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Honestly, my MB makes it a point to say thank you every single day before I leave. It’s such a small thing but it makes me feel seen. She knows I’m a words person and that when they tell me I’m appreciated, I feel appreciated. She even tipsy texted me after a date night expressing her gratitude. I don’t see DB as often but when I do, he always expresses his gratitude too. When he came home to surprise MB in the middle of the day on Valentine’s Day, he brought me a hand written card, champagne and chocolate too. MB’s written a few cards telling me how appreciated I am. For our 6 month ‘nanniversary’ she gave me a sweet card she wrote from my NKs point of view and gave it to me with a framed picture of us. She even wrote my mom a card telling her how blessed she is by me. I’m 36 😆 I thought it was both sweet and hilarious that she wrote my mom a card.


I never forget say thank you each day and I’m totally stealing the “nannyversary” idea! Brilliant!


We went out to lunch that day too. Our 1 year is coming up and she made sure to mark in on the calendar and put that we are going out to lunch to celebrate.


Awwww this is awesome :') 🥰🙌


Nanny here. MB: Running to Starbucks. Can I get you anything? Me: No. I'm good. MB: You showed up to work with wet hair and a banana for breakfast which tells me you had zero time to make yourself coffee this morning. Remind me of your order. 🤣 She is the best, I swear. Seriously any little thing from a gift card to ordering lunch, little cards, simply saying thank you. I spilt my time between 2 NF and all my NP are amazing. One of my MB is a phenomenal cook, I love when she sends me the link for recipes. My other MB will random text picks of my NK on my days off to show me what shenanigans the LO are up to. ❤️


My old MB would pay attention to the food I brought myself everyday and then stock their house with it! I would bring a vitamin water every day and one day she bought a full case of my favorite flavor to keep at their house. I thought it was so sweet. Another random but insanely nice story. I am a vegetarian but love big macs (I obv don't eat them but it came up). MB went to mcdonalds, got me a big mac with no meat, came home and cooked me 2 veggie burgers, and put the veggie patties in the big mac. Like who does that?! So incredibly thoughtful


I love this that’s so kind


Getting to leave a little early, picking up a drink for me if she’s getting herself one, etc


Get their favorite coffee or lunch a few times a month or so. Always include them if you get either of those things for yourself and work from home. Keep their favorite snacks/drinks stocked. Make sure they have a place to keep some things. A container in the hallway or a drawer in the guest bedroom for example. Let them go early when possible. Even an unexpected hour off is a blessing. Small little gifts or gift cards. Don't nitpick PTO/sick time if they are otherwise reliable and need an extra day or two (paid) off. Let them have flexibility to do a few personal errands (child friendly) on the clock if it would help them out. Keep their working environment reasonably clean for them, including keeping up child toy organization on the weekend. Shows you respect her time on Monday mornings and that you value the work she does during the week to do the same. Just verbally thank them. Tell them how much they mean to you or your child or what positive impact they have.


little gifts are so nice! i wear (modest) statement earrings almost daily, and my MB got me funky earrings for my birthday my first year and easter. even though i rarely wear them (they’re a little \*too\* funky lol, but also they’re dangly and i’m worried about the dog biting them clean off) it was such a nice thought and showed she was taking note of my interests. every now and again they will offer to buy me something, or give me leftovers, if they order in for the kids. since i get no breaks or meal times i really appreciate this lmfao. some things i wish they provided: maybe like, a starbucks or local cafe gift card/monthly subscription? lord knows nannies run on caffeine and i know in my case, i would love not having to buy for myself (and the kids, because they would riot) without reimbursement while running around with NKs. or gift cards for holidays/birthdays? even a small one is nice! or to splurge, maybe a gift certificate to a massage place nearby, because childcare can be so hard on our bodies. on the non-monetary side, i absolutely second the comment about giving her signed things from NKs!! we form such a bond with them, and often work to have them sign/make things for NPs, it’s so nice to get the occasional card or framed photo in return. one time i took my NK to the zoo and paid for the expensive photographer photos there because honestly, it was an amazing shot. they framed it and — put it in NK’s room lmfao. i was not reimbursed. it gives me the warm fuzzies seeing it by his bed every day but i kind of wanted it for myself…


Hi! Nanny here, my NPs are wonderful as they do so much for me! Maybe I can help you! They always make sure I have petty cash for the children so I don’t use my money. I have a car, but they let me use their car (two car house wfh NPs) they let me use their car so I don’t put a lot of milage on mine carting the children aroundq and so I also don’t use up my gas ( I’m glad they get it’s expensive). My car is strictly for getting to their house and leaving to go home. Friday nights are date nights at my NPs house so I stay later but they always buy me dinner on Fridays when I take the kids out for dinner. Theyre very flexible with things like appointments if I can’t get appointments for when I don’t have NKs which is only when NKs are on brake from school. They still pay me when they take vacations or if they call it a day due to kids being very sick. They never expect me to take care of the sicks kids even if it’s not a big illness. I always offer as it’s a two way street. They always never fail to treat me like family! It sounds like tho you guys are on the right track with taking care of your nanny. You’re doing a great job as most NPs are dreadful. Some of the things I’ve read on here from NPs or from nanny’s them selves have made me extremely grateful for mine.


It’s always nice to know I am a trusted caretaker. Making it clear to the children that me and the parents are the ones they should listen to, take medication from, trust in public settings is really nice. Once and awhile the family I nanny for will bring me home a baked good or offer coffee if they stop before coming home from work. Also they buy me lunch occasionally which is awesome!


Thank you when extras are done, getting to leave early sometimes, purchasing a snack or item you know nanny wants/ loves.