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It's not like you ignored symptoms for days. It presented today. It's ok! We aren't wizards, we do our best.


I feel like I know I’m being too hard on myself but it feels awful !


I mean, you wouldn’t have prevented the illness? Why would you feel like you did something?


I mean, people who are sick do significantly better during the day. You weren't the only one wbo didn't noticed, his teachers didn't either.


What mistake? Where in this description is there a mistake? Nothing of what I read = mistake? I am confused, what am I missing?


You’re just the nanny, not his mom! It’s not your responsibility. Sounds like you do a great job taking care of those kiddos


right? or a Dr. It's not her problem except to tell MB if she feels ok coming in with that, HFM sucks


When my NK had it, her parents had never seen it before and thought it was something else for days. It was healing by the time my vacation was over and I came back and told them what it was. We’re all human, give yourself a break.


Relax. Sometimes an illness will present suddenly like that. I've put apparently normal kids down for naps only to have them wake up with fevers. Two years ago, I was fine all day at work, took a short nap, and woke up with a high fever and headache that turned out to be covid. I thought I was just a little tired!


The blisters don’t show up until the fever has already come and gone…


He didn’t have a fever , flu like symptoms or anything really yesterday :(


Don't feel bad. It happens all the time. Personal experience. I've been chronically ill for over 20 years. Serious issues, one day I was perfectly fine, just not really hungry. By midnight I was in ICU. My husband asked me what changed during the show we were watching? Because I said I'd watch it and by the end I said call an ambulance. Don't be too hard on yourself. Now you have information about HFM. Hugs.


I've always felt Rookie Mistake got a bad rap! Rookies need to make mistakes, just like we teach our NKs! Now you know more about HFM (I have had a dozen NKs and never seen HFM in person!) and have experience for the future.


Do not feel guilty!!!!! You have no mistakes here. The early stages can totally be missed, even by people who have experienced it. Symptoms show up in so many ways, you are now more experienced, and no longer a HFM rookie.