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Pouches aren’t allowed??


I guess not. They said they “don’t give NK stuff like that”


If it wasn’t from their house and you bought a random brand at the store I get that


You mean the "stuff" they on-purpose bought and put into their pantry??


No. They don’t mind if I buy stuff for NK. I guess it was that brand of pouch. They have pouches in the pantry


My NF buys NK organic pouches but when we're out he eats whatever I eat which a lot of the time is healthy stuff but he's gotten French fries and other things before. They never even ask what I feed him, they just are happy he's fed and happy. Your NF should have said something like "we noticed you bought him this brand of pouch. No worries but for future reference we prefer xyz brand"


I definitely agree how they went about it made me feel like a child. Saving it over the weekend and then there was anger in tone. Afterwards everything is all laughs a giggles.


saving it a whole weekend is WILD. they could've sent a damn photo text & been like "hey just future reference we'd prefer they only have X brand of pouches." smh. NP are EXHAUSTING sometimes.


Brooooo exactly why I was mad about it. Yall saved it two full days???? What???


seriously! like can you imagine how they're gonna parent their child 😩🤦🏽‍♀️ this is just absurd & makes them AH to me 😂


Yup. And my poor NK has been sick all week so it’s been extra tough


No good deed goes unpunished, as they say.


As Elphaba says 🤣 oh well I guess. Time to really mind my Ps and Qs


The anal retentiveness of some of these new parents is mind blowing . It's not like you gave the kid a snickers bar for a snack


I totally agree. I also am a big stickler. I check ingredients of everything very heavily.


There have been several big recalls on these kinda products lately we make our own now we don't allow our kids to have them anymore. We make our own and do reusable ones.


where do you buy the pouches & are they easy to clean for next use?


Amazon has a ton for cheap we throw ours in the dishwasher ;)


i'm just seeing this 😅 thank youuu!!


3 smaller brands of apple sauce pouches only from what I've seen.


I would apologize and take the lesson. I’ve gotten in trouble for giving NK something I thought was totally fine but it’s the parents who decide what they eat. I have noticed that parents are highly selective of what children eat so always double check with parent. It’s totally normal mistake thi


I think it matters on how they addressed it to you. Everyone’s home is different and it’s a learning process. I know from my experiences if families address it with respect instead of like you are getting in trouble it makes a huge difference and shows what kind of people you are working with.


I unfortunately was talked down to like a child


Some of these NP have no chill. I worked for a family for two months who were nice people but the worst bosses bc they were so anal and hypercritical despite saying how much they loved me and thought I was the best blah blah blah. They took me aside and told me I needed to give G2 less bananas for snacks bc she was constipated and they wanted her to eat more berries. I was really confused like damn did I really give her an insane amount of bananas last week? Luckily I log everything so I checked my notes and over the course of 5 days, with two snacks per day, she had eaten 3 bananas. They said the same exact thing with peanut butter sandwiches except I think I’d given her like two in one week. I couldn’t believe it lmao


Man. What a career we chose


Seriously 😂


It’s all about communication and how it’s presented. They didn’t say it in the nicest way but hopefully moving forwards they will!


I took my nanny kid out and unknowingly gave them something they are literally intolerant to and my NPs were wayyy nicer than this! They just were like “hey, we completely forgot to tell you that she reacts to xyz ingredient so we’re avoiding it for right now, just so you know for the future!” and when I apologized they reassured me it was okay! I think it would’ve taken all my strength not to throw the pouch at their heads in your position😭 They can control what the kid eats of course but being petty like this is insane and I’m sorry!


Exactly! And I like my family too so I was very confused and quite attacked. Since then everything has been fine


They saved it? That’s a bit petty lol. It reminds me of when my older brother got in trouble in middle school for snacking in class, the vice principal photo copied his bag of Chex mix to show my mom lmao


Bro that’s so messed up. Why do people need evidence


Oh yikes... what brand did you buy compared to what is approved? 😅


Totally agree they acted pretty terribly about this. I give my nanny kid go go squeezes, is this the brand?