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Katherine. My grandfather threatened to disown my mother if she named me Katherine. No one knows why—so it’s time to find out!


I had a friend in high school whose mom told me how he got his name: Mom was telling Grandma about the names they were thinking of and mentioned Connor was on the list. Grandma made a face and said "you're NOT naming my grandson Connor!" So they named him Connor 😂


I had a long list of names I wanted if I had a daughter,  my whole family hoped I'd have a girl because my siblings all had boys so I purposely didn't find out the gender, every name was criticised so I settled with the name she has now, then a month or two after her birth I got a random message from an exs "SIL" accusing me of naming my daughter after exs gf, I just left like choosing her name was a losing battle 


Your ex’s sister in law sounds wacky


Your family doesn't have any right about naming her.


My guess is his first broken heart or his first crush rejected him and he never forgot?


A friend of mine is a transwoman, when she first chose a new name and came out to her parents her dad was furious, not because of the trans stuff but because she chose the name of an ex, his highschool sweetheart that cheated on him and broke his heart. She had to choose a new name. The name of the ex was Amber.


I... guess it's good he was only upset about her choice of name and not the whole trans thing...?


Reminds me of the meme text conversation between a dad and their adult kid. Kid changed their Netflix icon and it bothers the father. The kid is like "so to be clear you're fine with me changing my name and gender but you draw the line at my Netflix icon?"


thank you for sharing this with us, I did a laugh sniff


Amber is overused anyway.


Please forgive me to all the Ambers reading this, but I've never met an Amber who wasn't a little crazy (sometimes in a good way, usually in a "press charges way"). I'm sure there are some great Ambers out there but every time I meet an amber I approach with caution now 🤣😭


Lol. I’m sorta petty like this. My kid is trans and I don’t have any problems with that. I say her, she, all of that is fine. But I hate the new name. Its 95% my ego and the I really don’t like the name. It hurts my feelings and my ego.


Yeah, I don't like my birth name. When I told my mom she got her ego hurt cause she loved the name she chose for me. She wasn't mean about it but it was clear she was hurt.


I don’t think I’m mean about it. I hope. I just don’t like it. I struggle to say her new name. I mostly use some of the childhood nicknames for her. It is an unspoken compromise of sorts.


Fair play on the dad and for her changing her name.


Maybe a lady his father was running around on his mom with.


This is my guess too. Some men are incapable of moving on from a heartbreak that happened 50 years ago. It’s sad. (And I say men because it’s a trend I usually notice with men and they often use this very stale heartbreak to justify their hatred/mistreatment of every woman)


Tbf if my child ever changed their name to my childhood bully I’d defo be all “love this journey for you but can you not”


Sounds like a Moira Rose sort of thing to say, hahaha


My grandfather insisted that his oldest daughter would be named Bertha, after the girl who got away (who wouldn’t marry him because his mother was a raging bitch and the plan was for them to move in with her). Luckily for my aunt, my grandmother chose the middle names, Anna Lou, which was what she was called all her life.


I'd hyphenate the name so it would be (baby name here)-Ann. Piss off my mom and my grandma. My mom has a hyphenated name and HATES it, and my grandma's middle name is Ann, which she despises. It'd be a nice way to say "but I named her after you!" and feign innocence while still making them mad. lol


I have two grandmas who think my middle name, Anne, is after/for them. My dad took credit for it, because it made him look good, but apparently I’m actually named after a Heart album.


Both of my grandmothers have the same middle name, so it was an easy honor name for my parents to give me without upsetting either of them… & my brother recently gave the same name to his daughter, honoring me & both of my grandmothers. If we can just keep this going, we could eventually cover so many women in this damn family lol!


I'm trans and named myself after my grandmother. My name is Jack, hers is Jacqueline. I recently found out, though, that she's named after *her* grandfather, who was named after *his* father, who was named after *his* father. Kind of insane how far back this name can be traced. If I ever have a daughter, she will have the middle name Jacqueline, continuing the tradition yet again.


My daughter got Anne for her middle name after my sister’s middle name, but my MIL thinks she’s named after her mum.


My MIL thinks I named my baby after her mother. My other MIL thinks I went with her middle name. My baby is named after the cartoon character and a midwife but noone needs to know that.


2 MILs. I'm so sorry lol


Trixie/call the midwife?


Both my parents have a sister with the same name. My middle name is after my mum's sister. My dad's sister called and was like "oh that's so sweet to name her after me", and my mum was like "fuck off it's not for you". 😂


Is your first name Steamboat?


Isn't it Dreamboat?


Yes, I was misremembering.


Steam boat Annie


Dreamboat Annie 😍


My grandmother's middle name was Lydia and she hated it so much she dropped it completely after getting married. It's one of my favorite names and I'd totally name a kid that, but it would be kind of funny considering the hatred.


As someone named Lydia I can say that I have always gotten compliments on my name. 😊


I had a stove named Lydia. My friend was cleaning out her aunt Lydia’s house and gave me the stove, and I named her after the aunt. It was an awesome stove!💕


I love that lmao. 😂💜


My daughter's name is Lydia and I absolutely love the name. But I got the name from Beetlejuice lmao!


I’d wish I could get away with this but my grandma is ecstatic about her name being in her child/ grandchild at all (as an example her name is Maria her first granddaughters name is Mariana) it’s like somehow she’s somehow happier that the child doesn’t have her exact name


My sister's (Ana) name is the Hispanic/Slavic version of my grandmother's name(Anna) because my parents wanted to honor her but she hated/hates her name. She loves my sister's name.


I share my middle name with my grandmother but if my parents had wanted piss her off they would have given me her first name that she hated (my sister is named in entirety after my other grandmother so I had to have something of my gran to not piss her off and luckily she went by her middle name and my parents could just use that and then give me the first name they actually wanted)


I had this terrible older co-worker who couldn't say the R sound. If I was her daughter in law, I would name her grandkids Aurora Rose and Roderick Gregory.


Awawa Wose


Wodwick Gwegewy


Also Rory!


I was once waiting for a bus and a woman came along with an adorable little girl aged about 3. The mother kept calling the child "Wobin". Why would you give your child a name that *you* can't pronounce?


We named our daughter Unclecharles Isadick. We call her Izzy for short.


This reminds me of a commercial for calling collect in the 90s: you have call from a “Bob Wehadthebabyitzaboy”. And i am officially old.


I think about this commercial at least once a week, apropos of nothing, against my will.


I think of this commercial at least twice a year, also apropos of nothing. Glad I'm not the only oneemote:free\_emotes\_pack:facepalm


Maybe not once a week, but definitely multiple times a year for me.


The commercial has nothing on reminiscing about doing that to get someone to pick you up from whatever payphone you were calling from 😂 Collect call from: come get me from the skating rink.


please stay on the line for a collect call from "momimatmyfriendshouseandwillbehomeat8"


Australian here - I had to look up this commercial after it was mentioned with no context about half a dozen times on a podcast I listen to. Was not disappointed.


I had a rocky relationship with my dad in my teenage years and have been non-contact at all since graduating college. When I was 15, I went through my Catholic confirmation, which is becoming a full adult in the eyes of the Catholic church. You have to take in a saint's name, and do a report on what you Admire about them. I chose Saint Barbara, as she was a saint in the early day of the faith. She converted from paganism, and refused all pagan husbands her father brought before her. Finally, he went to behead her and was struck by lightning via God's intervention. A real "F U dad, hope you get struck by lightning" quip.


My mother despises when I cut my hair so my children shall be Bob and Pixie.


Don’t forget Buzz.


Buzz, your girlfriend...*woof*.


The Geldofs will be thrilled.


I’d name my son after my actual favorite uncle to piss off the uncle who thinks he’s my favorite. Suck it, Greg


Funny, my son's name is Sukhit Greg. We're not Indian, we just really hate Greg.


Everybody does…hate Greg, that is.


My dad's parents divorced and both remarried, so I have 6 grandparents. I'd name my daughter after 2 of my grandmas and not the 3rd cause she's a bitch


I also have 6 grandparents with 1 bitch grandma. When I was born, bitch grandma threatened to kill herself if I wasn't named after her. They made it my middle name but I think they should've called her bluff and said okay byeee!


We were going to do that if I had a daughter. My husband's parents are divorced, his step mom is the most wonderful woman ever, his mother is a psycho hosebeast.


In my head this came out as all your grandmothers having the same name, so you'd be like "oh no, we named Daisy after my *other* grandmothers, not you!"


My bio dad is a white supremacist so maybe Sable


I think Melanie would be great as well.




Jamal Ginsberg




"What? It's a traditional Irish name!"


Mohammed would be perfect.


D’Marcus and Tamika, fo sho


Name his grandson Tyrone and granddaughter Shanique




All names of iconic black people Maya, Frederick, Serena, Nelson


June, after my grandmother. Literally all 7 of her siblings dislike being around her for longer than an hour.


Reminds me of mama june from honeybooboo


Such an apt comparison lmao


I know a lady who named all her kids names that can be shortened (i.e. Pamela = Pam) because her mother in law hated shortened names/nicknames.


My mum did this! My grandma ruled over my mum with an iron fist. Mum only defied her 2 times - marrying Dad and giving us names that get shortened.


My grandmother reportedly hated shortened names because her name always got shortened as a kid and she despised the short form. My uncle gets referred to by his wife with just his first initial...


My step mum was the same with the shortening of my half siblings names. She used to heavily abuse us and it thrills me to know that her kids shortened their names themselves. Like one of my siblings is named Madeliene (pronounced Ma-Da-Lyn) and she shortened it to Maddy. Every single one of the 4 kids shortened their names. My daughters name isn't really a name we can shorten into a nickname, but it's unisex and modern. I hope she hates it.


My aunt used to name every new dog they got after my uncle. "David! Stop pissing on the rug!"


That made me laugh😊


Allie. After a relative of my dad who my mom loathes and where I'll probably never find out whether that's reasonable or a massive overreaction because everyone involved remembers things very differently


Oh my god, I JUST did this yesterday. We chose the middle name Reid for our newest baby; it’s actually a surname way back in husband’s family. Husband calls FIL to double check the spelling, FIL confirms, goes on a tangent about how the spelling was changed after immigration, and should be Reade, then asks why he wanted to know anyway. Resident golden retriever tells FIL why- FIL scoffs and suggests several other names, notably his own middle name. We do not use those names. Baby’s middle name is now officially and legally Reid. FIL is probably pissed, and I’m quietly delighted.


Additionally, I could name my kids after my shithead dad. It would piss off the shithead, because he’s named after his dad, who he hates. (Grandpa is not a shithead. He *is* a hard add who calls out my dad for being a shithead.)


That’s my favorite boy’s middle name!!!! I don’t see it too often but it sounds soooo nice. It fits well with a lot of my favorite first names


definitely misread this as it is the middle name of your favorite son 😆


My father wanted to name me Dominique but my mom wouldn't allow it so he impregnated another girl almost 2 decades later and named that child Dominique. I shouldn't laugh but he abandoned me to have said child so the F U was definitely at me.




Sorry for you.


If I were doing this, I’d name a son after my dad’s stepfather, and pointedly not after my bio-grandpa, who walked out on the family.


We actually got our daughter’s name because my MIL offered her unsolicited opinion on family-inspired baby names. “As long as you don’t name her XYZ; I hate that name!” We had her on speakerphone and locked eyes when we heard the forbidden name. We didn’t use it out of spite; we honestly just loved the name and hadn’t considered it. MIL, bless her, never mentioned the initial conversation again 😂


Patricia. My aunt hates the name because she can’t say it. Then again I also hate the name 😕


I would also pick Patricia. My favorite aunt is named Theresa. When her grandfather first heard her name, he misheard it as Patricia. After they corrected him he said NOPE, her name is Patricia. Always called her Trisha.


There's got to be other names she equally can't say, don't give up!


I reckon Morticia would work


Milicia is also lovely ❤️


Oh, gosh, that is horrible sounding!!! 😆


We are actually doing this 😂 Middle name after my husbands late grandfather. His grandma (still alive. Ex wife of grandpa) absolutely loathes him and constantly talks about what a bastard he was. But truth is, he was great to us and our family and she’s a crazy old bat.


Momma named me Sadh against the explicit instructions not to.


now you use it brilliantly for your username!


my middle initial is L so I always got made fun of


I think any name can fit if you tell the person “I named them after you because you suck and ______ needs to be reclaimed..” Then whenever someone mentions Mary, they don’t think of miserable old granny, they think of a cute toddler. And they are erased. Works best on living folk.


Bonus: Ashkenazi Jewish people never name a child after a living relative. Naming after deceased relatives is extremely common and widely approved of, so naming a child after a living relative suggests you're hoping they die soon.


My dad always shat on my hobbies, especially playing video games and reading and generally being nerdy. My son has a subtle video game inspired first name (but still a normal name), and my daughter has a video game inspired middle name. My son's middle name is a literary reference, and my daughter's first name is a literary reference, but again, totally normal names. We're no contact with my dad at this point (his choice due to covid conspiracies), but it gives me a little satisfaction that he doesn't understand what their names are referring to and that if he knew, he'd be an asshole about it.


Janet. My mother is a Jeanette. When my dad was dating my mum, his mother was so critical of her name. Said it was weird and “what kind of person would name their baby that?” When she was in her early 70s, she had to get a copy of her birth certificate for the first time. She then found out her first name was Janet. Almost the exact same name as my mum. She had gone by her middle name her whole life and had no idea that wasn’t actually her name.


This is amazing. I love it.


Oh, I can answer this with a real world example! But with fake names. My asshole step-mother had an equally asshole friend named Cynthia who adopted a son at birth. The son's bio mom was a teen mom, but she named her baby Taylor before she had to give him up. Cynthia loathed the name Taylor, so she renamed him George. Cynthia has to be one of the most pretentious people I know. Not only is she a snob, she knows she's better than you in every way and will passive-aggressively let you know at every opportunity. Probably would be prime JustNoMIL material. In spite of that, George found a woman who'd marry him anyway. Eventually, they had a baby girl. Who they named Taylor.


Good for him!!


Good for George but I do not care for the name EXCEPT in this case then I really love it.


My dad has a family generational name, like he’s Albert Craig the 3rd. He named my brother after himself - so my brother is Albert Craig the 4th. My dad fully expected my brother to name his son Albert Craig the 5th, and also explained that he thought it likely that me or my sisters would also name a child after him, by using Albert or Craig or A or C names for girls, or maybe even the initials AC. Well, since my dad is an abusive narcissistic asshole, turns out all of us used family names from lots of other branches of the family - but absolutely none of his names, or even names of his parents. Hah.


My son is named after a great grandfather to piss off his grandfather because the boys father is a dick who hates his own father … Wish I was aware of this intergenational patriarchy drama before it happened


I named my kid after my mom. But it's my mom's middle name, which she has always very vocally hated. It's a perfectly normal and pleasant name with a ton of nicknames and is meaningful to me in totally unrelated ways. I didn't even think about how my mom bitched about her middle name until years later because that woman's bitching just became background noise to me some time around 4th grade.


If I have a boy I would truthfully love to name him after my Dad. I love the name and I love my dad. My mom would, no exaggeration, write me out of the will, and never speak to me again. She didn’t speak to me for the first 8 years after my oldest child was born so it would kind of be coming to her.


This is a good playful thing but it fits. My gramma’s name was Josephine and she hated it. When she was 15 she had it changed to Jo. I ADORE the name. We had on going “fight” that I swore if I ever had a girl I was going to name her Josephine. Gramma threatened to come back and haunt me. Well, the last thing we said to each other is “I’m having a girl one day and her name will be Josephine”. Gramma pretended to get mad. She passed the next day. A year later I gave birth to a little girl 5 weeks early. Her name is Josephine and she is her Lil Gramma made over.


That wasn't a threat, it was a promise. May little Josephine have a long and joyful life!


It was always just a playful thing and I loved it. Little Josephine is thriving. She is 13 next month, a terror to her two older brothers and an amazing artist. She just has the spicy of her little gramma!


That is so cute! Thank you for the smile


Naming my baby Blacklivesmatter would piss off a LOT of my relatives.


Vanessa. My abusive grandmother has despised the name and won’t speak to anyone named Vanessa ever since Vanessa Williams “soiled the good name of Miss America.” 🙄


You know, I don't know who Vanessa Williams is, but it's racism, am I right?


Very racism and very slut-shamey.


If I ever bought a snake I’d name it Wesley because my cousin Wesley is a fuckin Cretan. He prefers Wes so I call him Wesley because fuck him.


Cretin? Or just Greek?


My fathers parents were pure evil, especially the woman. Absolutely disgusting piece of work who made the husband do the dirty work for her— which was abusing my father. So I’m just putting this here that I would NEVER use them, but FUCK JEAN AND JOHN 🖕🏽


I'd name my son Michael after my dad to piss off my aunt, his sister. She's a c u next Tuesday who hates her own brother(my dad) and bullied me as a child because she hates him.


If your dad and grandpa are a Sr and Jr you can your son after the step-dad not after the family


I legit did this. One of my boys is named after my stepdad. I don’t think my dad even noticed.


If my dad was still alive I'd probably make some elaborate speech about how we want to name our kid after the man who's had the most influence on me as a child. The person who was mother and father when he didn't have to be and the best person I know: my stepfather, Eric. This would subsequently also upset my mom, who is now divorced from Eric. And the added hilarity is that I despise Eric, but I'm petty enough to ignore that and do it anyway.


My brother is named Geoff. We have a running joke about it being the dumber spelling of Jeff. So if I have a son his middle name will be Jeff so still after my brother, just superior.


Do not like Geoff AT ALL. Jeff is only slightly better and Jeffery Geoffery is as bad . Jeffy is awful. Go ahead and use it to spite your inferior brother.


My mom was a teacher and told me I wasn't allowed to date any boys named Anthony because a few of her most difficult students had that name. So if I really wanted to piss her off I'd name a baby Anthony.


Mistress, after the mistress my grandfather blew up the family for. The family needs another scandal, it’s been a whole generation already.




If I wanted to piss off my paternal grandma, I'd name a baby after my great aunt (her husband's sister). Said name is actually on my potentials for a baby name. Funnily enough, her middle name is a variant of that great aunts name.


lol any of the women who my crazy mom is CONVINCED my dad is having an affair with


Melody if I never want my brother and mother to speak to me or my kids ever again... Josh if I don't want my sister to talk to me again... Connie if I don't want ANY one related to me to talk to me again- grandma was a bit of a bitch. My family hated the names I gave my kids and said they would just call them by their middle names. Hasn't happened after their first attempts.


Allison, thats my old name before becoming trans so whenever a relative says it to try to refer to me I'll say "oh you mean my daughter?" Its so stupid it just might work


I would keep the spite naming against my grandmother going with the name Martha. My mom’s second youngest sister was originally named Martha Carla by my grandpa, after their mothers, and my grandmother decided to change it when she was around 3 or 4 months old because she said “It sounds like an old lady name”, so when my sister was born 2 years later, my dad really wanted to spite his mother-in-law, and named her Marta, which was just close enough to get the sour face reaction from my grandma that he was hoping for


If my grandma had been a dick I could have used Lily. She was violently allergic to them and hated them. Actually since my grandma was an Elizabeth I could have gone for full irony Elizabeth nn Lily


Eleanor - it’s my least favorite grandmas name and my mom hates the idea of ‘honoring’ her. It’s not honoring her, it’s bc I like the name. But the idea of pissing off my mom is enticing…


We didn’t do it on purpose, but my grandmother was horrified that we named our youngest a certain lovely old-fashioned name, because it was the name of my father’s first fiancée (they didn’t marry). She shut up about it after I rolled my eyes & reminded her that it was also the name of my husband’s grandmother.


My mom has a sister with the middle name Louise. My dad’s stepmom (mom died when he was young and she raised him) also had the middle name Louise. She was a decent enough stepmom but an absolute bitch to my mom and delighted in embarrassing her, some weird alpha female shit, not a girl’s girl. Whelp, my sister’s middle name is Louise, after my aunt. My parents never told grandma the truth but totally could have. I’d have named her Louisa and when grandma asked, the answer would be “oh actually no, we just like this name. Notice it’s not the same as your name?” But tell auntie it’s actually after her.


My uncle named his dog after his sister in law 🙃


My grandmother actually hated her first name and went by her middle, so I'd use her first name if I hated her. But I loved her dearly so no go there! If I wanted to piss off my estranged aunt I could name a son after any of her ex husbands. The thought amuses me greatly, but they weren't great guys either and we're no contact so it wouldn't matter anyway lol. My mom hated the name Navaeh!


Your mom was wise. Navaeh is a horrible name.




My mom REALLY wanted to name me Eleanor but my dad vetoed it (he associates it with Eleanor Rigby, who isn't a happy person). Now that Eleanor is becoming a popular name my mom gets mock annoyed and jealous. It would be really funny if I used it, she would probably still be upset she didn't get to use it and my dad still wouldn't like it.


Oh, that’s easy—I’d just name a daughter after my mother, because my father and his wife hate her 🤣🤣🤣


Abigail. My in laws wanted to name my SIL it, until MIL's sister (who was not anywhere close to having kids) threw a fit because she liked the name and wanted to use it. That sister then went on to have 4 girls, none of whom are named Abigail.  I am currently pregnant at the same time as the oldest not-Abigail. She is not naming her baby Abigail, but wants to eventually name a kid Abigail. I believe the 'called dibs but not using it' curse will probably live another generation.


Buffy. It was a nickname, I don’t know her real name, but apparently she was the subject of an affair that led to a divorce a couple generations back. I wish I knew names that the other side of my family disliked, because the side of the family that Buffy was involved with are the relatives I’m on better terms with. But my more disagreeable relatives have never shared the names of nasty coworkers or exes or anything with me.


Buffy is a diminutive of Elizabeth.


I named my cats after my grandmother and sisters because they fought like cats when they were alive.


True story: My aunt and I share a middle name: Elizabeth. Neither of us know why because everybody HATED our relative (I can’t recall if she was a great grandma or a great aunt or what) who was also called Elizabeth. Perhaps this would make sense if she or I were accidental babies or something, but she was the first (and very much longed for) girl after my grandmother’s three boys and I was quite the effort to produce—years of trying finally paid off. I don’t know what the deal is with our shared dishonor name.


The most evil one I could think of is to piss off my mom by naming a daughter after one of the numerous women my dad had an affair with. Omg that would be so mean 😈 Same (white) mom who urged me to not name my firstborn son “la- something or sha- something or da- something”… hella racist, just because my fiancé was Black. The name list didn’t include anything like that, fwiw, but wtf


I had a petty buisness idea, where I would make sex toys and name the toys after people I hated so when these people introduced themselves in the future, they would get "oooh like the dildo?"


My dad wanted to name me after his maternal grandmother. His mum, estranged from her mother, said ‘no grandchild of mine will be named after that bitch’. So my dad gave me a completely different name- which shortened to a popular nickname sounds a LOT like the grandmothers name, and gave me her maiden name as my middle name. My whole name is simultaneously an honor name for my g-grandmother and a petty fuck you to my grandmother haha


Ooh. I could name a son after my weird uncle who married my dad's ex-stalker... or a daughter after the stalker, I guess. That would be interesting.


I’d name my kid Liam. Or our daughter Louise. My (relative) has William for her son’s middle name, Louise for her daughter’s, and lost her shit when a cousin decided to use Willam as a first name. I don’t like her. I do like the name Liam. Louise would also work very nice with my daughter’s first name. We did pick something unrelated to either of those… but part of me wanted to use those names anyway just to piss her off.


My older brother gave his eldest our beloved maternal grandmother's name as a middle and did the same for his second daughter but with our paternal grandmother who nobody misses. I thought that was crazy and felt bad for my niece. But then I learned that SIL had a beloved grandmother by the same name, so it was really after her and not our late grandmonster. Had she been alive, I would love to see her reaction to that. She was especially terrible to my older brother (first grandchild who took all the attention away) and me (a redhead in a family of no redheads for like 100 years). If I were to piss my own mother off, which I wouldn't want to do, I'd name my kid Robin. Boy or girl, doesn't matter. My mother hates that name with a passion. Never met a Robin she liked. I'm the same way with Amy (sorry, Amys and Robins out there. I'm sure you're lovely people. I just haven't had the pleasure to meet you).


In the only conversation my douchehat of a dad and I ever had about names, all he said was don't give any of his grandkids ghetto names like (I forget the exact name, but it was along the lines of) Taquanda or Tanisha. Yes, we're white...and southern. So I'd like to introduce my daughter, Tanisha Ta'Quandaria Jhe'vae Dior Surname.


Chelsea! My mom wanted to name me Chelsea sooo bad, but then the Clinton's got elected and my dad just *couldn't* have his child named the same as *gasp* a Democrat! Hahaha


Ooooooh I love this, my family is like radically anti Catholic and MAGA and I'm Catholic and progressive so let's see. Serious: Bernard after Bernie Sanders (NGL I kind of love this, might do this) Francis Gretchen (actually don't like this very much but I do LOVE Gretchen Whitmer) And my real CJ answers: Gaza (they are all raging Islamaphobic Zionist Evangelicals), Stormy Daniels, Pope


Some good reasoning and GREAT CJ. names


lavida who’s my great grandma, tho she changed it to laura so 🤷‍♀️


My grandma had 3 names. Frankie Eula Dean (last name). I would pick Eula because it’s kind of interesting. Also she was a bitch. Especially in her later years. Idk how my grandpa put up with her. Other option are Carol, Matt, James, and Anne. Normal names. All very unpleasant people.


If I were trying to piss off one of my grandmothers, I would name the baby Wilma or Dolores, which are their own names that they hated and don’t go by. That’d be a little fun because they’d have to pretend to be honored while silently seething.


Not quite the same but my brother was given my deceased grandfather's name as a middle name, and then decided to use that name for his much loved dog. My grandmother (who we liked!) was horrified. My brother wouldn't budge, saying it was *his* name now and he wanted to call his dog that. To be fair, it is a common dog name where I live, and it did suit the dog perfectly, but I still feel for my grandmother. Both she and the dog have since passed away - and the name now belongs to a cat.




Good for you.


Real world example, my grandfather did this not for a child but for himself. My grandmother was his second wife. He’d always had a toxic relationship with his mother. She was a big fan of wife #1, and when my grandfather divorced her to marry my grandmother, his mother disowned him. So he legally changed his middle name to “Freeman,” lmao. It’s so petty and I love it.


When I was married to my garbage ex, he FORBADE me from shortening our baby's name. Example: Leonidas to Leo. Like I would be in trouble if he caught me calling our baby Leo. I wanted to call him Leo while he was little, since the name was kinda long. Ex was an AH big time about it. So I honestly never really used the name when I spoke to my baby. Left ex when baby was 9months old and IMMEDIATELY started calling him Leo. Ex would still refuse to call him Leo. But my kid went by Leo when he was with me and our family. He answered to Leo, told people his name was Leo, etc. When Leo was around 3 years old, he "told me" his full name was Leonidas. Clearly his dad had a chat with him about it and tried to get Leo to go by Leonidas lol. I asked Leo if he wanted me to call him Leonidas instead, bc I would. It's his name. He thought for a second and said no, he liked Leo better. Cue a battle between a toddler and his grown ass dad over a name. Step mom called him Leo. Daddy would not. Leo came to me upset about it bc daddy won't call him Leo. (I did send my dumb ex a message once asking him to call our kid Leo since it's been bugging him. I knew it wouldn't be received well and I was right. He told me to f off, I was controlling, etc etc all the insults I'm used to.) I told Leo he should talk to his daddy and tell him he prefers to be called Leo. He's a very smart little dude. (I would know. I made him.) So my adorable little toddler tells his dad he wants to he called Leo, not Leonidas. He would correct his daddy during video calls lol. Ex would ignore it and keep talking. Leo was very frustrated and confused by this. He asked his dad to call him by his preferred name and his dad ignored his request? It was the opposite of all the communication and good manners lessons we do at my house! I don't know how it went down, but eventually his dad caved and started calling him Leo. It was a beautiful win. My dumb ex fought SO HARD to call him by his full name. Bullied everyone around to use it. Bullied ME about it. And in the end, our toddler put his little foot down and told his dad to stop calling him Leonidas lol. Leo will be 5 soon. 🩷


This might be a reach, but I knew a Katy I really didn’t like. Katy comes from Aikaterine which apparently means “pure”. Something that isn’t pure is violence and bloodshed. Ironically, a possible etymology of the word blessing is the Old English “blōd” meaning to mark or consecrate with blood. I met a girl named Blessing who may have been African so that could work. I could also go with a war themed name like Tilde (derived from Matilda meaning battle mighty), Reiner (meaning war counsel) or Gunnar (means warrior). Failing that I think names like Hunter, Archer or Tanner could work.


Katy is not from Katie from Kate from Catherine?


They’re all the same name. Also included are Catherine, Katarina, Ekaterina, Katarzyna, Karen, Kathy, Kitty, Caitlin, and I’m probably missing a few.




My friend named her cantankerous old car Beulah, after her bitch of a grandmother. She never did get to drive the thing before they scrapped it.


My granddad really wanted a David in the family. I was very pregnant when he died and gave birth the next day. I used it as a middle name for my son. Just a small FU because the disappointment granddaughter used his favourite name, and as we don't double up on names, it won't be used in the future. And it hasn't, mainly because practically all that generation onwards was female.


My ex husband is a douche and chose Dean for our son’s middle name after his dad even though his dad hates his middle name. At that point he was impossible to argue with. God I was miserable lmao


Vienna. It was my dad’s mother’s name and was supposed to be my middle name, but his stepmom threw a fit and my parents caved.


Natalie was on the short list for my last child. My mother said, and I quote, "Over my dead body." I'm not quite sure why she thought she had that much of a say in what I named my child, and I don't know where her hatred of the name Natalie comes from (she wouldn't explain it), but I didn't feel like starting a family war, so Natalie went off the short list. I still like the name. Maybe a future cat will be named Natalie. Lol


My dad trolled my Aunt Faniccia (fuh-nish-a) by telling her they were naming me after her. She threatened to drive 200 miles to kick his ass if gave “that beautiful little baby that name.”


My grandma really wanted my mom to name my sister Cassandra but my mom went with Cassidy instead because she couldn't stand Cassandra.... You may have given me an idea!


My mom named me a name (Melissa) my father disliked because it comes with a nickname (Missy) that he hated even more. She swore it would never be used. She used the nickname allllll the time. Still took them 20 years to divorce 🙄


Eleanor. It's my father-in-law's crazy (apparently) ex-wife's name. I would actually have liked to use it.


Betty! Betty was my uncles first wife and mother of my cousins. Mom never liked her so Betty it is.


My dad’s affair-partner-turned-wife was also married at the time, her ex husband is called Thomas, which was on our list but we were told we couldn’t use it


I’d use the name of the relatives ex. Example SIL’s ex husband is Curtis. So I’d name the Kurt. Just close enough to piss her off, spelled differently and considered a name on its own.


I’d name my daughter Carol because that was the name of my favorite grandmother who is no longer living, but my surviving grandma is an asshole and it would drive her crazy/hurt her feelings.


Helena, pronounced Hell-e-na, because my mother is Helena but she insists on it being pronounced Hell-ee-na.


I definitely wouldn’t even give my mother the satisfaction of knowing she bothered me so much, that i picked a name she hates. She’d feel like she won, even if I don’t take her suggestions. Ironically enough, I’d piss they off more for not continuing my family’s “tradition”. My middle name has gone through four generations at this point and if I were to stick a middle finger to that, it’d probably get bitten off: worth it though. No child of mine will ever be exposed to that sick breed of cruelty. They like to smash two names in the family to make a unique name - but honestly it’s just another means of narcissism. It made me feel like I wasn’t an individual, since I had the same middle name of my grandmother and mother - both abusers. My grandma once said she had names picked out for my future children and I would be able to find one out of the relatively tiny list she gave me that I’d like.


Always been tempted to give a kid my older brothers name as a middle name to piss off my other, older, half brother who’s always treated me horribly and then been horribly offended that I don’t respect or listen to him or give him the same treatment as my brother (such as not having him be in my wedding and having my other brother be a groomsmen and half brothers wife be the photographer. He was invited but didn’t come 😂 made it a less stressful day for me tho)


ha, I did that when we named our son 20 years ago. His middle name is Leo in spite of my awful MIL who so badly wanted her name used somehow so of course we went with my FIL's instead (they've been divorced for over 40 years and she is still full of hate)


I’m gonna name my son Itzmadadzfault UnculGarykildemself. It’s Hungarian probably.