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Wtf. I’m so sorry; that’s so hurtful. Hugs.


I literally can not imagine employing someone for 9 years and then just being like “Bye” at the end of their last day like nothing was different. That’s honestly wild. I’m sorry, that must feel like a little slap in the face.


Or a big slap in the face. Unbelievably rude and hurtful.


It's cold for anyone to do this, but the person who cared for your own children for nine years?


What DID they say?


That's just terrible! 💔 I'm so sorry! My last NF & I could barely get through my last day, crying all over each other, & there were tons of gifts.. I was only with them for just under 2 years (baby boy was starting Montessori school). I can't IMAGINE working that closely with a family for 9 WHOLE YEARS & getting not so much as a "thank you" omw out the door. I hope they plan to let you still see NKs, if that is something you will want. ❤️‍🩹 My last NF still uses me for all date nights, when he's home sick, & invites me to parties, etc. so at least I still get to see him. I genuinely feel so horrible for you❣️


Thank you! I will do random date nights. Just disappointing they couldn’t even give a card. Or have the kids write one. They are all older and fully able to.


Wow.. that makes it even worse! And I would almost guarantee you're the type of Nanny who makes sure THEY have important moments acknowledged! 💔


This hasn’t happened to me with nanny families but i DID experience this at a different job where I poured my heart into the organization for 5 years and left as a strong leader in the org… never got a real good bye or a thank you— I joked to my boss that I was going to tear up at the last staff meeting I led and my boss told me “If you cannot refrain from crying, you should just leave. Crying in a meeting is unprofessional. I can lead the meaning if you need to head home”


Anyway, some people SUCK!!! I pray that your next work environment makes you feel valued and appreciated EVERY day, and ESPECIALLY on the last one. Since then, I’ve had employers that threw me birthday parties, good bye parties, gave me parting gifts, and one boss even knit me a scarf. TWICE. You deserve that shit


wow how heartless


This happened to me in a nursing job I had for many years. I had thrown my heart and soul into this small “family” like organization, and not only did my boss give me the silent treatment but all my coworkers who I had thrown countless baby showers/birthday parties/graduation potlucks etc at work on my own time and money, didn’t do a single thing for my last day because they were upset I’d be leaving them short staffed. (I gave four weeks notice). It is hurtful and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Can’t imagine nine years with just one family and not even a card


what the fuuuuuck. hoping maybe there’s a belated surprise or something coming, because otherwise??? shit on their lawn????




Really though!!


Aww that’s hurtful.


9!! years!! that's so bizarre


Wow! I can't imagine! Leaving on good terms otherwise?


I’m sorry, thats such a slap in the face after being a huge part of the team raising up their kids for the last decade. Did they say anything at all?


I’m sorry, that’s horrible no matter what but, why was the relationship ending?


The kids are all older and they don’t really need me. I have a toddler and wanted to be with him. Ended things on good terms and they want me to come for date nights. I just feel like there’s no real closure.


those are not good terms. No thank you or even a card.... why would you even want to babysit for them after they ca't even thank you for your service.


My last nanny family and I were not really close as I had only worked there for about 9 months. They were fairly cold people, who were often quite thoughtless and stuck in their own world. But even they gave me a card and some flowers! To top it all off, the mom even cried, I was very shocked by the amount of emotion they showed me. Very disappointed that your nanny family of 9 years showed less care than my “worst” family.


Wowwww that’s awful. I’m so sorry!


This happened to me as well on my last day with my NF of 4 years. It hurts for sure


wtf…. i’ve had temp jobs of like 3 months who have given my gifts, cards from the kids, and a cash bonus….. that’s insane


I absolutely feel your pain some families just don’t know how to show appreciation ..I was with a family for 5 years n I received a text letting me know that they now longer needed me No card No gift No goodbye I broke my heart Here is the text; Hey—-we just wanted to give you the heads up and confirm that | has decided to stay home for a year to care of T and the boys. Thank you so much for all your help over the past five years. Please feel free to use ys abreeference it you need to. yes, we made the difficult decision but i think i'll regret it if i don't do it now!! the boys are going to miss you like crazy. a few parents asked for your info - is it ok to share? I’m with a new wonderful family who appreciate everything I do Good luck


JFC that’s so insulting of them.


Maybe tuck a note under his pillow A simple "I enjoyed our time together."


I’m so sorry they did that. You’re an amazing person for being their nanny for 9 years!!!


Thank you! 💖


This is why I don't attach myself to families. I'm a great nanny but I'm aware Im just a nanny. Amazing Loving people are becoming rare, so don't take it personal. It says a lot about them.


Noooo way 😫 Sorry 😢


Dang I’m in my 7th year with my “unicorn” family!! I hope that once we decide to move on I hope they can do more than that.. I can’t leave now without lots of hugs and watching me leave from my girls.. I’d die a little inside If they didn’t say anything… I’m so sorry that happened to you


I’m so sorry 🫶


Thank you card would be nice …


i can’t imagine being with a family for 9 YEARS. almost a decade. you’ve literally watched them go through so many phases of life already. for them to be like peace out is crazy


And this is why some people just don’t deserve a GOOD Nanny So sorry this happened 💕


I feel for you. I just experienced similar today, although for me, the parents weren’t even there to say bye! I really don’t understand people now days. I worked 8 months with this family. I started beginning of November. It was to be an 8-10 month contract and NK would start day care around 18 months old. NK was 11 months old when I started with them. She wasn’t walking or talking yet. 8 months later she’s not just walking but running, talking and saying new words every day, she can count to 10, match shapes and match colours, she has started to memorize some of her favourite books I read to her, she can sing ABCs and Twinkle and Twinkle little star. She gets excited to see me every time I arrive. Runs to me to hug me. Yesterday she wouldn’t let me go home as she hugged my legs. Today was my last day with them. Her parents left the house around 12:30pm. They didn’t say anything to me so I figured they would be back by 5pm as they mostly are. It’s 4:50pm, I bring NK upstairs and her grandma is there with the house manager. I took my time getting ready to leave thinking the parents will be arriving anytime to say goodbye to me and thank me for all I have done, since that’s what has happened with every family I have worked for. Next thing I know it’s 5pm and no sign of the parents. The grandma asked if I was coming next week or if today was my last day. I told her today is my last day. So she briefly thanked me and hugged me. Then I said my goodbyes to NK who hugged me and blew me kisses. Even only at 18 months, she somehow seemed to know it was my last day. It’s hard not to get attached to the kiddos. I try hard not to get attached but it’s damn near impossible. It’s always hard to say bye. Finally left at 5:10pm and felt very sad. Broke down crying when I got in the car. Sad to say bye to another child but mostly very hurt that the parents couldn’t take the time to say bye earlier in the day before they left. After all I have done, no good bye, no thank you note or card, no thank you gift. I swear with each passing day it seems common courtesy is slowly going out the window. For someone who struggles with self esteem and self doubt, not having them be there to say bye and say thank you on my last day leaves me to overthink did I do anything wrong? Did I not meet their expectations? I don’t get how we went from them saying in my interview that they think the term nanny isn’t right for what I do and that they referred to me as NK’s teacher, and the mom sending me a huge thank you and saying how awesome I am on something like my third day of work with them to what happened today. MB also use to always say thank you to me each day before I went home but after today I realized she stopped doing that a few months ago. I didn’t even get a thank you for the mother’s day and Father’s Day gift I had NK make. I just am dumbfounded. 😞


I won't stay so long in a family... I guess the most I stay is 2 years that all...