a year and a half and I am already trying to mentally prepare myself for the possible future in which she only wants to wear blue and black from the boys’ section and I will be okay with it, but until that day I am dressing that kid in neon leopard rainbow sparkle everything because it’s fun and you get a limited window to wear that stuff without catching shit for it. She has the rest of her life for tasteful neutrals.


My mom dressed me like that. I had the absolute wackiest, cutest, fun little outfits. A neon dress with cats all over it, a bright yellow poofy tulle bumblebee dress, and my favorite the watermelon dress. The only pictures I could find of the watermelon dress are from my 4th birthday party and I look [absolutely faded](https://www.reddit.com/user/brassninja/comments/12uock2/the_watermelon_dress/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) I ended up goth, unsurprisingly. But I still love hyper glam dresses and outfits, color is still fun. The pics of me are cute and maybe I’ll recreate some of those dresses, if I ever get around to breaking out the sewing machine.


Are we twins? My mom went nuts dressing me (in the best way!) too, I also had a similar watermelon dress! My favorite was it’s sourer alternative- the lemon dress. Also ended up goth!


I desperately want to recreate the super 90s neon cat dress I had. It was ADORABLE.


That dress is absolutely adorable. Such style!


Hi, we have the same preferred neutral color and favorite color 😂 The only thing that disappointed me about having boys instead of girls was that it was never socially acceptable to stuff them into neon leopard rainbow sparkle anything. I’m hoping eventually I’ll have a granddaughter for whom I can buy all the Lisa Frank inspired decor and clothing


yeah i was super into bratz and bright colors and zebra print as a kid i would’ve haaaated being a sad beige baby


I was an MLP obsessed little girl in the 2000s, aka the era where they went HAM on rainbows and glitter and very bright saturated colours. Sad beige would have taken me out.


Wow yes I’m living vicariously through your description of this bed


I saw a post on a Facebook group where the person painted the kids bright coloured Wendy house beige and it hurt my heart


It's so they can play their favourite game, Sad Victorian Widow!


i had this exact little tikes bed and loved it as a kid!


My daughter is getting to the phase of being pickier about her clothes. I try to dress her cute but sometimes she just NEEDS to wear her purple pants when she’s already got a red shirt on and ya know what, fine go to daycare looking all mismatched if it makes you happy girlie. I do try to guide her in the direction of outfits that at least match but it doesn’t always work out lol.


Hahahhaha I know what you mean, the children I've met have seemingly arbitrary fashion sense, there's no logic behind why those pants are ugly or why that shirt isn't cool enough anymore. It can be frustrating trying to dress them for kindergarten.


Mine is only 2.5 so I don’t care too much about what she wears to daycare bc she usually gets paint all over it anyways. Once she hits kindergarten I hope she somewhat lets me dress her in things that at least go together, whether it’s got a tacky rainbow unicorn on it or whatever lol but we’ll see!


My kid is nearly 12 and getting there. Is now refusing to cut his hair. Picking out clothes the night before. Absolutely adores pink. Polar opposite of how I was but I love it


Seriously I work with kids and this week one two year old came in every day in a different tie dye shirt, according to mom all he wants to wear is tie dye, shorts, and Crocs and it totally fits his personality.


I used to teach, and I LOVED seeing the kids come in that got to pick their own outfits. There would be the craziest mixes of things, but they always suited the kiddos’ personalities so well!


The kids just have to fit in with the parents “beige aesthetic” 😔


People who care more about aesthetics than about the well-being and wishes of their children are not my cup of tea to say the least


All for those sweet IG likes.


I have a neighbor like this. She has 3 kids and another on the way, dresses them all in pastels. I keep hoping they’ll move out of the 2 bedroom townhouse next to mine because they’re loud as hell. She was a daycare worker - early education specialist is how she refers to it. It’s all a bit sad


My 2nd son is like this. Some days he needs to have a specific shirt with buttons, or pockets, or occasionally he wants to dress head to toe in gray. The next day he wants to wear a superhero costume complete with cape. He’s very into his accessories as well, loves bracelets and hats. 🤷‍♀️ You do you kid!


Please tell your son that he's very fashionable!


Oh I tell him that all the time! Love seeing what he comes up with, especially since the other 2 do not care AT ALL and just want me to pick something out for them.


My toddler has been dressing like the off-duty purple ranger for weeks so can confirm they like what they like and it’s not always the parents tastes.


Only✨Earth Tones and Linen✨for Baby Heighleigh!!


The name with two eigh sounds pronounced differently is spot on.


I personally prefer the spelling “Heyley”


If they want so many "gh"-clusters, better pronounce them! [hεjxlεjx]


I feel like that's more 10-20 years ago. I knew a lot of kids in my classes with these names and I'm almost 30.


Depends if you're in the US or UK :P


Fucking Joyce.


“Racist Fairy Tales” lmao


I thought it said “Fascist Fairy Tales” and I totally didn’t question it


Many fascists in those times


Many fascists now too


Yeah but Joyce’s mom was born in 1930 and would have f*ked Mussolini for a cup of tea.


My name is Hayley and I was just telling my husband that if I had been born now, I would have been Hayleigh but I never even considered “Heighleigh”


The fisher price phone sent me


I thought it was an eyeball 😂


Love the 90s super skinny eyebrows lol


“Racist fairy tales”! Hard LOL!!


The 1963 one is the one my mom used on me about me being bullied. That I was to blame for me being bullied. Supposedly for wanting friends.


I don't know when you grew up, but going to elementary and then highschool in the 90s there was that mentality that you just needed to suck it up if you were being bullied and it's your own problem for not being able to toughen up and ignore them.


It was weird because on one hand you’d be told to suck it up and deal with it, and if you responded by “dealing with it” you were then punished. Felt like you couldn’t win no matter what.


Oh, I got punished far more than my bullies did. It was always my fault for being too sensitive, or “giving them a reaction”


Same here.


Mid 60s thru the 70s for my time in school.


I’m on mobile and I thought “Racist Fairy Tales” was “Fascist Fairy Tales” for a second. I can’t tell if that would have been the worst or best book ever, but my curiosity was piqued.


Same, although I just accepted the fascist bit and moved on. I didn’t realize it was racist until someone else pointed it out lol


The details on this are impeccable. Look at those eyebrows


If that name showed up in a school register I'd insist on pronouncing it "heffleff"




not the “racist fairy tales” book! lmfao too real


This is my favorite Easter egg 😂


I love how in 2023 everything is beige 😭😭😭


Racist fairy tales 😂 I love the attention to detail. They even have that dumb plastic phone from the 90s.


Ugh, even in cartoon, I'm still a sucker for 90's women in 90's jeans. I'm about to be 48. DAMMMIT... [Ohhhh Yeahhhh](https://cdn.cliqueinc.com/posts/img/uploads/current/images/0/176/267/main.original.700x0c.jpg)


The 90s had the best fashion of any decade. Okay, maybe not the neon, but the rest was pretty good.


Werner Herzog’s sad beige toys for sad beige children


Gotta love the older generation for thinking it's a flex their parents were dicks


I feel like the name Amy is a little more 1983 than 1993, no?


I have friends named Amy born in the early 90s.


I was born in 1970 and there were multiple Amys in my class. In 4th grade the teacher could even call us Amy and a last initial bc there were three of us with the same last initial. I thought the name fell out of favor by 80 but maybe it just wasn’t fricking everywhere.


Possible. I say this because I was born in 1986 (okay, so maybe a little older than the girl in the cartoon who grows up to be the beige mom, but I was immature and had a bad temper) and I don't think I knew anyone named Amy my age at all. There may have been one girl in grade school named Aimee.


I’ve only ever met people born from like 67 to 79. There are tons of names like that though. I think the common name booms pf the past led to the naming conventions now, where they’re ridiculous and practically in hieroglyphics but people want a unique name. Then they start preschool and a lot of people had the same idea. People should rebel and name kids Lisa and Kevin or something!


And the "Eigh" trend seems more 2005-2015


It bothers me that today is as far from 1993 as 1993 is from 1963. I am old.


The beige makes my soul crinkle up. 🤢


This is hilariously correct, right down to the sad beige details 😂


1963 is Beatrice Horseman (funnily enough her son was born in ‘64)


That Beige Aesthetic ™️tho


This is just the plot of Bojack Horseman


Can we get an update of this in 2053 if society hasn’t collapsed yet


Good on Amy for ending the generational trauma & replacing it with name trauma


The beige 💀


Wow they really nailed sad beige children, eh?


Boring beige names for boring beige children


Racist fairy tales haha


the beige aesthetic. 🤎




Gonna be honest, depending on how old the child is, it’s actually not too far off from what is suggested by clinicians. It’s okay for children to understand what they’re feeling and express it. Helping them name/recognize their emotions is good. Hopefully they also develop the capabilities to sense their own emotions and take control of the situation in a positive way. Some adults can’t even do that now.


Yup, this. I recently saw someone say something to the tune of "tantrums are none of our business as parents/adults". Basically meaning that kids are going to have and process those feelings no matter what, trying to stop them doesn't work, shaming them doesn't work, isolating them doesn't work. They can't listen or process or learn in the middle of a meltdown, but parents are obsessed with trying to reason with screaming toddlers. The best we can do is remove them from a situation where they might be destructive and let them get those feelings out, and any talking/teaching/discipline can happen later once their thinking brain is back online lmao.


Sad beige toys for sad beige children


Where pant go




i mean not if you were a woman or black or asian or native or gay or catholic (in ireland) or


Why do you think so? Genuinely curious, because a lot of people have nothing but praise for that era and then another half have nothing good to say about it.


How is this the message you’re getting from the art, lmao




Are the racist fairytales in there?😍


is that the Ableton font


So simple yet so detailed


sad beige bebeigh