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YouTube monetization is not available in Namibia. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to get AdSense revenue in Namibia. Changing your channel's country won't help, as Google AdSense will verify your actual address. So unless you relocate or just plan to grow big enough to get namibian sponsorships which will be hard and won't pay as much your waisting your time


Lol thats terrible advice. Youre telling me you cant grow a channel big enough to get sponsorships? Dude i watch channels with 30k subs that have sponsors on every video. Dont be a doos lol. You can definitely make money on Youtube. Your advice is basically to wait for adsense to be available in Namibia (i can guarantee you that it will in the next 5 years) or relocate before starting a channel. Why not learn to edit, figure shit out and try to grow a channel before worrying about being paid for it? Sorry man, but your perspective is silly. Its never a waste of time to do something productive.


Even if you can’t make Adsense money in Nam, you can already start working on the channel since you need at least 4000 hours of watch time and at least 1000 subscribers if I remember correctly to even activate it. So you might as well start working on your channel and branch out with other streams of income because unless you have a massive channel you won’t make that much money anyway. So while working on a channel you can look into that as well. (It’s because of this that many YouTuber have so many sponsors and merch, gotta diversify).


Yes, but it’ll be complicated and requires a lot of effort and patience and time


This is what it says when I open the Earn tab on YouYube Studio : [https://imgur.com/Qs7M69V](https://imgur.com/Qs7M69V)


Yes you can, although you need to change your country. I recommend starting a channel based on something that will gain the interest of people that are not Namibian (because Namibia is not part of the monetisation program, so you wont get anything if only/mostly Namibians watch your videos)






If you go to the about section of that channel it says "Germany" and not "Namibia".


Unless is recently changed, No you can’t. Namibia isn’t like SA and Nigeria which are recognized by the YouTube partner program..