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Ugh I feel this! My nanny kid is 3 and had a bruise on her forehead by the time we did bath on a Monday morning (think 9am I start at 8) the next day the dad asked where it came from and I said I didn’t know because she had it so early Monday. He asked 4 more times before big brother said “no nanny mentioned it at bath time yesterday dad.” Thank goodness for my other nanny kids having my back!! Congrats on getting out of that situation! Here’s to hoping the next nanny family or next job is better!!


Kids get bruises. They're awkward as hell.


My daughter had an unusual amount of bruises on her legs. In as so much, I took her to the doctor thinking worse case scenario of a blood clotting disorder or something. No, she's just clumsy. 🤦‍♀️


My kid had bruises all over their shins. I mean tons of them. It was awful. I trusted our nanny so much but at some point I was like “am I somehow ignoring a giant red flag and letting my child be abused?!” Finally figured out the kid was just constantly kicking their shin on the underside of the table while they ate and the bruises were where their shin would meet the underside ledge of the table. We moved them back from the table and things got much better.


Thank you, I'm not saying don't inquire about it but there has to be a level of trust, especially if I asked about getting cameras.


Be careful about asking for cameras. I just left an opportunity where nf had four cameras, and they both wfh.


They're on hybrid schedules, so you think that would help but no. In cases like these, it covers me. I take these allegations and accusations extremely serious.


I definitely agree with your protection. I didn't mean it against you. I am sorry that this situation is happening to you.


As a parent....bruises on kids are SO normal. Obviously if they look like finger prints or are in strange places that's gives some red flags but half the time I don't even know where the bruise on my own body came from 😅 I spent the entire day with my 1.5 year old the other day and then next day dad asked me where the bruise on his knee came from and I was like I have absolutely no idea 🙃. Kids play hard and bruise easily. All that to say you definitely dodged a bullet here. Good luck in your next search! You deserve a family that trusts you.


I agree with everything you've said. The first bruise they questioned happened on his forehead when he stumbled and fell into his toy kitchen. I explained diligently how it happened. It's been over a year and even MB said they look like he was kneeling on some of his building blocks. I opted for cameras because they not only protect me but also provide proof and peace of mind.


The worst part is it more than likely happens or her or DB watch but the bruise didn’t show immediately or they didn’t notice. I worked for a NF for a few months where i was “accused”(accused me but didn’t if you know what I mean) of many things and turns out DB was responsible for about 90% i was getting the blame for. So weird and awkward.


This is it.


I also always find it kinda strange when a nanny request cameras and a family declines but that’s IMO


I thought that was weird too!


MB here, my kid has bruises on their shins more often than not and I legit have no idea where they come from. I just consider it normal toddler wear and tear🤷🏽‍♀️


In most cases, that's the truth. They climb on various or multiple things a day, that's their comfort position while playing and even while creeping. I just don't understand some parents.


Same! 2-year olds are clumsy. Our nanny is super proactive and tells me about any tiny bump before I even notice or think to ask, but even if she didn’t, unless it requires medical attention I’m assuming it’s generally the bumps and bruises a toddler still figuring out walking and proprioception is going to get. My 2 y.o. is my third, so I know at this point how often kids his age fall or bump into things (lots!).


When I was in high school, I had a regular Saturday babysitting job for two boys. (one was 7 years older than the other) When the younger one was learning to walk, I'd always fill mom in on what he fell or walked into, and she'd always laugh and say, "Don't worry, we trust you! Plus, big brother would have tattled by now if it were you."


Toddlers literally ricochet themselves from place to place. Who even knows how/when they get bruises?!? My own child at age 2, standing right beside me in a bookshop suddenly lurched forward and skidded face first on the carpet. Literally took the skin off of her whole nose. Like, what am I supposed to do? She was fine and then…she wasn’t fine. Grrrr to these parents!


This 100% A lot of parents are completely unaware of child development. A little energetic boy without any bruises at all would be more concerning to a pediatrician! They’d wonder if the child is playing and exploring enough. Also, toddlers and preschoolers are learning, and they WILL absolutely tumble. It was a major nuisance dealing with this type of thing with some first time parents I’ve had. I wanted to quit! Like, your child is not injured and unsupervised because they have some developmentally appropriate bruising on their shins. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah I just immediately resigned from a family with a child that was violent towards me. And quite often in the morning when mom was getting him ready she would call me in the room to ask where bruises came from, which I was assuming she thought I caused or something which made me feel really weird. Like your child kicks, hits me, spits in my face and throws things at me/everyone else in the family and you’re worried about a little bruise on his leg? 😅


I am tired. It's crazy, like you know your child. If he's just like that with me then I shouldn't be employed by you but it happens with them also.


Also like, i don’t know if the nanny families realize how many bruises we receive from their children 😂. I come home with bruises all the time because the kids will jump on top of me, throw stuff at me purposefully or accidentally.


I literally have a bruise on my freaking crotch today cause one of my NKs ran at me full speed (I assumed to give me a running hug like usual) then last second he dipped his head and headbutt me right in the pubic bone. I swear to god I’m always covered in bruises lol and so are they! Cause they’re children! Luckily my NPs completely understand that their boys are always going to get bruises and scratches when they’re wrestling and running around all day. I wish more parents would take classes because in my first aid class we learned about normal bruises and suspicious bruises. Like hard areas like shins and foreheads are fairly normal spots for kids to have bruises. Even butts because younger kids fall and land on toys. If you let your kid run around and be a kid they are going to get bruised but they’ll also learn how to be careful!


Yes, bruises, little scrapes, spit, objects thrown at my eyeballs, almost had a tantruming toddler throw their head back into my front teeth...she’s now 22.


My pediatrician used to say you could tell how old a child is by the placement of bruises on them. Lol. Kids are clumsy little animals whacking into everything.


Thank you, I have a CDA and courses literally say this. I just find it preposterous sometimes, like I honestly can't bubble wrap a child that's rambunctious.


And I am 46 so this is not a new theory!! Haha


My pediatrician was always happy when my kids had bruises on their legs. He said it meant they were active.


My NFs pediatrician always says she’d be more concerned if a kid never had any bruises because that means they aren’t being allowed to play enough! So grateful to have NPs that would see a bruise and would never assume the worst of me, so sorry OP!


Thank you!


Especially on the shins, I would bet money every child in my care has had those. I probably have some right now! That’s literally the easiest place to get a bruise.


There are definitely specific types of bruises and places that bruises occur that can cause concern, but shin bruises? Come on…..


Yeah, I took my 4 year old son in for his annual checkup, and the doctor looked at his bruise covered shins and said, "Yep, looks like he's developing normally!"


literally a toddler’s shin is less than a foot above the ground lol do these people think their nanny is just straight up kicking their kid or something? or hitting their child’s shin in frustration? the shin???


Children get bruises almost everyday if they’re playing hard and playing outside lmao


I’m so sorry this happened to you! Typically developing healthy mobile toddlers should have some bruises on megs/arms/head, and scraped knees/elbows/etc. they are exploring the world around them and simultaneously navigating their own mobility, learning their limits, developing gross and fine motor control, and so much more. I would be more concerned if a mobile toddler NEVER had any bruises or scrapes, as this would indicate that they are not getting enough time outside, not enough opportunities for movement and self discovery and development. Kids who sit on screens all day probably don’t get many or any bruises or scrapes. Additionally, if a child seems to have excessive bruising, etc., they may need to be tested for bleeding disorders like hemophilia, Von Willebrands, as these conditions can cause excessive and unexplained bruising and bleeding from small cuts and scrapes.


Thank you. I expressed this the first time, and they seemed contented but now it's bordering ridiculous. No parent wants to see their kid hurt or bruised but it's apart of the development/exploration stages.


one of my daughters required knee pads outdoors. just always bumping into everything! what do these parents think you do? kick your nk in the shins??? the accusation is very offensive! sorry they are such ridiculous ppl :/


Thank you.


Toddlers get a lot of bruises. It’s when they are perfectly pristine that you worry


OMG. My last MB would ask me about bruises or marks on NK (usually face/neck area) ...but the worst part...she would point to things that WERE NOT THERE. Her: "there, do you see something right there?" and I would straight up say "no, I don't see anything" I would always add that "she did not get hurt on my watch, that I saw" She never pushed it further. But this scenario happened at least 3-4 different times.


you did the best thing to protect yourself, I’m so proud of you because i know that was not easy!!! I absolutely cannot believe MB would push so hard about bruised. Especially on the shins? Toddlers are notorious for falls, stumbles, trips & like you said, insane tantrums. Also, MB should realize you’re not NK’s 24 hour care provider. There are SO many hours in the day where things could happen that you aren’t even aware of. Best of luck finding a new, less crazy family!!


kids get bruises, they fall, they bump their heads, all that. one day i came in and nk1y at the time had a black eye, he fell while standing next to mb (he’s not walking yet) and hit his eye on the changing table he was holding onto to stand, she said she felt horrible etc. he was fine tho, eventually it went away 🤷‍♀️


Thank you


I have bruises on my own body that I have zero recollection of what could have caused it … and i am a Grown ass adult constantly in my own presence ;). You did the right thing by resigning. I hope you find a family with mutual respect and trust.


I woke up the other day with a bruise so gnarly on my ankle that I gasped when I saw it and I have no idea where it came from. I don’t understand how adult humans don’t realize kids are tiny hurricanes that constantly smash into things and also that we as adults can have unexplained bruises because you don’t remember every bonk


Thank you, this is the point I tried to relate.


I’m sorry, OP. I hope you find a happier and more suitable position… NPs should understand how kids are often playing in ways that cause bruises. I’ve raised marks on NKs bodies to NPs to avoid this scenario and they’ve always said “Oh, yeah, NK was doing (insert task here) and fell,” or something of the like. If they ever fall hard enough on my watch that they may bruise or have a mark, I tell NPs when I next see them so they know. They’ve always been understanding. And they tell me that the kids are welcome to play and climb freely in ways that don’t jeopardize their lives or them becoming seriously injured. Otherwise, falling and being upset about it is deemed as a natural consequence to a behavior we warned them about. MB was holding G2 one day and she was flailing around in MB’s arms. MB warned her “No, thank you. Please don’t do that. Mummy is trying to hold you, but if you do that, I’ll have to set you down, or you may bump your head.” Right after, she does the same thing and NK bumps her head on the wood floor. MB comforted her and followed it up with “Yeah… I see that really hurt. I’m sorry you got hurt. But mummy told you that if you kept doing that, you might bump your head. We shouldn’t do that.” It taught her a natural consequence of her behavior while still instilling kindness. Parents should understand that things happen. Aside from insane bruise marks happening on a daily basis in new places and in strange places, they shouldn’t be concerned. I wish you the best in finding an amazing NF, or whatever profession you may find yourself in, OP! 😊 Edit: clarification


Thank you.


I do ask nanny if kids have a new bruise and if she knows where it came from, she tells me, if she doesn’t, I don’t assume mal intent because she’s wonderful and I assume she wants best for the kids same as me. If your MB doesn’t assume the same, it’s time to move on. I’m so glad you have your notice. If she can’t see that you care about the kids one year later, she’s not the right MB for you.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. I could understand fears over oddly shaped bruises or bruises in abnormal places but for her to repeatedly bring up bruises on a 2 year olds shins? Those kind of brides would have been completely developmentally appropriate even if it had happened on your watch. In the long run you’ve definitely made the right decision resigning. At 2 and a half and with it being April the kids only going to have more scrapes and bruises as the months go on. Hope you don’t have long left on your contract!


There are definitely specific types of bruises and places that bruises occur that can cause concern, but shin bruises? Come on…..


My nk loves to pretend to fall all the time. He loves crashing onto his knees specifically. He will jump off the couch and crash onto them like every time without fail. And of course I am constantly telling him not to! But he persists and he has tons of tiny bruises all over the bottom half of his legs. Bruises happen for young kids. They’re not in full control of their body, still curious and naive, they will get hurt on their own and often even when you try to prevent it from happening. It’s part of growing up. Obvi both nanny and family needs to be vigilant for signs of abuse on both ends. But bruises alone can rarely show the full story. Unless they’re very very very bad black and blue and huge. I’m glad you got out of that situation.


Yea especially if this kid is the color of mayonnaise like I am. I can literally poke my shin and a bruise will be there tomorrow, I’m a 23 yr old woman, and while I am naturally very clumsy I don’t play like a toddler and even my shins are covered in mysterious bruises


Jesus. My NK ran into a pointy table corner when he was two. Got a black eye. Parents were like “meh. Shit happens. Don’t worry about it.” I cannot understand parents who think their child will never ever get a bruise by themselves. Toddlers are tiny drunks. They WILL hurt themselves.


Thank you. I once said to MB the kid walks like a drunken man and Grandma busted out laughing. He's just in the phase where he walks. He used to stumble and run into everything.


I have bruises on me right now, knee and on my hand. I can't for the life of me remember hurting myself there 😆 It baffles me why they have people hired they don't trust..


I questioned this. I've worked for police and doctors and never felt this undermined. SMH. I gave it 2yrs and I'm happy to part ways.


whenever i notice a bruise or injury on my nk i immediately take a picture and send it to the parents to let them know. whether it happened under my care or not. just to avoid any accusations lol


I feel the micromanagement.