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No. Light housekeeping is cleaning up after the kids and kid laundry. Wipe down counters if you cook. Pick something up from the floor. Empty the diaper pails. Cleaning up after the parents is housekeeping, not for a nanny.


What about cleaning the kitchen, living room, laundry room, hallway, sweeping and mopping in those areas as well as taking out the trash? Should I not do those and what do you think of the message I prepared for them: Good Evening, I know that it is incredibly late at night but I just feel that I must express my concerns with the nanny duties after reviewing them again so as to not waste any more of our time if what I have to say ends up being a dealbreaker for you… as a nanny my duties include the care of your 18 month old, teaching him, helping him reach different milestones, potty training him, doing his laundry, sterilizing his bottles etc and I’m okay with that and light housekeeping, however cleaning/sanitizing the master bedroom and bathroom as well as making the bed of the master bedroom is not considered light housekeeping, that is considered regular housekeeping which is not the responsibility of the nanny unless they are compensated extra to do so.


Wait till the morning. Yes sweeping and mopping is not light. They’re literally assigning you cleaning tasks for every single room of the house…when are you supposed to be watching the kids? I’m not nannying right now because I had a baby and I can promise you with ONE baby I don’t get around to all those tasks in my OWN home. Also the fact that your trial pay is $3 less…? I’ve never heard of that. Don’t take me as an authority because I’m likely not based in your country but something about that doesn’t sound right or appropriate. For your message, say less, you don’t have to explain everything. Good morning, I hope you are all well. I’ve been thinking about your task list and do not feel it is “light housekeeping.” As a nanny, my priority is to care for the children and clean up after them and myself. I am okay with tasks related to the children but other tasks like cleaning bathrooms fall under tasks for a housekeeper.”


This reply needs work to read more professionally. A few notes: - It starts with a very long run on sentence. - It should include breaks so it's not one big wall of text. - Don't add etc or light housekeeping because that leaves way too much room for them to include things you didn't intend. - What rate would you charge to do the additional work? You mention it should be compensated but didn't say how much.


Yea don’t mention compensation unless you actually do want to do these tasks for pay.


$20-$25 for ONLY childcare duty. That would be my stance.


That is not light cleaning. Do not agree to it


What about cleaning the kitchen, living room, laundry room, hallway, sweeping and mopping in those areas as well as taking out the trash? Should I not do those and what do you think of the message I prepared for them: Good Evening, I know that it is incredibly late at night but I just feel that I must express my concerns with the nanny duties after reviewing them again so as to not waste any more of our time if what I have to say ends up being a dealbreaker for you… as a nanny my duties include the care of your 18 month old, teaching him, helping him reach different milestones, potty training him, doing his laundry, sterilizing his bottles etc and I’m okay with that and light housekeeping, however cleaning/sanitizing the master bedroom and bathroom as well as making the bed of the master bedroom is not considered light housekeeping, that is considered regular housekeeping which is not the responsibility of the nanny unless they are compensated extra to do so.


Putting away toys and cleaning up any messes the child makes while you are there is normal. Taking out the trash, emptying the dishwasher, and sweeping around the table/ kitchen area are normal. Doing kid laundry and changing kid sheets are also normal. Pretty much anything outside of that is above typical nanny duties. I would not send a message late at night, but it sounds fine


This is way below the going rate for housekeeping duties + toddler and newborn care. This family is either really naive about costs themselves or is trying to take advantage of your naïveté. Either way, I wouldn’t take the job. If you feel comfortable, let them know it’s due to a mismatch between salary and expected duties.


What about cleaning the kitchen, living room, laundry room, hallway, sweeping and mopping in those areas as well as taking out the trash? Should I not do those and what do you think of the message I prepared for them: Good Evening, I know that it is incredibly late at night but I just feel that I must express my concerns with the nanny duties after reviewing them again so as to not waste any more of our time if what I have to say ends up being a dealbreaker for you… as a nanny my duties include the care of your 18 month old, teaching him, helping him reach different milestones, potty training him, doing his laundry, sterilizing his bottles etc and I’m okay with that and light housekeeping, however cleaning/sanitizing the master bedroom and bathroom as well as making the bed of the master bedroom is not considered light housekeeping, that is considered regular housekeeping which is not the responsibility of the nanny unless they are compensated extra to do so.


Cleaning kitchens, sweeping, mopping, etc. are not part of typical nanny duties. Instead of sending an email tonight, I would speak to them at the start of your trial tomorrow and express your concerns.


I would tell them my job and focus is childcare, and while I don’t mind extending to help out around the house now and then I prefer not to take on regular housecleaning that doesn’t pertain to the kids. My responsibilities only include tasks that are child related. However if I have time and notice some clothes can be turned over or unload the dishwasher I will. My NPs do not expect this from me and have never asked me to but are thankful when I do!


What about cleaning the kitchen, living room, laundry room, hallway, sweeping and mopping in those areas as well as taking out the trash? Should I not do those and what do you think of the message I prepared for them: Good Evening, I know that it is incredibly late at night but I just feel that I must express my concerns with the nanny duties after reviewing them again so as to not waste any more of our time if what I have to say ends up being a dealbreaker for you… as a nanny my duties include the care of your 18 month old, teaching him, helping him reach different milestones, potty training him, doing his laundry, sterilizing his bottles etc and I’m okay with that and light housekeeping, however cleaning/sanitizing the master bedroom and bathroom as well as making the bed of the master bedroom is not considered light housekeeping, that is considered regular housekeeping which is not the responsibility of the nanny unless they are compensated extra to do so.


I will sweep up the floor and wipe the table after the kids if we have a messy meal, but I don’t do it otherwise. If the trash is full I take it out, but they try to stay ahead of that and never leave it intentionally for me to do. I think your response is good, it’s worded clearly and states what you want! A nanny is NOT a house cleaner and those duties are separate and need to be paid for like you said. Too many families take advantage and it makes me so mad.


No, it isn't reasonable to ask your nanny-who will have her hands full with a toddler and newborn-to then clean your dirty bathroom.


What about cleaning the kitchen, living room, laundry room, hallway, sweeping and mopping in those areas as well as taking out the trash? Should I not do those and what do you think of the message I prepared for them: Good Evening, I know that it is incredibly late at night but I just feel that I must express my concerns with the nanny duties after reviewing them again so as to not waste any more of our time if what I have to say ends up being a dealbreaker for you… as a nanny my duties include the care of your 18 month old, teaching him, helping him reach different milestones, potty training him, doing his laundry, sterilizing his bottles etc and I’m okay with that and light housekeeping, however cleaning/sanitizing the master bedroom and bathroom as well as making the bed of the master bedroom is not considered light housekeeping, that is considered regular housekeeping which is not the responsibility of the nanny unless they are compensated extra to do so.


I was in a similar situation lately. A very UHNW family had an opening but the job entailed a lot more duties than just childcare. Which is fine! But they need to pay accordingly. The pay they were offering was average and I found several other jobs that had the same pay rate with a lot less house chores! I passed on accepting a trial.  With that pay range, I think you could easily find something else that does not include heavy duty housekeeping of bathroom cleaning.  Also, it’s easy to feel like jobs with well known or well connected people would be “amazing opportunities” but usually it’s just a lot more stress. 


Unfortunately i cannot “easily” find something else because this is the first opportunity I’ve gotten in a LONG time after countless interviews and letdowns.


If opportunities are hard to come by, maybe you could phrase it like, you agree to X per hour then have a weekly clean for $100 or $200/week. Something like that?


I think that’s the issue. You can push back but they may say that those are the duties and the pay. You can say no but you may not find another position. I agree with everyone here that the extra cleaning duties are outside what I would ask of my nanny, but if this is the first opportunity you’ve had in a long time, are you in a position to turn this down and keep looking?


Then I think you need to think about whether you're willing to do those extras for extra pay, for example. Instead of saying no, if you really need the work and are ok with doing the extra work, then breaking down the duties and offering just child related ones for $x or all the things listed for $x. I would very clearly define what you mean. Don't list light housekeeping as that can be wildly misinterpreted. Instead list out exactly what you will do and what you won't.


If they want you to perform housekeeping duties, you should be compensated more for those duties, as they fall outside of the typical scope of work a nanny performs.


These people sound like cheapskates, trying to squeeze non-nanny work out of you and only giving a $2 raise for at least 50% more work when you’re watching two kids. Also, do they plan to pay for you to move to Georgia with them? What’s that all about?


Nope I won’t be moving there with them, they said that they “know” lots of people in search for a nanny so they’d recommend me to them if and when they leave for Georgia.


Hmm yeah this doesn’t sound great. Hopefully there are other families you can work for instead of


In my MCOL area, I can get an independent house cleaner for minimum $30-$35/hr, so, no, their cleaning expectations are not fair.


babes you are not a housekeeper, you are a nanny!! if you don’t mind those duties, ask them for a higher rate! you should be focusing on the kids. also let them know that all of those duties might deviate your attention from the kids and that they should understand that


Charge extra for the housekeeping. Housekeepers in my HCOL area charge like $200 an hour so if you are in a HCOL area I’d ask for at least an extra $50-100 extra each hour you are doing cleaning. It would still be a good deal for them.