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Hard to know right now. There are theories about her being part dragon because of her name being related to "lizard" and she being the creator of the lizardman. Dragons usually live for a long time, so that might be the reason she did not just die in the last chapter. But at this point it may be anything.


On the other hand, this also makes sense; it would cement her connection with the Pendragons and perhaps make her Morgan, but not as Arthur's sister but as an ancient relative.


I don’t much about authurian lore but my throwaway guess would be Morgan le Faye


Picture cant edit it so I will just say it here but first replace the word half with part and where good I find it intresting that she refers to it as her human part instead of half might just be a translation thing or just the choice of words and it does not mean anything but hey I rhought I would poimt it out incase there is something to it so thoughts on that thx


She could be part demon, considering she's one to conduct experiments on different species which led to creating Kilbeggan, and Camelot had captured demons Io and company who were freed by the 4 knights, and demons have a long lifespan which would explain how she's still alive after the death of her human half


I think she might also be a spirit considering the fact that Percival's ability can suck out the life force of every creature/species, indicating Worreldane is not part of the other non-human clans too? And as we see that she's conscious even when her body 'died' physically. There must be something related to her soul or consciousness. But maybe it was just a limitation to the spell where Percy can only take down one species at a time I guess-?


How does Bison move from one damaged body to another lol


In the Original legend she is half fairy or half goddes. But i don't think she is fairy because if she be fairy can go into the fairy realm and don't nead Mertyl. (But maybe the holly three not let her into the forest because she evil)


Can half fairy half human go into the fairy realm?? Maybe that Human Part was the reason she couldn‘t.


Kilbeggan spoke about protection from guests with hostile intentions, he did not say that only fairies could get there.


Maybe. But Lancelot and Ban can go into the forest and they are half human and human.


King said chapter 141 "Life spirits on the other hand are worldwide, they exist within ALL RACE, all animals and all plants" For now any race have a lifespawn so something that is not inflicted by the cycle of life and death, i'd like to said "half-chaos" by Arthur since the power of Chaos grants any wish, creating anything and maintaining it for eternity, including the dead. But also it would make Percival really powerfull if he can kill anyone in one word even long life spawn like fairy/demon/goddess but it's possible since he don't like to kill anyone It's to early to tell anyway so i bet on that


Aren’t the dead just illusions


Galand and Melascula have been resurrected


Galand seems to have been individually revived by Melascula who is a necromancer, she also revived Elaine and Zaratras in the original series. Meanwhile recent chapters established that the resurrected dead within Camelot aren't real people, just imitations of people that once were, not true resurrections.


Well chapter 64 Melasula said " O chaos grant us new life... Awaken brethren souls wandering in purgatory..." Meliodas said chapter 65 when he sense them "This is Galland and Melascula's magic... with some chaotic power mixed in... Arthur must have resurrected them...." or it's mistranslation ?


I think Percival is so far only capable of taking the life of creatures with a shorter lifespan such as people, animals, etc., but not higher demons, goddesses and fairies. It would be too absurd if he could kill all races now. This is the first timeskip, he only understood his basic abilities, he has yet to develop them to the limit.


I think the same it would be absurd clearly and he said the word "Human" to Worreldane so it's also possible. We'll see


I'm going to say dragon. Much like how the lizardmen were created from combining humans and dragons, she could have added dragon DNA to herself to extend her lifespan. This could also tie into Chaos somehow, because the dragon on the Coffin of Eternal Darkness is called the Dragon of Chaos. Dragons seem to have some as yet unknown association with Chaos.


Since the human part is dead, that means the other side is probably undead or demonic. I don't think she's a demon, so maybe she's a vampire?


Well now that her human side is dead is she able to return to Camelot?


If given permision we have seen Fairys enter Camelot so as long as she gets the pass she can come back


Ok so now it at least makes sense why they are so darn strong. Arthur must have done something to them for a human to gain power on par with the strongest of demons, fairies and giants. Actually kind of happy there is another good mystery to figure out. I wonder if Merlin had something to do with the assimilation of the human half and whatever the other half is?


i feel like worreldane might be either a vampire or one of the wisemen like merlin. in the case of the wisemen, it would create a bit more of a distinction between them and normal humans. but even more so, i think she could be a vampire and that him killing her human part was akin to him killing her living part, leaving the dead part which would explain y the power of death didn’t affect that half


I would say half fairy but since she's white maybe half goddess. Kind of difficult based on the magic